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2023-07-12 13:03:54

Amazing Devil's Food Cake Recipe _ BEYOND Decadent and Delicious!

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So I came back later and I in excited a pick and at this point , the toothpick came out clean .

That means the cake is ready .

Remove the cake from the pots , transfer it to a cooling rack and leave it to cold for about 15 to 20 minutes .

And this is 15 minutes later , I took it off the baking pan and you can see the cake was very easy to come out because the pan was well oiled and I will flip it and I couldn't wait to have a slice of this cake .

This cake was very delicious and very soft .

This is a perfect birthday cake .

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Remain blessed .

I will see you in my next video .

Bye .

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It's not a must have , but I'm better safe than sorry here .

If your cake is cracked , no one can taste the difference , but it's upsetting .

Nonetheless , feelings this cake has butter and oil to give you the best of both worlds .

But I have to talk about the chocolatey situation happening .

So we're gonna use Dutch processed cocoa powder .

Today , you have to see the difference between Dutch and natural natural cocoa powder is a little bit acidic .

So when you add it to your baked goods , it'll react with baking soda and give you a puffy fluffy chocolatey cake .

Mm Dutch processed Cocoa powder has been treated in an alkaline solution .

Removes the acid makes the color darker mellows the color out of it and it gives you a rich fudgy cake .

We're gonna use this today .

It also gives you a darker chocolate look .

Can you use natural cocoa powder ?

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Definitely , you totally can just be careful because the cake might rise up a little bit higher .

It's not even a bad thing though , into a medium bowl .

I'm adding one cup or 100 g of the Dutch processed cocoa powder .

Normally I would sift it out .

But to this , we're gonna add half a cup of veggie oil and create like a cocoa slurry , gonna whisk this up and you're gonna see this turn into like a black beautiful solution .

Look at this .

This magic is why it's called devil's food cake .

Hundreds of years ago , rich decadent foods were called deviled .

So deviled eggs .

For example , it's a regular hard boiled egg .

You had some delicious rich stuff in there up the flavor .

Now it's a deviled egg for a cake .

It's devil's food cake just because it's dark and rich and decadent .

The opposite would be angel food cake which is light fluffy and you know the opposite .

Both delicious .

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No cocoa powder was spilled .

No one has anything to see there .

I'm gonna grab my mixer and a paddle attachment .

Now for the fun stuff , half a cup of unsalted butter at room temperature .

It's 100 and 13 g I just want to cream it up first .

Break the butter up .

Get it nice and smooth , all creamed up .

It just takes a 32nd interval or two .

I'm gonna add this rich glossy mirror like chocolate into my butter to this mixture .

I'm adding half a cup of light brown sugar .

I'm gonna break it up with my fingers to make sure there's no lumps .

That's one of my pet peeves because your mixer can't really break lumps up very well .

So it's a nice move just to crinkle it up with your hands .

What do you call this ?

Mushing it up with your hands , breaking it up with your hands .

It's 1.5 cups or 300 g of granulated sugar in you go .

Mm It's a big cake .

You have a lot of ingredients .

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Now we're gonna mix this up for about five minutes until it's really light and fluffy .

I wanna beat some air into here and yes , you'll definitely have to scrape the bowl down and I'll show you why you have to see how dark , beautiful and amazing this is .

So that Dutch processed cocoa powder is just rich fudgy and amazing , however rich , fuzzy and amazing for me .

Streaks of butter throughout for you .

Let's scrape the bowl down .

We're gonna keep mixing this for just a few minutes on medium .

We want it super light and fluffy .

And in the meantime , let's crack some eggs into our measuring cup .

Just so they're already with no shells .

Alright .

Nice and fluffy .

Now we're gonna add the three room temperature eggs along with a tablespoon or 15 ml of vanilla .

Smells amazing .

One last scrape of the bowl down before I move on .

I just want to tell you , I measured out half a cup of sour cream .

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This gives us even more richness and just a wonderful texture .

And I'm measuring out half a cup of milk as well .

It's a couple extra steps and maybe a normal cake .

But the payoff is amazing texture and taste .

You're gonna fall in love with this cake and use it for so many different recipes mix on medium after you scrape the bowl down just for a few seconds more .

And then we're gonna move this to low .

Actually , we're gonna move it to stir the lowest setting I'm gonna add in a third of my dry mixture , gonna add in half of the milk , half of the sour cream .

And this cake , by the way gets very loose .

It is like a liquidy batter and that's how , you know , it's gonna be amazing .

Another third of the dry mixture , the rest of the milk , adding wet and dry ingredients in alternating batches , lets you have more control over the mixing .

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If you just dumped things in , you would have pockets of wet pockets of dry and some things would be over mixed .

No one would be happy last bit of the flour .

I'm actually gonna finish starting this by hand and you don't even need to let this mix completely .

But I will say that I'm done with my paddle attachment for now .

And you can see , look at this texture .

It's like chocolate pudding .

I cannot wait for this to bake up before I go to my last step .

I'm gonna give this bowl a scrape down because there is some chocolate pudding in the middle with some super dark chocolate on the bottom .

And I want this to be a little bit more mixed in but not all the way .

The magical step in .

This is one cup of hot coffee and yes , it's coffee .

No , you're not gonna taste it at all .

It's really gonna amp up the chocolate flavor and I get a lot of questions from people on whether or not you have to use coffee .

The answer is no , you don't .

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I often use like hot water for these recipes if I'm making it for the kids just because they have a lot of energy .

They don't need any caffeine .

But I will say the taste is like a little bit more flat like I do miss the coffee in there .

So you could use decaf or hot water in a pinch .

Switch to a whisk and I'm gonna whisk this up and you're gonna see a magical change in consistency .

Look at that , it immediately liquefies .

So your goal now is just to carefully whisk this together without making a mess .

Challenge accepted .

And once you have a uniform consistency , we can pour this in .

What look at this , that's magical .

Divide your batter equally .

Today , you notice I'm not using cake strips just because this special batter will rise up evenly on its own .

This goes into the oven for 40 minutes or how long ?

40 to 45 minutes or until the centers are set and you'll see the edges pull away from the pan , but I'll show you what that looks like .

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And you go , my cake layers are out of the oven and cooling .

We want to let them cool in the pan completely before we mount them , just mount them .

And in the meantime , I'm gonna make a really easy , delicious chocolate butter cream .

The full recipe is on the blog and there's also a youtube video for that .

So there's links in the description box below , but I'm gonna walk you through the highlights , 1.5 cups of unsalted room temperature butter .

I'm gonna whip this on high for five minutes until it is light and cloudy .

What a difference five minutes makes .

This is a cloud of butter .

Now , we're gonna add in half a cup of cocoa powder .

Oh dear .

Well , well , well into the bowl , if you can , I'm also adding in three quarters of a teaspoon of salt measured .

Exactly .

And 1.5 teaspoons of vanilla , we're gonna mix this on low until it's nice and combined .

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Once that's all mixed in , we're gonna add 6 to 8 cups of powdered sugar .

It's kind of to taste .

So it's up to you and you can add them in a cup at a time letting it mix in on low .

Your butter cream will get very thick , but we'll send it out with some cream .

It's about three tablespoons , but you can add more sugar , less sugar , a little bit more cocoa powder , more cream .

It's up to you and how , how you like it to taste .

There we go .

My final tip for the butter cream is to use a spatula and just knock some of those big air bubbles out .

This will give you that silky butter cream look without those frothy air bubbles in it .

Now we're gonna assemble our cake , grab a cake plate .

Normally I put these on cooling racks , but this recipe actually cools completely in the pan .

So all I need is a dollop of butter cream to hold it down .

A little bit of glue .

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You can use this Bachelet just to double check that there are no sticky points and then , and then it comes out just like a charm .

That's why you have paper .

If you want to have a four layer cake , you can carefully cut this down the middle .

But I actually love the frosting to cake ratio of two thick , delicious amazing fudgy layers .

It's also a really delicate cake .

So if you're cutting it in half , be forewarned , be careful and no crying .

If it cracks , right , add a nice amount of frosting onto the top , smooth that out to the edge .

So when things cool completely and it's a cold day , so the counter is really cold , the butter can harden a bit , which is why it stayed in the pan .

Don't worry , just give your cake a little tap on the side and some lateral pressure .

Well , dislodge it .

Ok ?

It's free , it's free .

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A little tap was all you needed .

And this smells so good .

I can't even tell you .

Actually , I can tell you it smells so good .

All right .

That looks great .

We're gonna cover this in frosting and then Brian and Lachlan and George are gonna dig in .

I can see the cake moving as I pull the frosting this way and that and that's how you know , you have a tender amazing cake .

OK ?

I covered my cake all the frosting is used up .

And now I just want to show you a really quick swoopy finish .

So get it covered .

You don't want any cake exposed , then use either an offset spatula like this .

It has a nice rounded edge or a regular rubber spatula and you're just going to start making little wavy swoops .

There's no wrong way .

It just look kind of organic and have some extravagant flourishes like that .

This cake is about to disappear .

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So quickly fudgy , moist chocolate amazingness , but so light and fluffy still .

It's basically magic .

I hope you get a chance to make this recipe .

And if you like my videos , check out my chocolate playlist .


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