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2023-07-13 13:49:09

Artisan No Sugar Bread in 8 minutes prep time

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Hi , I'm Brad with Big Family Homestead .

And today I've got a special treat for you .

You're not gonna believe this .

But I'm telling you the truth in less than five minutes .

I'm gonna show you how to make delicious homemade artisan bread .

That's sugar free in less than five minutes .

Let's get to it .

Ok .

So the promise is five minutes or less .

And I'm even gonna count that in my talking time .

How's that ?

Here's the deal .

My wife has become quite the bread baker and , and it has not always been that way .

It's only been a couple years new .

She got this the bug to , to figure out how to make Amish bread and then it was white bread and then it was wheat bread now from wheat berries .

And then she found this recipe that is so easy and so basic .

You know , we started actually bringing it to church for all the people who are new visitors at our church .

The , the there's a , there's a group of people that once a visitor says , hey , I'm a new visitor here .

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We actually take them a warm loaf of this bread over to their house .

Just as a way to say , thanks for dropping by .

This bread is such a hit that people kind of stalk her to see if there were any extra loaves of bread that didn't make it to new visitors .

And it's kind of funny because it gets a little cut throat .

But yeah .

So anyway , here's how this goes .

It's super easy .

I'm gonna show you how to do it right now .

I was getting ready to make this recipe and my wife kind of got wind of what I was gonna do and she kind of , well , she's a little bit jealously guards her breadlines here .

So it's her bread .

So I'm gonna film and she's gonna put it together .

But the ingredients are super easy .

There's literally four ingredients .

You have eight cups of bread , flour , four cups of water , two tablespoons of dry active yeast and two tablespoons of salt and literally that's it .

So go Chris to go .

Ok ?

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The important thing is you need a bucket with a lid , a sealable lid , a sealable lid .

You need that .

So I take the salt two tablespoons of salt .

Throw it in the bucket just like that .

Boom in the bucket down .

You go done .

Then I take the dry active yeast , two tablespoons and throw it in the bucket .

OK ?

Then I take the water very , very warm water , almost too hot to touch and pour it in the bucket .

Four cups of water in there .

You take your spoon and just stir that up .

So , what we have now is our salt , our yeast and four cups of water .

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This is not gonna be a magic trick .

It is so easy .

It's unbelievable .

Just to dissolve the salt .

Now , you take your eight cups of flour and you dump them in the bucket .

Count them eight cups of flour .

Ah , ah , ah , one cup of flour , uh , uh , uh , two cups of flour .

Right ?

Three , very good .

Can you count to five ?

Hi .

Excellent , honey .

Six , 66 .

Hey , I have to count out loud because the Children like to mess me up .

Now you take your spoon and mix that up .

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Now I'm getting arthritis .

So , after a minute I can't stir this with a spoon anymore .

So , what do you do ?

I scrape off the spoon with a spatula and I died right in because God made me these first .

Ok .

Now , literally you're done , this bread is done until you want to bake it .

So you take your lid and you put a shit down mostly , but you leave a little air vent .

Otherwise this lid will pop off when the yeast gets doing its thing .

Right .

Right .

So you just leave this on your counter for two hours and don't touch it .

Ok .

We are now two hours later and check that out .

That is awesome .

There's no sugar in there .

And what , like we said , you gotta make sure you don't put the , uh , lid completely sealed because guess what it's gonna pop up .

So , next thing we're gonna do is what ?

Well , I'm gonna knock it down a little bit .

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So I'll take a little bit of flour , just Sprinkle Sprinkle it on top .

There gonna be here .

Then you knock it down and then you just knock it down .

Ok .

So now this is ready to go in the refrigerator if you want to let it sit overnight , but we're not gonna do that right now .

We're going to pull out a piece and then we're going to roll it into a bowl and bake it up and then save the rest for the fridge , the rest for the refrigerator .

Ok .

So you just grab them a nice hunk about how much uh I usually make them about a pound , which is softball size and a little bit of flour , Sprinkle it on there so that I can roll it and it still will be sticky .

And this is we need , of course , you know , seven or eight of those for our size family , but that's enough for most families .

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This is enough for most families because this will , this will get big .

So you just kind of tuck it underneath the bottom so that the top looks real pretty and the bottom is rolled under .

And then I like to put it on parchment so that it doesn't stick to any pan when is baking as well .

Right .

When you bake it , you slide it , slide this paper onto a pizza stone or if you don't have a pizza stone , you can just put it on the back of a cookie sheet .

All right .

So now you just leave this dough for about 40 minutes .

It's going to rise up and in about 20 minutes you come back , turn your oven on , you're going to get your oven ready to go at 450 degrees .

And there's one final step and that is we need to have a little pan for some water in the oven and that will make a nice crispy crust on this soon to be delicious .

Awesomeness .

Ok .

So now we've let it have that additional rise time and this is ready to go in the oven .

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Uh However , me being a super fatty that I am , we like to take a little bit of what ?

Butter and slather it over the top along with some sesame seeds .

Hm .

Doesn't that look rump ?

Now , what Christa is doing here , she's actually scoring the bread and she's giving it a little cut .

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And what that does is when it bakes , it actually makes it look really , really cool .

It gives it that artisan look and it , it helps so that the bread doesn't um just kind of break apart as it , it's still going to rise some more as it's heated up in the oven .

All right .

So , and you go into the oven .

Now , one final thing , we take one cup of water and you put it in a pan that's down there .

And what this is gonna do is it's gonna create a nice steam .

That's gonna give that bread a super awesome crispy , crunchy , crunchy crust .

Now , 450 degrees .

For how long ?

All right .

So the weight is now over .

Let's see what we got .

Oh , look at that .

All right .

So here is our bread .

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We've been patient .

We're ready to go .

Oh , look at that .

Holy some oaks .

All right .

This is our artisan bread .

Super delicious .

Now , once this thing starts cooling down , bread makers will say that you can hear the bread sing sometimes and what that is is it's cooling off and it actually will make quiet crackling sounds .

I can't hear any right now , but check that out .

This is so good .

I have to have a bite .

Hear that .

That's literally the crunch .

Can you hear that ?

Hm July .

I gotta go .

I'll , I'll be back in , in about 34 minutes .

See , I told you , I knew that you just wouldn't believe me .

But this bread is ridiculous .

It's so good and so easy and it's sugar free .

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It takes five minutes or less to prepare and then you've got bread for all week .

You know , it stays great in the fridge for up to two weeks .

So all you do is pull out a lunk and get it going in the oven and you're ready to go with fresh hot awesomeness .

So please don't forget to subscribe .

Click on down below .

It really , really helps out our family .

And once again , I'm Brad for Big Family homestead and you have yourself an awesome day .


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