Nintendo as this is art .
And for today's lesson , I will teach you how to draw anime face at different angles .
In my previous video , easiest way to draw an anime face .
I've covered the basics of drawing an anime face , especially the front hand side profile to those co host who have skipped this class .
I recommend you to watch that video first to get the basics down or else you're just gonna draw circles for this whole class .
Trust me .
I'm a level 10 with me .
I had to , I'm a too .
Wow .
It's great to know .
I'm not the only one who die as a virgin , by the way , this is mentally challenged , Koha and he will be joining us in today's session .
You said my name wrongly .
I am a Yeah , I know you are a hoe yay .
You got my name right .
That's not what I meant .
As usual draw a circle first , then draw the middle line , which is the length of your face , then draw the headline and the chin line .
This will give a rough idea of how big your face is .
Then draw the jawlines on both sides of the face So what you want to do next is to draw these two lines around the hip .
Draw it like how you would draw a 3d ball .
So before you draw the ears , you got to remember this first , the shaded area is actually flat because it represents the side of the head , touch the side of your own head and you will feel that it's flat .
The only thing that's not flat is my tummy .
and the earth .
Next draw the ice line , then draw the ear with the tip of the ear , touching the eyes line .
Then you draw the neck , followed by the nose and the mouth .
Then now draw the eyes on the eyes line and draw the eyebrows right above it .
Proceed to draw the eyeballs .
Now I'll put this at the back and go Sonic on it .
Yeah .
Alright .
Next thing I'll be teaching you is copy drawing .
Basically just take any anime picture you like put it side by side with a blank sheet of paper and start copy drawing .
Make no mistake with tracing .
Though tracing is where you put the original picture underneath your blank paper and follow the outlines blindly don't trace because it's sacrilegious .
But copy drawing , you train your eyes to pay more attention to details and actually helps you to understand the geometry and shape of your drawings .
Stand by the connector is looking upwards .
How do I draw it ?
Um Thank you for a keen observation .
A whole good .
Now we have a character that is looking upwards , firstly draw a nice round , I'm in circle and draw a straight line through it followed by the chin line .
Next step is to draw the jaw line , then draw a curve line connecting the top of the head and the jaw line .
This will represent the side of the head .
And now you will have a 3d shape of your head , draw the ear along the back of the curve side line that you have drawn just now , but draw it above the horizontal line .
The reason why the ear is above the horizontal line is because the character's face is looking upwards .
So from this perspective , the ears would be higher than the horizontal line instead of having the ear being at the center of the line , like how we would usually draw , then draw the neck and draw the ice line at the middle of the face .
The ice line and the vertical line that we have drawn at the start will form across next , draw the nose and the mouth along the vertical line , draw two line parallel to the eyes line .
One above one below this two line determines the largeness of the eyes , proceed to draw the eyeball .
And now I will go Sonic .
Thank you .
How do you even know where to draw the eyes , nose and mouth at this angle ?
Great question are all good .
Now , sit down to understand this you need to understand the grid .
First draw three vertical lines like this , then draw three horizontal lines like this .
And now you will have a box that surrounds the head .
The box is the grid .
So between them horizontal line in the middle and the one at the bottom , draw a line between them and that line is where the mouth should be .
And now my mouth is slightly off .
I shall make it straight and make sure it stays on the line .
Now , I will draw the eyes on the middle horizontal line because that's your eyes line to go and buy .
Wow .
But can we end the class earlier ?
Like now let's move on to 02 where she's looking downwards as usual draw a circle first then draw a vertical line through it followed by a horizontal line to form a cross , then draw the jaw line .
So at this angle , it seems like we're looking 02 from below and she's looking down on us .
I will let her step on me as much as she wants when she looks down on me like that .
So at this angle , the ears will seem lower .
So you need to draw your ears lower and below the horizontal line drawn earlier .
Now draw the neck , the nose and that top then now draw the ice on the ice line .
Alright .
The final lesson for today's video .
Wait a minute , wait a minute .
There's more .
I want to go home and drink my yogurt milk today .
You can't just be copy drawing .
Lollies all day .
You gotta draw your lolly from imagination or else you won't be able to draw from scratch at all .
Copy drawing might help you to understand angles and facial features better .
But at the end of the day , you still got to take these things you have learned from copy drawing and apply it when you draw from scratch , that's the way to improve the way to draw better lollies .
Now draw four panels on the paper on every panel , draw a random cross .
This training requires you to draw the face at different angles .
So using the same concept , I've taught you draw the circle , followed by the eyes , the nose , mouth ears roof .
This looks like an abomination .
So today I showed you the simple and standard angle face , the face that looks outwards and the face that looks downwards and makes me a mess .
I hope you guys enjoyed this video .
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