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2023-07-14 14:48:35

How to Organize & Create Your Website Content

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OK , folks .

So today we're gonna go over how to prepare your content for delivery to your website designer , right ?

So we're going to create the website content .

We're gonna package it up and deliver it to the web designer .

So first you have to have a good idea of what pages are gonna be on your website .

Right ?

In this case , we're going to do a very small site because , well , the paper is kind of small and for sake of examples purposes .

Um We'll just keep it simple .

So we're just gonna have a home page and about page , the services page in a contact page .

All right , cool .

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So in this example , what we're gonna do is we're going to go on to your computer and you're gonna create a folder for your website and just call it website or your website , whatever you wanna call it .

And inside there you're gonna create folders for each of these pages .

So there's gonna actually be a folder inside there called home , there's gonna be a folder inside there called about , there's gonna be a folder for your services , gonna be a folder for your contact information , right ?

And So four folders and now within these folders , you're gonna put your content and this is very straightforward .

So let's go ahead .

We'll do um services first , ok ?

So we're gonna create a , we're gonna open up our word and we're gonna open up word and we're gonna make a word document for our services .

We'll call it services dot doc and in there we will list out our services , right ?

So service number one , service number two and service number three .

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Now your goal here is to have the , the the number of words on this page should be somewhere between the very minimum 300 .

Um ideally closer to 500 if not more , Google loves content .

So if you have 1000 word page , good , that's a good thing .

Now , let's say your services are pretty detailed and you give a lot of information .

So actually , maybe each one of these services is 1000 words .

Well , in that case , your services page is most likely going to be broken into three pages on your website .

So you'll end up having um service one will have its own page .

Service two will have its own page and service three will have its own page .

If it's just 300 words , chances are your designer is going to stick them all on one page because a 300 word page is what we call thin content .

So this is really , it's better to put them all on one Now , along with this , we're gonna want some photos , right ?

And so you're going to actually go get some pigs , right ?

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Some photos of these services , maybe someone performing the service , maybe someone getting the service or maybe a picture of the machine you use when you provide the service , right ?

So you have a couple of images there .

Now one thing with the image is do not do not embed the images into a word document , right ?

Word tends to compress these files and then when you extract them , they just , they're horrible , right ?

So give us the original um ja pegs , right ?

Don't embed them inside this inside a word document .

All right , cool .

Let's go , let's do our about page , right ?

And so same thing you have a word document here and you'll have you know some about information in there , right ?

And of course , this is the about Dark Duck .

And again , you're gonna provide some images with this as well .

Now these images on your about page , it might be a picture of your staff , right ?

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It may be a picture of your building or maybe the reception area or something like that .

Now , you may also depending on how you want to do it , you may also want the about page to be not just about your business , right ?

Because you want the about page to be about your business philosophy , the principles you follow , maybe put in some certification um stuff in there maybe some experience uh things like that , that kind of stuff that , that um proves you're an authority and , and , and you have um credentials that , that for your , for your business , you may also want to include some um some bios , right ?

So maybe you have three or four staff people .

And so um maybe you have a staff one in little bio staff number two in a little bio , right ?

If you do that , you may also want to include some photos of these people inside this folder .

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And so now your about page has got a little more robust .

Again , still shooting for um at least 300 words to 500 .

Those are a good goal .

Um It's ok to go over .

Um if indeed , you know up to 1000 words .

So now your about page is ready .

Now let's get to that contact page , important stuff on this contact page .

We need everything .

So again , make a nice word document , put it all in there .

Um Your designer is gonna want to know obviously your name , your business name , your address , which could include a mailing address and a physical address , your phone number , which would of course your business phone , possibly a cell phone , fax 800 number , whatever , right ?

Everything we want to know your email address .

Now , we may not put your email address on the website .

We actually will likely make a form and that form will send to that email address .

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And of course , um any social media you may have uh Facebook youtube , those are always good links to have on contact on your contact page .

And again , a couple of images , contact page images .

Um A lot of times the outside of your building is very good because there may also be a map on this page , right ?

Um or a happy person at the reception desk , those are always good things to have .

And now your home page , your home page is a little different home pages tend to be .

In fact , I'm gonna draw a home page here .

Home pages tend to be portals into the rest of the site .

Typically , you know , you got a nice banner at the top with a photo of some type uh intro statement of some type and maybe a photo of um of your staff of your building of um whatever whatever photo you think represents , right ?

And then below that , maybe it's a listing of your services .

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Hey , we have services , here's service number one , service , number two and service number three , a little content about each one and most likely a link to those services , right ?

So this information here is actually getting pulled in from all that service information you just gave us .

So we'll take excerpts from this word Doc and we'll put maybe the 1st 50 words here and then link to the actual page .

We'll take the 1st 50 words and link to the actual page .

So this content is repurposed or reused only .

This is original .

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So on your home page , you're still gonna need , you know , 100 and 50 words , 200 words and a photo , actually two photos or three photos because you're going to have a slider up here and something there for there , but the rest will most likely be pulled in from somewhere else on your site .

All right now real quick .

Let's go in a little more detail .

Um Let's say we have a products page .

I'm inside the folder , I'm inside my products folder .

I have my word document here , right ?

And I have my products , the product number one , product number two , product number three .

And of course , I have my three photos for these products when you write your content , especially if your product .

Um let's say you sell turbines , right ?

Most people aren't going to know the difference between uh turbine one , turbine two and turbine three because turbines kind of just look like turbines , right ?

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So when you write your content , when you're done in parentheses or in brackets , put down the image name so that your designer knows that that image , the exact image name goes there so they can match them up .

That image is this turbine turbine number two .

That's this 12 dot J big , right ?

And so then you put down here two dot J Pig , so that they know they don't put the wrong photo with the wrong item .

You know , same with your about page .

You want to make sure that your images are named and that you associate that you let people know the image title , the the name of that image um for that person so that we can be sure to match this stuff up .

All right .

One last thing about images real quick image size is very important .

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A lot of times people take their images , they drag it into a folder and they send it off to me and it's this little tiny thumbnail that is not going to fill the page .

It's not going to be a banner item .

It's not , there's really , it's so small , we really can't do anything with it .

So your image size um should be 1920 by 12 80 .

That's the standard kind of image size .

That's what's called 16 to 9 ratio .

That's your wide screen .

Um This is pixels , right ?

And so this is uh 1920 wide by 12 80 .

Hi .

I know it's kind of an odd number to remember .

So just remember this 2000 pixels , your image should be 2000 pixels wide .

Give me that image , give your developer and your designer , that image , they can work with that .

If you give them an image that's 400 pixels , there's only so many places they can use that .

All right .

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So that's an overview of your website .

So here it is again , folks break it down in the folders .

Every page has its own folder , create a word doc that is entitled the name of the page .

About page services .

Page include photos that are not embedded in that word doc that are 2000 pixels wide and everything is associated .

The name of the photo is associated with the name of the person or the name of the service .

All right package , all that up , you hand it over to your designer and they should be able to unpack this .

And if they have any questions , it's gonna be so well laid out , they're going to be able to ask you , you know , in the about vote or this person .

Um , I think you have two different spellings of the name .

Is it John with an H or is it John on ?

Right ?

Things like that .

They're gonna be able to extract that .

If there's something missing , they're gonna be able to go right back to you and tell you where it is and you can , um , you can find it for them and either give them more information or at least lead them to the place that it is .

All right folks .

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Hey , if , um , if you have any questions , feel free to contact me .

I'm at web at 907 dot com and you can contact me through the contact page on the site .

If you're a client of mine , I can certainly talk to you on the phone .

In person or through video um video chats through Skype or through Zoom .

And uh cool .

I hope this was helpful folks enjoy .


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