What's up guys , Megan has returned .
You can see here on chess dot com .
It says summoned by Hikaru Megan heard Hikaru could beat you in chess so she came back to stop him .
Well , there's only one thing for us to do .
Let's pair the Megan bot against the Hikaru bot and see what happens , right ?
I gave the Carro White just because I feel like he might need it because of the rating disadvantage .
But let's see what happens .
OK ?
You get a Sicilian , he plays D four takes with the queen , which is interesting because you do lose a tempo except you actually have the bishop pin .
So you don't really lose a tempo .
You just have to be willing to give up your bishop , which it looks like he does .
OK ?
Develops bishop to G five castle's queen side .
This looks very natural .
Get the rook involved .
Put some pressure on the da I like Karras position so far .
But this is very , very solid set up for black .
It's very difficult to break through queen to G three .
The queen comes out kings B one pretty useful move getting off of that diagonal .
And also adding support to the A po in some cases you need that .
OK ?
Brings the Rooks to the center .
Valuation is pretty equal , slight advantage there for the Megan bot brings the bishop back .
OK ?
Centralizes the night , pushes the pawn pretty equal position .
We're gonna get some trades .
We do .
OK ?
Queen comes in looks like it's an even trade and they do trade Rook to B eight .
There's a checkmate threat on B two .
Let's see how ICAO deals with that .
Bishop to C three makes a lot of sense and Rooks get traded .
Uh And we go into an end game .
OK .
So let's see what's gonna happen .
Defends the pawn here on F two .
All right .
This is actually pretty interesting .
So it's six pawns against six ponds , but white has the three on this side and black has this clump of five over here against three .
Personally , I feel like I'd rather have Caro's pawn structure uh from a human , you know , kind of perspective .
OK .
Wow .
Check the ship goes all the way back .
Yeah .
Car's position is actually not bad .
Let's see what's gonna happen .
OK .
Now , I don't know .
Now looks like Megan has a very strong bishop in the center .
Although engine is saying it's still slightly better for white .
OK .
The root goes over there .
What is going to happen guys ?
If you haven't put a comment down below , who do you think is gonna win this game straight uh-oh , the car was ahead .
You see the Eval Bar there , but look at Megan's king .
King is very active .
The pawns are starting to go on that side .
Takes that .
Oh , I don't , I mean , look at the pawns now .
Is that really the best choice ?
Hm .
All right .
Let's keep going .
Yeah .
Now , I don't know .
Megan's king is looking very active .
Oh , but wait a second , wait a second .
What's happening ?
Ok .
So she stops the pawn from becoming a queen with the rook .
So , hi , Caro can't really do that .
He would like to go down here and defend but then the pawn gets captured .
This one's probably a goner .
I don't know .
Oh king to be five .
Look at , look at the bar .
Did Megan make a mistake ?
Three ?
Oh , he allowed the rook to get in between .
I don't think that's good .
What is Megan's plan ?
Check going for check mate ?
Ok .
But what's the car we're gonna do rook to C six check ?
What a crazy sacrifice .
So just to point out if he gets the queen now he gets check made .
So he sacrifices the rook .
The idea is that if the king takes , he's gonna get the queen with check and then he has time to save it from the skewer .
Incredible move .
So he doesn't take it check again and now the king is coming up , the king's coming up to help the pond .
Ok .
Wait , what , this is the move .
Rook to D five .
Oh , because if you take it , it's the same idea .
You get it with check and you're going after the pawns , I guess .
What a crazy move .
She does take it .
The Caro's winning .
He's totally winning .
Look at this .
He's crushing the Megan butt .
He's crashing .
Yep .
He's gonna mop up the pawns and he's gonna win .
He's totally gonna win .
Yep .
Sacrifices it so that he can go into the winning end game and it's all over .
It is all over .
Well , there you have it , folks .
Megan needs some more work .
She just lost as black to the hit car who bought , I don't know what's going on .
Let me know your thoughts down below .
Would you like to see a rematch or , or ?
WW what's happening anyway ?
I'll see you guys next time .
Stay sharp , play smart and take care .