Hello and welcome to how to play .
Go presented by gather together games dot com .
This video will cover how to play the board game .
Go .
The video will start with the general concept and gameplay and then get into more of the details for the game .
The game is played with two players to play .
You will need a go game set .
The go game is played on a grid board .
The board's size is usually 19 lines by 19 lines but can be adjusted for player ability .
This beginner tutorial will use a nine by nine board .
One player will play the black markers .
The other player will play the white markers .
The object of the game is to control more of the board than your opponent by enclosing areas on the board with your markers and by capturing your opponent's markers , these objectives will be covered more later in the video on a turn , players will play one of their markers on an intersection on the board .
An intersection on the board is any point where two lines meet on this nine by nine board .
There are 81 intersections .
The player of the black markers is the first to take a turn , black plays a marker on the board .
After the marker is placed , play moves to white , white plays a marker on the board .
Players continue to take turns playing markers .
The first term to know is liberties .
An open intersection connected to a marker on the board is known as a liberty here .
The marker has four liberties here .
The marker has three liberties here .
The marker has two liberties .
The next term to know is unit markers of the same color that are connected are known as a unit .
A unit will share liberties here .
The unit of two markers has six liberties .
The unit of three markers has seven liberties .
The next term to know is capture when a unit's liberties are all occupied by opponent markers .
These surrounded markers are captured here .
White markers occupy all of the black markers , liberties and is captured here .
White markers occupy all the black units liberties and is captured .
The game ends when both players are unable to gain more control of the board or are unable to capture more of their opponents markers to signal the end of a game , players will pass a marker to their opponent .
Here , black passes a marker to white and white follows by passing a marker to black .
After two consecutive passes , the game is over .
Players will score the amount of open intersections they have enclosed minus any markers that were captured by their opponent .
Here .
Black scores for 28 open intersections minus two for the captured black markers for a total of 26 .
White scores for 15 open intersections minus two for the captured white markers for a total of 13 because black gets an advantage for getting to play first in the game .
White gets compensated for going second .
The amount should be agreed upon before the start of the game for this game .
The compensated amount is 6.5 .
This is added to White's final score .
Black wins the game by 6.5 points .
A player cannot make a play that repeats the prior position of markers on the entire board .
For example , white captures a black marker here , black is not allowed to play a marker back on the board to capture the white marker as this would bring the game back to the higher positions , black must play elsewhere on the board before capturing White's marker on another turn .
If still possible , that wraps up how to play .
Go .
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Gather together games .
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