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2023-07-12 12:49:43

BUTTER BREAD Recipe❤️ Detailed Step-by-Step Guide

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Hey , hey , hey there , friends and family greetings .

If you're joining us today for the first time , the warmest welcome to you .

I hope you all are having a fantastic day .

Yes , we are presenting bread , which is the same as a bread again today on this channel .

I have a previous video , but this was prepared with a lot of intricacies so that if you're looking for or to replicating the recipe , you will have fewer questions to no questions at all .

You will be able to replicate the recipe with much ease in my previous video .

There were a lot of questions that came up .

So today , I'm really gonna take my time and work with you together measuring the ingredients accurately .

So stay with me .

Now , I get everything I need ready prepped to go .

OK .

Today we are using bread flour .

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In my previous video , we used all purpose flour .

And the difference is that bread , flour has a higher content of protein which is the gluten .

So therefore , we will not need to double rice this time round .

So I pour the entire flour into a separate bowl and I'm going to measure the flour straight into my mixing bowl so that I place on my ski and I zero it to begin with right now , the flour needs to be prepped .

And in order to do that , you can use a strainer to sift it to loosen the particles of the flour or you can just use your whisk , go deep into the flour , lift it up and it should contain a lot of the flour and just gently tap it to loosen it .

And by doing this , you'll be able to measure your flour or your drying Andres accurately .

Ok .

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So you want your cup , we're measuring a cup at a time and you want to flatten the surface using a butter knife , the flat part of the batter knife .

And we're measuring a cup at a time , as I said , and that comes to 100 and 55 g of flour .

So , so for those of you who are going to be weighing your or um ingredients there , you have it .

So do that conversion .

So we use six cups total as I did in my previous video , which comes to 930 g of flour .

Now we're going to measure our sugar .

So each time you put your vessel on there to measure your ingredient into it , you want to zero it first .

So now we have measured half a cup of sugar .

Granulated sugar works well in this recipe and that comes to 70 g of sugar .

OK , just about half a cup of sugar .

You don't need a whole lot of sugar in butter bread or a , a bread .

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Now , here is my yeast , which I have tested and I know this yeast is good and it's alive .

We let our rice , we use a tablespoon and a half , which comes to 12 g .

Now , we're going to measure our salt and it is important to put your salt far away from the yeast .

So it doesn't have direct contact with the yeast immediately because the salt tends to kill the yeast , which the yeast is alive and we need to keep it alive .

In order that our dough rises .

I have also just added some nutmeg .

You can substitute that with cinnamon or whatever kind of bakery essence .

What ever kind of flavor you want ?

Whisk all your dry ingredients together to perfectly and evenly , combine them and set them aside .

It is now time to work on combining our wet ingredients which all have to be at room temperature .

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Now , for the wet ingredients have your measuring vessel on a flat surface to get accurate readings .

So there is no tilting if you're holding it that way , your your readings are just on point .

Baking is a science .

OK .

So you have to be strategic to get it right ?

So I have added half a cup of evaporated milk for that richness .

I've also added some vanilla extract and one egg at room temperature .

And I just whisk them all together to evenly combine them .

Now , we're going to measure our cup .

Same strategy , have it on a flat surface and pour in room temperature water , looking at it at eye level .

So , you know , you're getting accurate readings and we don't have quite two cups yet .

So we're going to add a little more water and now we have exactly two cups .

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We're going to combine this water with our egg and milk mixture , whisk to combine well .

And now we're going to slowly drizzle the wet ingredients into the dry .

First , we want to turn on our mixer .

Now , in my previous video , I used my hands in mixing the dough and forming that gluten that very important gluten .

So you'll notice that I use a little more water .

That was strategic too .

First of all , I used all purpose flour .

So that was one big difference .

Second , I was using my hand .

So I needed the dough to be stickier that way .

I'm able to easily form that gluten because it stiffens on you and it resists you after a while .

And I was also going to use flour to need the dough to form that important gluten .

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So that's , that's just to explain why that I did that right now , we're going to add our butter .

Why are we adding our butter ?

Now , we didn't add it to begin with .

Why ?

Because the butter tends to break down that gluten So you want to kind of add it later on .

So once you the doll forms and lifts off the sides of the inner walls of the mixing bowl , then you go in and add your room temperature butter in bits while you turn up the speed of the mixer .

All right , and incorporate with it .

Well , so the dough comes off the sides .

Again , that will be your indication that the batter has been incorporated well and evenly throughout the dough .

So you now you're going to pour the dough onto your clean work surface and it has to be dry .

And I'm not going to be using any flour in needing the dough .

OK ?

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We're going to need a little more , not too long , maybe four minutes .

If that .

All right .

Now , while you are kneading the dough , you will notice that it starts to resist the kneading and the way to know that is right here , see how it bounced right back .

It is resisting you .

So now you know that the gluten is perfectly formed , you don't need to need anymore .

So now you're just going to form it into that shape , round perfect shape and cover it with a damp kitchen cloth .

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We're going to let this dough rest for just 10 minutes because this time around we're using bread flour , which has a high protein content and therefore does not need to double rice as is the case in all purpose flour .

So , therefore , that has a lower um protein content and therefore needs to double rice to really get that texture .

Right .

Now .

This pan I got on Amazon dot com is the same one I used in the previous video and it's 1000 g .

Now , if you do not find the 1000 g um covered pan on Amazon , I'm going to link it below for you .

But if you don't find it because they ran out or whatever the case might be , you can use any bread pan .

It doesn't have to have a cover on it to bake this bread , right ?

It's just a mold .

It just gives it that classic butter bread or a bread shape .

That's all it does .

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It doesn't change the , the , the taste as you know , in any way , shape or form .

Now as your dough rest to relax the gluten , you have 10 minutes to prep your pan , right ?

You want to generously grease it with some but , but carry on with that butter theme .

It is butter bread that we're making so generously grease it and you want to get into every corner with the butter , right ?

That's important .

So that when your dough or um your bread cooks , it's done baking .

It's easy for it to come out , right ?

It doesn't stick to the walls of the baking pan .

Now that 10 minutes has passed , your dough is relaxed .

You can see it's easier to work with , it's not resisting .

You um and so just take it , spread it out into about uh a rectangular shape and you're going to fold it towards you because what you're doing is forming the shape of a log of wood , right ?

So kind of pinch and pull towards you and tack it in .

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Now use your thumb to tack in and use the heel of your palm to press down to form a seam , right ?

An incision like seam and then roll it out and you want your log of dough to be even throughout .

And here is that seam .

You want to lay the dough seams side down into your pan and very important friends when you are laying the dough into the pan , be careful to not scrape off the butter and the flour because you want a struggle free removal of the final product from this mold .

Ok .

So tap it down once .

So the dough settles perfectly into the very bottom of the pan and then close it .

Now this pan is available on Amazon dot com like I said previously .

So you can use that if you have access to it , otherwise you can use any pan at all .

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Now , it was warm outside .

So it only took 45 minutes for it to rise .

Now you don't want it to rise all the way to where it touches the lid .

No , otherwise when you bake it , the the dough is going to find its way out through any any hole it can find its way through .

All right .

So you want to have at least an inch from the top of the pan to the top of the dough .

You want that free space when it , it rises and that should take about 45 minutes outside in a temperature that's about 95 F .

So just keep an eye on your dough .

Ok ?

Depending on the temperature of where you are .

Now , I have placed on there some water that's going to create moisture , acid bakes because we want this bread to bake nice and moist .

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We don't want too crusty and we don't want it to definitely don't want it to be dry .

We're going to bake for one hour , 60 minutes OK ?

At 325 F .

So you notice friends that we did not double rice this dough because again , we're using bread flour , which is equivalent to the flour we use in Ghana .

So our hard flour and that's what we refer to that flower in Ghana .

We call it hard flour .

So we have the heart and we have the soft , the hard flour is the same as bread flour .

It does not need to double rice because of the high protein content .

One hour later , our bread is done , just look at how perfect it turned out and see how easily we were able to remove the bread from the pan .

So all the pan is , is a mold .

Ok .

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You just want that classic a bread butter bread shape .

If you don't have this pan in the absence of it , please use any pan .

You have .

Um , this is six cups of flour and it fits perfectly into this pan and it bakes beautifully .

Just look at that .

I hope that this tutorial was helpful to you .

I know a lot of you want to replicate this recipe and have had some questions and possibly some difficulty .

And I hope this brings that ease and peace of mind .

You know , for you to really uh uh replicate this recipe .

It has been resting for 30 minutes .

It's still a little warm , but it's rested well .

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And that's important before you cut into the baked bread and just look at how it cut through it just like butter and the texture was perfect .

It brought me right back to those memories we made in my mother's bakery .

My mother's bakery was called Lily Mark , which is her first name and my father's first name .

Put together those memories .

I will cherish forever .

Just look at this bread .

Perfect , quick , easy .

I am glad I use bread flour today instead of all purpose flour because we did not need to double rice and it still came out perfect .

So friends , I hope you try this recipe .

Please just take a look at how it bounces back .

Perfect texture .

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This bread was gone before I could blink .

At least half of it was gone .

Yes .

You should be able to fold it together like that .

Fold it in half like that and they should be able to bounce right back to its original shape .

This is perfect bread .

The texture was just amazing and I hope that you try this recipe soft chewy .

Awesome .

Oh , I couldn't ask for better .

Just look at that .

If you ever tried this recipe tag me on Instagram .

My handle name is Navas Kitchen .

I would love to see your photos .

Let's continue to interact .

Don't forget to click the like button to help me out .

It helps to promote my videos .

Also subscribe if you haven't already done .

So because you will not get disappointed on this channel .

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I really appreciate all your support and all your love and to my returning subscribers .

You all know how deep this love is .

I couldn't have come this far without y'all .

Now my daughter spread some butter onto it .

She said mom , what should I do ?

And I'm like , I don't know , just spread the butter .

You me John Ross if you want to , we don't eat butter bread every day .

So it's ok .

So they she is ready to dig right into this .

Yes , this was lovely .

It turned out perfectly and uh I was a happy woman .

So I baked some sugar bread as well using butter bread and that recipe also is coming up shortly .

Keep on staying tuned .

I thank you all so much as always , friends and family make it a great day and have fun , especially in that kitchen .


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