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2023-07-12 12:38:24

Stockfish Has Ruined Chess

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My opponent goes and is only able to hit two of the field cubes .

I throw the cubes back over .

I now get to throw closer by standing in line with the field cobe still on my side of the field .

The game continues this way with my opponent and me taking turns .

I am able to knock down all the remaining Cubs and the king Kub to win the game that wraps up how to play Kube .

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Gather together games .

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Quad how to play .

The rules are the same as regular chess except for these changes for refresher of those rules .

Check out this video .

The object of this 2 to 4 player chess variant is to capture your opponent's king .

There is no check mating , lay out the board .

Each player orients from a corner and places five pawns on their third row .

On the second row , they place rook knight , bishop , knight rook on their first row from left to right .

They place queen bishop prince .

The prince starts the game with the crown detached and set aside in the corner space called the throne .

They place their king .

The king is the only piece that can freely move in and out of the throne .

All other pieces may only capture into the throne after which they can move out of it according to their normal movement .

The throne is orthogonal and diagonally adjacent to each of the three squares in front of it .

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The prince can move one or two spaces horizontally vertically or diagonally .

The prince captures the first piece .

It slides into the first time your prince enters any opponent's domain indicated by crossing the red line towards their throne , your prince receives its crown and may now move any number of spaces in any direction like a queen once crowned , the prince is called the king to be .

Should your king be captured ?

You immediately replace your king to be with the king .

After a bishop captures to a throne .

When that bishop returns to the battlefield , it must do so on the same color it was on before capturing to the throne .

Pawns are allowed their initial double step move option on Passan is allowed like normal .

After their first move forward , pawns are allowed to move one space vertically or horizontally .

So long as they move away from their own domain .

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Not only are we gonna check the checkmate the king , then we're gonna have this pawn ready to , to become a queen if we needed it .

So at this moment in the study , the salute , the rest of the line goes like this bishop two F seven .

So black says , you know what , I'm not going to let you push the pawn .

I'm just gonna blockade it .

Yes , you're gonna capture it .

But I don't care about that because I've successfully shut this down and then I'm gonna simply take here and my queen's gonna be able to come back and defend .

So here's how the puzzle went .

F eight queen black takes it .

We play F seven check with our bishop .

Black's queen goes to G7 , which is also a check and it's attacking our bishop .

Now , if we take it , that doesn't really help us .

The king is gonna get our pawn .

Black has two pawns .

This is actually gonna be a draw .

We're gonna be able to take this one with our king .

Black is gonna take this as a draw , but we don't win .

However , we have a move here , which is fascinating .

What's the move here for white ?

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The only exception is that pawns may capture backwards towards their own domain .

So long as they are also capturing into an opponent's domain .

Whenever a pawn enters an opponent's domain , they promote to either a rook bishop or knight .

Pawns may not promote if moving to an empty domain .

When playing with two or three players .

If playing with two or three players , one player must be the orange player .

The orange player goes first , then play proceeds clockwise .

Once you have captured an opponent's king , when they don't have , have a king to be , then that player is eliminated from the game and you get to control their pieces as if they were your own .

However , you may not promote any of their pawns or prints when there is only one king remaining , then the game ends and the player with the remaining king wins .

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We got the queen and then we pushed and played king to age two for the win .

Somewhere along the way , there was a flaw , there's a flaw .

So would you , if you would like to pause or , you know , go back through these moves , I'm gonna put the , the position down below .

Feel free to check that out on an empty board yourself .

Uh Don't , don't look at stockfish yet .

Just try to think through it .

But what do you think the flaw was in this puzzle ?

Go ahead and take a minute to do that when you're ready to come back here and then we'll , we'll keep going .

All right .

So hopefully you had a chance to look through that on your own .

Maybe you came up with an idea .

But here is the flaw that stockfish finds .

After we go here , captures , we go back , pond goes forward , we go back instead of bishop to F seven .

Stockfish says no , no , no , no queen to a four .

You just attack the bishop .

And here's what I'm thinking , guys , I'm thinking , how did a first prize study that was in a tournament ?

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He had all these people like analyzing it to , you know , judge the , how did nobody question this ?

Move .

So I'm wondering , did was there some idea that the composer had where he thought , oh , if this happens , you just simply move your bishop and you're fine .

Like , is that what they were thinking or like , like what's going on ?

Because here's the thing .

If you push F seven check , the queen's just gonna take it .

So this is a serious threat .

And so I don't , I just don't understand .

How was this miss ?

You know what I mean ?

Stockfish of course finds it like immediately like , oh yeah , this is winning for black .

Um But nobody saw it apparently and I don't know if they were planning on just like moving the bishop somewhere and they thought that like you could move it to safety and still win .

But Stockfish says , no , you can't .

And there's a different reason , but like in this case , you just keep attacking it , right ?

You gotta move it somewhere .

Let's say you go back here and then the queen can go check and then what is it check ?

And the basically the queen just kind of keeps checking you and keeps taking stuff and keeps attacking your bishop .

And ultimately , it's a win for black white just can't win .

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So just five months ago , I posted the top 35 Chess Principles video which has now gotten over 32,000 views for a small channel like mine .

That's pretty crazy .

So today we're gonna be doing kind of like a part two .

I've picked out eight more super important principles or concepts that you should be aware of and we're gonna look at them right now .

So concept number one is helpful in king pot games .

So E four E five and the concept is if C three , then D five .

So if your opponent plays the move C three , you should consider the move D five .

Why is this ?

Let's look at a simple example of the Scandinavian defense .

One of the drawbacks of this opening is that after captures , captures white can play the move knight to C three and they gain a tempo on your queen .

You have to move your queen .

And then white basically got a free developing move by playing the knight to C three , which by the way is a very good square for the night .

But if we go back to this example here where white plays the move C three .

If you play D five .

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And after this , we get this sort of like uh like a fortress type of position where white's probably just gonna kind of sit here and run the king around and black can't really make progress because of the past pond .

But white can't really force these out of the way because the queen .

And so you end up getting a draw according to Stockfish queen H six king G three .

I don't know how long this line goes , but you get the idea .

That's the , the best play .

So I thought that was fascinating .

I was expecting this to be like a really nice puzzle .

So , oh , first prize puzzle and then I found out that it , you know , wasn't because of the uh the queen A four idea .

So let me know your thoughts hopefully you guys enjoyed that and I'll see you in the next one .

Stay sharp , play smart , take care .


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