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2023-07-13 13:53:53

The Best Sweet Dough Recipe ! Homemade Cinnamon Rolls!

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And welcome to Holler .

I'm Miss Laurie and this is Mr Brown .

We live in the hills of Arkansas .

We love the Lord .

Keepers are the old way , but except some of the new , we love to cook and we love to eat .

We love the garden .

It's in our blood is how we stay sustainable and fill our pantry .

We do a lot of canning and preserving .

We live a sustainable life .

We love our family .

We work hard and every once in a while we like to dance .

So y'all join us today .

We're gonna be making cinnamon rolls with my sweet dough .

It's gonna be so good .

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So y'all stick around .

You're gonna see how easy it is , how wonderful this dough is and how good the seals are .

We're gonna need to start with a whole cup of warm milk , but we're only gonna use a half a cup of warm milk with two teaspoons of actor Drive Yeast and a teaspoon of sugar .

And you see how beautiful it bloomed up and it just done a terrific job .

I waited about 15 minutes to let it bloom real good .

We're just gonna put it in here and then we'll put the rest of the , uh warm milk in here .

So there's the other half a cup of warm milk .

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We've got three ounces of melted unsalted butter .

If salted all you've got , that's fine .

That's three ounces .

We're gonna put our sugar in .

Now , we've got a third of a cup of just white granulated sugar .

You can use raw sugar , you can use um , sugar substitute like or whatever you use .

That was a , a whole tablespoon of vanilla .

I've got four egg yolks , four beautiful fresh egg yolks .

It's gonna make that dough so rich .

Now we're gonna put in three cups of all purpose flour .

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You can use cake flour in this recipe .

I would have liked to have had a freshly ground uh flour , but I just , I didn't have time today to do that , but that would have been made wonderful , wonderful dough .

So that was three cups , all purpose flour .

We're gonna put about 1/4 of a teaspoon of salt .

I'm gonna go ahead and scrape out the rest of this beautiful egg yolks .

I don't wanna waste any of those and I think that's all .

I think that's it .

So we're gonna turn on our mixer and we're just gonna mix this up good .

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Now , this dough will be a little bit shaggy and like I always say , it depends on um your weather .

Of course , this is a beautiful dough .

It turns out so pretty .

Every time and it's so forgiving too , so easy to roll out .

Now , I can tell that it's a little bit too shaggy .

So , what I'll do is just add maybe 1/4 of a cup , more of flour , but no more than that .

And we'll see what it looks like as it comes together and I can tell already that , uh , it's already looking just about right .

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The texture is looking a lot better and I'll show you in a minute .

I'm gonna kind of strike the sides down a little bit .

Some of that flower is kind of stuck around the edges there .

I'll show you here in just a minute what you want the dough , the texture to be like the dough was looking really good .

And I will show you the texture of it .

So you'll know now it is sticky , but you can tell that it's not just sticking to my finger , but you can see how tacky it is , but you can still pick it up .

It's not all Gumy and gooey and that's the texture you want .

It's a soft , really soft dough .

I've got my bread bowl here and I've got it old .

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You can use vegetable oil or anything that you use .

I always turn to my olive oil and that's what's in my bow .

We're just gonna scrape out our dough .

It comes out really easy .

Just a little bit stuck in the bowl , but not much .

I absolutely love this .

Dough .

I just kind of turn it over and get it all good .

It's so soft .

Ok , we're gonna cover this up and we're gonna let it proof for about an hour and a half .

Probably .

You see how pretty it is .

It's a good dough .

And I watch when I pick it up , you see how it's stretches a little tacky but not real sticky .

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This is how I'm proof in my dough today in the microwave .

I've got some hot water in there that I've always already got hot .

I'm leaving it in there .

I've got my bread bowl covered , got it in there .

Now , I'm gonna shut the door with that hot water and it's gonna help proof in there .

It's a good warm environment .

I let my dough proof for about an hour and a half .

So let's get started with our dough .

We're just gonna take it .

It's so pretty .

I'll tell you I was gonna punch it down a couple of times .

Be careful with it .

Not too rough .

And I got me some flour down here .

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We're just gonna bring our dough out and we're just gonna carefully kinda need it just a little bit .

Not a whole lot .

You don't want to overwork it or whoops , put some more flour down , stick into it .

Y'all know how I love to play with doe and this one , this dough here is just so it just , I don't know , you know how some dough is just so dense and it's just not fun to work with .

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But this dough here , it's a pleasure to , to cook and bake with it and just make all kinds of goodies with it .

And of course , today I'm gonna be making cmon rolls and these Cmon rolls are gonna be going to one of my friends a coworker at school .

This is the easiest dough to roll out .

I'm gonna roll this out .

I think it's gonna end up being about between 12 to 14 inches wide and it's gonna be anywhere from 19 to 20 inches long .

You can see how easy it just glides along there and just rolls right out .

You don't really have to stretch it or nothing .

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I just kind of get that corner square it out there .

You know , when I was working in the kitchen at school , we made homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast once a week and every once in a while we'd make them for lunch if we had chili or something like that .

And uh I know you've heard me talk about it , but we'd have a hot roll dough .

33 to 4 big uh the big dish pans full of dough .

And once we got all that dough made and in the dish pans , we'd put all four dish pans up on top of the ovens and let them rise about an hour and then we would take them down and divide the dough up to where we could handle it on the big part table and we just carefully .

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There was always one person we take turns each month we switch off who done breakfast or main dish or whatever .

I loved the bacon .

I love to be baking .

Um , that was my favorite .

I love main dish , but baking was probably my favorite .

And uh , well , we made some big beautiful salmon rolls and a bunch of them .

So I'm gonna take some butter here and this was a stick of salted butter .

You can use unsalted , salted , whichever you have .

And I spread my butter all the way to the , to the edge .

Pretty much .

You know , you can put so many different feelings in this Simon Rose .

You could put uh apple pie filling .

You put peach pie filling , you could put lemon curd .

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Um You could put sliced apples , you could put fresh peaches , uh blueberries .

I mean the sky's the limit .

You could put nuts on here .

Now , the man that I'm making this for , he doesn't , he just likes the good old fashioned plain Jane Simon Rose .

He don't want no fruit in it .

He don't want no nuts in it .

He's been asking me for a year now , do you make me rose la ?

No , I ain't had time .

Well , he was really starting to make me feel guilty .

So I told him he said , I guess I ain't gonna get no Cmon rolls this year .

Am I I said I might surprise you .

So that's what I'm gonna do Monday morning .

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I'm gonna surprise him with my homemade salmon rolls and I'm just using , I probably got two cups , about two cups of brown sugar here that were spreading over the top .

Um , you can just use plain granulated sugar , but I use brown sugar when I'm making Cmon rolls .

Now we're gonna put our cinnamon on , you put as much cinnamon on them as you like .

Some people like lots and lots of cinnamon .

Some people don't , don't care for as much .

So I'm just gonna Sprinkle over the top .

Now , if I was making this for myself , I would probably open up a little jar of my canned pecans and uh put some pecans on here .

I think that would be good .

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Now , some people start at the bottom at school and how I make them is always start at the top and start rolling towards me .

This is so therapeutic .

I tell you love it .

I could do this every day .

So there's your Simon roll dough right there .

Your Simon rolls .

Now , all we got to do is just cut them and put them on a pan .

This is the easiest do to roll out .

I'm gonna roll this out .

I think it's gonna end up being about between 12 to 14 inches wide and it's gonna be anywhere from 19 to 20 inches long .

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You can see how easy it just glides along there and just rolls right out .

You don't really have to stretch it or nothing .

I just kind of get that corner square it out there .

You know , when I was working in the kitchen at school , we made homemade Cmon Rose for breakfast once a week and every once in a while we'd make them for lunch if we had chili or something like that .

And , uh , I know y'all heard me talk about it , but we'd have a hot roll dough .

33 to 4 big uh , the big dish pans full of dough .

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And once we got all that dough made and in the dish pans , we'd put all four dish pans up on top of the ovens and let them rise about an hour and then we would take them down and divide the dough up to where we could handle it on the big work table .

And we just carefully , there was always one person we'd take turns each month we switch off who done breakfast or main dish or whatever .

I loved the bacon .

I loved to be baking .

Um That was my favorite .

I love main dish , but baking was probably my favorite .

And uh , well , we made some big beautiful salmon rolls and a bunch of them .

So I'm gonna take some butter here and this was a house stick of salted butter .

You can use unsalted salted , whichever you have .

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And I spread my butter all the way to the to the edge .

Pretty much .

You know , you can put so many different feelings in this Simon rose .

You could put uh apple pie filling , you can put peach pie filling .

You could put lemon curd .

Um You could put sliced apples , you could put fresh peaches , uh blueberries .

I mean the sky's the limit .

You could put nuts on here .

Now , the man that I'm making this for , he doesn't , he just likes the good old fashioned plain Jane Simon Rose .

He don't want no fruit in it .

He don't want no nuts in it .

He's been asking me for a year .

Now , do you make me Simon Rose la ?

No , I ain't had time .

Well , he was really starting to make me feel guilty .

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So I told him he said , I guess I ain't gonna get no salmon rolls this year .

Am I ?

I said I might surprise you ?

So that's what I'm gonna do Monday morning .

I'm gonna surprise him with my homemade salmon rolls and I'm just using , I probably got two cups about two cups of brown sugar here that were spreading over the top .

Um You can just use plain granulated sugar , but I use brown sugar .

One of my Con Cmon rolls .

Now we're gonna put our cinnamon on , you put as much cinnamon on them as you like .

Some people like lots and lots of cinnamon .

Some people don't , don't care for as much .

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So I'm just gonna Sprinkle over the top Now , if I was making this for myself , I would probably open up a little jar of my canned pecans and , uh , put some pecans on here .

I think that would be good .

Now some people start at the bottom at school and how I make him is always start at the top and start rolling towards me .

This is so therapeutic .

I tell you love it .

I could do this every day .

So there's your Simon roll dough right there .

Your Simmon rolls .

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Now , all we got to do is just cut them and put them on a pan and we're just gonna start cutting them now and I usually cut them about inch and a half or so thick and then we'll put them on our baking pan .

I'm using my sheet pan with some parchment paper on it and I even sprayed my parchment paper and I'll show you how pretty that is .

It's about an inch , inch and a half , probably an inch .

And we're gonna start putting it on our sheet pan .

I think I'll spread them out just a little bit .

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Give them room to just wrote to prof and I'm gonna cover this up and I'm gonna put them in my oven , my warm oven and I'm gonna let these proof .

I'm gonna check them after 30 minutes .

Usually after about 45 minutes , they're ready to put in the oven .

I'm gonna take these in pieces and this is usually the one that first one I eat because it's the ugly one .

But it ends up usually being the biggest one and I'm just gonna roll them together and smoosh it down a little bit .

Put it down here .

So we'll cover these up and in the oven .

They go for probably about 45 minutes .

Ok .

Look how pretty they proofed up .

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So they're ready to go into my oven .

I'm cooking them out on the , in the outdoor kitchen .

My oven is set at 3 50 and they'll cook .

I don't like to get them too brown .

I like to get them .

I like them to be kind of soft .

But uh , we're gonna , before I do , I'm gonna gild the Lily on these two .

I'm gonna put a little bit more brown sugar on top and this is just gonna make it just a little bit more gooey .

You don't have to do this .

It's just something I do just a little extra .

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I'm also gonna take a little bit more cinnamon and Sprinkle over the top .

You ever get a cinnamon roll ?

And it just is one of those that didn't get as much cinnamon as the other ones .

Whoops .

I got a little bit too much on that one right there .

But , uh , and there's some people that just want just a little bit of some and they don't want , want it overdone .

Uh , the I think we're gonna be making for these is just your regular old fashioned confection or sugar icing because that's what , that's what my friend likes .

So that's what I'm making .

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So we are gonna stick these in the oven and I'm gonna turn my timer on and I'm gonna check them after 15 minutes and see how brown they are .

And if I feel like they need to go just another five minutes , we go another five minutes .

Ok , we're gonna start making our icing for cinnamon rolls .

Now , I'm gonna use about two cups of complexion or sugar and I'm gonna use the rest of my butter .

Here is about a good tablespoonful room temperature .

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I got a teaspoon of vanilla and I've got some heavy cream here .

You can use just regular milk , but I've got some heavy cream here that I found in the freezer and I thought it out in the refrigerator and this come from , this has been in the freezer since last year when I got my Azure standard haul , which has been a good deer go and it's been in the freezer all this time and I found it the other day .

So I'm gonna use this to make my assing and this is gonna make some really good creamy icing .

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I don't know if any of y'all have ever , uh , bought the milk or the heavy cream from as your standard , but it is some of the best stuff that cream is so good .

I was really excited when I found that left in there .

You know , they always say that you could freeze it and it does freeze very , very well .

I don't know about how well other heavy cream from the store freezes but this stuff freezes in very well .

You see how creamy it's getting .

Now , if he was using this regular milk , it wouldn't have took as much .

I'm gonna put just a little bit more , but the heavy cream is so thick that it takes more of it to make this thing looks good .

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Most of the clumps are out good and smooth and creamy .

I wanna taste , it tastes really good , really good .

That crane just makes a difference .

So if you've got cream or you're able to get some really good heavy cream , it makes a delicious icing .

I'm gonna put what I've got left over , I'm gonna put it back in the bottle and put it in the refrigerator .

Mr Brown can put it in his coffee in the morning .

It was just a little bit left .

So there's our asking .

Our salmon rolls are warm but they're not too hot .

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We're just gonna start putting our icing on , just kind of drizzle it around and you can come back and kind of smeared over the other ones .

Now , there's a lot of different things you can do with the sizing too .

You can put a little bit of lemon juice , you put a little bit of orange juice .

Orange juice makes it really good .

You do that um instead of using your milk or your cream or you could use your , your cream and use an orange extract or lemon extract .

Whichever you prefer , you can make a cream cheese icing , which is what I like .

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Just whatever kind of icing you prefer .

I really , when I make these for breakfast a lot of times I like a little bit of orange juice in my icing .

Yes .

Extra citrus , really fresh taste that I like .

So two cups was just about enough .

There's none of it left .

So , so don't use any less than two cups of complexion or sugar .

So there it is and you can take your spoon and kind of smear that icing around them on L summon roll .

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And at this point , you can add some chopped up nuts on top if you want to walnuts or pecans .

Now you can pre bake these , which means you can bake them until they're just done but not brown .

You have to make sure they're done .

And then in the morning you can stick them in the oven and get them good and brown .

That way you got good hot seven rolls in the morning .

So there's our Mon Rose .

Ok ?

There it is .

There is my Cmon rolls made with Miss Laurie's sweet dough .

These are gonna be so good , you know they are got all that I on it .

They're still good and warm .

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You just wanna make sure that you don't put your icing on it when it's too hot or it all melts away for sure .

It's fixing a runoff side here .

But don't them look yummy .

I told Mr Brown , I said , I told him he could have one or two .

He's out there fixing the road right now from all the heavy rain we had .

So he might deserve a , a good warm cinnamon roll .

So I hope y'all like this video and I hope you try this .

Uh sweet do is so good .

This dough is gonna be good for making .

If you wanna make a some raisin bread , some cinnamon bread , some uh just uh regular like what they call hot cross buns .

If you wanna make a braid , of course , our cinnamon rolls .

There's , there's so many different recipes you can make with this dough and I really think you're gonna love it .

You've seen how simple it was to make .

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So never be afraid to make you some homemade bread , whether it's uh bread or a rose or a sweet bread , but this sweet dough makes the best cmon rolls and some of the best uh raisin bread and stuff like that .

So y'all try it .

So I hope you enjoyed this video .

I hope y'all tried this recipe and make y'all some uh cinnamon rolls .

I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend .

Me and Mr Brown .

We had some uh major weather here and uh maybe the next video we'll talk about a little bit .

So , uh , we were without electricity without internet , without telephone for a little while , for several , several hours .

And , uh , it got bad enough that even Mr Brown got a little bit nervous and a little bit scared and he's usually not really too bad about storms .

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So that tells you how , how bad it got , but everybody's ok .

We just got a lot to clean up .

But y'all try these cinnamon rolls and y'all come back and see us .

We love y'all and we'll be back with y'all in a couple of days .

If you like this video , give us a thumbs up .

If you haven't subscribed , please subscribe to us because it just helps us so much .

Um All you have to do is go in there and just subscribe and uh don't cost you nothing .

You're not obligated to nothing .

But when you go in and you subscribe to channels , it just really , really helps them .

So if you can do it , that , that'd be great .

So we'll see you in a couple of days guys .

We love you .

God loves you and God bless .


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