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2023-07-15 10:30:35

Easy Way To Draw The Planes of the Head For Beginners

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Hey everybody and welcome to the front planes of the head made super simple .

Now , I had done uh another front planes of the head video that you can check out here .

That was really quite complex and very advanced .

But this one is really for the super beginner person who might have trouble just conceiving the idea of the planes and the proportions .

So this , if that's you , this is really gonna help you .

So I'm excited to share it with you .

I've got this handy app on my phone and it shows off what we're going for .

We're going for very simple plain descriptions of the head from the front and the side .

And with this app , you can see it from any angle virtually .

So I'm gonna do the front planes and the side planes in this demo .

So let's jump in and get started .

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All right , the very first thing we'll do is draw a circle and then we're going to bisect that circle vertically and horizontally .

That means cut it in half .

And then we're going to divide the top half into thirds and the bottom half into thirds .

And then we'll add one more third at the bottom , top third is the hairline .

Yeah , this middle , third is the brow .

It's also where the ear is going to be the top of the ear .

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This one is the nose and the bottom of the ear .

And here we have the chin , let's get a sense of the neck .

So from the top of the head to the bottom of the nose , that length will be the pit of the neck or the sternal notch .

And I'll just put a letter V this way , just tangential to the side of that circle .

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And that's the angle that the ear is going to be , you know , we can take this whole length from top of the head to the chin and find the middle place and that's gonna be the eye line .

No , now I'm going to draw basically a diagonal line from the hairline down to that nose line , right where both of them intersect with the circle .

And that's gonna give me the width of the head .

Hm .

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And then from there , I can drop down to the chin with a couple of diagonal lines .

I'm gonna take the brow line , not touching the edges of the width of the head , but just inside , I'll just curve it just a little bit because that's a curved line .

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Then I'm gonna take that just inside the width of the head and just draw one of the planes do the same thing on the left side and remember we're going from general to specific from the big shapes to the small shapes .

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So I'm just gonna connect these here now place the eyeball , the center of the eye where I think that's gonna be and then I'll drop a vertical down and that's gonna give us some important landmarks for the width of the chin and the width of the mouth .

But before we do that , let's uh go ahead and put the ear in .

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So the ear starts at the eye line , comes up to the brow line and goes down to the nose , starts on the eye line , goes up to the brow line just about on average and then comes down to that nose line .

So it fits in that middle third , know , once we have the ears in , we can just draw a diagonal from the top of the ear right to where that vertical line from the eye intersects with the horizontal line of the nose .

Let's do that on both sides .

OK .

And then we'll go straight down to the chin and it's really gonna help us out here .

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So that now really establishes the width of that chin and where it fits in to overlaps the front of the jaw and there's follow the back half of the jaw .

Ok .

Now , the bottom of the nose , this third right here is probably the top of the chin .

So let's divide from the bottom of the nose to the top of the chin into thirds .

And that third there is gonna give us the placement of the mouth and those plum lines from the eyes give us the width of the mouth .

So it's not gonna go too far this way or too shy of those lines .

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Of course , everybody's different , but in general , that'll be the width of the mouth and the placement of the mouth and then let's build the eye socket out further .

So we've got the keystone and then dropping down , we've got the no side plains of the nose that look looks like a necktie shape .

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If you can imagine a neck tie the guys wear , then I'm going to add the globe , which is a down facing plane and then we can establish the front plane very clearly .

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So let's put that in shadow , the plane is facing away from the light .

If we're the light source , these planes will get some tone because they're facing away from the light and the tones facing us or the planes facing us will get the light most of the light .

So there'll be light in value and that's an under plane right there .

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And from the side of the head , I'll just bring a line down on both sides and that'll give me about the width of the neck and then somewhere around the chin , we'll get the shoulders just coming out .

You can draw them like a , a sagging shoulder muscle or just a straight line is fine of the neck little egg shaped there .

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I'm gonna start with that same idea of the circle , just a simple circle .

And I'm just going to draw the guidelines out that show the heights of the features .

This is exactly how we did it in character design for games because it makes it a lot easier and a lot faster to recreate the character from the front to the side .

If we just draw out the basic guidelines , then I'll just go ahead and bisected vertically .

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And that horizontally with brow ridge is divide those into thirds on the top half , bottom half into thirds .

Add one more for the chin .

We'll just go ahead and make an an arc here for the front of the face .

Then I'm gonna go ahead and put an inner circle inside that first circle and that's the side plane of the head .

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I'll bring the jar in and the back part of the job , the line they call it and it connects at about the eye line where the neck connects to the skull .

So let's pull the neck down just a simple C curve .

Yeah .

And that front part of the neck can kind of line up with this inner circle , come off of that the next wider on top than it is on the bottom .

And let's put the ear in at about 11 degree angle off the center and it's in that middle third from the brow to the ear , it'll be there .

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Yes .

And there'll be roughly one ear to the back of the skull .

So the eye line is , the eye is about here .

We're just gonna go ahead and add that uh , muscle that connects the skull to the sternum .

It's a big long triangle .

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Let's go ahead and put in the nose .

So I'm gonna cut in here from the brow to the kind of keystone and then come out keeping it real simple , like a triangle .

And then there's the two cylinder , look at the front of the forehead and going back .

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So lips about there with the eyes at an angle and it's not right there at the nose or at the keystone .

It's , there's some space in between and it's facing , kind of downward , downward plane is the socket .

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And then I'll just put a triangle in here , then we'll put the eyebrow right where it makes that turn .

That's gonna be that temple bone , that side plane , dividing the front plane , the side plane of the head .

Then I'll go ahead and catch a dying line off the top of the ear to write about the nose line and then come down to find the chin and where it fits into the jaw .

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And then I can extend , we can define this a little bit more here , the side of the eye socket and then just draw a line to the top of the ear .

And then you've got that cheekbone all placed and spaced correctly .

Give that little more info on the nose .

Now it's put in the hairline , we follow this plane change from front of the head to the side of the head where that hairline will go , come down to sideburn and there you have it front and side planes of the head made super easy for the beginner .

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Hey guys , I really hope that this simple front and side plane breakdown of the face really helped you .

And if it did please like and subscribe and add a comment down below , you can follow me on Instagram at Dr Juice and feel free to check out my head drawing courses at Dr juice dot com .

All right , we'll see you in the next one .


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