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2023-07-14 14:35:26

I Paid One Bakery $3000 to Make a WEDDING Cake!

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Oh my God , this is my friend Emily .

She wanted to save money by making her own wedding cake insane , right ?

Like with the craziness wedding , she was going to bake her own wedding cake .

But today I am surprising her with a $3000 wedding cake .

Her initial idea was to make the cake herself and bake the cakes weeks ahead of time and somehow find room in her freezer .

Then a day or two before the wedding , she was going to have to decorate and assemble them with a newborn and a puppy at home .

Emily's initial plan for a wedding cake to do something really simple .

But I don't think that that was her dream design for years working at the bakery together .

And you're both obsessed with wedding cakes and cakes just in general .

So I was so interested to see like what her dream design could look like .

Emily is a giver like she will do anything for you and she doesn't expect anything returned , but she is so so deserving of this when Laurie said she really wants to do my wedding cake for me and get this taken care of .

I immediately went , oh my God , how much is she going to ?

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I am not someone that likes to spend money on things .

So having someone else spend money on me makes me feel extremely guilty .

She kind of said , you know , dream up your wildest thing .

Go on Pinterest , go on Instagram .

See what you can find .

And we look through some inspiration together and she just went nuts with it .

We have an excited bride and we have a budget now we just need to figure out exactly what she wants .

So we know what to give the bakery .

Emily's main wedding color is burgundy .

So we knew that that had to be a big component of the cake .

Didn't know exactly how we want to tie it in .

But we know that once the cake is there in the hall , it has to match everything else .

Now , the most basic wedding cake is just like a white cake with fresh flowers on it .

But how do you get from like a $300 basic cake to a $3000 like over the top strapping a cake .

I'm looking for things like height and texture and different kind of dimensions of tears , definitely some goldie or some gold dust .

But the biggest thing is definitely sugar , flour , sugar flowers .

It's hard to find someone who's talented enough who knows how to do them really delicate like beautiful sugar flower work is really challenging .

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That's why most people just stick fresh flowers in the cake and it is the less expensive way of going , but we're not going the less expensive way .

So I went through a pen board , I printed out a million photos of all the different cakes .

I figured we would go through all of them and pick out ones that you like .

Kevin asked me how many pictures I , I think I was like , well , only like six pages I think .

And then after I went through it , it ended up being I lied .

I for sure lied because there's so many more than that , Emily didn't want anything too bold .

I mean , she was ok with doing something like modern and fun and out there but , but not too much .

So we knew she wanted like pretty traditional as far as a mainly white wedding cake , but a pop of that burgundy color .

She really loved this burgundy ruffle like rip pattern that were on some of these tears .

She loved the gold elements and we're kind of playing around with that trying to see if we could do maybe some like gold leafs with the flowers and maybe some burgundy flowers .

She loved the ripped edge on the top of tears and how you can kind of maybe play around with some textures with that .

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Having a good design though , is only half the battle .

Finding someone who can actually execute that and bring it to life is the other part .

But I think that I found the perfect person we're going with .

Alexandra from Feinstein cakes .

Her sugar flower work is exactly on point with what we're looking for .

Most places .

If they have sugar flowers , they're just factory made sugar flowers .

They're not thin , they're not delicate .

They don't really look realistic .

They're just kind of chunky .

I really want these flowers to be on point and I feel like she was the perfect person for that , but she also specializes in wedding cakes .

This is her bread and butter .

This is what she does .

So I knew that she would be able to do something amazing .

Alexander took all of our ideas in and I feel like we said a lot , we broke those down and she's going to come up with a few different designs for us and I can't wait to see them .

Hey , this is Emily .

Hello and Olive .

Nice for you .

All of it .

Emily .

We've narrowed it down to like three cakes .

This one , I just kind of like the contrast of the colors , how it kind of pops from the top and the bottom and how it's sort of like hombre .

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And then I like the flower placement on that one .

How it's kind of like the two bundles of flowers and then there's this 10 Yeah .

This one is like the kind of almost like torn texture on the bottom .

Yeah , you love the gold leaves on this .

If we did like burgundy roses or something like that , have that gold pop there in the leaf .

I think that's really beautiful with that contrast .

And then this was an example we found that had the different like like burgundy pinks but it had that same like ripped texture .

But what we loved was that it wasn't one tone like you can really see the different layers .

We can definitely do that as for flowers .

Do you have any inspiration photos in terms of variety of flowers and also the mix of colors , your sugar flowers , the roses are stunning .

Yeah , they're gorgeous .

We could have those big pops of like burgundy with the big roses and maybe some like I white but like smaller roses and that could be a good mix because they're just beautiful .

Yeah , they're gorgeous .

I've been creeping your Instagram .

So thank you .

Um but I agree , I think the roses and the burgundy would be really stunning .

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If we're mixing a little bit of cream in there , we could definitely do some spray roses in the cream color .

I mean , I think that's everything for now .

The next steps are just gonna be me putting together a sketch for you and then yeah , we'll go from there .

I can't wait to see what you sketch up and what you come up with .

We're like super flexible .

So definitely just like run with kind of what we've given you and make it your own .

Thank you guys .

Ok .

Talk to you later .

Bye bye bye .

We left the consultation with Alexandra feeling totally confident that she was the right one for the job .

But the next task is a hard one , but Emily and I are fully committed to the process .

So we're gonna try every cake icing and filling flavor that she offers .

So I went to the bakery yesterday and got all of the samples which isn't really traditional , but I wanted us to have lots of different samples so we could try every combination .

All I smelled the cake .

I had to come over like , oh , it's all that good stuff .

So she said lemon cake with raspberry buttercream and raspberry como , raspberry compo .

The icing is really nice .

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It's like sweet and creamy but it's not too raspberry vanilla cake with salted caramel , butter cream and chocolate hazelnut filling .

I don't think that's my favorite combination .

Yeah , I like , I like the hazelnut and I like the butter cream .

I think chocolate , I think I like it with the chocolate but but I just like chocolate cakes .

No , that's a good combination .

So even though I like tasting the cakes and Emily like tasting the cakes , Luke still had to taste them and see what he thought of them .

Luke is a big cake person .

So when I brought home a couple of cake boxes full of fillings and icings and cakes , he just kind of devoured before realizing that he needed to make some match at .

You had a very hard time narrowing flavors down .

The final flavor choice is where the top tier is going to be a vanilla cake with a lemon curd filling and a vanilla buttercream .

The middle tier is gonna be carrot cake with toasted hazelnuts and cream cheese , butter cream .

And the bottom tier is going to be a chocolate cake with milk chocolate geno filling and a vanilla buttercream .

Hey , hello .

Hello .

Good .

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I was so excited for Emily to see the designs .

I saw a sneak peek at them the other day so I know what they look like , but the bride is still in the dark and has no idea .

I know I can't believe that .

I'm very excited to show you .

So this first one is a little bit more minimal and kind of geometric .

And then this one we've got all of the ruffles and kind of like an hombre effect at the bottom .

This one is definitely the most botanical one .

I focused more on those bright burgundy flowers .

Super cool .

I really like this one .

This one and like the last one we saw are probably my favorite .

I really like both those designs .

I'm really like , I feel like you took like all of those 20 photos that we gave you and really picked apart all of the elements that we loved .

They , they're great .

I was blown away by the initial designs and I feel like Emily really was too .

I mean , Alexandra truly captured the essence of all of the elements that Emily really liked and tied them into designs that worked .

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I know Emily and I know that she felt really guilty about spending this much money on her wedding cake , but seeing her eyes light up when she saw those designs really made everything so worth it .

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Let's get back to the video .

Now , there's only one thing left to do .

Alexandra has to make this cake .

Hey , there , this is Alexandria here from Feinman cakes and we are about 2.5 weeks out from the wedding .

So we are going to be starting flower prep today .

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We've got some hydrangeas , roses , sweet peas and some gold greenery to make .

I'm sure a few other things thrown in there too .

Next week , it is going to go by super fast because we're going to be baking , assembling , masking , adding fondant and then adding all the beautiful textures and then it's going to be delivery day .

Here are our hydrangeas and those are in that beautiful cream color .

We've also got some sweet peas in that same color .

We have sweet peas in burgundy , some more spray roses in cream and then we have our main flowers , the burgundy roses and these are going to look so beautiful .

Once we get some dust on them right now , they look a little bit two dimensional .

It is the Tuesday before the wedding and all baking is finished .

Most of the butter cream is finished as well .

We've got a packed day of stuff , still time to slice and assemble these cakes .

Now , a bit of simple syrup just to make sure it stays moist .

Then I'm gonna be adding some vanilla bean butter cream for this layer .

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I want to make sure there's like a nice dam on the outside and and smooth it out .

Today is another big day .

We're going to be making a ton of butter cream masking the cakes , finishing up that ruffled tier finally and then finishing some more flowers , hold it and then tear .

So I'm not getting fingerprints everywhere and I want that to be above the line of fondant .

Perfect .

It's going to give it a bit more dimension .

I am all done with this torn fondant ruffle look .

Then I can start masking all of the cakes even though this is going to be covered in fondant .

I still need a really nice smooth surface .

Hello , it is Friday the day before delivery day .

Um , lots to do today .

We're really coming to the end .

Here we are stacking now , this is a gigantic tier .

So luckily I'm tall , I'm gonna show you when I add some of that gold .

I definitely wanted to have more depth and stand out a little bit more .

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So 24 7 because when we're together , we in you stars , I can lean on like a little , a tree .

Should kind of feeling Korea .

Do I want to marry you ?

Swear .

I know it's true way .

You make me feel so good , baby .

So good .

So girls .

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No , what you're looking at is the destruction left behind by a violent storm that swept through parts of the province over the weekend .

I think everyone expects a couple things to go wrong on the wedding day .

You know , it may be some rain , not tornadoes in the area , destroying the ceremony area , shutting down the power in both the hotel where we're getting ready and in the venue and everything was a mess .

I want to put a little PS A out there little public service announcement .

Um , telling a bride on her wedding day that rain is good luck is not gonna earn you any favors .

The cake survived .

Um But about an hour before I was supposed to get married , the storm of all storms rolled through and we had about 10 minutes mourning .

So our whole ceremony area was completely destroyed .

Our venue was out without power .

We ran on generators for the night .

And I was 45 minutes late for my wedding ceremony , but I'm married .

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So it's good .

It's good .

Oh , my God .

Is Emily a trooper ?

And did she pull through ?

And the day turned out beautiful .

The , I could not wait to see the cakes .

I snuck in the hall before the reception to take a sneak peek .

And , oh my God .

Like I had no words .

I have never seen a wedding cake .

That was this beautiful , the height of it , the size of it , the colors on it .

Like you can see the colors next to my dress and they matched perfectly .

They were exactly Emily's colors .

I feel like she brought in every single element that Emily really , really wanted a torn pattern , that kind of hombres in the bottom tier with the gold detailing edging .

So you could really see each torn edge .

I loved the double barrel .

Oh my God , the double barrel .

I feel like I added this really modern edge to it .

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I feel like she really tied the gold detailing in right from the leaves to the edges of the fondant and it all just works really well together .

And don't get me started on those flowers .

Oh my God .

The the flowers were so stunning were so delicate .

They were absolutely beautiful .

She completely nailed the design .

I was so overwhelmed when I saw that cake .

It it was massive , it was huge and the colors were so bold and beautiful and the flowers were just extraordinary .

Just cascading so beautifully down the cake .

Honestly , it just blew my mind .

It was absolutely gorgeous .

I almost didn't want to cut into it because it was just so perfectly sitting there and I was like , you have to cut it .

The flowers were a huge thing for me .

The amount of work that goes into creating each individual petal and leaf and stringing them all together and getting them all perfectly placed in the cake and coloring them and dusting them and adding texture and everything .

It's ours .

Go into a single flower .

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I think it was really just like a show stopper .

I wasn't able to try every cake flavor at the wedding .

So Alexandra sent me home with this beautiful little box with all of the flavors in it .

Look how cute these are .

How sweet is that when the wedding was over ?

I grabbed the flowers off the wedding cake and we want to take them the cake and I want to take them the flowers .

Look at the details in this rose like look how delicate they are .

They're absolutely beautiful .

OK , let's try some cake flavors .

This one is a rich chocolate cake with a vanilla bean , butter cream and a milk chocolate geno that is next level .

That is so creamy .

So so yummy and it's not a really sweet , it just goes down really easy , you know , well balanced dessert .

This one is a spiced carrot cake with a cream cheese filling and toasted hazelnuts just sounds good .

Carrot cake isn't exactly what you expect for a wedding flavor , but it's not too sweet .

It's not too overpowering .

It's not too carrot .

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It's just like a very yummy light cake I could eat this for days .

The last one is a vanilla cake with a vanilla bean , buttercream and a lemon curd filling which I feel like is very classic for a wedding cake .

When we tried that lemon curd filling during the tasting , it was really strong by itself .

But once it's layered with the vanilla bean buttercream and the vanilla cake .

Who is that a good combination ?

I think this one is my favorite .

It's just so light and airy and so yummy .

The lemon curd works so well with the butter cream .

Congratulations Emily .

I hope you really loved your wedding cake .

I loved it .

You guys have to comment down below and let me know what you guys thought of it .

I know I saw all the mushy stuff at your wedding , so I won't get into that .

But you know , I love you if you guys haven't already .

If you could please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe .

It really helps us out and thank you to Alexandra for doing such an incredible job on this cake .

Love you guys so much .


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