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2023-06-14 18:46:39

These Cartoon Characters are HATE CRIMES

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Missing your uncle's funeral .

Should be the least of your concerns .

You best be open that you don't end up spending the night in a jail cell .

I'll tell you what Jesus H Christ and Hot .

So eight , listen , you probably wanna learn how to get myself in this predicament in the first place , right ?

Even more .

So you probably saying , so what does have to do with crappy Caribbean character depictions and popular media ?

Well , you both defined not at the same time , my family both defined out which is right now .

So top of the morning , big man , big woman , big non binary folk .

Them hard go .

I miss you .

This story has triggered warnings for extreme cringe .

I ain't talking about my , I talking about extreme cringe on behalf of yours .

Truly .

So if you can't handle an episode of the office , then you know , you probably wanna go and skip to this chapter right now .

I give you a warning right now .

Ok .

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We both to get on with the I mean , assuming that you watched week before last video , that even feel weird saying assuming that you watch that video , you would understand why I had to urgently fly home and if you ain't then top that right up there .

If you wanna watch a big black man with a bad struggle with a very fragile handle of masculinity , but wait , hold on .

I just , we ain't see each other in two weeks .

And if this is your first video , then you ain't see me in 26 years because that's how long I've been alive in any event .

I didn't miss you like conservatives .

Them did miss the point .

So , hey , drop one comment and we could catch up , right .

So I was in the bathroom at T S E man , minutes away from missing my flight and breaking my family's collective heart by missing my uncle's funeral .

But life wasn't always like this just hours before I got a call that would indelibly change my day .

In the wee hours of the morning , I saw my old man number pop up on my whatsapp and given the recent history of early morning calls , I wasn't too keen on answering this one .

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But when I finally did , it seemed like a call from my dad in the morning till he casually ask me what were my results for ?

My COVID tests , my eyes going whiter than Woody Allen .

I totally forgot to do a COVID visa or without one .

I couldn't even board my flight to the ba I storm out the house like the yang stormed the capital on the sixth of January never forget scouring this barren cornfield called Iowa .

Looking anywhere for a rapid androgen test .

No one , not even the corn .

A customer service rep were too jolly to walk .

So they have to go and drive a scooter around Walmart .

Nobody , nobody is to drop it on the test in Iowa .

How is this America ?

And I can't find nobody to scrape my brain and tell me if I sick or if I tick .

Finally I find a PC R test done by a private company via the airport .

Now armed with a COVID visa .

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I made my reservation for my final destination but nobody not even Lord or himself could foresee the skull that I was about to endure .

And the worst part of it is it was me digging the skulls this time .

Yes .

Yes , I'm the body .

The American Airlines Representative had the complexion of raw toast and a scowl akin to that of Shapiro .

When he sat down with Malcolm Nance , I gave them my flight documents and they returned to me a face equivalent of that of a windows error message like you know the sir , your passport has expired .

Part of me panic for like a second .

I ain't gonna lie .

I I really , you know , I had to have one of them miss the like I ain't gonna lie .

That was me internally for a second .

You know , I didn't let them see my weakness .

All I said in my head was Well , mother fuck you mean first it was the COVID test that I had to find and now my passport expire .

How I ain't noticed that this must be a sign that I need to stay my low pot bed in the States .

But I know that I needed to get back to my family .

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So I quickly retorted .

Oh no .

Anyway , I'm actually returning to renew my passport .

Well , that's very convenient sir , but I can't let you board this plane with an expired passport .

Actually , I can travel to my home country to get my passport renewed .

Their colleague came to whisper in the ear and I could see the wrinkles whizzing with every word that our colleague says .

Well , it's , it would seem that you can actually go back to your home country so long as you get your passport renewed as soon as you um get there .

If vindicated was a person that would be me .

I must see bust the hot boy on them .

I say if , if but new level new devil because I would shortly thereafter encounter yet another obstacle .

Let me preface this by saying , you know , I like to think that I'm self aware .

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It's sad that it has come to this , but I dress a particular way when I go to the airport just so I don't get randomly selected randomly profiled , you know , them random profiles when there is your box right into the back room of the T S A and get feel up , you know , molest up by a big burly man and lo and behold when I pulling out the gray containers to put my items and personal effects in there , I see out the corner of my eye , the big burly man whose name was Marvin in this case and like mentally and physically fortify myself to get feel up because , you know , I know it's the , you know what's coming .

But this time , I guess given the stress of the situation , you know , and the circumstances , I think Panda that just sent me that picture um where she drew me and everything .

That was really sweet .

Big up panda man , San Pan and you know , condolences because she just lost someone as well .

I we losing people left and right .

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But like what I was saying , you know , I , I really think I was taking off God , you know , something happened , something happened because I made a terrible mistake .

Maybe it's the stress .

Maybe it's my Caribbean customs of being overly affectionate .

Maybe it's Maybelline .

I don't know , but I made a terrible mistake .

I'm physically anguishing just recalling the situation for you .

So please remember to like comment and subscribe to the almighty algorithm .

My Lord to walk out the sensor after throwing up the rock , you know what I'm saying ?

And you know the T S A is on the next side of the center , this portly gentleman .

I ain't got nothing wrong with the Port Lee .

You know , he's a portly fellow right now .

But this portly gentleman named Marvin with Oakley Shades on , on , on a be long like he extends his arm , of course to pot me down , you know what I'm saying ?

But for some reason in that moment , I didn't take it as that , I took it as him offering his arms for a hug .

So I come towards this man and I begin to , you know , I just say come bring it in .

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Listen , mor listen , this man get so scared this man flicking , he bark up and then two fellas descended upon me and grabbed me so quick , asked me , what the hell was I doing ?

And honestly , at that point , I didn't even know myself .

I was dissed and dismissed .

Well , well , not actually dismissed .

They actually took me back to the , you know , the time out corner , you know , the T S A agent cubicle where is , you know , processing and things like that after you do stupid things in the airport .

And then they went this line of question like , you know , was I doing something to distract them from something else going on ?

Was I trying to attack , you know , the T S A agent ?

What was I doing ?

And of course I told him I was a little scatter brain because I'm going on a bereavement trip .

So they looked at my documents and then they began to comment on the expiration of my passport .

And they said , you know , give them a second because they're getting a lot of fraudulent passports coming in .

So they're gonna run this through the system .

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I had assumed that they had run it through the system a long time ago , but I guess they must have another system that they want to run it through , you know , just run it like Chris Brown .

Oh , I don't like Chris Brown , never mind anyway .

And I was fine with the extra processing and things like that .

You know , because as a law abiding citizen runs for Jams , you know , I don't , I don't do no things untoward .

So they wasn't defying anything anyway .

And I understand that they're just doing their job , you know , they're just doing their job ultimately , just like Karen was doing her job at the beginning .

The only problem that I did have is the fact that my flight in 30 minutes .

So , you know , I would like for them to , you know , do whatever they're doing rather quickly .

So I very kindly exhorted these gentlemen , you know , just kindly just reminded them a friendly reminder that , hey , you know , I have a flight , you know , in 30 minutes wheels up , you know what I'm saying ?

They got offended and then suddenly they were just like , you know , something don't see him right here , you know , something just don't see him right here .

We can't find anything on you , sir .

Um , what are you exactly doing here in the States ?

If I may ask , I tell them that I do political research in Iowa .

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So then all of a sudden I see my bag being carried by some , you know , big burly accomplice .

And they basically were saying that this protein powder that I had in my bag looks suspicious .

You know , your boy don't miss some meals and , you know , I definitely have some protein .

I stay struck with the protein powder .

But you know , they were saying that this wasn't no protein powder .

No , not at all .

They were saying that this was something else in a protein powder jug that looked like protein powder .

I say big man , you really think I stupid enough to go and smuggle something other than protein powder and a protein powder jug on my check on .

I was getting a little annoyed .

I was annoyed .

I was tired and I was bereft .

So I was basically just saying , um , you know , so please can I , can I please go to my flight ?

You know , you all have seen enough .

Can I please go to my flight ?

It leaves in about 20 minutes and then they said your passport is saying here that you were supposed to be returning to the Bahamas to renew your passport .

Why is it that you're now saying that you're on a bereavement trip , sir ?

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Why didn't you just go to the Bohemian Embassy , sir ?

You didn't have to go all the way to the Bahamas unless you're going for something else .

So I replied rather , I was like for one , you know , I'm not from the Republic of Bohemia .

I'm from the Bahamas and two , uh the nearest Bohemian Embassy is in Chicago and I'm in Iowa .

So I just say , you know , I might as well just , you know , go , go to the Bahamas since I wanted to go there anyway .

I'll say I'll say I'll say I'll say , are you getting aggressive with me , sir ?

I say , Lord , this it right here , you know this it right here .

I both to join the rankings of all of these videos that I'd be seeing on public .

Freak out .

I told him I said , sir , listen , I'm just trying to rush to my flight before I miss it .

Miss your uncle's funeral should be the least of your concerns .

You best be open that you don't end up spending the night in the jail cell .

I'll tell you what .

So it was very apparent that he was trying to intimidate me because there's nothing that I could have been going to jail for and he claimed that you could go to jail for having a fraudulent passport .

So here's the part right here to make my mouth drop , right ?

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I showed them my other forms of identification which includes an Ian driver's license and this is the important one , an American passport .

Listen , as soon as he saw my picture in front of that little eagle that you see in the passport .

This by whole demeanor change .

My boy was all like , well damn negro .

Why didn't you say that before ?

It was like the American passport was literal currency for them ?

It was like it had the secret cold like open flicking some meat chicken .

And as I sat on that plane , I was ruminating over how my bohemian passport wasn't enough .

How simply a wave of an American passport is an imperial and hearty wave of no contest .

My question is why though , you know , the Bahamas is literally the premier destination of the entire world .

Why are we still seeing through the hackneyed eyeglasses of the Cold War which leads to prejudice stereotypes and a litany of other terrible characterizations of Caribbean culture , which we talked about a length on this channel already .

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But have we spoken about Caribbean cartoon characters , you know , cartoon characters that have Caribbean heritage or might just be Caribbean in total ?

How are they portrayed ?

Do they suffer from the same issues and insist that people that portray Caribbean people and Caribbean culture do so in the interest of levity .

I've compiled a list of Caribbean characters and I'm going to rank them on this list according to their accuracy .

All right , let me do the little um let me do the little green text thing from , you know what I'm saying ?

Right .

Be me fot dark and as happiness forever eludes you parents .

Then drag you away from the safety of your desktop computer where you to f studio on dial up connection .

Take me to see this movie about lions or something like that .

I actually enjoy it for a brief moment .

I enjoy being outside .

That's a core memory is formed that I can fondly look back at fast forward .

Be me again .

No darkness .

My old friend , I revisit my happy memories like that .

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When I went to see the movie on lions , I watch it again .

But older me now realizes that there are some things that I didn't pick up on before I realized that the supporting character has a Jamaican accent .

Now , Anastasia is ruined by the red pill of realization .

Still don't know what this is .

You still don't know who we talking about .

Um The name uh it stands for friend lives in a tree .

He's literally a mandrel .

The character I have in mind is none other than Rafiki .

And I already know what you are about to say .

But somehow some way they founded fit to have a Jamaican monkey in West Africa .

Why ?

Now when Rafiki would sing as something banana , you know , I was all like , OK , that's , that's Swahili , you know .

So yeah , they in West Africa , that's Swahili .

But then when he would speak , I just kept on saying that this sound like Chen Hanks trying to be Jamaican like he didn't sound like a actual Jamaican , but he sounded like someone , you know , from Brixton with a Jamaican grandfather .

You know what I'm saying so long and all Rafiki was voiced by Robert .

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Um , you know , I don't want to butcher this man's name because we literally talking about , you know , saying things accurately .

So I don't want butcher this man's name .

You know , this , this is right here and apparently he was having fun trying to be Jamaican or something like that .

Then realized later on that it was a really poor attempt at a Jamaican accent .

No , naturally , of course , Robert is not Jamaican and I'm not even gonna hang on this for too long because this is extremely on brand for American media .

It's easier to bastardize a particular culture rather than having someone from that culture , portray it themselves .

And another reason why I won't hang on this for too long is because there's far more inconsistencies regarding Rafiki .

Rafiki was play by a woman in the subsequent musical , which is probably the best of all of these inaccuracies because then at least you have some women inside the cast despite being a mandrel .

Rafiki is constantly referred to as a baboon , which would make sense because he looks like a baboon .

Plus mandrels aren't even endemic to Sub Saharan Africa .

There's a bunch of reasons to give Rafiki the side , you know what I'm saying ?

But this is my biggest gripe with this character .

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You see Rafiki was supposed to be a cheetah .

But somewhere down the line , they decided to turn this cheetah into a mandrel or a monkey or whatever .

So tell me why , when they realized that Rafiki was a mandrel , tell me why he had to be Jamaican after that .

Like why , why , what about this mandrel says Jamaican ?

Yeah , he gotta be Caribbean , he's a monkey .

So he gotta be Caribbean .

They in Africa , right ?

And as a song , it would make more sense for them to be African rather than have a Jamaican accent because at least then they could say that it is geographically accurate .

They went out of their way to make this monkey Jamaican and they didn't even have the respect to articulate the accent and Patois accurately .

They just slap on a Jamaican accent very sloppily onto this way and just say , yeah , that that's good enough for government's work in .

They give this boy a Grammy for his portrayal of Rafiki and from the Academy of the Grammys or whatever you wanna call him .

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The that I realized that they could kill these fellas could kill if they could see what happened on this screen .

And Lion King .

And they say , yeah , that boy is deserving of a grammy for what he did and what the directors did in making him Jamaican and everything .

Making a monkey Jamaican I realized right then that they could kill they they full blown murderers .

So for that , I have to go and put in detail , you know , D D for Dam you fellas , go to hell on a gas truck .

Now , I have no idea this show even existed until my gal put me on to it .

And it's pretty decent .

You know , apart from what I'm about to talk about , it's pretty decent .

Did you know that , Eddie Murphy ?

Yes , Eddie Murphy had a stop animation show .

Yes , he did .

It's an amazing , has great three seasons of life in the Chicago Cabrini Green Housing Project .

Surrogate voiced by Murphy himself is the cantankerous superintendent stands by his wife Muriel .

Not not this Muriel but not a Muriel as they navigate life in a housing community full of vibrant characters .

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One of which is a character affectionately referred to as Haiti Lady .

And after some digging , you know , some skull digging , we find that Haiti Lady actually has a name even though they rarely call her that , you know , she has a name .

It's and she's literally depicted as the resident Vu queen in the Cabrini Green projects .

See how the obvious issue with this depiction is that lure otherwise known as Haiti lady , mostly known as Haiti lady is pretty much just reduced to the Haitian stereotype of a voodoo practitioner .

And if you ain't seen a video on and voodoo and things like that , then top right up there .

But guess what ?

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In summary , it basically is a big part of Haitian culture , but it ain't the only thing about the culture , it's like every character with Caribbean heritage gotta be the based into the most basal common denominator understanding of their stereotypes like Calypso Aili from the amazing Spiderman who was depicted as a voodoo priestess primarily .

And secondly , the love interest being used by the Craven Hunter , which also has some indirect commentary about how women only exist in the context of men in these early depictions of cartoons .

Like do they have no other characteristic ?

But being in love then you have brother voodoo who literally got voodoo in his name Hayden from Haiti .

He is the brother of Daniel Drum who is known as Doc voodoo .

So I don't know Stanley , you know , I I'm beginning to see a theme with all of these Caribbean characters that you got here , you got an obsession with and the occult , but you don't even have to look that far .

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You know , when looking back at the P J s which we were talking about initially , Haiti Lady is not the only Caribbean character there .

They also have one other car character .

The they didn't even give this by a name as far as I could .

They just give this by some weed and that was pretty much the entirety of his identity , his interaction with the audience and the content is essentially just walking with a weird cloud surrounding him .

So given that I have to joke the Caribbean characters and the P J S in the detail d for dead wrong because there's far more things , the Caribbean culture of Haiti and Jamaica than Weed and Voo .

Now this character comes with much conflict in my heart because a part of me really like this character .

You know , I really love this character .

But the other part in me , the fetching love story of a mermaid longing to be a human .

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It has everything from nail biting stakes to indelible scores with incredible songwriting , but it also has none other than Horatio Felonious , agnosia , crustaceous Sebastian .

That's a lot of names .

I got a lot of names .

He got more names , the Trina crab surfing musician , all kind of things .

He's a , he's a um he's a renaissance man .

Sebastian may not be perfect , but he does have my heart mostly because they claim that he's a Trinidadian crab and I rarely see Trinidad and Tobago depicted in popular media .

Mind , you know , it's a large country that dominates the cultural conversations alongside Haiti and Jamaica .

But a lot of two countries have such a larger cultural profile and TNT doesn't really have that distinctive cultural export in my opinion .

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I mean , in the world , no , Jamaica for you Hussein for Mali , for reggae and the world also know Haiti unfortunately for intimacy and bloodshed , earthquakes , hurricanes and , and voodoo .

But I don't really think the people outside of the Caribbean know TNT for SOCA and Chutney and all the other things that TNT is great for , there's a lot of interesting quirks about Sebastian , but the only reason why he has a Trinidadian accent in the first place , I mean , a semblance of a Trinidadian accent is because Samuel Wright couldn't do a Jamaican accent and I sort of appreciate that Samuel Wright admitted that he was out of his depth in trying to do a Jamaican accent .

But what I don't understand is why did he think that he could flippantly switch between two Caribbean countries ?

But there was still a bunch of inconsistencies like the fact that Sebastian had a reggae album , I think he had like two reggae albums and he's supposed to be Trinidadian , you know , and I know he had some Calypso numbers too , which would be more Trinidadian .

But he all over the place .

He like solid , he mixed right up .

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But I was impressed to see that Shaggy played Sebastian in Little Mermaid Live even though he's Jamaican .

But you know , go on then Disney , look at you big yourself up for doing the bare minimum .

And of course , I tease you all this topic by asking you all what you all thought Sebastian was .

And this was your responses for the most part .

Fun fact , I always got the vibe that Sebastian was gay .

So when Titus Burgess played him on the Broadway special , I was just like , yeah , they understood the assignment .

They understood and considering all those things , I have to give Sebastian the tail .

You know what I'm saying ?

I gotta put them in the tail because b for , you know , you ain't that bad .

Now , Cartoon Network was the superior station for cartoons .

Don't , don't me this ain't an argument be , is a fox mostly because of the adult animation experience in adult swim .

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But also their IP S pretty much surpassed all of the , that we would see on Nick other than spongebob Sponge Bob is , is the best cartoon ever .

But you know , Nick and , and the dreaded Disney .

Oh , look , I don't know what y'all doing over there at Disney .

I glad that I didn't have Disney .

We didn't have access to Disney in the Bahamas when I was growing up and I see that as a plus .

But the character we're about to discuss is a part of the new gen of C N .

No .

When they suddenly rebrand the cartoon Network from Cartoon Network to C N , it was a chain symbolic of a lot of things like aesthetics and also quality in my opinion .

But mind you know , there was some gems to come out of this era of cartoons .

This show however , is not one of them total drama island .

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22 teenagers fighting over 100,000 can in a disgusting island in Ontario who can forget these nuanced characters full of depth and development , especially DJ , voiced by clay .

I think it's Clay , Clay Bennett , a Canadian actor and DJ is allegedly Jamaican allegedly , I say that because there's absolutely no indication that there was any intention for this character to be Jamaican whatsoever .

In the original series TV .

DJ was portrayed as a large African American that fit the early two thousands rapper stereotype his name DJ probably referring and alluding to him being a DJ maybe .

But someone on the line , they say that this might need to be Jamaican .

They just figured us out like they just say , hey Jamaican , which is fine , I guess , you know , DJ didn't really make much mention of his Jamaican ness throughout the show .

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And I didn't mind that actually pretty much just existed as a Canadian with Jamaican heritage despite the fact that he was apparently born in Jamaica , whereas the voice actor was , you know , born in Canada , but DJ was pretty much far removed from his Jamaican ancestry there .

He may have literally only been born in Jamaica .

Like I was literally only born in the States , which is a valid experience just like Tino Tiana and Melina all have Jamaican heritage .

But apart from tea , you know , sprinkling some and a commentary , you would never know , you never know that these people have Jamaican heritage , which isn't even cultural sublimation or assimilation on their part .

They really just only have some familial ties or heritage to these particular Caribbean countries that it would be kind of odd to expect to be as overtly Caribbean as someone like me on the other hand , sure it would be nice for them to acknowledge their Caribbean heritage , which they do from time to time .

But their experience is uniquely North American , just like DJ .

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His Jamaican ness is Jamaican heritage and that's it just heritage .

Now when it kind of gets annoying is when they make reference to his Jamaican ness in the circumstances surrounding him , like the episode , like the episode , Jamaica Me Sweat .

Do , do I really need to do this ?

Why did they have a bob sled event ?

It's like they were trying to channel their cool runnings .

A movie that I've already dragged on this channel before they make reference to DJ S favorite genre being Jamaican reggae as opposed to other types of reggae .

Um which I mean they got skinhead scar , right ?

But I ain't reggae .

Um And then they also make reference to his favorite dish being his mother's chick pea or I know I'm not Trinidadian but you know , it's a Trinidadian dish .

I think it's my bad like Ro ro , I guess D J's only real offense is being an average character in an average show .

Thus , we must rank him at sea here .

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Not for satisfactory , but for seed is the same , not his next show I used to love .

And I still do , you know , I still do , I love them and that's why I have to drag them early .

Television would take a lot of risks because there really wasn't no standard to abide by in the first place you had macabre and disgusting shows like Invaders .

I do .

And one of my favorites , the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy from Billy , the Dunce , the man , the monarch psychopath .

Then you have their bag of bones grimm .

Now , the story is that Grimm was supposed to have a British accent .

But when Greg Eagles was hired , he gave him a Swedish accent which apparently sounded more Jamaican than Swedish .

Thus , the Jamaican Grim Reaper was born or , or died .

I don't know how Grim Reaper works .

Bound to Billy and Mandi after Grimm loses in a limbo match .

You see , let we can't even get around this .

Let's just get right to it .

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You see , they had a Jamaican Grim Reaper doing a limbo .

Don't have many references to Grimm's Jamaican .

This , in this entire series , the accent is pretty much simply used as a comedic vehicle and honestly , it does the job .

It does the job quite well .

I think Grimm's Jamaican portrayal while not having much to do with the culture at all has one of the funniest usages of the Jamaican accent I've heard on television and I appreciate the fact that they don't , you know , give him a blunt or something like that , that smoke to just like , you know , egg on that stereotype .

They use this Jamaican accent as an enhancement rather than the focal point for his character .

Kind of like DJ O only difference is that it was actually well done here and , you know , it was actually an inspired usage of the Jamaican accent .

Only gripe that I have with Max Amos or , or Adams or whatever his name is , is that that one episode , you know , that episode where Grimm turns into a human being and name a Grim white .

I mean , there are white Jamaicans but why did he have to be white ?

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So I gotta give Grimm A B for now .

This one in particular is , is , is complicated because he is such a likable character .

He's just always rooting for this character , but he , he suffers for some stereotypical , you know , flaws .

Let's just rip the Band aid right off with this one right before he was a bureaucrat .

He was a world class limbo whose arch nemesis was Barbados slim who did not have a be accent .

We're talking about none other than Hermes Conrad .

Let's get right to it limbo .

Why does limbo have to be associated with Jamaica and an extension Caribbean culture ?

All the why ?

Tell me why ?

Tell me why he like why all the adverts got , you know , this white boy trying to dance and shake up himself underneath a limbo with a Hawaiian shirt and a flower necklace on him .

Tell me why you know what they talking about , you know , the same brother that doing the the awkward male shuffle underneath the underneath the limbo .

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You know what they saying , why , tell me why , then there's the somewhat harmful characteristic that Hermes had um because he had a medal in the spot .

Um And the sport was sex .

The claim being that sex was an Olympic sport in , you know , 3000 ce or whatever it is .

And while it may seem benign , it goes back to that over sexualization of black and in this case , Afro Caribbean men .

So when girls outside of the culture come to us and they're expecting us to be Raman and Ja and things like that , it can sometimes set an unrealistic expectation for black men and especially Afro Caribbean men to perform sex in a particular way that not all Caribbean men perform .

But moreover , this stereotype also lends credence to the idea that we have all kind of pygian babies running around the place because we are overly promiscuous , which I'll admit that the black community in general has this social phenomenon that we can actually embark in a different video altogether .

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Thankfully , these stereotypes only served as an origin story for Hermes and it didn't permeate through the entirety of the series .

In fact , they actually have a self aware moment where Hermes addresses that Jamaicans have other hobbies .

When Amy Wong says something to the effect of that's all Jamaicans do is is limbo and things like that .

You do have the stereotype that Hermes is a marijuana smoker and a marijuana smoker thought so much so that he tried to buy , you know , some weed from Thomas Jefferson when he was trying to do a Sean Paul , like legalize it .

When you know Ben was talking about , you know , legalizing Robos marriage and things like that .

It's casual and reoccurring references to Hermes's marriage with marijuana , which is a steady reminder that stereotypes sell begging the question .

Who's the problem in this , you know , the people that are making this art and this content and this media or the people consuming it because if we continue to consume it , then there's going to be a demand for it .

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Had we probably tanked the ratings for some of these shows that depict these terrible depictions of Caribbean culture , then you know , they probably wouldn't give it to us anymore .

The reason why there's such a prevalence in it is because we someone's watching it , someone out there is watching it and binging it , which leads me to giving Hermes a not Hermes .

His name is Hermes .

Giving Hermes a sea and putting them in the sea .

Here , most depictions of Caribbean culture is typically to foil or support the main character .

Rarely .

Do you actually have Caribbean protagonists or even Caribbean characters that transcend their Caribbean stereotypes , which informs the world view of people who have tangible consequences on our lives .

When a white boy grows up on mildly racist cartoons , sometimes overtly racist cartoons then goes into the workforce with main character syndrome and sees people that look like me simply as N P CS .

It's of no surprise that ignorance of certain cultures are the prevailing winds of thought for the majority of people .

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And it's of no surprise that I held up in the bathroom with T S A until I pull out an American passport .

It's a crime of negligence , sometimes maliciously , negligent actually going out of their way to get things wrong .

And there will still be some people maybe watching this very video claiming that this is an overreaction and that is simply because they do not prioritize the authenticity and accurate representation of my culture .

But if you leave one star off the star spangled banner , pandemonium will ensue if you dare utter , let alone teach in schools C RT that will actually show the representation of minorities and how they were treated throughout history .

Pandemonium will ensue blood will spill in the streets .

But when a big black man with a bear comes for their problematic cartoon faves and they're claiming that you , you know , I'm trying to talk the status quo in these beautiful depictions of American art .

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You know , that's a problem that , you know , I'm overreacting and they you into thinking that , hey , nothing's wrong with that .

Nothing's wrong with Cool Runnings , something cold wrong with Luke Cage .

But there's actually something very wrong with Luke Cage and Cool Runnings as I've discussed in this video right here , which if you have not watched as of yet , what the hell are you doing , big man and woman , unknown Barin folk ?

Then please click right there .

I can see you over there .


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