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2023-06-14 18:46:18

10 Tips & Mistakes _ Las Vegas Travel Guide 2023

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Hi travelers .

It's Ruby and today we're gonna be talking Vegas .

I've been to Vegas plenty of times and I have a lot of tips to tell you .

So without further ado here are 10 mistakes to avoid when in Las Vegas for 2019 .

Number one .

Ok .

When you're arriving guys , the very first thing you're gonna do is right when you get in the airport , a lot of people are gonna make an exit and go right over to the taxis .

But I'm gonna tell you avoid that .

Do not go use a taxi .

Everybody talks about long hauling and how tell your driver to go this way or that way .

And honestly it can get really confusing .

We say skip that all together if you go the opposite direction and go up to the second story of the parking garage is an Uber pick up and you can get an Uber to your destination .

Uber's got a set fee .

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So you already know what you're going to spend or if you're like us and you really want to do Vegas in style , you should go ahead and just book yourself limo service to and from the airport .

It's honestly not that expensive , especially if you're gonna be splitting amongst a group of people and you're gonna have complimentary champagne .

You get greeted right at the door .

There's a cool guy that holds your name up in a little sign .

You feel like a VIP , you feel really special .

It's a great way to land in Vegas in style .

So either take an Uber , take a limo , do not take a taxi number two , do not stay off strip .

I see so many lists where they say avoid those stupid fees .

Don't stay on strip , don't get waxed by those hotels .

And I'm telling you this is horrible advice .

We stayed at a couple of hotels on Strip .

Our favorite is the Delano , which is the all suite at Mandalay Bay .

A lot of these hotels are honestly pretty affordable .

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The Excalibur Lux , some of these is $40 a night and yes , there is a resort fee .

It's like $20 a night .

It's nothing big .

Just add that on to the cost of the room .

You can split a room with four people and do it really reasonably .

And you're right in the action .

People don't realize how far the strip is and how big it is .

And when you say off strip , you're going to end up spending more money on Ubers or taxis than you would have if you had just stayed on strip , paid those fees , you also are going to have all the entertainment food and gambling right in your hotel , you're going to have a much better experience .

A lot of my tips on this list are going to be about , you know , not being afraid to spend that money or not being afraid to do the best experience you can .

And I'm telling you guys do not stay off strip .

That's a huge mistake .

If you're in Vegas , you need to be on strip unless you're going to Fremont .

But that's a whole another video for a whole another time .

All right , number three guys is the timeshare trap .

This may sound familiar to some of you .

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If you travel a lot and for others of you , you're going to be really surprised you're gonna be in a hotel gambling or you're gonna be walking the strip and someone's going to come up to you and say hi , I'd like to talk to you about getting free show tickets .

I've seen people fall for this trap time and time again .

Listen , if a deal sounds too good to be true , it probably is .

The time share trap is where someone's gonna say , hey , if you just come and watch this presentation and then you're gonna get free show tickets .

Now , Cirque Du Soleil tickets or other tickets can cost upwards of $100 .

So you think ?

Oh , cool .

I just watch a presentation and bam I'm , I'm gonna be getting free show tickets wrong .

This is a time share trap .

What they're gonna do is make you sit through a 34 hour sometimes present because people are too polite to get up and leave and they take up all the time on your vacation .

Yes , you get show tickets , but you also just wasted four hours out of your day .

It's not worth it .

If you want some cheap show tickets , go to one of those kiosks on strip .

They're called Ticks for tonight .

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A lot of the times they're gonna have all the unsold tickets from the shows for those evenings and you'll be able to get a huge discount .

Uh , if you want a search show , try that .

It's a quick way to go and look otherwise , you know , I think they're all well worth the entertainment , right ?

Number four Street Hustlers .

So this kind of goes along with that tip essentially .

If anyone on this trip comes up to you and says , hey , how long are you here for ?

When are you staying ?

Till your answer should always be .

We leave tonight .

It's the politest way to get them to just leave you alone .

If you even answer , they're gonna follow you .

I'm a sucker for this .

I'm from the Midwest and I'm very guilty of always wanting to be polite and answer someone when they talk to me .

Kind of like those people that are walking around in the mall and they try to hand you free samples because they want to get you to your kiosk .

You just have to keep walking .

Street hustlers are just the same .

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You know , you're gonna see a guy in one of those costs and they're trying to take pictures with you , you know , bumble bee and Spiderman and that's fine if you want to take pictures with them , but they do want a tip .

You need to pay them a tip .

I actually had a guy come up to me and say free C DS free CD .

Si naturally took one .

Thank you .

I walk away .

He comes following me .

Hey , hey , I'll autograph for five bucks and they go Oh no , thank you .

No .

And he goes , oh give it back then .

It's not a free CD .

You guys .

They're trying to get money , they're trying to take your money .

Don't take anything from anybody .

Even those slapper naked lady cards as funny as they are .

Don't take anything from anybody .

You're just gonna end up stuck having somebody following you .

Somebody bothering you .

It's not worth it .

Avoid all these scams .

These are all scams .

Ok ?

Number five .

Don't over plan .

This is me .

I'm guilty of this .

If you're me listen up , you are gonna see all these lists , things to do and things to do in Vegas do this in Vegas .

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Go here in Vegas , eat here in Vegas .

It's overwhelming .

There is so much to do , which is why I think it makes a great repeat trip .

But that being said you can over plan yourself .

I'm one of those who finds myself trying to plan .

We're gonna go here for breakfast .

We're gonna go here for lunch .

We're gonna go here for dinner .

We're going to get a drink here .

We're gonna stop here and see this .

I'm telling you , you're not gonna be able to do it all and you're gonna get overwhelmed and then you're gonna feel like you miss out , pick a couple of things that you really want to do on your trip depending on stay , maybe make sure you have one thing planned like , ok , this is the night that we're going to the nightclub or hey , this was a pool day that we planned , plan that out and go around your trip from there because there's so much to do and see and run into .

I promise you're not gonna be bored if you don't plan too much , but make sure you pick one or two things you really want to see and do .

Ok , guys , we're coming in at number six and this is going to talk about going out at night , going to the nightclubs .

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Now , if you are somebody who likes to go out at night and you're , this is gonna be the perfect place for you and the perfect tip for you .

A lot of people get those night club tickets where it's free , the free entry and two free drinks and you think .

Oh my gosh .

Awesome .

We're gonna have a free cheap night wrong .

You when you go to a nightclub , the best way to enjoy yourself is going to be to book a table .

Now , some of you might want to click out of here already .

You're like , I don't have the money for that .

I get it .

But listen up when you walk into the club , it is packed body to body .

They are packed .

These are super popular destinations to go and party .

You're gonna have a hard time getting those two free drinks .

Once those are gone , your drinks are gonna cost 20 to $30 a pop .

I'm not kidding .

Table service is going to run you anywhere from maybe $300 to $500 for a bottle .

Which sounds crazy .

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But your book in Prime real estate split that amongst four people , five people , six people , you're going to have a designated space for the entire night .

A table where you get to sit , you can dance around your table without people bumping you bothering you touching you .

It's just the best way to enjoy the night ladies .

If you're a huge group of ladies , I'm not gonna lie , go find a promoter and you might be able to get a table for free guys .

You're gonna have to pay , sorry .

It's just how this goes , but I I can't recommend enough if you're trying to go out for the nightclub .

Booking a table is the best even better .

Another side tip , book a table at a day club .

Those are a blast .

All right , guys , number seven is going to be free entertainment .

So a lot of my tips so far have been , spend the extra money , spend the extra money .

And you guys are thinking Ruby , I don't want to spend all this money .

I thought this trip was going to be kind of affordable and it can be , it just depends on how you do it .

Now , what we like to do in Vegas is a lot of our money is going to be spent at night .

We're going to be gambling .

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We're gonna be drinking .

We're gonna be partying during the day .

We like to keep things chill and keep things cheap .

There is so much free entertainment to do first .

If you're staying on the strip , you got that pool right there and there are some really , really nice pools .

Go look up a mandalay bay pool area , you're gonna be shocked .

But if you're not gonna be at the pool and you want to go walk around and sightsee , there's tons and tons of free entertainment .

Everybody knows the Bellagio fountains , which is like a huge fountain show .

It goes on every 15 minutes and they are awesome .

But if you go inside the Bellagio , there's the Bellagio Conservatory , which is a different garden show display that they do every season and they are gorgeous .

It's really easy to spend 15 minutes in there .

Taking pictures and looking at all the beautiful sights um in Caesar's Palace , you're gonna see the Atlantis show .

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These really crazy Disney animatronic type things come out of the ground and they do this big booming show where they talk about Atlantis and choosing an heir and I , I don't even know what's going on most of the time .

Usually I have a drink in my hand but there's fire , there's water .

It's a really exciting little 15 , 20 minute show to go watch .

All the hotels have something cool and interesting going on in them .

Just going and looking in the hotels is free entertainment in itself .

It's called hotel watching .

And you just go in all of their lobbies are out of this world .

It really is adult Disneyland .

There is so much them , there is so much to see and do .

You can walk up and down the strip for hours and get free entertainment everywhere you go and you don't have to spend a dime .

All right guys and my last three tips coming in are gonna be about gambling .

If you're not a gambler , that's ok .

Although I have to say if you're not a gambler or a drinker , it's kind of what Vegas is all about .

It's not called Sin City for nothing .

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But my number eight tip is going to be gambling and setting a budget .

A lot of people when they gamble don't necessarily have a budget in mind .

And that is a bad idea .

First of all , make sure you know how much you're willing to lose because yes , you can and probably will lose .

Gambling is a loser's game .

You can win .

And we have one , we have hit it good in Vegas .

Sometimes we win , sometimes we lose , sometimes we break even .

But we always have a budget of here is what I am going to spend .

Some people do the envelope trick where they pull out money and put them in different envelopes .

And then that night that's the money they have to spend .

I just have one big lump sum where I say I'm gambling this when it's gone , it's gone .

Um , a lot of people suggest not drinking while they're out gambling because they might be more likely to spend too much .

I kind of have to have a drink if I'm going to gamble any money because it's just too risky in my opinion .

But setting that budget and know what you're going to do is a great idea .

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Oh , and please avoid the casino .

ATM S the fee is like $12 or something outrageous .

Do not fall into that .

Get your money somewhere else .

Oh , my gosh .

Go to Walgreens and buy a bottle of water and take cash out .

Number nine .

My Vegas .

So this goes along with gambling a little bit .

This is going to be a great way to get yourself free stuff or coupons .

This is something you want to do and all this is , is a free gambling app .

So my Vegas is for all the m life properties .

I can probably do a whole video on my Vegas if you guys are interested .

Leave a comment below .

But essentially what this is is you're going to get fake money that you're gonna fake gamble with and you accursed for how much you're fake gambling .

Once you've put these points or coins , you can use those to get coupons .

We have eaten a buy one , get one free breakfast for an entire trip , four days for free by just playing this app .

We've also gotten free drinks .

We've gotten free show tickets .

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There are things you can get on here that is going to save you a ton of money and all you have to do is just fake play a lot .

It's a lot of fun .

It's easy do this before your trip .

Like I said , if you guys want to hear more about my Vegas , let me know in the comments and our last tip may be one of the most important in my opinion .

If you're gonna do a repre trip is players club cards .

You guys are gonna need a player club card .

All this means is that well , first of all , before you booked your hotel on strip because you're gonna book on strip , right ?

As I said , you should register for an account either M Life for the M G M properties or Caesars or whatever card you're going to use whatever hotel you're gonna stay in , you're gonna register with them at their hotel .

You do it on their website .

It's very easy .

You're automatically going to get 20% off your room if you do this .

First of all , that's why this is so important and our last tip .

But second of all , you're now tracked in their system .

They now know that you're in their casino and you're spending money .

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Once you've registered online , you're gonna go to the M life desk when you arrive or the Caesars desk or whatever hotel you're staying in , you're gonna hand them your ID and they're gonna print you out a shiny new player's card .

Enter this card any time you use a slot , hand them this card , anytime you eat on property , use it everywhere you go , they're gonna track that you're spending money with their resort and guess what ?

You're gonna get offered free stays .

We've been offered a free stay every time ever since we've been going , I can't speak for the other properties , but I know m life for sure has offered us free stays just for being gamblers and just for gambling in their properties and using their hotels .

You need them to keep track of where you're at and what you're spending .

So I highly highly recommend getting a player's card .

It should be the first thing you do after getting all your , your plans organized .

Of course .

Ok , guys .

And that is the 10 mistakes to avoid when in Las Vegas 2019 .

I hope you guys enjoyed this one .

Give it a like and subscribe to Ruby travels .

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Thanks so much .

See you in the next one .


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