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2023-06-14 18:40:20

Secretly Engine Swapping my Mom's Car!

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What's up guys and welcome to today's video .

I'm excited .

This is going to be the start of probably one of what I think is going to be the best series on the channel ever .

So my most viewed video of all time is when I took my mom's car and I secretly installed a turbo on it and then filmed the reaction .

It was kind of like , I don't want to say a dud video , but she wasn't really that surprised .

She barely even noticed that there was a turbo , but people still love the video .

So I want to one up that and I kind of , I don't wanna say tricked my mom , but she's been nervous to take it in to get service because , you know , she thinks it's his aftermarket hot rod and she doesn't want any of the shops messing up anything on the car because it's , you know , not stock .

So she's scared to do an oil change or get it looked at and it throws check on lights here and there for like having no cats .

So I told before Christmas , I take the car back over the shop and I'd look it over and then I bring it back to her around Christmas .

But what she doesn't know is the plans are to do a quick engine swap on it .

Bring it back to her and surprise my mom with a completely different engine in her car that should be making more than double the horsepower it makes right now .

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But before we get into any of that , I want to take the car for a drive , See how it held up .

See if it's still making a boost at all .

She says it still rips and she tells me all the cars that she races and all the people that she humiliates .

But I want to see for myself how this thing is holding up right now .

Yeah , my clears up .

It did get a random misfire coat sometimes .

I think it's maybe a little rich .

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So maybe it floods a little bit or maybe it's down to compression on one cylinder .

I think we're going to compression , test it when we bring it back because it would be nice to know that it has good compression because hopefully the engine that's in it right now is worth some money because I'm sorry , mom .

But to fund the new engine swap that you're getting , I'm going to have to sell your current one .

It's boom in case you guys forgot .

She's got a tiny old snail on there .

Nice intercooler set up .

This is gonna be fun , Mike .

You better .

You better get a neck brace , dude .

This thing is quick .

Oh , don't mind me , bro .

I remember doing this when I was a little kid .

Oh , Joe .

You got to slam it at him or it won't close all the way .

Yeah , it sounds like the smart ones are pretty foul .

Uh , yeah .

What ?

Smoke ?

Smoke ?

Yes .

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So , you know how girls are always , like , I think there's something wrong with my car and it's like there's like a thing in the trunk that's just rattling around .

My mom's like , I think there's something wrong with my car and she's like down in compression on one cylinder .

It's misfiring and breaking up with one control Shaman .

Oh , sounds sick though .

I think it's just a little rich because I can smell a lot of fuel .

Let's go for a rip .

You guys aren't familiar with this .

My mom got this car new .

She's loved it .

She drives it to the beach .

It's got 20,000 miles on it .

The 2006 Pontiac Solstice and probably made like about 160 horsepower .

We put a turbo on it .

I think it made like the 200 .

We're going to see if it still does .

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God , this t is like instant , this thing is way faster than I remember .

Do you would imagine my mum just sliding around everywhere .

This like riffs dude , man , I hope the next engine is this good .

That same , this dude , I didn't , I swear .

I don't remember being this fast before .

What the heck that so is rear end dude .

This thing is quick .

I can't believe my mom drives this dude .

This is like a lot of fun .

Oh my God .

I'm second guessing the engine swap .

Now .

I remember this thing being so slow .

This is a blast .

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Yeah , I'm staying committed to the plan .

I'm sorry , mum .

I hope the new engine is better , dude .

Look at that line up .

Y Yeah .

Yeah .

Yo , I wanna give you a ride in this .

Ok ?

I'm not gonna say anything .

I just want you to go for a ride of it .

Alright , I wanna go but we'll give you a ride when we get back .

Hey , everybody gets rides in my mom's car .

Are you ready ?

Yeah .

What's gonna be fast ?

Right ?

I think the top might knock over my head .

Yeah , it's definitely not made for tall people like us .

I just , what is this thing ?

I know , dude , dude , literally the first time you like drove it .

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I like for it in the car and I was like no way .

Wait , you guys never tried that before , dude .

I don't remember this car feeling this fast maybe because it was like in the heat or what ?

And it's kind of cold too .

So , dude , she's a ripper .

I feel bad .

Are those like 245 ?

I just hope the new tires grip .

It's all good .

You got the new car for the 2021 .

Your face made it all the corner .

You're like I wanna go , you wanna Yeah , I wanna go , right .

Yeah .

Ok .

Ok .

Yeah .

Ok .

See it's so impressive .

It's too fast , huh ?

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Oh it's so fun .

Do you think she's gonna like the new engine more ?

Um Yes you do .

Well it's pretty great .

No , it's fun but she's not , she's gonna be caught off guard .

It does move a little car .

Yeah .

It scoots .

Yeah .

It scoots and shoots .

Oh my God .

Fuck .

And that's your house .

He was a rapper .

Time to pull her inside trying to pull the engine out .

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Mhm About an hour .

I think my goal is to just pull body parts off like try to get the front end removed .

So we just have easy access at the engine .

So we just , and the next time we work on it just pull it right out .

You're a lucky , lucky man .

You're a lucky , lucky , man .

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What the fuck is that ?

Come here .

We didn't get scared in the engine bay for the past three days .

Remember ?

Come here , come here , come here , get out of there .

Yeah , Marcos , relax .

Relax right here .

Relax , relax , relax .

Grab him , calm down , everybody , calm down .

Oh oh That's a big one .

We got them all wrapped up at him .

They're always like wild and then you catch them and then they chill out for this guy .

He's , he's come on .

Chill out .

Thank God .

He's a bad boy .

Look it up but s side dude .

What's about saying it about ?

Sad dude .

Yeah .

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One sec .

Just a sec .

Oh , you show me he was , I didn't , it's time to pull the engine out of the solstice but we got hit by a curveball , a car down the road actually hit the telephone pole and it knocked out power .

So we're working in the dark and we don't have , you know , grinders and air compressors and all that stuff , but we shouldn't need it .

I think all that's left done .

This thing is to do the exhaust , pull off these pans so we can unbolt the drive shaft and then we're talking about maybe just lowering down this rack in the sway bar to give it a little bit of clearance .

So , rather than having to go up with the engine , we can just kind of pull it straight forward .

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So we're gonna start working on that and get this thing out of here successfully , was able to drop the sway bar in the rack without having to even as much .

Um One thing we're noticing G M is really , really bad about using different size bolts .

So unlike a lot of other cars , we work on where , you know , you'll see the common 10 mil , 12 mil 14 mil , there's everything from an 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , you name it .

Um But we've just exposed the American R 1 54 A K A , the A R five .

Um , the engines , what they were going to be doing is actually going to use the same exact transmission um with an adapter bell housing .

These are actually pretty good .

Um Just like an R 1 54 .

They do have some weak points , but I think for what we're doing , this should work really well .

Oh , damn , dude .

Why are you shaking your head ?

Uh oh How's your oil pan ?

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No , I got a flat tire on the way , had to turn around and go back and I had to grab this and then I tried to get bandages .

Did you hear what happened here ?

I know about the power .

Yeah .

And then I tried to get Dunkin's and Duncans wouldn't give me coffee because you have a couple .

They're Latin .

No power .

Oh Yeah .

Forgot about that .

Poor Mike .

Meanwhile , back in the studio .

Yep .

Coming out .

Don't pull out of me because you were just like , oh , like I was leaving them there because it's the last we were under the impression that this was a dust shield , not a mountain .

It's not that it's a , it's a , it's a mountain .

Well , I'm in a very awkward position now .

Thanks to you to stay there .

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Yeah , it ain't no talk to uh I have a sketchy way to do it but what we can't go up and unlock the things , get it so we can't go down jeez .

All right .

Let's go later .

What's the sketch you at ?

Um , you see these things ?

We got two of them .

Oh , gee , that is sketchy .

But what's the worst that happens ?

It falls on the locks .

Let's do it .

Yeah .

Well , now the sketchy part , let's go up a little bit more just for six measures .

Now I need to go over here .

Somebody needs to go over there and ask you who want to , who want to someone you wanna that real quick ?

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I I'm like fully unlocked , right ?

Is this how Benjamin Franklin worked in his car before he discovered power success in Japan .

Yeah .

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No , no , no , no , no , no , that hurts .

This is like ah I being stabbed , you look like you got a sore .

Oh I don't know .

Maybe it was I thought you said you too Spanish .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Or when you take the motor out .

Uh Yeah .

Remove this .

Slow up .

All right , ready , slow at the end .

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So I think what we're gonna do with this video , it's kind of hard where to draw the line .

Uh I haven't really explained this to you guys , but this is kind of why the previous videos have been a little bit light because this has been going on behind the scenes .

But I can't upload these videos because then my mom will know something is going on .

So I've been trying to keep this on the down low .

Um But I think what we're gonna do for this video .

We'll get everything prepped for the new engine , but you guys are gonna have to wait till the next video to find out what the new engine is gonna .

Um If you guys have some guesses , but uh definitely this is gonna be cool .

These are gonna be daily videos uploaded after this .

I'll technically have everything done already because I can't uh upload anything until I've already given the car to my mom .

So uh you'll have a video every day .

So , Merry Christmas , I hope you enjoy .

All right .

So one of the first things that needs to be modified on the car to fit the engine is um rather fit the power string because the power string will be on the other side .

Um is to relocate this line , this line usually run this way like this .

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So you loosen the fitting , move it up this way and then you bend it back carefully so you don't kink the line and that's , that's one of the first steps .

Um Then we do the same thing to the fuel line .

We route it inside the frame rail , so it clears , I'm guessing the headers , the adapter and all that .

So that will go inside here instead of this side .

So those are the first two easy modifications to the car .

And then from there , we have to modify these rails .

The way I'm gonna do it is I'm gonna cut slit here and then hammer that down , grind this off , first , hammer down and then weld it on both sides to keep the structure uh of the chassis .

Um And then there's something on the , on this side , there's this hump we believe has to be modified .

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We're trying to confirm that , but um this , I guess is on the way of the AC if so we plan to run AC on this car .

So we have to modify that .

We're just confirming that we could do that before we start cutting at it .

That's it .

That's for that .

So right now I'm , I'm doing clips the whole the lines down here to the chassis .

So that's easier for me to work with the line and , you know , I don't bend it the wrong way .

Um So the more leverage I have the better and then the s to draw the line .

That sounds great .

Oh my God .

All right .

So I was thinking about waiting till later to show you guys this , but I kind of want to show you now .

So I did get a new set of wheels for her car .

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Reason being , um , the wheels that are on right now are eights and I wanted to stick some bigger tires on it .

So I was traction because the new engine is gonna definitely make some steam .

So , uh , it's very difficult for this car because it's five by 1 10 and not a lot of wheel companies have five by 1 10 wheels in a higher offset that this car needs because it's , it's just got a funky wheel set up for it .

Um , but E S R actually offers a red drilling service so I was able to get these wheels from them in five by 1 10 .

E S R kind of used to be known for making rep wheels and stuff back in the day .

They actually discontinued all of them .

Um They make three piece forage wheels now and they have their own line of model blocks .

So I don't know , I'm pretty hyped on this .

It's a cool looking wheel and it'll be enough to her .

Like I think that I can go to my mom and just make her think that the only things that have really been changed on her car were the wheels and the exhaust because it's gonna have a dual tip exhaust and different wheels and be like mom , look at your car and it's gonna start it , it's gonna be different .

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But um yeah , I'm super appreciative E S R got this done super fast for me just in time to make sure I had them all dialed in for my mom and if you look , she's got some fat old Mickey Thompson's that she's getting on there .

No burnouts .

Mom .

Look at this dude that's gonna look sick .

But the reason I had going in half is because these are 2 70 fives , the 2 70 fives wouldn't have worked with an eight inch wheel .

It would have been a little bit too much .

She might have a little bit of poke .

Um , it's kind of cool .

You can see how E S R red drills them , it looks like they drill inward and then they have like , inserts that sit inside .

I've never seen like a set of red drilled wheels , but it's totally cleanly done .

Yeah .

And it opens up a lot of new um kind of like windows for wheel possibilities if you have a car that doesn't have really uh any good options .

So , uh because these wheels won't be able to use the O E M mug knots .

I also got a set of their Titanium Mug Knots which are pretty cool , machining mark .

Some of them are cool .

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Right .

So she's all clearance and ready to go .

Uh as a reminder , this is going to be a daily series .

So make sure you tune in tomorrow where we are going to reveal the new engine that we are going to surprise my mom with in her car .

Uh If you have any ideas , make sure you comment down below in the comment section .

I want to see if you guys can guess it , it's gonna be nice .

It's gonna be pretty rad and uh hope you're gonna enjoy the series .

See you tomorrow .

Way past me .

Right .


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