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2023-06-14 18:36:11

The LZ Compound Came With Over 40 Car Lifts!

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We have an alignment rack and none other than a few .

Hey guys , welcome to the L Z compound .

Official video number two .

Uh Before we go and explore what I think is , I feel like I said , it's like eight million times already , but one of the most jaw dropping areas of the property , I wanna give you a quick update on what's been going on with this big building here .

Starting off with the shop space .

Welcome .

I don't know if you guys remember what it used to look like before , but we spent pretty much a solid day just getting rid of all the junk that was in here sweeping .

We haven't even gotten to mopping yet , but even removing that black thing here makes the shop look so much nicer .

There's so much water all over the place still got some stuff to take care of on that table .

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But overall , I mean , even just between Marco and Johan going up with the big pole thing and getting rid of cobwebs and stuff , the quality and finish of this building is 10 times nicer than we initially thought just because it was kind of clouded by all the junk and stuff .

And before we dive in too deep , I just wanted to remind you guys how unbelievably appreciative .

I am of all the support that you guys have been giving us , seeing all the positive feedback on these videos is amazing .

And I also wanted to extend a very big thank you to all of you guys that have pre ordered the LZ compound bundles .

And if you haven't gotten your hands on one today is the last day that you can order .

It will be over at Sunday at midnight .

Way you can get the cool limited edition never going to be printed again .

L compound shirt behind the scenes photo book that I will sign foldable shovel and some cool stickers .

As we were cleaning this place , we definitely uncovered some weird stuff in the drawers , everything from gels to rat poop and Ethernet Cable , some shop manuals in case we need to learn how to work on a car .

Well , the best thing is on this bad puppy right here .

I'm going to let Mike do the honors .

How do I turn this thing on ?

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You gotta like reach in there behind .

There you go .

Oh , they got a little , little cage on safety .

Very similar to uh the set up he uses to edit on a little better .

A little nicer than what I got .

We got a tight budget around here .

I think that that's what it's called Dutchman Opening Mexico .

To a woman in her early thirties .

She is Teresa Costa .

She's holding a knife as she was just cutting vegetables in the kitchen .

Her husband Humberto Costa is 10 years older and is wearing the overalls of a mechanic .

He's covered in grease and dirt .

Standing off to the side of Teresa is her eight year old son .

Crystal Ball .

The boy is scared .

I don't know where this is going .

Theresa Oscar .

I worked as hard as you and I like shoes so I buy them .

I get good deals on them and all our bills are paid .

So , what's the problem Oscar ?

The problem ?

I have no place to keep any of my stuff .

Every closet is packed with your crap .

You buy and buy and buy .

Look , I got friends who can get me great deals on , but it doesn't mean I have to buy any .

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Oh , please .

You buy those rusty piles of on four wheels you call , makes air quotes with their hands classics and our garage and yard looks like a junkyard .

I don't know if this is about like the previous owner's past times and he's just like letting off some steam or something .

But , or if it's an actual like script or something , it might be .

We either had some move .

Whoa , I broke your camera .

What happened ?

I turned into a go my God .

Oh my God .

I S 04 million I S 0 400,000 .

I just wanted to vlog .

Ok .

Either they were writing plays in here or committing murders .

I don't know .

But this is the , this is the find of the century .

There's a whole play in here .

Like , I think we might sell it to Broadway , to be honest .

Yeah .

Enough of that .

Uh , one other thing I'm kinda curious , I don't really know how deep we were going to go with renovations in terms of including the videos , but it seems like you guys really enjoyed me talking about the plans that I want to do .

And I also want to preface saying I'm not just saying a bunch of stuff that I'm going to do .

I'm not going to do it .

This is the first time we've actually been in a facility that we own and are planning to stay for a number of years .

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So I'm excited to actually do renovations and not just talk about doing stuff for the walls , you can see kind of dirty in here and kind of gross and we're worried that we might not be able to match the white paint .

So we're thinking about just like dropping a line and doing kind of like a two tone , like maybe like a gray color on the bottom .

Um Don't know if we're gonna do it ourselves or if we're gonna hire someone to come in with , it would be faster .

But like , I don't know , I feel like it's like a fun bonding experience .

You know , there's like a , there's a certain limit with it .

But anyway , enough about this , let's get to the good stuff .

Oh , yeah .

Let's go for do .

Oh my God .

Oh , come on .

At least you get me mad .

This coffee spilled here .

So the golf cart is not in the best shape .

We're taking a stroll over some buildings right now .

One thing that's been really cool after these videos have gone up .

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I've been hit up by so many people with really bad companies that do stuff like pressure washing ac construction and it's just really cool to see the amount of love and support from you guys that are excited to come and help us and I'm excited to kind of hire and work with companies that are passionate about stuff that we do and that's been really cool to start with the concrete .

I really want to pressure wash this whole place .

We have a couple of places coming out to give us quotes , but it is beautiful underneath all this grime , you can actually see through my tire marks .

It's going to be like nice and like look brand new .

It's just been sitting for so long and then my dude that does my landscaping , I guess has a golf cart business .

So he's going to help out with the golf carts and it's just , it's exciting .

It's really cool .

It's really special .

And uh , yeah , we're here , let's uh , look inside this building .

Here you guys saw me drift by it the other day but do you know what's inside ?

Let's find out .

Ok , ready for it .

Ready .

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Look at how cool this is .

I don't know if a video is gonna do with justice .

Um , but the quality of these floors is really nice .

It's clearly not been cleaned in a while .

You can see like all the dust and dirt and stuff but not one , not two , not three , not four , not five , not six , not seven , but 84 post lifts .

I could technically fit all my cars in this one building if I needed to .

Uh , because you can do 12 and then three in front of it , beautiful insulated , uh , has air conditioning , pretty much all the buildings in here have air conditioning .

It's already set up with power cables and , um , it's probably for trickle chargers , I'm guessing .

But look , it's even got nice roll up doors .

So , uh , you don't have to worry about any sort of overhead doors .

It's so nice either killing light if you want to work with the doors open or potentially , if you ever put a two post lift in that area , that's a concern that you don't need to have .

But this is a beautiful building .

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Um , we don't necessarily have a purpose or a plan for right off the bat , but this might end up being what is either down the road if S 15 and F D program really expands .

It might live here .

But in the meantime , this will probably end up being the employee workshop .

Um Mike Schulman , Freddie Johan Marco , everybody's got cars to kind of work on .

So I'm thinking this will probably be the building .

Um but maybe temporarily another building that I'm gonna show you guys in a little bit .

But uh overall , this is a beautiful building when we saw photos of this .

Initially , it didn't do it this , but the quality of everything is just immaculate .

You can tell it was just used for a car collection .

Um Once we mop the floors and wipe down a few things , it's going to look brand new .

So one of the many mysteries here that we haven't necessarily figured out yet is what lived back here and maybe you guys can help us figure it out .

There's all of these little um like steak thingies .

I wonder if maybe there's some of those like Carport things .

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I thought that it was another one of these that was back here .

No , because like originally , like you would think that these were like lifts or something , but actually now that I look at it , it looks like these were all those like aluminum Carport things .

So what after we show you the stuff today , you'll kind of get a little bit better understanding of how this place was built and where it started because it kind of started one shop expanded , expanded , expanded expanded and I'm wondering if maybe his earliest uh thing that he had here was some , just outdoor cardboards here , then ended up building buildings .

But , um , we're thinking about potentially uh storing all the junk cars like Mike's L S 400 .

Um , back back here , we need to cut these things out and maybe like pave a little bit of corner , but it's cool concrete storage .

That's , you know , kind of like out of sight , out of mind .

So maybe I would love to have like a bunch of parts cars .

So like just like some parts S 13 Z 32 S R 32 S uh all the stuff that we always need to grab random stuff from I S3 100 would be cool too .

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Um Just so we have stuff if we ever in the vine , I don't know what this is .

I think this might have been the first outdoor lift bay because when you look in here , these are more like industrial size anchors that I could see like two post lift being in .

Um , but potentially could be a cool spot not to store the toder , um , shade and keeping it out of the sun makes the roof and everything last a lot longer .

We keep it a lot nicer .

Only problem is there's no real easy way to get it there and we'd have to kind of knock down some of the wood structure .

Um But uh yeah , I don't know .

What we could use this for .

It's neat though .

It's got lighting and everything in here too .

Like there's power , um , power lighting green in the floors are kind of cool .

Um , I don't know .

There's so much stuff here that we still haven't figured out .

Yeah , let's keep going .

Look at that thing right there .

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So , one thing that I did mention that there's like four industrial sized generators on this property , you could technically live off the grid here because in addition to having like a bunch of diesel generators , um and I will end up showing you all of those uh probably not all of them in this video .

Look more carports .

It also is fully self sustaining when it comes to water .

It has like its own reverse osmosis stations .

I don't even think I've been in this building .

Um We saw , oh , it's stinky .

It's a stinky building .

But look at that all that stuff .

I don't know anything about this or how it works .

All I know is it turns stinky Florida water to not stinky Florida water , which is why it stinks in here .

Yeah , but still not , not stinky enough to drink .

Yeah .

So , but there's a bunch of these buildings all over the property .

Uh pretty neat .

And then here we've got the little pond and we actually found that we have a few little critters .

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We haven't named all of them yet in some old posts I mentioned to you guys that we have our very own otter and I don't know if we're gonna get to see him in this video , but we've got two baby gators that we've seen floating around in here .

Um , we spoke with one of the neighbors and he said pretty much if it lives in Florida , you probably got it on the property .

We've seen bear tracks , we've seen wild cats , we've heard roosters .

We got pretty much a farm here .

Marco wants to get some cows and donkeys or some things down the road , but it's pretty exciting .

I can't wait to name them all .

I really want to name one of the gators bill because you know , Bill Gate or maybe we'll see him a little bit .

What I'm the most excited to show you guys , which is the thumbnail .

Is this next big Bertha building over here ?

Come on .

Yeah .

Alrighty .

So uh there's one building that I skipped , we're gonna save it to last for a reason , but this big building right here .

Look at this thing .

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Isn't that weird that he seen it like in the sky ?

Uh This is a pretty big concrete pad here for doing like , you know , maybe some like 60 ft testing and stuff .

It's a decent size drag strip .

Um Not going to use these drag strip neighbors , don't worry , but if we had to do some testing kind of a good spot .

Look at all these bay doors , dude , they got nice .

Crazy .

So let's go inside and I'm about to show you some real .

I was gonna ask you to put like the are you ready for this ?

But we'll probably get copyright strike .

Yep .

All right .

You thought it was cool before when I showed you those lifts .

Take again .

Part of my goal in life is to be a younger more J D M version of Jay Leno .

And this building is the building that is going to make that dream a possibility .

We've got 123 .

I'm not even counting on video because it is a waste of time .

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I think there's like 35 in this building alone .

It keeps going and going and going and going the floors in here .

If someone gave me 20 bucks , I'd probably lick them .

That's how clean they are and they still need to be clean .

You can tell it's just literally dust and footprints .

All the installation , all the lighting , everything is beautiful , the lifts look brand new .

Um If you haven't watched all the past videos , the previous owner of this entire facility had an amazing collection of sixties cars and this was kind of the home for a lot of them .

So my plans with this facility , obviously , there's a lot of space on property .

We're not going to use all of it .

I'm sure at some point I'm just going to keep buying cars and it's nice to know that we have all this storage .

But my plan is I have a few friends .

This is not going to be a public thing .

This is not going to be like a dozen people with one car each .

I have a few friends with small collections , uh older stuff .

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E 30 air cooled Porsches , 34 G T R s really , really nice stuff that need a home for like longer term storage .

I'll probably end up renting out part of this building by bay .

So some of my friends like let's say they have eight cars , they would rent out two bays and then they would have storage , air condition can come and grab their cars when they want .

And that is one of the ways that I'm gonna hopefully help offset all the operating costs of this facility .

So I've got pretty much this whole building to play with considering between that building over there and this building in here , I can store pretty much all my cars that I own to this point .

But in addition to that , there are also three houses which I've mentioned on property and two of them are going to be rented out internally .

So between this and that , um I'm hoping that that will help offset some of the operating costs .

But look at this building man , ac all the ducting , these doors are dough .

They're beautiful , nice roll up doors .

They're like in brand new condition .

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They all work and it's just like that's sick I love that .

What's even cooler too ?

Is that like I mentioned before , if I wanted to keep my stuff in this side , these two buildings are like kind of separate and I could effectively close this building off if we want to keep one side air conditioned and not the other side , air conditioned or uh if we wanted to , I don't know , you know , Tommy's got a stinky R 33 back there that I don't want to be seen by my cars .

I can't close it down .

Um But this is just looking down this aisle , this is the breathtaking one whenever I show someone this property and they look inside , it's like what the this is some , some , some stuff that you see from like bazillionaires that have like a private collection of like Ferraris and stuff , not some kid with a bunch of broken down 3 50 Z S .

So this is really cool and this is very , very exciting .

It is something that I probably would never afford to be able to build or have the time to build in my lifetime .

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Um So to be able to just move right in and be able to utilize the building , it's already beautifully finished and ready to go .

It gets me excited .

I saw a lot of comments concerned about energy usage here .

Definitely open in reading , pretty much every comment that you guys are posting on here .

One big one was replacing as many light bulbs as we can with led S be said , we get a lighting sponsor because there's a lot of light bulbs around .

But keeping energy costs down , that would be sick , potentially switching everything to timers .

And then if we did end up doing some solar panels , I don't know if it would be logical financially .

I need to look to see what the cost of it is , but it would certainly be cool because there's so much going on in this property .

Mind you guys , there's still quite a bit left to explore here .

This isn't going to be the end of all the warehouse buildings , but we've got one more building to show you and then one house and that's probably going to wrap it up for this one .

Give you context .

We're going back by the water filtration thing .

We've got the awnings here .

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I mentioned this in the past video , these little tour videos , both give us time for moving to where we don't have to worry about filming car content .

It's a lot more time , but I also feel like it's setting the stage and kind of giving you guys an understanding of this property before we really start rolling and ripping with everything .

I don't know , kind of like in a movie how they set up in the beginning except this is like a town .

So we have to give you a tour of the whole town before we can start .

Welcome to what I think was probably the first indoor building I don't like standing under here .

There's like five Jillian wasp nests and mud dabbers and it scares me .

I don't feel comfortable standing here right now .

That's why I'm wearing the hard hat .

Um , but this is on the outside of the building that we're about to go look at .

So this building I think will end up being one of the most exciting I don't , man , I keep saying that I'm just gonna wear off the effect .

I'm excited because we're getting the dino and this will likely end up being the dino room .

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Uh Like I said , in the other building right now , this is temporarily potentially going to be the employee facility .

Um You can see Schulman has already moved his car and some of his stuff in here and then Freddie has been moving stuff out of the house that he is moving into .

So , wow , big news , Fred , I know I already talked about moving up to Orlando .

He used to live quite a few hours south and has been such a big part of the program lately and um has actually been full time now working for us .

I've never officially mentioned the video , but he's awesome and I have to attribute a lot of my cars running as good as they are and a lot of the content that's been made possible by him being around and available and always down to health So this will be in the end , the Dino shop , we ordered a main line Hub Dino a few months ago .

So I'm assuming it'll be here in a couple of months .

But the in this building is it's kind of small so it will be easy to keep air conditioned .

But with Hub Dino , we can position it .

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However , it works best in terms of sound interference with both neighbors and other shops because there's a door here , there's a bunch of doors here and then there's a door there so we can kind of position it to whoever makes the most sense .

It'll be easy to have a cross breeze or uh utilize like because as many doors , it's not like it'll just get real hot and heat soaked .

Um But overall this building is beautiful too .

Everything here , man .

Like look at the ceilings , uh all the ac vents , it's got nice painted walls .

It's got these little parking spaces .

Um Sherman's finishing up the one Jay Z in his car .

This is a really cool shop .

There's so many cool shops .

It just keeps on going .

I know it's crazy when we walk out here .

I will show you guys what actually Freddie's moving into right now and that's why this uh tour has been all over the place .

La casa .

Hey , Fred , that's a tree .

La casa de Fred .

So it looked like this dude had like a bunch of R V s or something .

Because this kind of looks like it was set up for an R V to park .

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Um , it's got like the satellite TV hookup .

It's got fountain in the pond that we haven't figured out how to control and some other maybe sewage drain stuff .

I don't really know much about R V s .

Um , but it's got this cool little house .

It's an old manufactured home .

Um , that kind of overlooks the , the back water .

I'm , I'm excited to have Freddie around .

They've been crashing with us at our house for the past couple of months and it's been cool having them .

Um But I'm still for them to have their own place up here .

Look , you can say hi to Bill wherever he is .

I know I wanna see him for the G merch coming soon .

Sp I think once we get the , the fountain running , it'll make this thing a lot less brown .

Yo , you see that ?

Huh ?

Is that a gator ?

I don't know , there's something keep filming .

It might happen again if someone's duking it out in the water , right ?

Mike , just leave your camera rolling for a while , right ?

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You guys might remember this area from when the , when I flew by in the beginning , dude , I was entering in here so fast .

It was terrifying .

Um And I , I that's when I ended up going off at the end just because I was trying to do the most ball injury I could but this is like barely wider than a car and I was coming at this close to the top of third , been trying to do a quick downshift before entering because they're just literally not time to float and , uh downshift and entry .

But , um , super look at this cool little alleyway through the woods .

Um , these buildings , we're gonna show you in the next video .

We've got a pretty cool plan for them and we should probably clear this out .

That'll be really satisfying back a little bit .

We got some chainsaws .

Yo , I get to play with a chainsaw .

Don't so excited for that .

Um Look at how weird this yard is .

It's like super like kind of like prison vibes and super high fences for no reason .

They definitely had a , we're thinking that this was the first house that was built on property because it kind of makes the most sense .

But look , it's got a nice little car , Port .

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Um Freddy's got 30 36 here already .

All the buildings here have like pretty gnarly hurricane shutters on them , which is cool .

Um I don't know if the building block , I think they just left but we knock and see this ac unit we already have to have serviced .

Um We're kind of prioritizing the most urgent buildings first .

What's cool is ac companies have been hitting us up , like I said before , that are just excited to work with us and help us get this place back up and running , which is gonna help a lot .

So , um , always appreciate about that .

Hello ?

And you went home ?

Just an old school house .

Kind of cool .

Kind of reminds me of the style of the house that I grew up with when I was a kid .

Um , but the coolest part about this place is it's got this nice little like sun room that has all these windows , kind of like cool wood roofs and then roofs , roofs , roofs , ceilings is what I meant .

And then you can see f with Bill .

So it's a neat little house .

It's a small one , but , uh , they're excited about it and I'm excited to have them here .

I'd like to show you more of the house , but they're like in the process of moving .

I don't wanna just film all their stuff .

So I'll wait till Freddie's back .

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I think they're doing their next run with the moving truck right now .

Um , and then maybe in the future video , we'll do a little house checks .

One thing that we drifted around in the other videos .

I don't think we really talked about this thing .

We're hypothesizing that this is some sort of like firefighter trailer because it doesn't look like a pressure washer , but it looks like it's like a hose pump , doesn't it ?

Yeah .

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So maybe , uh , if there's a fire to be able to quickly put it out or something .

Um , one of the drawbacks to this place because we're kind of in the middle of nowhere .

It's like 10 minutes to the nearest firefighter station and then also like groceries and stuff like that .

We're a bit in the middle of nowhere .

So it's going to be some new challenges for us , but we still don't have internet here .

Phone service isn't the best .

Although we're working on getting cell phone extenders , there's just some of the houses and some of the buildings don't really have good service .

Internet .

We should have soon .

It's not going to be the fastest , but we're hoping Starlink should be available here come the end of the year , which will be exciting .

One thing I do want to address , unfortunately , the plans are to never have this place open to the public the way that it's zoned and the nature of the property and because we'll all be living here , it is going to be a private , not open to the public thing .

However , I want to preface that with , there may be special events or maybe some sort of very small exclusive tour thing at some point with a very small amount of people .

But don't mark my words on that .

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I still want to do a yearly event like the open house .

It's really cool getting to raise the toys for toys for tots and just put together a cool event .

I enjoy it .

It's not really what we do , but it's fun for us to do it once in a while and maybe that will take place at a track or another public location .

We're working on a few potential options .

But I want to say that right off the bat because I know a lot of people are comparing the videos here to the Freedom Factory and part of why the Freedom Factory videos were so exciting because you knew at some point you get to visit there and I hope that that doesn't make the videos here less .

I know that you guys have really been enjoying the tours and are probably excited to see what we can do at this place .

And I can tell you , I read every comment like I mentioned before and it's awesome seeing the hype around it .

Uh Especially knowing that we are going to be putting pretty much most of the car builds on hold until we can get our foot in the door here for lack of a better word and kind of get the ball rolling because once F D starts , things are going to start getting crazy .

So now is the time before it starts getting hot to dial this place and we have some really cool builds lined up , but I don't want to jump into them and kind of be all over the place .

I would rather like properly move in first .

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But um that's pretty much it for this video again , more exciting stuff in the next one .

And I hope you guys enjoyed this video .

Make sure you get a limited edition preorder bundle last chance you possibly have to get one and thank you in advance for the support .

We'll see you soon .

So .


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