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2023-06-14 18:35:12

LS3 Swapped my Mom's Solstice - Her Reaction Was Priceless!

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And welcome to today's video .

If you've been watching this series , you're probably just as excited as I am right now to give you some background .

About a year ago , I took my mom's car and secretly put a turbo kit on it and to this day it is the most viewed video I have had of all time and it kills me because I feel like the reaction I got out of my mom rather than it being a prank or her freaking out .

She like barely noticed the turbo and she took it as like the super , super sweet gift and she loved it so much .

So be a funny video turned into like a really good heart warming video which is cool , but I wanted to one up it and do something a bit more crazy .

So when I was over there for her birthday about two weeks ago , I mentioned to her , hey , if you wanted us to look over the car , it's been about a year since we did the turbo kit and she's scared to bring it to the shops because she's worried because it's modified .

They won't change their oil or be able to understand what's going on .

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So I took it back with me and over the past three days or three videos , I should say we have been going ham to get this car swapped back to my mom for Christmas .

She actually called me yesterday and mentioned her car and just told us not to worry about it because she knows that we've been super busy little as you know , we've been working on her car .

I wanted to drive it out here .

It's about a two hour drive out to my mom's house , but it being a fresh build , even though I'm pretty confident that it would make it God forbid on Christmas Day because that's when this video is being filmed .

If I broke down , that would kind of suck .

So I'm bringing it out to her .

I'm gonna get a reaction , then I'm actually going to bring it back with me to Orlando so we can go over the car once more , get it tuned on the Dino pop in the custom ac lines and then give it back to her a lot more confident than I am right now .

But if you guys haven't seen any of the videos from the series , the past three videos have been really fun and jam packed with a lot of good stuff , information , jokes , burnouts , you name it , but I'm like five minutes from my mom's house and I don't know what she's gonna say .

I'm gonna tell her that .

I just didn't exhaust in tires and we'll see when she starts it .

If she's going to know that it's a V eight or if she's just gonna think it's a different exhaust place , your bets in the comment section .

Let's do this .

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So I'm gonna roll it out of the trailer so she can't hear it and I'm gonna show her and , uh , man , I can't wait for her to start it .

I don't know if you guys can see the video .

I don't smash the neighbor's mailbox , the hand brake I thought worked .

So I went to start rolling around the handbrake and the thing just took off .

Thankfully , we were ok .

But that was sketchy .

I feel bad that I'm giving it back to her dirty , but from the outside other than the dual exhaust , there's really no way you could tell that this thing is a different engine now , but I'm not joking when I say we ran out of time and like , I need time to vacuum all the sand out of it .

I'm excited to see what she thinks .

Wait , can you say that again ?

The second I pull up the camera .

What did you say ?

What did you do to my car this time ?

It was just a surprise .

Come on .

You know , don't look at it yet .

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Do you notice anything different ?

I have different wheels .

Do you like them ?

They're different dear .

Let's go look up close .

Are they gold bronze .

I thought you like it .

Isn't that like your favorite color ?

It's like the color of cheetahs .

Those are , those are cool .

Oh , my word .

Those are pretty .

Oh , shit , you're crazy .

There's , there's another thing too .

It's clean .

No , it's not .

It's still dirty .

I didn't have time to clean it .

Do you notice anything different in back ?

Oh , my God .

I got a dual exhaust .

No .

Oh , my God .

The tires are so freaking wide .

Yeah .

So I wanted to make sure that it was as safe as it could possibly be .

I think I kind of went overkill but um you you'd have to try real hard to spin these tires .

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Oh my God .

Those are two fucking white .

Do you like him ?

You got a little race car now ?

Oh my God , you're killing me .

You gotta start it up and uh hear what it sounds like .

Oh Lord , sorry , neighbors in advance .

Is it really that loud ?

It's not that loud .

It definitely sounds different though .

You might need to move the seat forward .

No .

Sherlock .

God , what's that ?

Oh , this is a good thing .

Ok .

My neighbors are gonna kill me .

What do you think ?

Kind of loud ?

You're gonna speak louder .

I can't hear you .

Stop .

It's loud .

Oh my God .

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Adam , my neighbors are gonna kill me .

It's gonna be fun though .

Change oil soon .

What do you do ?

I have to adjust the lights .

It's not totally done yet .

You want to get your shoes and we can take it for a drive .

You want to just go ?

Yeah , she has no idea .

What , what did you say ?

I said you're so excited .

Is it too loud ?

A little bit ?

I think it'll get a little quieter .

Oh , my God .

What else did you do to it ?

If you speak , speak loud because now the camera can't hear you .

I don't know if you'll notice the difference with the , uh , what do you call it like now that it's got a little more power because it's exhaust .

I don't think the exhaust has any that you've been with us since you a manual .

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Why is it doing that ?

Give more guys .

Yeah .

You good .

Why is it bucking like that ?

It's just a lower , if you have it bucks a little , we still got to dial on the tune a little bit more nuts .

You just gonna hear me come .

It's crazy how different it sounds with dual exhaust .

Isn't it likes it more , the more gas you give it ?

I don't like that and I won't do that that much anymore .

You have to drive at a high R PM though .

What we have up here .

So , what do you think ?

I don't know .

I don't like it fucking , what did you guys do to my car ?

I like to be four .

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It'll , it'll be good .

We just have to dial on the tune a little bit better .

Yeah .

You mean ?

So it doesn't block me off .

I'm surprised you can notice the difference just with the exhaust change if it has anything to do with the .

Yeah , it's a little bit of everything .

It's kind of like I'm excited for you to be able to step you a little more gas , but I know I don't like it bucking .

It won't buck anymore .

I promise you after you do whatever you gotta do , I'm taking it back .

That's why I have the trailer .

Be able to step on it a little bit though .

Kind of sounds cool , but it almost sounds like a different car , doesn't it ?

Yeah , it does .

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My thing is you barely even stepped on it too .

He little car .

You really , you really have no idea what you do .

Put it differently .

Maybe in my freaking car .

You don't notice that .

It doesn't sound anything like your car does it .

It , you basically have a corvette now .

Well , you got , you gotta go back so you can pop the , how am I supposed to drive this ?

It will drive better .

We ran out of time .

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We couldn't get to the dino to dial it in perfectly .

Just pull behind the trailer .

I can't believe I have a car .

You turn off for a minute .

She goes , what did you do ?

Put a different motor in my car ?

What the hell did you do to my car ?

Oh my God .

My neighbors are gonna kill me , you can't stop messing with my car .

I thought you would love it .

Oh , my God .

My neighbors are gonna frickin kill me .

Is that all you're worried about right now ?

It's , it's so frickin .

Oh my God .

What did you do ?

You put another engine in it ?

That's a V eight .

Oh , shit .

Why did you put a V eight in my poor little car ?

I'm gonna kill myself on this .

No , you should feel it .

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It's great .

Yeah , it should make uh around 500 horsepower now .

Oh my God .

Yeah , it's a , it's a big old engine .

Merry Christmas .

Oh my God , I'm gonna kill you .

I'm surprised you didn't notice a different clutch .

Let me tell you something .

Were they fucking all over the place ?

I knew something was up .

So you got a , you got a big choppy can in there and Freddie needs to dial it in on the dino .

So when they , when they made the solstice originally , I think Chevy intended to put this engine in it .

So it was actually a pretty simple swap .

Um and uh yeah , we , we've been working on this past three days , which is funny when you call us and like don't worry about just doing that oil change on my car .

Oh my God .

Do you put another fan too ?

Because this is no .

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Yeah , you got a new radiator , a new fan , new exhaust , new engine that I actually noticed .

Yeah , I mean , you did notice he had a completely different engine , which is exactly what I was hoping for .

But at least this time I got a reaction on you because last time I put the turbo on your car and you didn't even notice this .

I know it's because I'm bucking all over the place .

We'll get that sorted .

Blame Freddie .

Freddie Fix my car , fixed my car .

It was a little dinky thing until you guys keep on messing and putting different engines in it .

This is the first different engine we've put on it .

I assure you , my God .

All right .

I gotta , I gotta give you a ride on it because I know you're scared of it , but I'm a little more used to driving it .

You wanna go for a ride real quick one ?

Don't kill me .

My little car is not my little car anymore .

Oh , it's still the same .

I'm , you know , I'm impressed that it is that good of a swap to where you didn't notice until you started driving the car .

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And even still , if it , if it had a stock cam in it , you probably wouldn't have noticed .

But it was , yeah .

So the , the bigger camera you put in it will make it .

So it'll have a little bit more power at higher R PM , but it will make it less likely to just spin the wheels .

So it's a very , very safe and , and dialed , set up .

Ok .

That's right .

Don't , don't go crazy .

Your A CS also not working right now , but I'll have that fixed before I bring it back to you next .

Well , you don't have any lines in your , I need to get past the ones made and it's hard getting car parts .

It's not for you just because I've driven enough .

So I know how to drive around the buck .

You just have to be a little more committed which way you want to go take a right and we'll do the same .

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Ready stop , stop , stop , stop , stop , stop .

You weren't excited .

The scarce thing , you know that is it gonna be , I mean , we could try .

It's got , you got mufflers on it .

We're going .

Right .

Right .

Yes , I think we're about to get pulled over .

Yeah , I don't have my license with me .

I'm barefoot and I had a joint .

You do not when anything stupid .

It would be the most epic end of the video if we got pulled over right now for me .

Yeah .

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So Freddie was up with us on Christmas Eve trying to get this car dialed and we ran out of time to take it to the diner .

So he's going to come back up after we'll take it home .

We'll get it perfect for you .

You mean where it doesn't fuck on me ?

Yeah , it won't fuck .

I'm like , you know , I know how to drive this car .

Your gas just doesn't work right now .

But that's my fault .

I'll fix that .

Thank you .

I like the tires .

I like the wheels .

They come , you officially have your first L S3 .

Uh , it's basically that out of like , uh not this current gen but like two generations ago Corvette out them , you just got to learn to enjoy it .

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It's , uh , it's an experience .

It's really not as loud as you think .

A V eight engine in this , this car is fine , but you did .

You see ?

So I floated all the way the car was making twice the power and it didn't spin at all when I got your car back from you , I got on it for the first time in like forever .

It was spinning all over the place .

I know you don't drive it that fast , but it is like I told you um wet weather special , it spins .

So I will say right now you basically have the most I could humanly possibly put in this car .

So in the rain , it will be ok because these tires are decent in the rain .

But obviously you want to be careful , but these tires are gonna last maybe a few months and I'll be , those tires are basically like uh imagine the rubber so soft .

You could just like take a bite out of it with your teeth .

But I was like , I wanted to ear on the side of safety .

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So you don't have to actually worry about the car spinning and it'll just , it'll just always grip for me , you know , me , I don't drive that far .

I like do a five mile .

You literally go to the beach and back .

Yeah .

But now you have , uh , one of , you know what's crazy about this too ?

So , this was not my intention .

We've actually increased the value of your solstice every single V eight solstice .

I've seen sell and bring a trailer , sells for over $30,000 .

Yeah .

Are you serious ?

I mean , it's not a cheap swap to do this isn't like , where did you get the engine from ?

Did you get it from another car ?

Leasy parts you can thank .

Thank them .

They were very kind enough to help you out to make this happen .

Mhm .

And I look like a scared little chicken .

Oh , don't , don't worry .

That's , that's exactly , you've got AC L S3 .

You've got a fab , but adapter , you've got a bunch of performance auto works , uh , swap parts and then you've got a big old Texas speed cam and a , and a soon to be a better Freddie spec tune .

Yeah .

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Freddie tends to dial in your car is good , huh ?

Oh , yeah .

No , Freddie does a good job .

I told him you're gonna be , you're gonna be mad at him .

I didn't like the bucking .

That scared me , but I didn't notice you'll learn it .

Like , so it won't buck as bad once we get it dialed in .

Um , but , uh , you'll learn to , like , drive the car a little bit differently .

It's like when you first did the , the turbine , it took me a little bit to get it figured out .

But it's loud .

I'm not used to the loud .

Yeah , it's loud .

Yeah , it's loud .

But it's different down here than it is up north .

Right .

With the , with the , like , the rules and regulations for mufflers .

This is still quiet in the eyes of the law , is it ?

This is not much louder than like some stock cars .

You've got a Titanium lug nuts .

Now from E S R along with your E S R wheels , wheel , the color I like .

You're doing such a great job .

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Like I , I forget to thank all the sponsors that help make this stuff possible and you're bringing it all naturally .

No .

So that's great .

Thank you .

Yeah , we've , uh , you know , me , I don't , you know , I'm just like , yeah , I told Schulman when he drop when he picked it up .

I said sorry about all the sand .

We have about £2 of sand in the car .

He , uh , he meant to vacuum it for you , but he ran out of time .

That's all right .

It's Christmas time .

Oh , my word .

It is kind of cool .

It's loud though .

So we , we had your engine out on Monday and then it's here .

Now , go open up the hood again .

I was really good .

Now , where's the other turbo that you had just put on because it's still in there no more turbo .

This is all motor .

So you went up from a 2.4 liter to a 6.2 liter .

So , so I'm not gonna hear the no more whistle , whistle no more .

I got used to the whistle .

Yeah , I mean , that , that really warms my heart that you're more of a turbo type of mom .

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But now you're a displacement type of mom .

I'm a mom who's scared to death of her car now .

Yeah , this thing , uh you know , it's a lot , it's a lot .

I was worried that it was gonna be like deadly but it , it feels very safe .

I would not comfortably give you the car like it feels very planted .

We went above and beyond to make sure everything was done as legit as possible .

You give me something if you've worked on something , I trust it 100% .

But I did notice this is brand new , right ?

So overall if it wasn't for the bucking , would you be happy ?

Upset ?

Shocked , terrified , excited .

So when I did the turbo kit , you took it as like the super sweet thing and you were like , so heart warm that I did that for you .

You don't feel the same .

This one scares me a little bit .

I think once the bucking is gone , I don't feel like I'm in control of the bucking .

But then when I kind of put on the gas and I took off .

That was a little spooky .

But that damn Corvette that raced me that day and I beat him .

I can't wait till I find him again .

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Oh , you're gonna smoke him now .

You've got like a corvette .

But like two less fat guys in the trunk essentially in terms of weight .

So , and these tires , they're only gonna last a couple of months .

Uh , the rear ones .

I mean , it depends on how you drive .

They might last a little bit longer but put your fingernail on them .

They are very sticky .

Oh , ok .

Yeah , but I wanted to ear on the side of caution .

But anyway , this was a lot of fun .

I hope you guys enjoyed the video .

Make sure you hit the like button .

It took a lot to make this happen .

Make sure you check out all the sponsors that helped contribute to this .

All their links will be in the description and the link to the other three videos of this series .

Do you have any final words ?

Oh my God , you're nuts .

Hello .

Hey , Freddie .

So Freddie , what did you do to my car ?

I did not do anything .

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I just , oh my God , I got in it and all I was doing was bucking on me and I'm looking at him like , what the hell is going on besides , besides it being very loud .

I was like , and I'm looking at him and I'm trying to figure out what the hell did he do ?

And , uh , she didn't even notice until she stepped on it .

She's like , driving the car and thought the exhaust was just different .

And then when she stepped on it she's like , she's like , what you did more than just an exhaust and she's like , what did you do ?

You didn't motor swap it ?

Yeah .

Oh , it's so good .

Oh , my word .

It's a little scary .

I , I let him take me for a spin .

Um , and then there was a cop behind us so he was a good boy .

I was happy .

I almost said please please .

He scares me but first gear , you know , sorry , that didn't look good .

Yeah .

No , I , I told him it was really funny .

She's like , damn it , Freddie .

I'm sorry .

No , no , no .

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Hey , Merry Christmas , by the way , Christmas .

Merry Christmas to you guys too .

Bye bye bye .

The series has been a blast and I hope you guys have enjoyed it .

If you haven't seen all the other videos , make sure you check them out .

We've got three videos of the process of basically her car as it was pulling the engine out , put the new one in first drives and it's been a blast .

And if you're kind of wondering what's going to happen from here , uh The next thing we're going to do is on New Year's Eve .

Freddie is coming up and we're going to put the car on the dino , get it dialed in which should get rid of 99% of the bucking .

A lot of it is just because she's not used to the car .

Once it bucks , once your foot kind of has this effect on the pedal where , like you start to make a buck more .

We're gonna do that .

We're gonna get the new ac lines that we had made on there and I think I'm gonna put some quieter resonators on the car just to try to get it even more quieter .

So she's more comfortable driving it .

But I think the important thing to note too is a lot of people think this is her daily .

It's just really a car that she uses to get to the beach and back and I think she's really gonna like it and I'm excited to see what she thinks once it's running a bit better and we've got it all properly shaken down here .

But anyway , I want to thank you guys so much .

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This has been so much fun and I'll see you in two days with uh some regular shop content .

We got a lot of exciting stuff going on later .

I got so .


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