Hey , guys .
In this video , I wanna talk about vitamin a .
Okay ?
There's some real interesting things about vitamin a .
It's a fat soluble vitamin .
What does that mean ?
You have water soluble vitamins and you have fat soluble vitamins .
Fat soluble vitamins have the ability to travel through fat , to be stored in fat longer .
It has the ability to go through cell walls because the layer around cells are fat lipid layers or fat layers .
These vitamin a , fat soluble vitamins can go right through the cell where water soluble vitamins cannot .
So they can affect the deep parts of the cell , the DNA , the alteration of the DNA and that's why vitamin a deficiencies can really affect what your skin turns into , okay , at the genetic level .
So you can have a lot of little flaking things on your skin , little , white little dots on the skin , on the hair follicles .
You can have little skin , flakes on the the scalp .
You can have acne , different types of acne , cystic acne , acne on your back .
It can create a lot of problems with your vision as well because vitamin a is necessary for your eye .
So if you can't see at night when you're driving at night and it's hard to see , that's a vitamin a deficiency .
K ?
Also , lubrication of the eye and the mouth and anything , any granular secretion if like if you don't have enough of that lubrication , that's a vitamin a deficiency .
Also , infections , sinus infections , ear infections , lung infections all can be triggered by a low vitamin a level , so it has a lot to do with your immune system .
So vitamin a , gives support to the eye , to the skin , to the immune system , to the inner skin too around your inside your nasal passages .
So if you have let's say sleep apnea or anything that's going on with the inner skin of your throat , that could be Vitamin A deficiency .
Okay ?
Now , here's what people don't realize .
Vitamin A is in cod liver oil , It's in liver .
It's in butter .
It's in eggs , especially the yolk .
It's in cheese .
Okay ?
That's the active form of vitamin a called retinol .
Now , it's true that , kale , spinach , carrots , sweet potato , and greens also have vitamin a and they have a lot of vitamin a , but here's what people don't realize .
This is a pre vitamin a , so anything vegetable has a pre vitamin a .
It's not an active form .
It's not retinol .
It to be converted into an active form .
That conversion only takes place , at certain parts of your body and in only certain percentages .
So if you're lucky , you might get between 4 to 6 percent conversions .
So if you're consuming a 100 milligrams , let's say , of vitamin a from kale , you're only getting 4 to 6 percent of that .
Okay , so just because you're eating kale doesn't mean you're gonna get enough vitamin a .
Especially if you're not consuming these products .
So that's just some interesting information .
Okay .
So , now here's the next question .
What causes a vitamin a deficiency ?
Now it could be you're not consuming enough of these or maybe say you're not converting these right here , but more likely you probably are consuming enough vitamin a , but the deficiency comes from the ability to convert and that has to do with your gut .
If your digestive system is damaged or you have a history of taking antibiotics or you have leaky gut or some type of digestive issue , chances are you can't convert this .
So everything's gonna dry out .
Your hair's gonna dry out .
Your skin's gonna dry .
Eyes dry .
So you'll start manifesting vitamin a deficiencies .
The other cause of vitamin a deficiency is a lack of bile , b I l e , from the gallbladder .
Why ?
Because the gallbladder helps you break down fats and breaks down the fat soluble vitamins so your body can start utilizing them .
So if you don't have a gallbladder that means you probably don't have enough bile to absorb vitamin a .
You might have to take some bile as an as a supplement .
Okay ?
So , let's say you get , have another you just have a congested liver , and the symptoms of that would be bloating , burping , belching , right shoulder pain , constipation .
Those are indications that you don't have enough bile .
Okay .
It could be because your stomach is not acid enough .
So you have heartburn .
Well that means that that means you don't have enough acid because in order for you to release your own bile you need a very strong stomach .
So it could be that the stomach is not releasing the bile to help you absorb vitamin a .
So again , I just want to give you that background in case you're taking vitamin it's not working because you probably can't absorb it .
Alright .
So I hope that gave you some data about vitamin a .
Post your comments below and I'll see you in the next video .
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I really appreciate it .
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