Bloom's taxonomy , the classification of learning outcomes into cognitive effective and behavioral domains is often attributed to Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy .
Bloom's taxonomy is a framework used in education to categorize educational objectives and outcomes .
The three domains are cognitive domain .
This domain involves intellectual abilities and thinking skills .
It includes categories such as remembering , understanding , applying , analyzing , evaluating and creating effective domain .
This domain deals with the emotional and attitudinal aspects of learning .
It includes categories such as receiving awareness and willingness to receive information , responding , showing a new behavior valuing , adopting a value system organizing , integrating new values into one's value system and characterizing acting consistently with one's values .
Psychomotor domain though not mentioned in your question .
It's worth noting that there is also a psychomotor domain which relates to physical skills and actions .
These classifications were first introduced in the 1956 publication taxonomy of Educational Objectives .
The classification of educational goals by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues over the years , the taxonomy has been revised and expanded but the three domains remain fundamental in educational planning and assessment .
The psychomotor domain and the behavioral domain are related but not exactly the same .
The psychomotor domain specifically refers to the development of physical skills and co ordination .
While the behavioral domain is a broader term that encompasses observable actions , reactions and behaviors .
The behavioral domain includes not only physical actions which fall under the psychomotor domain but also observable behaviors related to cognition and effect in the context of learning outcomes .
Behavioral objectives might include actions or reactions that are visible and measurable , whether they are cognitive thinking , effective feeling or psychomotor doing .