If you're over 50 years old , then you know that there are some special needs as your digestion may not function properly .
Your bowel movements may become irregular and difficult to control .
Your memory may not be very good and you may need more time to process information in this video .
I will show you the top three fruits for people over 50 years old that can help alleviate all these age related issues .
Hello and welcome to the channel today , we are going to talk about the top three fruits for people over 50 years old .
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Today , we will be discussing the top three fruits for people over 50 years old as the human body ages , individuals over the age of 50 may experience certain problems .
It is common for congestion to not function as efficiently as before and they may struggle to digest the same foods that they were able to consume at 20 years of age as we get older , our vision may start to diminish .
This can be a sign that age related macular degeneration .
A and D is starting to affect your vision .
A MD is a progressive disease that causes loss of central vision and it affects more than 2 million Americans over the age of 50 .
Memory capacity also tends to decrease the years go by and people over the age of 50 may start to forget things more frequently .
It is common to experience difficulty recalling information at this age , particularly for individuals over the age of 60 .
Moreover , high cholesterol levels and high triglycerides are common among individuals who are in this age group and undergo medical tests .
Blood pressure should also be checked regularly as hypertension is prevalent among people over 60 years old as we have discussed extensively on this channel .
One in every few individuals in this age group may have high blood pressure .
There are many reasons why people over 50 years old may suffer from health issues .
For example , they may have difficulty digesting food or may suffer from digestive disorders .
However , these issues can be alleviated or even prevented through proper nutrition .
In this video , we will introduce the top three fruits that are particularly beneficial for individuals over 50 years old who do not have any of these health issues or want to avoid them .
These fruits can help maintain good health and prevent health problems associated with aging .
The first fruit we recommend for this age group is papaya .
We have talked about papaya many times on this channel and discussed its numerous benefits for individuals .
Over 50 years old , papaya is a great fruit to consume regularly because it can help with digestion , which is often a problem for older eating 2 to 3 slices of papaya per day or a whole .
Papaya is recommended for regulating bowel movements .
Papaya is rich in nutrients and contains enzymes that aid in digestion , making it an ideal fruit for older individuals who need assistance with digestion .
Papaya is a great fruit for people .
Over 50 years old .
It contains an enzyme called papain that aids in protein digestion as well as carotenoids which are converted into vitamin A in our bodies .
Papaya also helps improve vision .
It contains substances called carotenoids which are converted into vitamin A in our bodies .
Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight , making papaya a great fruit for those over 50 years old .
In addition to its properties , papaya also strengthens the immune system which tends to weaken after a certain age .
Papaya contains vitamin C and carotenoids which are converted into vitamin A in our bodies .
And this presence of these substances helps strengthen the immune system .
This is another beneficial property of papaya for people over 50 years old .
The second best fruit for those over 50 is one of the most talked about fruits here on the channel .
The lemon , lemon also helps to promote good digestion .
So use lemon juice on your salad by squeezing a little bit over it .
This lemon juice will help digest the food , a beneficial property of lemons .
In addition , lemon juice helps to lower blood pressure .
As blood pressure tends to be high .
After a certain age , it is good to use lemon regularly as it reduces blood pressure .
Another benefit of lemon is that it strengthens the immune system due to the presence of vitamin C and other substances .
After the age of 50 the immune system needs to be strengthened making lemon a beneficial fruit .
Raisins are another fruit that we've talked about a lot on this channel and they have many beneficial properties .
One of them is that they help loosen the bowels to achieve this , you can consume 3 to 4 tablespoons of raisins per day .
It's best to soak them in water for a few hours or lightly cook them before consuming .
As this will help you take better advantage of the benefits of this dried fruit .
Another benefit of raisins , apart from aiding digestion is that scientific studies have shown that they are good for memory as memory tends to decline after a certain age consuming raisins , about 3 to 4 tablespoons per day can help improve memory .
If you are not used to eating , this amount of raisins start with a smaller quantity and observe how your body reacts if you have diabetes .
It is important to consult your doctor to determine the appropriate amount of raisins for your condition .
Otherwise , if you do not have diabetes , you can safely consume 3 to 4 tablespoons of raisins per day .
Raisins help to reduce blood pressure , which tends to increase after a certain age .
It is good to consume raisins regularly as it not only helps to lower blood pressure but also reduces total cholesterol which tends to increase after a certain age .
These are some of the additional health benefits of raisins .
For those who are over 50 years old , I would recommend starting with consuming just one tablespoon of raisins per day and observe the effects on your body , especially on your digestive system .
Eating too many raisins can cause excessive bowel movements .
So it's best to start slowly .
Raisins are a great fruit to add to your diet .
If you're looking to improve your health , they're high in fiber , which helps keep you full and they contain a lot of antioxidants that protect your body from free radicals .
Besides being good for your body consuming , can also help prevent anemia .
Anemia is the most common type of anemia that affects people in general .
It can cause weakness and fatigue as well as headaches , dizziness and shortness of breath .
Scientific evidence shows that raisins may also be helpful in treating iron deficiency anemia .
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia that affects people in general , it can cause weakness and fatigue as well as headaches , dizziness and shortness of breath .
And this time we're talking about the best fruits for those over 50 .
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Wishing you excellent health , lots of peace , love and plenty of fruit .
Take care and God bless you until the next video .
Goodbye .