Oh , man .
Now erythritol is causing heart attacks and strokes .
Now I'm gonna have to change all my videos .
I've been promoting erythritol for years .
Now I gotta redo all these darn videos .
Darn it .
Alright .
On a serious note , I'm just being sarcastic .
Okay ?
Let's talk about this , fascinating study that was just released .
It's all over the news .
It's all over social media that erythritol in your blood is now correlated to higher incidence of heart attacks and strokes .
Now when I see something like this all over the news , right , just out of the blue , I wanna know the source of the study , the who's funding the study , and I'm gonna put some links down below on that topic .
And if you actually read the study , there are some really interesting , not just red flags , but serious omissions .
Okay .
And I wanna talk about them .
There's actually 4 points about the study .
I'm gonna make it really simple .
I'm not gonna get into the nitty gritty of all the details of the study , but I wanna talk about the 4 big problems with the study .
The first 1 involves this word called correlation .
Correlation refers to something that has a similar association , usually some measurement or number .
It has nothing to do with causation .
So let me just kind of give you an example of correlation .
Statistically , there's a correlation of 99 point 79% of government spending on science and space technology in the state of Maine , and the number of suicides from hangings .
So if you were to look at that from a causation , you would wanna dramatically reduce the amount of spending in the schools on this technology .
Right ?
I mean , that's totally illogical .
Let's look at another 1 .
There's a 94.7% correlation between cheese consumption in the United States per person in pounds and people dying from being tangled in bedsheets .
So in other words , there's a correlated statistical increase between so many years .
And this also correlates between the total amount of revenue generated by skiing facilities in the US .
So you can see these disrelated things have a very similar correlation .
Personally , I think there's a very high statistical correlation , like it's probably close to a 100% of information being put out by the news and it being completely false .
So point 1 correlation doesn't mean causation .
This was an observational study , not a very high quality study .
Alright .
Number 2 , this study was not based on how much erythritol was consumed by people .
It did not measure dietary erythritol at all .
That was not measured in this main study .
What was measured was just the amount of erythritol in the blood that could have come from your body making it .
Our bodies actually make erythritol .
It's called endogenous erythritol .
And chances are erythritol is not really that popular .
So this study could basically be just measuring endogenous erythritol , which is the erythritol made by your own body .
Now the 3rd point I wanna bring up will explain number 2 .
Why would your body actually make erythritol in the first place ?
Why would it make high amounts ?
Well , erythritol is produced when you metabolize glucose .
Okay ?
So the more sugar you consume , the more you're a diabetic .
The more fructose you consume , the more erythritol you're gonna make .
Erythritol is also made when there's oxidative stress in the body .
And so it's made when you have liver disease , kidney disease , diabetes .
It also is increased when you have belly fat , which is correlated probably from the amount of carbs you consume .
It's also produced when you consume a lot of alcohol .
So that's an interesting piece of information .
So how can we really know if these cardiovascular , events are caused by the erythritol or by the person's overall health .
And the other thing you should know about this study , the great majority of the people in this study had high blood pressure , had diabetes .
They were in very , very poor health .
Just something you should know .
And number 4 , okay , and this is the icing on the cake .
If you look up research on Erythritol , okay , you're gonna find some really interesting counter information .
Erythritol apparently is an antioxidant .
It has anti inflammatory properties .
It has the potential to lower A1C , blood glucose , improve insulin resistance .
It has the ability to increase insulin sensitivity , It apparently in 1 study show that it improved endothelial function and can decrease the aortic stiffness and apparently can even slow down weight gain in my studies that were fed a high fat diet .
That's very interesting .
Could it possibly be that erythritol is increasing to counter the bad effects of sugar creating oxidative stress and lowering inflammation .
Is that a possibility ?
So , apparently , if you align all of this data together , it sounds to me that it's definitely more likely something that's trying to help you than something that's trying to hurt you .
So , you know , honestly , I just I don't like doing these videos because it's kind of a reaction to something in the news , which is kind of a distraction from other topics that I really want to talk about , on a daily basis in my videos .
But I just wanted to give you a summary on this , so you have all the information .
So you personally can make up your own mind on whether , erythritol is is the bad guy or possibly even the good guy .
Now check this part out .
This is extracted from the conclusion of 1 of the studies talking about erythritol .
It says this , in summary , erythritol significantly decrease metabolic disorders such as obesity , glucose intolerance , dyslipidemia , which is a kind of a dysfunction of your lipids and fats , and fat accumulation in the liver , which were induced by a high fat diet .
In particular , it exerted anti inflammatory effects in the intestine .
Yes .
This study was done in mice , but still it showed that there's actually a benefit of taking Erythritol .
Now since we're sort of on the topic of cardiovascular events , if you really want to know what can support your heart , you should check this video out right here .