And he's going to realize that he needs a woman like Lucy in his life .
Not you .
That's enough to Celia .
Wow .
What are you newlyweds going to do with all this space ?
Could I have some kids running around here ?
Sin .
We talked about this .
I know , I know .
I know you're not ready yet .
Whatever , you'll change your mind soon .
I'm sure .
Oh , good morning , good morning .
You know , when I was growing up , my mother taught me , it's really important to wake up early and have breakfast waiting for the family .
Do they not teach you that in your country ?
And about that desk job of yours ?
I'm not so sure you're going to be able to balance everything .
Being a wife and mother is not to be taken lightly .
Cecilia and balancing everything just fine .
I've worked hard to get to where I am today besides Anne and I are not ready to have a child .
Leah .
It's not a request if you don't give my son a child soon .
I know plenty of conventionally beautiful and young women who will , is that clear ?
Sorry about my mom .
I know she can be a lot .
It's Ok .
Thanks for saying that .
Of course .
And uh , yeah , I want you to know that I meant what I said earlier .
Ok , I'm , I'm perfectly happy with or without a child , whatever we decide .
Ok .
I think you will both discover that marriage can only reach its true purpose .
When you raise a family .
Mom .
Can we , I really think you should reconsider , can we not do this right now ?
Ok .
Look , there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about .
I've been feeling really lonely , living alone and now that you've got this big house , I was just thinking maybe I could stay here .
I mean , that's , uh , I'm surely , I would understand right here .
Look , I'm happy for your mom to stay with us .
I just , I think we need to set some ground rules .
I think , I think she's just , you know , she needs some time to adjust .
I mean , you know how hard my dad's passing has been on her .
Well , she kind of told me that if I don't have a child with you , she would set you up with someone else .
Yeah .
What ?
No , I mean , she wouldn't say something like that .
Would she ?
Not , never mind , forget I said anything .
Oh , come here quick .
Lucy .
Oh , my gosh .
It's , it's been forever .
It has .
Oh , sorry .
Uh , Leah , this is , this is Lucy .
She was my neighbor growing up .
Hi , I'm Leah .
Nice to meet you .
Hi .
And , uh , Lucy .
What ?
What brings you out this way ?
Oh , your sweet mom called me .
She said you just moved in and needed help running some errands and didn't want to bother you too .
Lucy is a sweetheart .
She has helped me so much over this past year .
I mean , honestly , I don't know what I would have done without you .
How come you're not swooped up yet ?
You're beautiful .
You're smart from a good background .
You are too kind , Cecilia .
All right , I'm heading out .
You guys have a lovely celebration .
Happy birthday , Ian .
Thank you , Lucy .
Please join us .
Leah , would you please pour a glass of wine ?
This is perfect char .
Oh , I almost forgot .
I , I got something for you .
You shouldn't have .
Thank you .
Feels like just yesterday I got you the Food Fighters cassette for your 13th birthday .
Yeah , that's right .
That was uh that was the first cassette I ever got I Yeah .
Ok .
Open it .
I was literally just telling Leah how much I wanted this exact model .
Oh , yeah .
Your mom told me .
Sorry , please .
Excuse me .
So I didn't forget about your present .
Ok , I just figured I , I wanna tell you when we're alone , you know , um let's have a baby .
But yeah , I mean , I thought you said I know I just , I changed my mind .
Would that make you happy ?
If I mean , if that's what you really want then then yes , absolutely .
I love you .
I love you too .
It's like I told you , you should have taken time off from work .
Maybe we would have had a baby right now .
That was alive and healthy and with your genes , this might have been your only shot .
That's enough Cecilia .
I am sick of you trying to make me feel inferior .
Please just leave me .
Mark my words , Leah .
Any man will leave a woman who will not give him a baby and let me tell you something else .
My son's infatuation with your exotic looks will soon fade .
And he's going to realize that he needs a woman like Lucy in his life .
Not you .
Mom .
Stop .
And here I was defending you all this time .
I honestly thought you were better than this .
I guess that was my mistake though .
Mum , we just lost a child .
Are you even hearing yourself right now ?
And I'm never gonna leave le aside .
OK , mom , I love her .
You need to get that through your head .
Honestly , I think it's time you pack your bags and leave us be when you enter into a serious relationship with a partner , it can be easy to assume that you're entering into a life with only that person .
But with every partner comes their social network as well , whether that is friends , family or colleagues .
And although it is common to have differences of opinion with your partner's circle , sometimes you may have experienced something even more challenging like your partner's loved ones .
Disrespecting , pressurizing or even manipulating you to change your beliefs and values .
Here are three steps you can take if you find yourself in this situation .
Number one , make sure you and your partner are on the same page .
Have you both decided to wait to have Children or not have Children at all ?
Have you set clear expectations regarding each other's career paths ?
Make a list of the things that matter to both of you and then make sure that your timelines are agreed upon and clear .
And while it's important to keep both sides happy in any relationship , make sure that you're staying true to yourself and not giving up your belief system out of an attempt to make your partner's circle happy .
Number two , have a conversation with your partner about how their loved one is making you feel while it is important to be sensitive to your partner's relationships with their loved ones .
It is equally important to be clear about the unhealthy behaviors and their effect on you because they may have grown up with this person .
They may have trouble seeing and accepting this person in a different light .
Number three , approach , your partner's loved one about how their behavior is affecting you .
It may be helpful to have your partner there as well .
Be honest , be calm and direct if they push back , stand up for yourself and hold your ground .
But with balance , while a parent or in-law might want grandchildren or a friend may have an opinion about the division of labor in your house or how you handle your finances .
Those are personal decisions for you and your partner to make together .
And remember while it can be tempting to want to please your partner's loved ones , it is never worth giving up your principles .
As a result .
At the end of the day , it is your values that make you who you are and a partner who truly loves and cares for .
You will respect and cherish that if you want even more videos , just like this one , make sure you subscribe and click on the boxes over here .
I'm also excited to let you know that you can now get my book , think like a monk from think like a monk book.com check below in the description to make sure you order today .
Well , she's fun .
She's stress free .
I'm like you .
How are you blaming me ?
You're the one who cheated .