Chester and you were the heart of Linkin Park .
You rapping and Chester singing , it was a really just a unique sound .
Mhmm .
And then to lose that connection with somebody has to blow your fucking mind .
I I can't even imagine the pain you were in .
In .
I would be angry with him .
I think there's I think there's points when that that yeah .
There's points when I felt that way .
I'm sure for other people , it was the same .
Even fans too , by the way .
And that's natural .
That's normal .
That's , like , one of the stages of grief .
Right ?
That's angers in there .
What is it like to work with someone who suffers from depression ?
Not only is it difficult for him , but at the time , you don't even understand the depths of it .
Right .
That's true .
Actually , that part is important to say too because I none of the nobody knew the depths of it .
But did it scare you ?
In other words , did you say to yourself , like , you knew ?
Time , no .
It was let me actually let let's go back to the beginning .
When I met Chester , I didn't know his stories .
As I got to know him , I would find myself oftentimes saying that's I've never heard such a crazy upbringing , like , such a crazy childhood , like , running wild , like , in the streets and and doing hard drugs on the roof of his high school , just , like , complete like , just barely staying out of jail .
And so different , and that's what made our dynamic what it was .
It's like I didn't grow like that .
I felt like I was an outsider because I was , like , a mixed race kid that didn't have , like , a community to belong to .
Like , I didn't identify with I'm half Japanese .
I didn't speak Japanese .
I don't look Japanese .
The white kids are thought I was , like , obviously not white .
The the , Latino kids were , like , starting to speak me in Spanish .
I didn't speak any like , I just didn't have it was I was always floating around and have , like , a home .
But because he had his issues , was he a difficult guy to deal with the whole time ?
Was it , like , oh , geez .
No .
No .
Not the whole time .
Early day is more difficult because we were still we didn't know how it was gonna go .
Like , on early days hybrid theory , we were still getting started , and we'd have we'd get a win here .
We'd get a loss there .
Right .
We sent the song to the radio .
They're playing it .
Oh , the show is gonna be a kind of a small show .
It's gonna be hard to get there .
You're gonna have to drive all night .
It's gonna be tough .
You're gonna be exhausted .
Oh , by the way , we all just got sick .
Like , it was hard .
And so in the midst of all of that , having a guy who would sneak out , he'd just go missing and come back obliterated , like , you couldn't even talk to him .
He's just so wasted , but also funny .
You ever see hear about that or see that episode ?
Was that Friends episode where they have the , fun Bobby ?
Yeah .
Fun Bobby .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Fun Bobby's hilarious and fun everybody loves him , and then the second he gets sober , nobody likes him anymore .
There's an element of Chester who was very fun sometimes when he was that way , and then usually the next day , it'd be , like , so dark .
You just like he has he's super hungover .
He's angry at everybody , yelling at everybody , and you're kinda just like , just let him , you know , let's get to through the day .
Did you doubt at any time that , like , oh , now Chester's gone .
Maybe I don't wanna do music anymore .
Was there any of that ?
Yeah .
No .
Of course .
100% .
100% .
It's like , for me , it just felt like too much .
Like , to to get back on it and try and do some version of music and also be seen through the lens of what had happened .
And for that to be attached , I told I it's it was like being a member of a club that I didn't wanna join .