Which source has made you the most money ?
What's made me the most money is how much you're worth ?
$3 million ?
That's pretty accurate .
Give me a crazy story which I've never mentioned before .
I can , I can't tell the story .
In fact , I've changed my mind .
I'm going to tell the story .
I've had people try to kill me .
I've had members of my family attempts on them .
You've been banned of many social media .
What's your moves ?
They use their bullets .
I'm still all over social media .
So they has the matrix ever contacted you directly ?
I've had some anonymous messages which were scary .
I guess you could say I can sit here right now and recall events that will prevent me from sleeping for 2 to 3 days .
If I wasn't that way inclined with the workload that God put on my shoulders , I'd just be in a ditch somewhere .
I would have killed myself by now .
I bought my own payment gateway .
I bought my own bank .
Welcome back to the show and thank you all for returning back to the channel where we talk about business advice , happiness , and personal finance guys in this podcast .
It needs no introduction .
We're just gonna get right into it .
If this is your first time watching this channel , I urge you to do press that subscribe button so we can keep on bringing extremely popular guests like Andrew Tate and keep making these videos .
I think .
I like to say , like by now , this podcast is like the number one podcast in Dubai and like especially after this video , I'd say the number one podcast in the Middle East .
So let's just get straight into it .
Um I'm just gonna summarize your story real quick .
Andrew Tate , all of you have seen him recently .
Google's most search man , the man that broke the internet , the most famous person on social media that isn't on social media .
Thank you so much for coming on here .
Really , I appreciate it .
I know this podcast has a lot more to benefit from you being here than you do .
So I really appreciate your time .
We're gonna talk about everything and this is gonna be a good one .
So usually we start by going through people's journeys .
I , I'll just summarize it real quick and then we can get into the details from what I understand your story and you can correct me if I'm wrong .
But basically you were born in Washington .
You were raised in Luton , your dad's an African American chess grandmaster .
Your mom was a catering assistant .
You learned to play chess at five years old and as a kid , you're already playing adults tournaments .
You then started kickboxing and you became four times world champion in two different weight divisions .
Then you start appearing in a reality TV show called Big Brother .
You were removed .
After one week , you then you started your webcam business and after the webcam business , you , you simultaneously started the Hustlers University which was like a course or like a university and then you started your casino business .
After that .
I get everything right .
Yeah , it's a very sparse uh explanation of my life .
Of course , there's a lot of detail missing and I kind of feel like I've lived many different lives .
I feel like I've been alive many different times .
People ask my life story and it's hard for me to surmise in one compendious series of events because I , I've lived this entire existence as a professional fighter , this entire existence as a webcam owner .
This entire existence broke this entire existence .
Rich .
I feel like I've been alive many times if that makes sense .
So it's even difficult for me to surmise my life .
It's been so varied .
Um But yeah , that's , that's pretty accurate , that's pretty accurate .
But now you're , you're in Dubai .
Yeah , you've been here for like a week or so .
How do you feel about being in Dubai ?
The best city on earth ?
It is .
It's a city of the future .
It is .
I have nothing but good things to say about Dubai .
And it goes all the way from down to the very base level , all the way up to the top .
But the fact you can just walk around safely , that , that , that's , that removes 80% of the world's cities nowadays .
And if you can have everything in another country , you're rich , you have everything , but you can't even use your , what's the point of being rich there completely ?
And if you , if you don't even have your safety , what do you have ?
Right .
So there's only a few cities left on earth .
You can even like this is just a sheer on watch .
I only wear this in Dubai .
I wear it in Bucharest .
But that's because I have Bucharest lockdown head to toe .
Most people don't .
It's my place .
Tokyo , maybe some cities in Australia , which were kind of ok , but they're getting a bit worse .
That's it .
That's it .
You can't wear it in western Europe .
You can't wear it in America .
You can't wear in South America you can't wear in Africa .
You can't , you can't wear a nice watch that you've earned .
It's absolutely incredible .
And you know , they say like it's because no Dubai has or like UE has all these resources but every country has resources but the problem is too much corruption there for the rulers .
Maybe don't invest what they have in the country , you know , in the infrastructure and stuff .
Yeah , I , I , the people will always make excuses but you're completely right .
There's a whole bunch of African nations with mass resources and there's a whole bunch of Western nations with a bunch of resource .
But , yeah , I , I think it comes down to the leadership and the vision of the leadership and the fact they truly care and , and that's different and that's an argument that can be long and very , very detailed and interesting about the differences between a democracy and perhaps the ruling system here .
You know , because the democracy , a lot of people get in , they have 34 years in power .
There's a huge bunch of bureaucracy as much money as they can for the bounce the changes they make .
Now they'll see results in 10 years when they'll be , they'll be gone .
So they don't care .
And also there's a whole bunch of bureaucracy behind them which makes it very slow to change .
It's very hard .
Like , I don't understand completely how UAE is run .
But I'd like to think that if the sheikh were to walk down the road and say change this , it would be changed the same day .
Whereas in England or America change , this committee decides to change the law goes to Congress to vote , then , you know , it cost 4 billion .
And then next year , maybe some guy will start to come and just slow and the construction company will keep 3 billion .
They'll use one billion and , and we , and it's very slow .
And what did we say earlier about the key , we said speed .
We said that it's the fastest people who adopt the quickest , the quickest change we're gonna survive .
And if that's gonna be true , then I guess you can extrapolate it out and also apply it to a city or a country or a civilization .
And the fact that Dubai is so adaptable and can adapt in real time means that it's basically the only city on the planet where no matter what happens on what happens in the world , they're always going to be the best possible position .
I don't think that Dubai has any competition .
I think it's seriously genuinely the best city on earth .
I think it's number one .
So you talk a lot about purpose and what is your thoughts as to do ?
You have like uh an exact answer as to why we are created as humans and why we are here ?
Like , what is the purpose of life ?
Why have we been given life ?
I think we're here to struggle and to learn .
I don't think we're here to be happy .
That's why when we keep going back to the happy argument , I've always found that kind of frustrating and annoying and someone goes , oh , but I want to be happy .
Why , why , why do you want to sit there and laugh like , like you were happy your entire childhood ?
That's your happy days .
You're allowed to be happy as a kid .
It's all over now , right ?
You're a man .
You have responsibilities .
I think we're here to do important .
Yeah .
Provide protection .
And we're also here to do important things and important things are gonna be difficult and they're gonna be hard and you're gonna get frustrated .
But that's what gives you purpose .
I don't see anyone who's chasing happiness .
I think that's a very feminine frame .
I understand why some women just want to be happy .
I think .
I don't know how it feels to be a girl because I'm not one .
But in my experience , I know women who just want to be happy , girls just wanna have fun .
Fine .
But you're a man , right ?
And if you're a man , then it's absolutely different experience of life .
I , I think we're here to struggle .
I think we're here to endure pain .
I think we're here to just see how hard we are to kill .
I think that going through terrible things and living through them and , and coming out the other side is one of the most fantastic things about being human .
I think that it's , it's almost like once you understand what life is really about , there's no emotion which isn't enjoyable .
The only emotion that the only emotional state which can be seen as detrimental is feeling nothing at all .
But if you're sitting at home and you're feeling truly heartbroken , at least you're feeling something right ?
And , and , and I think that's the whole part of being human .
I don't , I I think we're here to struggle .
I think we're here to go through pain .
That's so I wake up each day and go .
What can I , what can I attack ?
What problem can I solve ?
And , and look at history .
Why did Genghis Khan wake up and want to conquer the whole world ?
Why did Napoleon conquer the world ?
Why did Alexander the great conquer ?
You wake up and just say , give me this , give me I want all of it .
I need to , there's an army there .
They're really big .
We're better .
It's intrinsic , you need to go and conquer .
That's , that's the purpose of life .
Yeah .
But why do you think that we were created here ?
Just like what like do you believe that God created us ?
So why did God create us to struggle ?
Like what is it ?
What is it ?
Because if you don't struggle , you don't learn .
God created us to learn and understand ourselves and understand other people and understand the world .
And what did I say earlier ?
I said that you don't learn a lesson or you don't appreciate something without pain .
So you have to struggle to learn anything .
There's only two ways to learn things , the hard way or the harder way .
If you're smart , you can learn the hard way .
But in my experience , 99% of the planet only learned the hardest possible way .
If it's , if the lessons even 85% effective , they'll make the same mistake .
It's only when they completely decimate and destroy an element of their life .
Do they sit there and go ?
Oh .
Oops .
Now I get it .
That's how it goes .
So , let's talk about where you are , Andrew right now in this moment .
You know what is like going through your head right now ?
You've been banned off many social medias .
You haven't done a podcast in a while ?
So , what , what , what is your thoughts as to like , what are your plans now or like what do you feel about what's happened to you ?
And uh what's your , what's your moves or ?
I mean , I , I don't expect you to reveal them , but what's your plans ?
Yeah .
So the matrix attacked me .
They tried to remove me from social media bullets .
They used their bullets .
I'm still all over social media .
So they failed .
What's scary about it ?
The only thing I will say I don't like about being banned is that you get three lives when you attack powerful people , they first ban you and try and shut you up .
Secondly , they'll put you in jail for something you didn't do and thirdly they'll kill you .
So I've used my first life , which is kind of upsetting when you know that next is going to be some false charges .
And if you survive the false charges , you just die .
So that's kind of upsetting , but that's it is , it is , it's kind of upsetting .
I like to think that people at home know if I ever ended up in a jail cell and the media started printing , why ?
That they'd know it's a pure lie and that they made it up .
Um But that's kind of scary outside of that .
The ban in and of itself has not , I don't care , bro .
It's made no difference to my life .
I , the only thing Instagram was good for was a bunch of chicks and , you know , that's all .
That's the only thing I used it .
You love them .
I do .
OK ?
You know , I don't need it .
So I don't care about any of that stuff .
I do think that social media companies have made a mistake .
I think they're now realizing they've made a mistake , they contact you .
I can't say what's happening , but I do believe I will be reinstated .
However , it's truly not that important at this time .
If I had to martyr my social media accounts to show the world that everything I was saying was true about the matrix , then it was worth it .
Right ?
All they did was prove me completely and utterly right .
You said it 100 times on different episodes .
I am going to be deleted .
They're gonna try to silence me .
I wish someone would make a compilation of all these clips because you said it like 100 times over and over again .
They're gonna remove me .
They're gonna ban me .
They're gonna , I knew I knew exactly what was gonna happen and they proved me completely and utterly right and it backfired .
They tried to put a media spin on the event and convinced the world that I'm a bad person and that has failed .
Nobody believes I'm a bad person .
99% of the comments on any of my videos are positive .
I'm speaking to people who are now waking up and understanding that the media machine lies and the only people who truly dislike me are the slave minds .
If I ever hear about somebody disliking me when you ask them why they don't know , they don't know .
And that's what's scary .
What's scary to me is that there's people out there that have a strong emotional reaction to scenarios , people or events and they don't even know why they just read a headline .
But that's , that's the true slave mind when someone can say a name to you and you're furious and you go , why are you angry ?
I don't know .
Like that shows how programmed you are .
Control his emotion , control you .
So anybody who's critically thinking anybody with a brain , it's a problem .
Yeah .
Yeah .
So anybody with a brain who can think for themselves likes me and anybody who hates me is barely sentient .
So it's kind of good where now I have a very strong filter like it .
I don't like you .
I know you're an idiot .
That's fine instantly instantly .
I know you're an idiot .
Oh , bro .
I love your work .
Ah , a person who thinks so .
It's kind of , it's kind of convenient .
It's kind of convenient to instantly filter , you know , my , my life , but I must have been approached by 100,000 people as I walk the street and I've never had anybody say anything negative to me on the street .
Ever , male , female , old , young , never , everybody , including women love me .
They all say you're saying the truth , You're doing such important work .
I've never had anything .
A video came out with this woman and she was like , what other OK , whatever you want to say about it and you can see it .
But who are the mentors that the youth have today or is it the rappers that are all on drugs and all like over overdosing ?
Which is very tragic but which mentors do the do the youth have today that they can look forward to that says , you know what ?
It's not cool to do drugs .
It's not cool to just party , it's cool to work and to sacrifice and to put , to put your goals as number one .
And actually like , you know what I mean ?
Like grind towards something have goals and chase them .
But that's done on purpose .
The mentors , the idols , the icons that they purport to the youth via the matrix are degenerate because they want a degenerate class of semi miserable , sad people .
You're never going to be truly happy in your mind .
If you go against the teachings of God .
I don't care how much money you make .
If you're a bad person , you're not gonna feel happy .
I don't care how much money you make .
If you snake people or lie to people or do bad to people , you're never gonna feel happy .
True , deep in your heart , true in your heart .
We're intrinsically designed to do right ?
And do good .
And that's something that God gave us .
And when you have that , you understand that that's more important than anything else .
So these people who are up here promoting degeneracy saying , you know , take Percocets and bang girls and drink vodka and you're gonna be , you know , gonna be great .
I I drink , I'm not saying I don't drink , but that's not my message , right ?
And those people are never truly happy and they , and they're trying to purport that and convince people to do the same so that the whole populace is never truly happy .
And like I said , now we go in circles , we've already discussed why they don't want us to be happy .
So that's why do you think the drinking is like um an escape of sorts .
I love alcohol .
I drink , right ?
So I'm a drinker , but it's not my message .
I don't sit here on a podcast and say everyone drink , drink , drink , but rapper rapper message is degenerate crime .
This guy completely , completely .
And I'm saying that if you live that way , you're never to be truly happy in your heart .
If you want to feel happy inside of yourself , and you want to feel content and you want to feel stable inside of yourself , you need to live true to God .
And I'm not saying you can't drink a little bit of alcohol or not party or not have a little bit of fun , but you have to be a good person .
You have to balance life .
You have to be a good person overall .
I know I'm a good person .
And when the matrix is trying to convince the world that I'm not , that just proves even further that I'm a good person .
The world we now live in today when the mass media machine is trying to tell you somebody is evil .
You can know pretty well that that person is probably good and vice versa .
Like there's a reason they are trying so hard to convince people to ignore their own ears .
People listen to my message and go , that's a positive message and the media of the Shane is going , no , it's not positive .
He's bad .
They're trying to brainwash you honestly .
You're right .
I'd like to ask you like right now in this moment , are you happy ?
Is this like the happiest moment you've been in your life ?
Or can you think back to a time where you were like , this is the happiest moment of my life .
I don't believe in the societal paradigms in which they have tried to construct this idea of happiness , I don't believe or subscribe to the way that happy and sad is currently un understood by the masses of the population .
I think if you are anything less than absolutely distraught , you are happy .
You're a version of happy .
Yeah , it's like saying gray is a version of black , right ?
No matter how light the gray is , you can still call it a version of black .
And unless you've gone through an event , which hopefully doesn't happen too often , like the passing of a family member or something that's truly destructive and detrimental to your mindset .
Besides these events , which hopefully only happen a few times in your life .
You should be happy .
If you're not crying or paralyzed in silence due to the absolute magnitude of a detrimental circumstance or the absolute magnitude of a negative event , then you are a version of happy .
So I am always happy is the short answer .
I don't believe in not being happy .
I don't believe in not saying to myself .
I'm happy .
I'm always a version of happy .
And this chasing this idea of chasing happiness and always being concerned and preoccupied with how happy you are is actually the biggest mistake that a lot of people make .
I think in the world today , especially men who wake up and go , oh I don't really feel happy .
So I need to get happier and that's how they end up down a hedonistic path of drugs or alcohol or gambling , chasing pleasure .
I don't care how I feel .
I don't care if I feel happy or sad , it doesn't really affect what I do each day .
I do the exact same things .
I act the exact same way it does .
I don't care .
I don't put weight to the significance of the emotion .
So I always consider myself a happy person .
But if I woke up and I was slightly less happy one day than another , it wouldn't affect anything I do and I wouldn't put any relevance to it .
I'm , I'm human and that's life .
And so , yeah .
Am I any happier now that I am that I have hundreds of millions of dollars then before I was broke .
Not really , but I was never unhappy .
I'm , I'm , I'm the same state that I was then that I am now I have work to do and I will do it .
It's as simple as that .
Yeah .
Very well put .
Yeah .
No , but you're right .
Definitely .
I've heard like the chase for happiness and the more you try to seek happiness , the more you're enforcing yourself that you're not happy .
Well , also there's no light without dark and there's no joy without pain .
You can't have a rainbow without a little rain .
And no matter how hard you chase pleasure and happiness , there's gonna be dips and troughs in between .
There's gonna be come downs and downtrends and you're going to have the juxtaposition between that time you were laughing your head off and acting Gid like a child and the time that you feel depressed as such , and I think it's much better to just adopt a very disciplined stoic mindset .
I'm always the same base level of happy .
Regardless .
If I lost all of my money .
Today , I would be the same happy if my net worth quadrupled , I'd be the same happiness as long as I am alive , which is a struggle unfortunately , in the current climate .
But as long as I'm alive and the people I care about and love are alive .
And as long as I get , as long as God gives me the honor of doing my duties and providing for the people I care about .
As long as I get to wake up and know that there's a whole bunch of people in the world who need me and I get to work hard to please them and do good for society and good for the world .
Then , then I'm , I'm a vessel of God and I'm happy , I'm happy enough to survive .
That's , that's all I look at it as I don't ever consider .
How do I feel that doesn't cross my mind .
I have things to do .
I have to , to do .
I'm too busy .
I have things to do every single day .
I have very important things to do and how I feel really is not gonna affect how I complete those tasks and I , when I speak to men , they say I'm unhappy or I need to be happier .
I think that's absolutely the wrong frame of life .
You're a man .
You have duty , you have honor , you have things you should be doing regardless of how you feel .
And the people who are Perma obsessed with happiness or sadness .
I just think it's the wrong paradigm to view the lens of life .
I think you should get up and do what needs to be done .
You're a positive influence .
What's all of stuff , man ?
You're just reinforcing positivity on people .
I'm absolutely a positive influence .
And that's the problem .
The key word there is influence .
The reason the matrix has attacked me is because of that .
It's because I am an influence and when they don't like influence because I'm , I've not sold my soul .
They don't control me .
And normally when you become massively influential , they control you , you either sign a contract or you a sponsor or your manager .
Yeah .
Whatever .
They have some kind of leverage over you to make sure you only say what you are supposed to say .
I'm an individual which they do not control .
I have mass influence over the population of earth .
And when you have somebody like me who is principled , who has morals , who believes in God , who will not sell their soul will not promote degeneracy , who also has mass influence .
They see me as a threat because they say there are certain agendas which he will not promote because of his morality .
And we need immoral people who have sold their souls .
Absolutely and completely .
So they'll , they'll enforce the slave programming amongst the population .
So they see me as a threat because of my mass influence and me being positive in and of itself is also a threat to the establishment because they don't want people to be happy .
They want you to be semi depressed and sad and miserable .
Because when you're sad , you're self obsessed , you're distracted and you're self obsessed .
When you're sad , you're sitting at home .
Me , me , me , me , it makes you very selfish .
You don't care about your community .
When you're sad , you don't care about your country .
When you're sad , you don't care about the injustices of the world .
When you're sad , you don't care about trying to actually go and make the world a better place because you do busy thinking about yourself .
So they want you miserable , semi depressed , sad , unhappy , so that you can sit at home and accept them doing whatever they want to the planet and other people without ever talking or standing up or doing the right thing .
If you're happy uh and motivated , you're gonna be far more likely to fight against injustices .
So the fact that I have mass influence and I can just make people feel better is a threat to them .
They don't want me to make people feel better .
They talk about men's mental health and pretend to care .
But when I come along and genuinely help and , and stop people from committing suicide , they delete me .
They don't want that .
They want everybody semi depressed , they want you miserable , they want you distracted so that you're too busy crying your eyes out in a room somewhere or sitting in deep thought , worrying about this girl who left you so they can just continue to run the world .
Because if you're , if you're thinking about yourself , you're not thinking about the new rules that are going out or the new stuff that's going on .
You're not thinking about the work of the devil , which is what's happening right now .
We're , we're currently in a fight of good versus evil .
It's , it's genuinely that serious .
This is a , whether it's the Bible or the Koran or any superhero movie , this is the Battle of Good versus Evil and anybody who's sitting who doesn't see that , who doesn't see that every con armed conflict on the planet , the conflict for our minds , the way the matrix is attempting to control us , this is genuinely a battle of God versus Satan .
And if you think that you can just sit idly by while these two titans go to war and you're not gonna end up caught up in the crossfire , then you're absolutely and utterly ignorant at best , a coward at worst .
And I think it's most likely cowardice .
We're in the middle of the greatest battle that humankind has ever faced and unless people stand up and actually try and fight hard for good and for God , then we're gonna end up in absolute tyrannical slavery .
You know , while you're talking right now , it's just making me think the way you talk , it's like , really articulate , it's like , really intriguing and you're well informed on many different topics .
So , were you always like this ?
And like , how , how did you , how did you build this ?
Like , did you read books or ?
You know what I mean ?
How did you become so well informed on everything ?
How did you talk ?
So , I think good question .
I don't read books .
I'm actually famous for saying I've never , I've read one book in my life in my adult life .
I've read one book and I was in a jail cell so I had nothing else to do .
So I don't read books .
This book was , uh it was an awful book .
I think it was called .
I can't remember the name of it .
I've told this story before and someone found it in the comments , but it was a terrible story about a un negotiator , a woman who was in New York and she had been fired from the UN because she made this big mistake .
And then the UN needed her back because she was the best nego and they got her back and they kept talking about , I wish I didn't make the big mistake .
And for two thirds of the book , it's like she's so she's so good at her job .
But what was this big mistake ?
And it turns out she was negotiating between two African warlord tribes and she ended up sleeping with one of the warlords .
And now , and when you get this big revelation , you're like , oh , so you're just warlord in the middle of a negotiation ?
Like how did that even happen ?
What you were so interested ?
And then you just like how charming was this guy ?
He's a mass murderer .
Like the whole book , it upset me .
So , no , I don't read books because books are slow and I think the world we now live in today is about speed .
Speed is absolutely and not really important .
Everything must be absolutely and everything must be done as quickly as possible .
And Darwin said it , even though I'm not a proponent of evolution , he said it's the most adaptable member of the species that survives .
I will change it and say nowadays , the most , the quickest member of the species survived .
It's not about being the biggest or the strongest about being the quickest , uh the most adaptable to change and to read a book is just too many human hours for the amount of information and knowledge you get .
So I don't read books .
I think they're slow .
I think they're a waste of time .
I think a lot of it's mental masturbation for people to sit there and say I want to get smarter .
So I read books and I talk to these people .
They're not even smart .
I know , I know everything about everything because of my life .
It's been varied and it's been very difficult and I'm perspicacious and I pay attention and I learn my lessons and that's how I know everything about everything .
I don't need to read books .
There's not a subject you can name right now where I don't know something about .
That's what I've noticed .
You name it , Korean War , anything , you name it .
I know something about something that's just what happens when you get to a certain level of , of intelligence because you can apply scenarios and it's all patterns .
Absolutely .
And , and , and history may not repeat , but it certainly rhymes in humanity .
All acts in a pretty similar way across all cultures and once you get an X amount of knowledge in one place , you can basically apply it and extrapolate it out to anything .
Anything .
Yeah .
No .
And you're right about the reading books thing .
A lot of people , there's like this new , like , basically they become like self help junkies where they're just trying to seek self help books and they think to themselves , like , I'm doing something productive because I'm reading a book .
But actually you have so much work that you could actually do to actually , like , do implement what the book says .
You know what I mean ?
Well , the thing is with reading a book is it's a reward without any risk .
And this is why I think a lot of people are proponents of reading and they say reading , reading because nothing can really go wrong besides wasting your time and life , of course .
But they don't believe that I am a much larger proponent of larger risks and larger rewards .
If you want to learn about self help , if you want to understand yourself and see what kind of man you really are and learn how to fight through adversity and learn how to get up when life is difficult and learn how to control your mind and learn how to struggle .
Then you can go to the boxing gym and you can get , you can get your ass kicked .
You do not need to read any books .
You need to get in the gym , walk in there and say I'm gonna fight the best fighter here every single day and not quit until you can eventually beat him .
But man , most people are not mad enough for that .
So instead they'll read a self help book and they'll sit there and try and talk to me about mindset .
I learned my mindset in battle .
My mindset is 87 professional fights .
My mindset was learning the reality of the real world .
I don't need to read a self-help book .
I don't need to read about motivation or confidence .
I've been in the cage smashing people's faces in , I don't need to learn any of that stuff .
So I learn in reality and reality is always gonna be a better teacher than a book because you're not learning when you read books you're , you're regurgitating , you may be reading .
But I don't believe you're truly learning .
My coach used to say if it doesn't hurt , you didn't learn and I think he's completely right and it's the same with , it's the same with entire life .
You see people make the same mistake over and over again until , until it eventually goes really wrong and it's only then they'll change .
So .
Absolutely .
So I , I learned how to become self disciplined and become self motivated and work hard and I learn how to face adversity and find strength within myself .
I didn't know I had because people were trying to kill me inside of a cage and you cannot replicate that by reading pages of a book .
So it's a waste of time .
You don't need to read about other people's experiences because you have enough of feeling .
Absolutely .
And yeah .
So I'll actually say here right now , I'm a massive anti reader .
I think , I think it's a mistake .
I think , I think as a young man , if you want to get your life better , the most important thing you have are your waking hours .
You need to be out competing all the other people on the planet who are hypercompetitive .
And if you think you have eight hours to sit there and just read a book .
You are wasting your time .
You are too slow and you are going to lose against people like me because we're just too quick , too fast .
Our networks are too various and large and we make decisions too quickly and we absorb information too quickly and you're just behind the , by the time you were done reading the book , the moves have been made , but it's over , the game is over .
But I think one good thing about reading books , especially now , especially what you were saying is because like , like you said , attention spans are like this these days .
When you read a book , you kind of learn to train yourself to like take information a bit slowly .
It kind of helps you focus a bit more .
That's true .
And we certainly have an attention span problem even I have it myself to a degree .
But I think that's just the way the world is moving .
I think you need to get a DH D and you need to learn to control it within certain paradigms .
Uh You need to be able to sit and say yes , I struggle to focus on this one particular video , for example , but as a whole , I can keep my focus within the parameters of work .
Whether I'm watching this video and talking on telegram and replying to this email and re reading this , just do it all at once .
I mean , that's what I do , I've had people come into my office and say , are you on a phone call and playing chess and reading a web page at the same time , I'm like , yes , I'll be reading what I need to read and on the phone and at the same time playing chess .
Otherwise my brain's not full .
Yeah .
So , yeah , can I focus on one thing ?
Not easily , but am I massively successful doing enormous amounts of work ?
Yes , every single day .
So it's just staying within the parameters of , of constructive .
If , if what you're doing with your energy is constructive and you're within those parameters , then you're gonna be massively successful .
Anyway , that's basically true about your confidence .
Is that also from these experiences or how does one become this confident ?
And especially another thing is you seem like , you know , you really love yourself and which is a good thing , but how does someone go about loving themselves ?
I'm proud of myself and I deserve to be .
Most people don't deserve to be proud of themselves .
And that's the truth .
A lot of people say , oh , you know , I have confidence issues and I say if I was you , I would have confidence issues .
Of course , I I completely understand why you have confidence issues .
You're a dork .
But we have to be realistic here .
We have to be absolutely and utterly realistic because the world is brutal and it's harsh if you're not proud of yourself you probably don't deserve to be proud of yourself .
So you're not gonna feel happy and you just talked about confidence , confidence comes from competence .
The reason I'm confident is because I'm good at everything .
I'm good at everything I do the things I'm not good at .
I'm not confident in .
Of course , and I know what they are .
I don't do them very often .
I've now created my reality to the point where I don't do anything .
I'm not good at you higher .
I just don't want to do it .
Like I don't play darts .
I'm not good at darts , right .
I do what I do what I'm good at .
So , yeah , I'm absolutely nly confident because I'm absolutely nly competent and that takes practice and discipline and motivation and you need to fail a few times .
You need to get up .
And like I said earlier , when I learned my entire mindset in professional fighting and chess , the two combined , that's how it comes down to .
And when people say , oh , you know , I have confidence issues .
Usually I can look them up and down and say , yeah , if I was you , I would completely and utterly struggle with confidence issues because you're the world is competitive and there's men like me on the planet and friends like mine on the planet and you're competing against us for , for money , for girls , for status , for resource and you're gonna be destroyed and decimated the entire time .
So of course , you have confidence issues when you can be annihilated in real time by the competitor .
Why , why wouldn't you have confidence issues ?
You'd be psychopathic .
Not to .
Yeah , that makes sense .
So , maybe that , that in confidence is a good motivation for them .
Well , it's supposed to be , this is the thing that I , I don't truly understand if I'm unhappy with something and I'm uncomfortable with something I fix it .
That's endless motivation , which I don't truly believe in as a concept , but that's endless fuel for the fire .
If I was unhappy with something about myself , regardless of what it was , I would be able to take all of that discomfort and turn it into endless energy to get the problem fixed .
But these people seem to , yeah .
Well , these people seem to sit and say , I'm really , I'm really unhappy with X but then stay doing X .
So I don't believe they're truly actually unhappy .
What you'll notice if you live life long enough is that somebody will sit and say to you , I'm unhappy being a loser and say , why are you a loser ?
I just sit at home and play video games seven days a week and you're like , ok , and maybe three days of the week , they're unhappy doing that and that's the time they email you and that's the time they want to make a change .
But four days of the week they don't really , it doesn't really bother them .
It doesn't really bother them because if it , if it bothered them seven days a week , guess what they would fix it .
Correct .
So , I have very little sympathy for people and that's not because I'm not a nice person , but it's because I've been so hard on myself and I've been through so many things that were difficult and I've been through so much pain and trauma myself .
Some of it self inflicted , some of it given to me by God to make me a better person .
But I've been , I've been so difficult on myself .
It's very hard for me to look at somebody who's refused to be difficult on themselves and see them as my equal or feel sympathy or pity for them .
Why would I feel pity for somebody who took the easy route when I took the hardest possible route ?
I took the hardest possible way to be the man I am and you were too big of a and now you want me to feel sorry for you .
I don't feel sorry for you .
I don't feel sorry for these people .
And uh because as a man , you can be anything you decide you want to be .
That's the beauty of being a male .
You can build your character completely from the ground up .
Just like a video game .
Every single thing about me that people respect I built , I was not born a world champion kickboxer .
I was not born this intelligent or uh intellectual I was not born this rich , I was not born , this strong , I was not born , this confident .
I was not born this interesting , I was not born this charismatic and humble and gorgeous and tall and strong and sexy , although not bored .
None of these things .
I became these things myself .
So I deserve all the spoils of war .
And anybody who decides they don't want to work hard enough to become those things , then they deserve to sit and accept their mind inferior .
That's their , that's their problem .
Yeah , basically that's their problem .
But have you , have you struggled with any mental health issues yourself ?
Because you know , one thing also , I noticed about you from 11 side when you talk , you seem like very positive about life .
But I've seen clips of you where you , where you say , like you say , like sometimes I feel you say enjoy everything and you know , always be happy but or like always be like positive .
But then in some parts of you , you say like I was angry when I was broke , I had to get rich .
I needed to get rich .
I was , I was , I couldn't sleep when I was broke .
And this is what we're talking about , the uncomfortable of being uncomfortable and how it can motivate you when I didn't have enough money to buy whatever I wanted .
I couldn't fall asleep at night because I understood there are people out there that did and I didn't see them as better than me .
And I thought , why are these people who I don't see as my superior living in an experience that I can't live ?
And it bothered me to the point where I could not sleep .
So , yeah , that was real .
When you talk about suffering mentally , I don't really consider that suffering .
Uh I did , I have had a very painful life , I still think to a degree I do , but that's self inflicted .
But I can't imagine living in the other way .
I can't imagine living in this idea , this utopian ha ha ha every day .
Just , you know , girls drink he hedonism .
I don't want to .
Yeah , it's degenerate .
I'm always , I think the only thing you can do that's not degenerate is usually be fighting a battle or solving a problem .
Yeah .
Growth .
Yeah .
So you need to either fight a battle or solve a problem to avoid degeneracy , which means I'm constantly looking for them .
I'm currently one of the largest battles on you .
Can a man compulsively take on , I'm taking on the matrix , the most powerful people on the planet .
So , yeah .
Is my life difficult .
Yeah .
Uh Am I complaining about that ?
No , in fact , I'd hate for it to be any other way .
No , you're right .
Honestly , you know , you talk about the matrix a lot .
Has the matrix ever contacted you directly ?
Have you ever got any contact from them or you know , you can't say I've had a couple of experiences which have certainly been strange .
Can you , can you talk about it or you prefer not to ?
I've had some invites to some strange places with some strange people .
Um , I've had some anonymous messages , which I verified to be true , which were scary .
I guess you could say I , I've definitely , I'm definitely , I've definitely been contacted by , by the matrix in and of itself .
But initially when they speak to you , they try to make you change sides .
Well , they try and get a degree of leverage over you or they try and bribe you or they try and get you to sell your soul .
So they'll try and invite you to a party where you do some degeneracy and they get it on video or they try and get a threat against you and try and blackmail you or they try and offer you a whole ton of money for this contract .
But you have to be careful what you say now and you have to , they , they try very hard initially to get you with without , yeah , without violence .
They try with degeneracy .
That's what they try .
Yeah .
Well , you know , most people , most people's hearts and souls can be , can be bought .
So when they can print unlimited money , why would they go through violence ?
They can just print unlimited money and give it to somebody and own them .
But when you're like me and you don't care about money and you , and you also have morals as a person .
I am their threat .
They can't buy me and , and they've tried and they can't convince me with a little bit either , uh , or , or a lot of , they can't .
I'd rather go without .
Thank you very much , sir .
Thank you .
So they can't .
Yeah , I'm good .
So , and , and that frustrates them because 99% of men in my position start chasing girls , chasing money and then you end up controlled .
But I think that like maybe a lot of that mindset that you have now is because you've already , you got the money , you've already got the woman .
But do you think that in the earlier stages when you were really trying to chase the money that this could have tempted you or , you know , they could have , they could have maybe helped .
I don't think I , yeah , I don't think I could have , I don't think I ever would have sold my soul because I have a baseline morality .
However , yeah , you're right .
I do live in abundance .
So it's easy for me to say no , but greed is real and humans are all naturally greedy and no matter how much you have , you want more , right ?
If someone comes along now and offers me 203 $100 million you're still gonna sit and think that would be nice .
But like the more you want , the more you have , the more you want .
But this is where we were talking about morality and we were talking about Dubai and we were talking about religion .
Let's even talk about Islam .
That's the reason I have so much respect for Islam as a whole because they have , yeah , I have so much respect for it because they have a baseline morality .
Where here in Dubai you could walk outside and find poor construction worker who just moved here who's earning , I don't know , no money , you know , can barely afford to eat and offer him a million dollars to denounce the profit .
He won't do it .
He'll never do it , he'll never do it .
Whereas in the West , if you were to go and find a Christian , yeah , it doesn't mean anything .
Right .
So , it's that baseline morality that they can't corrupt that they're afraid of .
It's why they're afraid of Islam .
It's why they're afraid of me .
That's why they're afraid of people who sit and say there is more to life and existence in this and the next than simply degeneracy , you know , around and , you know , I feel like Islam the way they talk about Islam .
It's kind of like , you see , you see the patterns whenever there's something a force that's , that's trying to change people , they'll try to put labels on it .
The literal name Islam comes like Salam .
It means peace , but they'll try to put these labels on it because , you know , they don't , they don't like Islam .
Yeah , they don't like anything .
They can't completely and control and Muslims are uncontrollable .
Well , yeah , they have a higher purpose and a higher calling .
I do think a lot of the world's problems , especially in the West with the absolute degeneracy and the work of what do you say , Shaitan , the work of Shaitan , it could be fixed with Islam .
II , I call for the Islam of all Western countries because Christianity has absolutely nly failed .
The idea of a religion is to preserve the morality and preserve the traditions of a country .
If you have failed to do that , then you're no longer a religion .
If you're gonna sit there and inside of your own country , your profits are mocked , all of your deals are ignored and it doesn't matter .
And society is degenerating in real time and your Children are no longer safe from brainwashing by the matrix .
Then your religion in and in and of itself as a concept has failed .
Christianity has failed to preserve Christian values on any level in any country ever .
So when now that you know , it's a failed religion that only leaves one religion left in which you can install , degeneracy will disappear , crime will disappear , men and women will stay families again .
People will have Children , all the problems we face .
Absolutely .
I call for the Islam of the entire Western world because otherwise we have atheistic countries and when you remove religion , now , what do you have , people are now adhering to woke ideology and this new insane religion , everybody has a religion .
If you remove Christianity from the West , you don't have atheists .
You now have these people adhering to this woke new world liberal psychopathy where people are doing absolutely insane and disgusting things to each other and Children .
And they're sitting there saying that that's progressive somehow and it's absolutely not really disgusting .
So if we need a God to believe in , to preserve morality and decency amongst humanity , then let's have a God that people actually fear and respect .
And that's why Islam is the only religion left on the planet .
There's no other religion you can possibly name that even matters .
Let us know we have to make your name like Ibrahim the or something .
Let's do it .
So , have you actually taken Shahada become Muslim and you want to do it on the podcast ?
It's an interesting conversation and it's ongoing .
Put it there .
No , it's a slow journey , you know , eventually .
Let's put it there .
All right .
Ok .
Let's talk about , um , money .
One of my favorite subjects .
Yeah .
Yeah .
All right .
You have a lot of sources of income .
Yeah .
Um , which source has made you the most money ?
What's made me the most money is the war room .
The war room is a private members organization that I run .
So , when I first got , when I got extremely wealthy , I wanted to know where I kind of felt like I'd gone to outer space expecting to see aliens .
And I got there and there were none .
I was like , where is everybody ?
Ok .
I'm rich .
But I expected once I became rich to meet other men who were rich , focused , intelligent , had their dating lives in order their physical health , in order their finances , in order their connections in order .
And I got to the top of the mountain and I looked around and realized nobody had it like , yeah , this guy's rich but he's cooked by his wife and he's fat .
This guy's rich , but he's controlled by the matrix .
This guy's rich , but he's dummy .
He just made a bunch of money making music , rap .
He's an idiot .
This guy's rich , like there was nobody who had it all .
I was like , and I wanted a network of genuine predators .
I wanted the Freemasons almost .
I thought I didn't want to join their organizations .
I wanted people like me .
So I started an organization to find those men .
So now we have 3000 members all around the world .
Uh , a lot of them are very , very wealthy .
A lot of them aren't we have people who join , who are 18 year old bros with nothing .
That's fine .
They spent all their money on joining .
That's fine .
Yeah , because if you're prepared to listen and learn , then you're in the right place .
If you spend all of your time sitting around people who talk about how to become powerful and influential and rich guess is what you're gonna end up being powerful , influential and rich .
So now I have the greatest network on the face of the planet .
And when I say it's maybe the most money .
It's not because of the membership fee , the membership fee is very low .
It's cheap .
It's because of the opportunities and connections inside of the war room .
And that's why I am ultracompetitive and that's why nobody will ever beat me if you're an individual and you wake up and think I want to make my life better .
And you spend eight hours reading a book .
That's fine .
When I wake up , I wake up to maybe 25 messages from some of the most influential and rich people on the planet that you've never heard of telling me by this .
Now , this is an opportunity to make money on the Russian ruble .
This is an opportunity to make money here .
This is , yeah , this is an opportunity to make money on this land going down in Iraq here .
We have an opportunity in Nairobi here and I'm sitting there going ok .
And I have got all this curd information and genuine opportunities in real time presented to me .
And within 15 minutes , I've made a $5 million investment .
You're , you're on page one , you're still reading your book , you're reading , you're still reading the introduction and this is why against people like me and my network and the other people inside the war room you will always lose .
So the war room is gonna be the most money , but not because of membership fees or anything like that because of the genuine connections and opportunities inside the war room .
And we're just , we're just free minds .
Anybody who listens to what I say and agrees with it and likes it should understand that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with .
And if you know that , then you need to make sure you're not spending time with anybody .
You don't want to be .
So people who join the war room , they join and they want to become professional , they want to become absolutely not really professional .
And like I said , we have extremely seasoned and experienced and successful men , but we also have people joining , saying with nothing but they're humble enough to learn .
I come here , I'm young .
I don't have any money or I'm old .
I have a little bit of money or whatever it is , but I am here to learn and absorb and commit .
I wanna commit .
And if , and if you learn and absorb and you're in the right place and you can do fantastically well .
So the war room , I mean , with the war room network now it , I could never be broke ever again .
It's , it's impossible for me to ever go poor .
II I have access to billions of dollars .
I could loan from these men .
If I , because I know they could trust me if they wanted to .
I have a place I can sleep in 3000 different locations around the world in big mansions .
If I needed a Lambo , they'd send it to me .
If I need a visa for a country that you can't get a visa for someone , there will have a business to give me an ll to give me a visa via their business .
I , I , if I need a jet , it comes .
If I , if I need information on anything , if I need to do a money transfer to Africa , Afghanistan , which if anyone's tried , they know how difficult that is .
I got a guy who fixes that .
It's also there .
It's everything .
So whenever I have any problem in my life , no matter what it is , I go to the war room and in fact , I'll , I'll prove the power of the war room right now .
I became the most googled man on the planet .
I hacked every single social media algorithm to a way which people are sitting there trying to work out how I did it and they can't work out exactly how it's done .
The war room did that .
I went to them and said , I've decided to go overt as opposed to being underground .
I want to go overt and break mainstream .
And four months later , I was the most googled man on the planet .
Of course , there's not many organizations on the planet that can do something like that .
So when you , when you have something that powerful , I , I created it because I wish it existed .
That's what I was looking for when I got rich and it didn't exist .
So I created it myself and , and it's also , and I'll say this now for any young man or any man who's serious about his journey or serious about himself , it's the most important place you can be .
You're gonna learn absolutely everything about the real of earth .
Do not waste your time in some university .
Do not waste your time reading books , do not waste your time on youtube watching some dork talk about Amazon FB A don't be , don't be an idiot .
Join the war room and you'll learn and there'll be a , there's a spiritual journey involved as well .
Um But every single person who joins the war room ends up being an absolute consummate professional and that's , that's the most profitable enterprise .
How do you join at Cobra tape.com ?
There's details .
It's on my website .
You go to Cobra tape.com and it'll explain what the war room is , how we work .
We have meetings all around the world .
We have meetups .
In fact , we just had a meet up three days ago .
Impromptu , usually they're planned in advance , but I had to talk to some guys and we sent a message 36 hours in advance and we all went , oh , I had to talk to everybody , no phones .
Uh So there was no phones and we didn't want to be bugged .
So we went out to the desert here in Dubai and in 36 hours I think we got 35 men from around the world landed .
But we went to the desert all with the Black Escalades , this whole films and stuff .
So it's , it's , I never saw that many blacks .
It's a powerful network and , and we're absolutely not really extremely wealthy .
We don't break any laws , you know .
So for the FBI , the NSA , whoever's listening , we don't break any laws .
We're law aiding people who are very perspicacious and pay a lot of attention and dedicated and we make sure that we look after ourselves and each other and our brotherhood and uh we're trying to create a better world for the people we care about and that's how we work .
All right .
So I feel like one of the ways that you became so popular was by people resharing your videos .
And I think a lot of the um I wouldn't say I'd say I'd say personally , I'd say a lot of the reason why they would reshare those videos is because they wanted , they wanted to make some money , you know , with , via affiliate marketing for the , from the , from hustle University .
So now does Hustlers University still exist ?
And because I know you're a band of stripe or do you use another payment gateway now or like , yeah , so Hustlers University was attacked by the Matrix when they attacked me .
I heard Tristan said it , it's off .
No , no , no .
So I'll tell you the story .
So Hustlers University , firstly , let me explain to the people at home .
They don't know what it is .
I had a school which primarily taught people how to make money online .
The reason I had that school was so that everybody could afford the war room .
So people would come to me and say , I want to be in the war room , but I can't afford it .
So I say , ok , I'll teach you how to make the money to afford it .
Nice and simple system .
So that way I can save anybody .
I can save anyone who's inside the matrix .
I can free anybody's mind .
You can come to me .
Yes , two steps .
Right .
So it's $50 a month .
Nice and cheap .
And we taught modern wealth creation methods .
We had some crypto , some stock .
We had an affiliate program .
We had 18 different ways to make money online and you had to have nothing to start with .
If you had internet and some time you could make money .
So we have got up to 100 and 75,000 students .
That's the largest amount you've made in .
One that's 100 and 75,000 students was the peak .
We got 100 and 75,000 students at $50 a month .
So it was a fairly profitable enterprise .
I don't know , 1112 million a month or something .
Um But uh so we were , we were doing well , but a lot of that money was obviously reinvested in the teaching the professors to school .
Like we were building the largest online educational platform on the planet .
What's interesting is anybody with a brain can sit here and understand that attracting 100 and 75,000 people to the school is easy .
What's hard is retaining and the fact that I retained that many people means that there's 100 and 75,000 people in the world who are making more money each month than they invested , even if they invested $50 and only made 300 or $400 they were still making more than they invested .
The ro I is huge .
No other university or school or educational platform is gonna give you the percentage .
Absolutely .
So we were massively successful when the matrix attacked me and assaulted my character .
They decided to also attack Hucksters University because they saw how successful it was and a lot of the reviews made about it .
People attacking it .
They never even joined .
They just go into a review and say Hudson University is a scam because Andrew takes a bad guy and they never even joined , right ?
Or they join and be inside for 10 to 15 minutes .
Scroll around , not go to any of the , not speak to the professor not watch any of the long format videos , not try any of the things we said and then say do a negative review because they wanted clicks and they understood the matrix was at the time the algorithm them was favoring anyone who made a negative video about me .
Have you made a negative video by Andrew Tate ?
You got millions and millions of views .
So they just start making up reasons saying the Hustlers University is a scam and it's bad and it's detrimental .
You're right .
Uh Our payment processing was removed and they also attacked the servers of hu because they were matrix owned organizations but hu is not dead .
We are still open , we're still thriving .
We still have students inside .
We have changed our payment gateway to one that I now fully own .
So I bought , I bought my own payment gateway .
I bought my own bank .
I started my own .
Uh So now I completely own it .
It can't be , it can't be attacked by the Matrix and also we're rebranding soon .
We're changing the name to the Real World because it's helping people escape the matrix and the Real World comes out very shortly .
Uh You can find out more at co.com , the website , everyone who's in hess university will automatically move over to the real world for free and that any other people want to join the real world .
The price is gonna be going up slightly because now that we control all of our own infrastructure .
We can , we can teach , well , we can teach things we couldn't teach before because we have all of our own infrastructure .
So we're gonna have the same 18 wealth creation methods from before plus new ones that we couldn't teach on matrix owned infrastructure .
So they attacked it , they to destroy it just like they attempted to destroy me and they have failed , they failed .
Because if you're a person who's joined a school for $50 a month and you're making hundreds of dollars a month .
Are you gonna quit ?
Because I'm idiot , made a bad review .
No , of course , you're not .
So , we , we're massively successful because we are competent and we're the , and we have zero competition in the world .
We're the only school you can join and the only goal is to make money .
The primary goal is make money .
We're not trying to make you sit there and do exams for qualification .
No .
Yeah .
Make money and you'll make more money than you spend .
It's a very simple mathematical equation .
So they attempted to destroy us and they failed at coert.com .
You can join the Real World and anybody who's serious about their education .
I absolutely not re recommend they do that .
And the life path , the trajectory we've put people on in life is beautiful .
We've had people at 1819 , join Hustlers University .
Six months later , have their war room subscription .
Join the war room two or three years later , you know , they're at the s , they're here and they're driving a Lambo .
It's truly beautiful .
I'm the only one with the Bugatti .
So far there's people in the war room richer than me .
But , uh , they're a , perhaps a little bit more subtle but they like to move under the , I'm kind of the opposite .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah .
So , um , we were talking about people who got rich relatively quickly .
A lot of those people are people who are into crypto .
What do you think about Cryptocurrency ?
Are you invested ?
Because you know , a lot of people , they got rich of doing it .
But I feel like to a certain extent like , yeah , OK , they put in money , it got like whatever like times 100 X .
But still you would think that OK , if it's so easy , how come people today are still not investing in it ?
You know , if , if so like , I don't know .
What do you think about Cryptocurrency ?
Yeah .
So I'm , I'm a proponent of crypto .
I do use crypto Bitcoin eight .
The big ones .
I think that chasing crypto pump is now over .
We're not the bull runs over the stupid money is gone .
Most people don't understand about crypto that it's person versus person .
I see they launch these coins and then they start a telegram community and then if you go in the community , if you get in the community , everyone's like , yeah , we're all in this together .
No , you're not .
You're not in this together .
You , if you're buying or if you're selling , if you buy crypto a dollar and then you sell it at $10 someone bought it off you at $10 in the same , in the same telegram group .
So you're literally stealing money from the other people in your community , the other people who believe in the project , you're stealing money from them .
It's player versus player .
They start these stupid communities .
So all of you sit there and don't dump so that the developer can dump .
You're all dummy , you're all dummies .
It's player versus player .
And a lot of the dumb money is now gone .
People who were stupid who believed in all this , they've lost all their money .
So now the only people left in crypto is to smart money and that's very , very hard to steal , right ?
So I think that the idea of chasing a pump right now is very foolish .
I also think that one of the detrimental things about crypto is that it recently made people a bunch of money .
Yeah , sure .
Uh In the last 2 to 3 years or 26 months at nine months , whatever it was to bull run .
But the people who made money with crypto didn't learn any real skills .
They didn't learn sales , they didn't learn marketing , they didn't learn management , didn't learn how to deal with stress , didn't learn how to grow .
A company , didn't learn how to deal with taxes .
They didn't learn anything , they didn't struggle , there was no pain .
They bought a coin .
They watch to go up .
Now they tell the world how smart they are .
They think they're a genius .
They think they're too good to work these people .
Nah , I'm too smart to work .
You don't understand .
I know crypto .
I bought this coin .
My friend , every single coin went up .
You're not a genius .
Everything went up , all of them went up .
You could have bought anything .
You were in the right place at the right time .
You made a little bit of money , but you've learnt absolutely zero .
And unfortunately , if you have money but no lessons and you're still a dummy , that money is not gonna last long and you're gonna lose it .
And the world we live in now is also hyper expensive .
Like you make a couple of $100,000 and you think you're rich , bro , like the amount of money you need nowadays to be considered rich is ridiculous .
I was with Dan Balzar a couple of weeks ago and I was telling him how quickly my life has changed .
I used to go to a holiday for a week with 506 £100 right ?
For the week when Dan messaged me and said , hey , let's hang out .
He was in France .
I was in Romania .
I was like , cool .
Um I had some cars in Germany .
I had trucked over to wait for me there because the roads were nice .
I organized my jet from Bucharest to France .
I needed a security team to come with me .
I hired a security team to come .
I like to use my remaining guys .
So we had to get a bigger jet to accommodate them .
By the time we jetted in with the , with the security team picked up the cars , everybody , six or seven people needed five star hotel rooms .
Everybody ate food .
I sat and had a meeting with Dan .
I took the cars for a spin around the mountains .
Went to a spa a little bit , jumped back on the jet with the entire security team , put the cars back on a truck to Germany and flew home .
So from by the time I had a three hour meeting with a , it cost me 400 grand .
That's how expensive the world is at the top .
So when you're sitting there and you've made 200 grand on a crypto pump and you think you think , oh , I'm rich , you are a broke and you haven't even made any .
You haven't even learned any lessons .
You're a dummy .
So I think crypto is bad for kids because it has a whole bunch of kids out here thinking they don't need to work hard .
They don't need to dedicate themselves .
They don't need to learn important lessons .
They can just chase a pump and win the lottery and it ain't gonna happen .
That's why they lose all their money .
So that's the bad thing about crypto .
And that's why I'll sit here right now and do a plug and say , join the Real World instead and join or join Hustlers University instead and learn real lessons that you can apply to anything .
So you'll never be broke and have a real network like the war rooms , you can never be broke .
It doesn't matter if Bitcoin goes to a million dollars or zero , I'll make money either way .
I'll , I'll make money either way because I have skills and not by day trading , not by that .
I'm just gonna know things .
Other people don't know before they know them .
I'm just gonna have opportunities identified and presented to me before other people have them .
And it doesn't matter if Bitcoin goes down to zero or it goes up to $10 million a coin either way , I'm gonna make insanely large sums of money because of my network and because I'm respected and because I know important people and that's the problem with these crypto kids .
They have none of that .
So I have a question .
You have a lot of strengths .
What would you say are some of your biggest strengths and like some of your biggest skills , some of your biggest weaknesses as Andrew Tate , as Andrew Tate .
I , I'd like to think I'm , I'm pretty all encompassing when it comes to strength and I've made sure of that I , I , my father had a saying which is now my saying as I'm the oldest Tate , my unmatched first Picasa Eco was sheer , the fatigue ability .
He makes me a feared opponent in the realm of human endeavor .
And I stand by that .
I do like to believe I'm a feared opponent in the realm of human endeavor .
If someone were to come up to you and say you have to have a skateboarding competition .
But don't worry , the guy you're skateboarding against can't skateboard .
You like cool .
And then I turned up part you would be like a shit even I can't even skateboard .
But part of you be like tape , not this guy .
You know , I'm just that guy .
I'm just that guy who's just , I'm just good at stuff and uh nobody wants to compete against me at anything .
So I'm good at everything .
My weaknesses .
I've , I've strongly analyzed my weaknesses .
In fact , I've sat around with friends of mine and with people who I care about dearly and who care about me back and said , if I had to hurt me , how would I do it if I decided to do damage to me in my life , how would I do it ?
Where are my weaknesses ?
It's been , it's been analyzed and talked about and discussed at length because you need to do that reflection on .
You have to know most people don't do that .
Most people don't say if someone wanted to ruin my life , how would they ruin it ?
So I know all of my weaknesses .
I know all my weak points .
Obviously I decide I defend and guard them the best you can .
But obviously not , everything can be completely defended and guarded .
I know what they are .
I'm not going to advertise them to the feral psychopaths of earth .
But I think as terms in terms of how difficult a target on earth is , I'm certainly one of the top hardest people on earth to damage whether emotionally , psychologically , physically , et cetera .
I'm extremely difficult to damage because I live a reality in which I'm very conscious of these things .
Paranoid perhaps .
And I'm hard to get to most men .
You can just steal his girlfriend .
Most men need to steal his chick .
Do you steal his chick or just run up on him when he goes to the chicken chip shop ?
And most men are so easy to hurt .
Most men are .
Most men .
You can just lie about in the media matrix , attack him and they'll have a mental breakdown .
Most men are so absolutely not really mentally .
Yeah , they'll cry .
I did none of that stuff , right .
Um Most men , you can just message , you can just get a famous guy with a blue tick to message his girl and bam before you know it , she's in his bed talking about how that man , like most men are absolutely not lazy to , they're controlled by all their emotions .
How do you detach yourself from your emotion ?
It's not about detaching yourself from your emotions .
I feel every single emotion .
It's just about you let go .
It's using them all in a positive direction .
If I feel extremely happy and excited , I'm gonna use that as motivation or energy to do amazing things and do good and work hard .
If I feel absolutely depressed and distraught , I'm gonna use that as endless energy and motivation to do amazing things and work hard .
It doesn't matter what you give me energy cannot be destroyed , it can only be converted and transferred .
It doesn't matter what fuel you give me .
If you give me diesel , petrol , kerosene vodka , it doesn't matter what you put inside of my engine .
Absolutely .
That's all I know how to do .
That's all I know how to do .
It doesn't matter what fuel you put in my engine , my engine only knows how to do one thing and that is succeed .
That is only , that's all I know how to do .
So it doesn't matter what you feed me with .
I'm gonna be massively successful regardless .
It doesn't change anything .
What's the exact definition of PG G ?
Top striker ?
A top G is a , I want to put in the dictionary .
Yeah , that's a good idea .
A top G is a man of impeccable per Picas and sheer IND ability .
Who is a feared opponent .
Correct ?
That's a G .
That's a top G .
The first one was Jet .
He was the original top G the ogg and I am now the oldest Tate .
I have the same name as him .
So , uh and Andrew Tate , the second is gone .
I am Andrew Tate the third this year and there'll be a day when em take the fourth is fighting the matrix .
This is the beauty of life .
This is destiny and lineage .
It's a bit sensitive but I mean , I heard in a video you spoke about it um during the time of your , your father God us .
So his funeral , you , you , I think at that time you had some work going on and maybe you could relate that story and yeah , yeah .
So I missed my father's funeral because I just moved to Romania .
I had uh just invested every single penny I had in this enterprise .
I was now the oldest man alive in the Tate family .
I had to look after my mother and my siblings and take care of people .
I did , I had to make a choice .
Do I fly back to America and spend money and time and go to this funeral and you know , waste a few weeks or do I sit here and just focus on this enterprise and make sure that it cannot fail .
And we talked earlier about speed .
Most people go that , you know , it's only two weeks .
It's only a week , it's only a week .
The people who say it's only a week are the people who are broke .
That's the reason you're all poor because you say it's only a week .
So almost tomorrow .
Oh , I'll do it later .
It's only an hour .
It's only a day .
It's only a minute .
You are competing against people like me , we do not waste a second .
So I had to make a decision and I decided that as the oldest man in the family , it's more important I achieve financial stability for all of us than to go and pay respects to my father and his funeral because I paid respect to him every single day of his life .
And I pay respect to his memory every single day now and I pay respect to him by being monumentally successful .
The reason my father has talked about and discussed at length is because of the absolutely amazing son I've become , I am keeping him alive forever by working so hard , by becoming so unique and individual and fantastic and humble .
The world asks me about my upbringings and then my father's memory is kept alive .
So I , I know I made the right decision and I know he's happy with the decision .
I made a lot of people would have gotten emotional and decided , oh , I had to go to the funeral and had a breakdown and went to the funeral and been sad , etcetera , etcetera .
And I did what I was taught to do , which is perform .
That's what I was taught to do .
I was upset .
Obviously , I was sad .
Obviously , I was heartbroken , of course , but I took all of that energy and I worked harder than I've ever worked .
I worked 22 hour days for months because I couldn't sleep .
And I became one of the most successful people on the planet .
Is that , would you say that's how you get over a tragic loss like that ?
I think that any emotion you feel should be converted into positive .
Yeah , you should do good things with any emotion you feel ?
I I can't and what else are you gonna do with it ?
And this is a genuine question .
What else if , if let's say your , your wife breaks your heart .
If you're not gonna work , you can't sleep anymore .
You're upset .
She's running around with a new dude .
You see her Instagram story .
She got some new guy , you're furious and you're , you're angry and you're jealous and you're bitter .
You have all of this inside of you , but you're not gonna go to the gym and work hard and become so fantastically in shape and so rich and so powerful that no girl ever leaves you again .
You're not gonna do that .
What are you gonna do with it ?
Texter , try and explain to her .
She doesn't care like you can write the most perfect English .
You can write the most beautiful words ever constructed .
Forget Shakespeare , you can do it doesn't matter .
She doesn't care .
She just doesn't care .
She's distracted , she forgot about you , she forgot about you .
So , what are you gonna do with all of that inside of you ?
If it's not positive , well , it's gonna consume you and you're gonna end up self destructive or you're gonna embarrass yourself or you can take all of that and put yourself in a position where it never happens to you again .
Those are the choices .
So , what's the most intelligent choice to make ?
You know ?
Um I , I don't understand how many humans function in the world today .
I don't get people who don't think like me , II , I don't understand it .
I'm like , well then how do , how have you survived this long ?
Life is hard .
Life is difficult .
I maybe I've just been unlucky , which I don't believe in , but I've had so much trauma and bad events and negativity and stress and all these things that have happened to me and I've used all of it to be monumentally successful .
If I wasn't that way inclined with the workload that God put on my shoulders , I'd just be in a ditch somewhere .
I would have killed myself by now .
Like I don't understand how people are functioning .
If you're not thinking like me and you're going through life with any other mindset , you've been extremely fortunate that God smiled on you and allowed you to sit around most of the time to inject shit and you have yet to be punished .
For that .
I , I could never have live that life if I was a bit lazy or a bit , you know , or I was a bit of a snake or if I lied to people , I'd be dead by now .
Like , so a lot of these people are just absolutely and utterly blessed by God that they managed to go through life with such a noncompetitive mindset and they're still breathing .
Like I , I don't , I , I don't understand how people can think any other way .
I've spoken to dudes and like , yeah , you know , I had a bad couple of months .
Why ?
Um a girl left me ?
You've wasted months , you've wasted months over some like you had , you had to think of how much God loves you to have given you the , the grace and given you the opportunity to waste months of human time over some chick .
Like talk about blessed head to toe .
If I waste months , empires are gonna collapse , I'm gonna end up in a cell or dead .
If I waste months , I have things to do every single day , I can't waste a second .
Like these people are just absolutely in infinitely blessed and their mindset is a product of that because they're , they're spoiled Children .
Absolutely spoiled Children .
If you're going through life with any other mindset , besides a hypercompetitive one where you are capable of competing with some of the most dangerous men on the planet in all their forms .
Me and my network and also my competitors .
If you don't have that mindset , then you have to understand that you are spoiled , you're spoiled by your reality because there's a whole bunch of people out here daily who fail .
There are men out here who fail daily and they have yet to feel the true consequence for it .
They fail to go to the , the gym when they know they should have gone to the gym .
They failed because they forgot their keys and it took them 10 minutes to find him .
They failed because they replied to a question .
They got sent on whatsapp the wrong way .
They failed because they didn't smile when they were supposed to .
They didn't say please and thank you to that person who helped them .
They failed because they didn't say hi to that girl who's looking at them out the corner of her eye .
They just failed perpetually .
They go through life missing every opportunity and just failing , failing , failing .
And somehow we've built a society which is so soft and God is so giving and so graceful that they still have a place to eat and somewhere to sleep and they're still surviving .
That , that shows how nice God is .
Because before this society , truthfully , if you were that level of failure , you would be dead , survival of the fittest .
And none of these men out here are fit , their mindset isn't fit , the reality isn't fit .
They're a , they're failures they , they're failures and they're just failing every single day and the goal .
But you know what , tomorrow , I'll go to the gym .
You've been failing your whole life .
That's all you've done is fail .
And then you sit and wonder why people like me .
Absolutely nly outcompete you .
It is so easy to become a top tier male in the world today because the competition is so ridiculously low .
There are 2% killers like me and everybody else .
Amateur head to toe amateur .
They can't even pay attention to anything .
They can't try anything .
They're amateurs .
And it's , it's , it's really mind blowing to me because I've tried with all of my computational power to imagine having a mindset different to mine .
And I just can't see a reality worth having .
I can't see a reality worth living .
I can't see how you're gonna build a life worth experiencing if you have any other mindset .
I , I can't see it .
I've never met somebody with a fantastic life who did not completely and utterly believe in themselves .
I've never seen somebody massively succeed and they didn't believe in themselves ever .
I've never seen somebody who just allows life to happen to them and become blown off .
Course , by some sadness , end up doing massively monumental and important things .
I've never seen it .
It does and it's never gonna happen because it's competitor .
It's like crypto , it's player versus player and there's people like me out here .
So when that when that breaks your heart and you take a few months off and she ends up on my jet and I get rid of her and I don't give a shit .
It was because you never took those months off .
You're always working .
That's right .
And if she leaves me afterwards , let's say she just likes to leave , then I don't care .
I'm still working .
You're still crying .
You can't possibly ever beat me .
I will , I will continue to beat you to attorney .
As will my bloodline , you will sit and pay the price for the rest of your human years .
Even your ancestors above you are disappointed in you and your offspring for the rest of your lineage will look up and say my great , great , great grandfather was a loser because I broke his heart and now we've been broke ever since to it .
But you know , it's crazy because I feel like your life the way when you talk about it , it's so much struggle , it's so much hardship , but still you consider yourself the most luckiest person .
I'm absolutely the luckiest man on the planet because still , no , you still have a lot of hardship .
You're getting hit from this direction , from that direction .
You know what I mean ?
So how do you , first of all , if you could mention some of the moments where you're really struggling in your life where you're really like in threats and you were like really stuck and how do you consider yourself lucky ?
Even despite all this , I'll tell you why I'm lucky and I don't want to give too many details away .
But in my previous life I was certainly living .
I knew some very dangerous people .
I've done some dangerous things .
There's been a few expose , documentaries on the kind of things I was involved in previously .
I've had attempts on my life .
People have tried to stab me .
I've had people try to kill me .
I've had uh members of my family at a attempts on them .
I've had a very certainly difficult life .
I don't consider any of the mental stress of this recent matrix attack anywhere near comparable to the physical altercations and , and things that have happened to me .
But , but the reason , the reason I'm the luckiest man on earth is because God has given me endless building blocks to build a superhero .
He's given me endless power .
He's given me endless motivation .
What do we say ?
He's given me endless .
I have endless sources of power .
I can sit here right now and recall events that will prevent me from sleeping for 2 to 3 days that gives me a superpower that other men do not have .
They want to go to sleep .
They're tired .
I I can stop being tired for , for days at a time .
I can just have a thought .
I can remember .
I can sit close my eyes and use the power of my brain to vividly remember events and I will not sleep for days .
So how do you need any ?
I've never taken a drug in my life .
I've never tried cocaine in my life .
I've never tried weed in my life .
Ever .
I drink a lot of coffee .
I smoke cigars , a bit of vodka , but I've never tried a narcotic in my life .
So God has given me an endless source of power and when people come to me and say , oh , this happened , I'm really sad or my heart broke or this bad thing happened to me .
I say good , good .
Thank the Lord that he's given you this endless source of motivation .
You're wasting it .
That's your problem .
But it's been given to you .
Nitrous oxide has been given to you .
You just have to use it in the correct way .
So I'm the luckiest man in the world because all the bad things that happened to me have given me all the building blocks to become the most fantastic man on the face of the planet .
You spoke about smoking .
So you smoke cigars , right ?
Shisha sometimes .
OK .
So , but you hate , right ?
Why is that ?
Well , Shisha is tobacco , cigars are tobacco .
It's a plant .
We basically kind of know what it is .
I don't smoke weed at all , but I kind of get it's a plant , whatever , but it's escapism .
I say , I'd say there's a difference .
I'd say I'd say that tobacco is more like a stimulant and I'd say that that weed is more of a toxic .
Well , the reason I don't touch any narcotics at all is because firstly , I was a professional athlete and my blood was tested .
I'm now 35 years old without ever having tried a drug .
Ever .
Is there any point in starting now ?
Like , it's , I've lived my whole life without ever trying these things .
Why start now ?
Also , when I look at some of the most degenerate , stupid , ridiculous people on the planet , they're all , they all use drugs .
It's very , it's not very often .
I meet a man who's completely head to toe has his life in order and he likes drugs .
I , a lot of rich people take cocaine .
Yes .
And I do know them and some of them , but I still think they'd be better without cocaine .
You know , that's just genuinely a vice .
But if you go to a festival full of brok , full of peasants and peons full of people who don't try very hard life and they sit there and they idolize these false idols .
It was given to them by the matrix and they stand in a crowd full of billions of other people like an insignificant peasant and jump up and down diplo who whoever , yeah , just complete peasant mindset .
If you look at these people and say , do you like drugs ?
That's what they say .
I love it .
Oh Yeah .
So , so I avoid , I don't want to go anywhere near the peasantry .
Right .
So , because that's what it is , it's disgusting and it's peasantry .
So that's why I don't take drugs .
And , uh , the reason I don't like Vape is because I don't think that Vape is even remotely natural because a tobacco is a plant .
Ok .
Cool .
But if you manage to put chemicals inside of a little container that tastes like blueberry ice .
What even is blueberry ice ?
It's not even a flavor .
It's just words and then you taste it and you go , that does taste like blueberry ice .
How did they pull that off ?
I can't believe it's possibly good for me .
Add in the price that it cost , add in the fact that it costs a dollar and comes deep from the part of China .
Like you're like , do you think they give a shit about the West just popping away on this petrochemical ?
They don't care .
Yeah .
So if you're going to smoke at least smoke something , you know , it was grown .
It kind of , you know , I say , you know , like they say , I mean , they say the devil , you know , is better than the devil .
You don't .
And with tobacco , I mean , the scientific studies about what it is , but with , with Vape , we don't really know what the , well , the reason I smoke is not because I'm addicted because I have an iron mind and I could blink and cure my brain and stop smoking completely in fact , when I , there's certain places I go to in the world , I don't smoke for months at a time .
I'm not addicted to anything .
The reason I smoke is because nicotine is good for your testosterone level .
That's the reason I smoke I smoke because I like the drug of nicotine because nicotine is actually positive .
The reason I drink coffee is not because I'm addicted because caffeine is a miracle drug .
Caffeine , caffeine is a miracle .
I drink endless coffee .
And of course , the matrix will come along and say too much coffee is bad for you .
Too much meat is bad for you .
They say anything to make you weak and stupid .
Caffeine .
People don't understand that coffee changed the world before coffee and caffeine , we were addicted , not addicted .
We were living our lives in rhythm with the sun .
We got up when the sun came up , we went down when the sun came back .
We , we didn't go against it very much with the industrial revolution and caffeine .
The introduction of caffeine .
We now had night shifts .
We now had double shifts .
Think about this .
If uh if a job introduces a coffee break , if a company says take , stop working and drink this coffee , that's because the coffee you have is worth the time .
They let you not work because you make up for it .
Plus some that's how powerful it is .
And what's actually interesting about me is when I think back my entire reality is caffe caffeinated .
I haven't been awake without caffeine in years .
I used to drink coffee every single day .
So I thought about this and I thought maybe life's better without caffeine .
So I took a week off of coffee and there was zero advantage .
I didn't sleep any better .
I felt pissed off .
I didn't feel like I could focus as well .
I was more tired but I couldn't sleep any better .
It was weird .
I was just like , this isn't me now , obviously , I'm still a hypercompetitive individual .
I still went to the gym .
I still did my work .
I'm still the top g but I didn't feel as good .
No , there was no benefits .
So after a week I had a cup of coffee and it was like the miracle is back .
It's , it's develop a coffee addiction .
It's fantastic .
There's nothing bad about caffeine .
I have 10 to 15 coffees a day every single day and I will do to the day I die .
And so , so just to finish off for my vices , coffee is not a vice .
I want the caffeine , smoking is not a vice .
I want the nicotine .
These are drugs that I believe are genuinely good for me .
The only vice I guess is alcohol .
And I , and although it looks like in some of my videos , I drink a lot that I can drink a lot .
I must have the genetic disposition .
I can out drink almost anybody on the planet .
I don't truly drink very often .
You don't get drunk .
And I , no , I'm a professional .
So for me to get drunk , it has to be a controlled closed environment or I have to have a security team .
I will not get drunk open .
Never .
It's either in my house with armed guards outside or it's on a yacht .
It's on a yacht which is in the middle of the ocean or it's very difficult for me to get drunk because I don't like to lose control of reality like that .
And , and nine times , in fact , not 99.999 times out of 10 .
If I'm drinking , I either have a weapon on me or somebody next to me does .
Yeah .
But I think , you know , you're talking about coffee , but I'd say the one bad thing was like , the problem is the more you have , the , the less effect it gives you so the more you need to have .
Well , that's what you think .
You think it gives you less of effect .
But when you quit it because , but your body builds a tolerance .
No , it doesn't .
It .
Nah , I , I stick to the base .
I have 10 to 15 coffees every day .
That's what I have every day .
The same number .
And I , I don't think I built a tolerance to it because when I stopped drinking it , I felt the difference .
So I know that it's doing something it does .
Something I quit .
It was only two weeks ago .
I did this one week .
No coffee thing .
It was garbage .
And I , and I did it because I thought , you know , you know , you see these idiots online , they like take cold showers , don't drink coffee , read books .
They're all I knew they're full of shit because none of them have anything .
They're all broke .
And if I were to ever meet any of these people in person , these self help gurus , I could grab them by their necks and I could ring them to death .
I know that they're not met , right ?
I could destroy all of them .
So I'm not interested in really talking to any of them .
But I thought about the coffee thing and I thought , well , my entire reality is caffeinated .
Let me try life without it .
And it was terrible .
Coffee is a gift from God .
Caffeine is beautiful as is nicotine and just as much as possible .
And for any doctor who says that it's unhealthy , meet me in the cage and we'll talk about health because if I can still beat the shit out of you , then I don't want to hear your opinions on health because I think I'll do just fine against any doctor who says coffee is a bad idea .
So , you know , you talk a lot about gym .
There's a lot of maybe you'd say like top Gs or like big people who have made it in life career wise , money wise who have never been to the gym .
You know , you look at like , for example , someone like Elon Musk , like quite chubby , you know , or like , for example , not like he was a good person , but like Pablo Escobar , I made a lot of money , big fat guy , you know , a lot of the people who made a lot of money .
I love Jim .
I believe it's like , really good .
I go almost every day but for like two years .
But what about these other people who made it with us first ?
I have nothing bad to say Elon because Elon's top , right .
I got show respect .
Words .
Yeah , he's toy .
But , um , I think that a strong body is a strong mind .
I think that going to the gym is important for your mental health .
It is for me anyway .
I train absolutely every single day .
I am not on any kind of steroid .
I'm not on tester T RT .
I'm not on testosterone replacement therapy .
I'm not on any kind of pill .
I don't even take creatine .
I don't take protein powder .
Nothing .
And a lot of people don't believe that about me .
A lot of people say , oh , you know , because there's pictures of me where I'm , I'm a big guy .
You know , I look a bit skinny in a shirt but they look at me without a shirt on and they're like , wow , you're big .
What are you taking , bro ?
What are you taking , I'm like coffee cigars .
A lot of meat and hard training and I'm 35 and I've never had a single injection in my body .
Ever .
God .
God is my witness .
And I say this on podcasts because there's so many people who believe I'm not natural for some reason and it's kind of a compliment .
But , um , they believe I'm not natural and I say this now openly .
So if I ever get busted doing these things , you can sit and call me up on it .
I mean , Logan Paul is the steroid head .
He's , he's a big , I've told him before , I'll fight him if he can piss in a cup , but he can't because he's , he's massively steroids .
Me and me and him were back and forth .
It's a long story with him and he was kind of cool .
And then he , when the Matrix attacked me , he CED out and became a complete , but like he's talking about a boxing match .
Yeah , you have to pass a drug test because if I start taking drugs , like you are , Logan , I'm gonna be a , I'll be an animal .
I'm God's favorite , right ?
I'm an animal already .
Imagine I was taking drugs on top .
I'd be an animal .
So he's sitting there injecting himself to just get a little bit of muscle .
Um , but I , I never take anything .
I've never taken anything and I say that God is my witness .
So I just train hard and I , I only train for maybe 45 minutes to an hour .
Each day .
Every single morning is one of the first things I do .
Uh , I wake up and I train and what's amazing is I never feel like doing it .
I never , I never want to do it .
I wake up and I have work to do .
My phone's going off .
I got a busy day .
I have to do stuff .
I , I , I'm in a big mansion .
There's a Lambo outside .
There's a nice pool .
There's three chicks in bikinis chilling .
They're like , hey , breakfast is ready da da .
And I'm like , nope , nope , nope , nope .
I'm going to train and I don't want to , but I still do because that's the part of being a man is doing what you don't want to do .
But yeah .
No , I totally agree .
So I want to ask you now , give us , give me a few stories .
I love your stories .
Craziest story involving a girl .
Craziest fight story .
Craziest thing you ever saw .
And the last one , if you can give me a crazy story , which I've never mentioned before ever .
All my stories are very long .
That's the problem .
They're all like , they're all like 30 minutes of their own podcast on their own .
What was the first one ?
The first one was craziest story involving a girl .
I've told this story before .
I think somewhere you have to find it .
It was when I met when I first went to Romania , I was in a town called Constanta and there was a girl there who I met who was truly beautiful .
She was Ukrainian and she to tell the story properly so long , it takes half an hour to get the context .
We skip that one .
No , it takes half an hour to get the context .
But basically , it's the story of how me and her were talking and I , she was trying to get information out of me and I was paranoid and didn't want to give her too much information , but she liked me and I styled it off and I worked out that she was working for the club and she was getting everyone to spend a whole bunch of money all the time .
And I'm the only guy who didn't spend money on her and we ended up having a summer of love .
But it's an interesting , it's an interesting story when it's told properly in its entirety because it's weird .
It's a strange one .
Yeah .
And I tell you what we should do .
We , I'll tell the overview of all the five stories and then we in the comments to people who wanna hear which story they wanna hear the most .
I'll do a nice 45 minute explanation of the story in depth .
So the craziest story involving a girl was her .
But she was a very interesting case because it showed the power of female manipulation .
In fact , I've changed my mind .
I'm gonna tell the story .
So I'm in Constanta Romania .
Right .
I'm in Romania .
I was there , this is maybe eight or nine years ago .
At the time , there weren't so many foreigners who went there .
I was in a club and there was an absolutely beautiful girl and I went over to her and said , hello .
It's nice to meet you .
You're absolutely gorgeous and start talking to her back and forth .
I said , can I buy you a drink ?
And she said , yes , I'd like this , uh , bottle of champagne .
And at the time I didn't have the kind of money I had now .
So I said , ah , I'm sorry , I'm not going to buy you a bottle of champagne .
I don't normally drink champagne .
Uh , I bought this , um , yeah , I didn't say beer but I styled it off .
I said , oh , so you can't really say that right ?
So you have to be smooth about it .
I was like , oh , champagne , we should enjoy a bottle of champagne together one day , but I'm about to leave .
I just want to come and say hello .
So we'll do it sometime in the future .
Smooth about these things , James Bond .
Right ?
Because I didn't want to buy a $1500 bottle of champagne .
Um , so I styled it off , got her number left .
We were texting back and forth .
She seemed like a really nice girl .
Absolutely and utterly beautiful .
My standards are ridiculously high because I'm not a peasant like everybody else .
I , I , I'm only associated with women .
I can have anything I want and I kind of like when they all match .
So um I , I live with very , very high standards so she's truly , she was truly beautiful .
The next day I met her who we had lunch .
And again , uh she tried to kind of hint at this drink .
And again , I , I styled it off that night .
I saw her on another man's table and they were buying all this champagne and I was kinda a little bit annoyed because I thought I bagged her like a really beautiful girl and she's now on this table and she's all the champagne's coming .
So , whatever it is , what it is , I left it .
I still text her a little bit back and forth and it became this running joke .
She was like , why won't you buy me a bottle , a single bottle of champagne ?
You're a man , why don't you buy a single bottle of champagne ?
And she was also asked , she was quite inquisitive .
She was like , so what's your job ?
What are you doing here ?
She was trying to ask me lots of questions and I wouldn't answer any of them .
I'd always style it off with a clever answer like , what do you , what's your job ?
It's like , oh , I'm a priest or blah , blah , blah .
So um yeah , we ended up becoming really good friends throughout the summer .
And eventually she came open to the fact that she's there specifically to make men spend money .
And she had a script and she said , you're the only when she , she drunk a little bit of champagne that night to be fair .
She was a little bit drunk .
She said , you're the only man I've ever met who didn't .
Yeah , you're the only man I've ever met who didn't follow my script , Andrew .
I said , what's the script ?
And she showed me in her , it was Facebook at the time .
She showed me in her Facebook inbox .
The man would get her number .
They'd meet the next day .
Then after about two or three dates , she'd say I can't fall in love with somebody who lives far away .
Last time , I've only been with one man in my whole life .
Last time I was with a man like this .
My heart was broken and she copy and paste this long message .
The guy would start begging for her back .
She would wait about a day and a half and then hit him back and go OK , I'll come meet you but I don't wanna come on my own because it's too , it's , I'm falling in love with you .
I wanna bring some and we'll go to this place and they'd go and spend more money on more girls , more champagne , more , more , more meals .
And it was this script and every man was falling for it .
In exact order and it was copy and paste messages and every single dude fell for it , just chasing this girl promising her anything , taking her and all her friends to whatever place she needed to go that day for the commission .
And this is like 89 years ago , she said she was making like 20 to $25,000 a month in commissions .
And she's some Ukrainian chick .
She's like 19 , like her , bought her family a house but like , like like literally like enriched her family off the back top .
G Yeah , she was absolutely amazing at manipulating .
But it just showed how stupid men were .
Every single man was falling for the same trick .
All of it head to toe .
And uh after that , we , we got a bit closer and she was uh we fell in love , let's say , and it was kind of funny because uh we spent the whole summer together .
I never bought her a drink .
I never bought her one .
It became a thing where I said , I'm not buying you a thing .
You want to be one of those guys tap water only .
So I was like , I'll get you tap , you want tap water .
And she was like , oh I made a big joke of it .
She was buying the drinks because she had , she had more money than me .
So um yeah , that's the one of the craziest stories involving you have to stand up .
So they just want someone to stand up .
I think it's , yeah , I mean , there's , there's , it was going on for weeks .
There's a lot of nuance to it .
Um , I'm not saying I'm not saying don't buy girls drinks .
In fact , if I meet a girl now and she wants a drink , I'll certainly buy her one .
It was just a very unique scenario , unique circumstance that kind of led into a story .
But the night I was , the night she was going through those Facebook messages .
It was crazy how quickly and instantly men will simp and beg and cry over a girl they've known for three days promising .
Oh , we're going to be special .
I'll take care of the one .
Yeah , bro .
It's crazy .
Do you believe in the one ?
I don't , I think it's just compromise .
There's , I don't think there's ever gonna be one person on the planet you're truly compatible with .
I think there's gonna be , you know , a few .
And , uh , if you have your life in order as a man , truly and completely in order , then you're compatible with a lot more people .
I think that if you're a man and you're struggling to find somebody you're compatible with , that's probably because you're a degree , you're a loser .
If your life's in order , then you're compatible with , with a lot of women like me , me , for example , I don't need a woman to mother me .
I don't need a woman to motivate me to tell me to stop playing video games .
I don't need her to do anything for me .
I need her to be happy .
Uh positive , protect my spirit .
Pray for me maybe little things make me a coffee , some kind of small gesture .
But my money's right .
My motivations , right ?
My life is right .
And if she is associated with me by proxy , she's gonna have a fantastic life .
I can't fly on my jet and put her on an easyjet .
Like she's gonna end up on jets .
She's going up into five star hotels .
She's gonna end up not having to worry about money .
She's getting up in the best restaurants by proxy .
She's gonna have a very fantastic life .
So you'll , you'll find that if your expectations of a woman are for her to be happy and you have a lifestyle that makes her happy .
A lot of women are pretty happy and you get along with basically all of them .
It's kind of , it's kind of amazing how that works .
Only it takes a very special type of character to still be dislikable in those kind of scenarios .
Whereas if your life is less perfect or your reality is less impressive , then then yeah , then you need a girl who's happy to be bored or , and then it becomes harder .
But I don't have any of those problems .
The craziest fight story .
It could be street or in the ring .
I can't , I can't tell the story of All right , I'll tell , I'll tell you a very rough , rough version of it .
Um , it's exclusive .
Yeah , I'm going to miss a lot of details .
I was about 24 I think , and I can't say why , but I had a problem with this guy and uh we were arguing .
So , was this during the kickboxing time ?
That was kickboxing ?
Yeah , but I was also kickboxing doesn't make money like boxing , right ?
When you're kickboxing , this is I was , I was like one time world champion .
You're making like 30 40 50 grand a fight .
But you're fighting like twice a year and it's , it's , yeah , I mean , towards the end , I was getting 56 fights a year and I was doing better .
But when you're fighting like twice a year and you have to pay your coach and your taxes .
You're living in London , you're not rich .
So I was making some money on the side and I had a disagreement with this guy and we were kind of texting back and forth and uh , he stopped replying to me .
He totally stopped replying .
That was it .
And I was like , ok , and I text him a few more times and he totally stopped replying to me .
And about a week and a half later when I was walking to my car , he tried to stab me .
I was walking to my car even to this day if I walk to my car at night , especially if it's raining .
I , I uh I , I panic a little bit , a little bit .
I was walking to my car and I heard footsteps behind me .
This is one of the reasons I hate headphones .
And anyone I see in headphones is a fucking idiot because you were so killable with headphones in .
You think you look cool with your airpods in .
I can sneak up behind you with a chainsaw .
You dummy .
Like anyone , anyone who has air pods or headphones in is a soft target .
I heard it first , I heard feet moving quickly .
And as I turned , I've got a scar here on my hand where you can see the blade in my hand .
I turned and I took the blade in the hand and , uh , if that was my neck , I'd be dead .
Had you had missed that hand , had his hand made in a different position .
I , I could have easily died .
Um , I hit him but it was sloppy .
I'll admit it was a bit sloppy .
He wobbled and he took a step back .
But now we're facing each other .
But because I was bleeding so much because my finger basically came off because I was bleeding so much .
I thought I'd been stabbed properly and I ran .
Um , but I , I could have been dead and the only reason I'm not is because I heard him coming .
I didn't see him coming .
And that's , that's why to this day , if I , if I sit in public and I see somebody with airpods in , I feel nervous for them .
If I , I can't explain it .
I get anxious .
It's like seeing somebody touching a chain about to touch a chainsaw .
Like you , you're like , whoa , don't do that when I , yeah , when I see somebody and they're like , I'm like you and they are so killable .
Yeah , like , it's unbelievable .
Uh , because I heard it coming and , and , uh , if I walk to cars at night on my own now , especially if it's raining .
II , I have to check back in that thing .
So that was , that was a story , but that's not a fight .
That's , that's the thing about the Real World is that the Real World is violent and you'll often see that the idea of fighting is misunderstood even now in the war in Ukraine .
I guarantee most of the men who got killed were never in a fight .
You're , you're doing your job .
They never saw it coming .
You didn't stand a chance .
They didn't even know they're dead , right ?
You're doing your job and bang .
Very few were in a fight and then died less than less than 5% .
The truth is about the world and violence is that there's very rarely combat if you would have got me in my neck .
I was a world champion kickboxer .
What combat would there have been ?
I would have , I would have died .
So the idea of fighting is misunderstood .
The world is a violent place and violence is never fair .
And anyone who says , oh , I do jiu-jitsu that you're a dummy because if somebody wants you dead , they will kill you .
And I'm lucky there was only him .
You know , like nowadays they come in groups of 10 and then you die .
That's it .
You will die .
And that's why I am the way I am .
And that's why I also understand there's not a man on the planet who I couldn't get if I didn't want to get him .
If somebody hurt my family , I could get him .
There's not a man on the planet I could not get .
And , and I know , and I also know there's men in the world today who , who are thinking we'll try and get Tate .
There are groups of men who wake up each day and they don't want me to breathe anymore and you have to anticipate that and do your very , very best to prepare for that .
The world is a , is a dangerous place .
The world is a dark place and there are people out there that , that are evil .
And I don't think many people are actually understand how truly evil some men can be .
Um It's inside of us and yeah , that's my fight story .
But I don't , I don't like the idea of fighting , especially on the street , I will do my absolute best to avoid and deescalated .
And if it gets past the point of deescalating .
Then it goes to pure violence for me .
I don't believe in fair fights .
I don't believe in , uh , hey , bro , see you outside .
I don't believe in any of that shit .
I'll pull the strap and just , just end all .
I'm not playing games with anybody because it's winner , it's winners and losers .
Exactly .
So , one of the most recent interviews is that it was very heated .
It was like , uh , the Piers Morgan interview and you know , a lot of those steps are going viral .
Um I feel like it was a complete , like , very well , very unorganized .
It never let you speak .
So what are your thoughts on the whole thing ?
Because that's like the most recently , like the biggest thing .
Yeah , it was an attempted character assassination .
99.6% of all of the comments on the video are positive towards me .
Comment .
Yeah .
Comment .
W so 99.6% .
I know that because the war room analyzed it .
So it was apr win .
Uh I was deliberately softer than I could have been .
I could have destroyed him .
But the Matrix is looking for new reasons to attack me and I'm not gonna give them rope to attempt to hang me with .
So I knew that that was a matrix led attack .
Yeah , I was , it was a Matrix L attack and I was , I adjusted accordingly and it turned out to be a massive pr victory for me .
So , thank you very much , Piers Morgan .
I , I , why would you ?
That's why you agreed to do it .
I knew it was a trap .
I knew it was a setup .
Of course , like your dad said , I let their live .
Yeah , I allow manipulation to find out where my enemy he wants me to go .
Then I used my mind to break the trap and punish the perpetrators .
That's another one of his quotes and he's absolutely not .
Right .
I , I still do that to this day .
I'll sit and watch the news head to toe .
I'll watch it .
Ah , new variant .
Ah , be afraid of the new variant .
I need 17 injections .
Ok .
Let me see here .
Let me , let me watch this head to toe .
I'll watch all of it .
I'll understand .
I allow manipulation to find out where the enemy wants me to go and because if you don't know where they want you to go , you might end up there on accident .
You should be correct .
Right .
If you completely ignore the enemy's attacks to manipulate you , you might end up where they want you to be on accident .
Right .
So I watch it .
Where , what do you want me to believe ?
You watch it ?
Ok , I understand .
This is what you want bullshit .
Next , I'm not doing that the opposite completely .
You have to allow them allow manipulation to find out where enemy wants me to go and then use your mind to break the trap so I , I allow people to try all the time so I can understand their aims and goals very , very effectively .
I have to understand exactly what they're trying to get out of me so that I can make sure that they fail .
So , you know , we talked a lot about your dad on this podcast and you've talked about him a lot .
But about your mom .
What role did she play in your life ?
My mother is a fantastic mother .
Still alive .
You see ?
Yeah .
Absolutely .
Yeah .
I take care of her .
She's rich now .
I send her money and she panics .
She's like , there's too much .
She has like a panic attack .
I'm like , chill Buy Lambo .
Um , yeah .
She , uh , she's good .
She's a good mother .
How does she feel about where you are now ?
With all this , like commotion ?
She's enormously proud of me .
She always knew I'd end up here .
You know , I remind her of my dad .
She knew who I was gonna be .
Yeah .
But she , she was enormously proud of me .
But she doesn't ever give me any kind of advice in any way .
Um , I'm the man of the house .
I'm old and big enough now .
She doesn't call me really with , I think you should .
It's very much like , yeah .
Are you ?
Ok ?
Yeah .
Cheek .
Don't worry about it .
I got it .
Ok .
I hope you know what you're doing .
I know I'm doing you in any case you would never show any weakness or any like you would just be like , yeah , I mean , she , she , I love my mother in law , my heart .
She has no guidance she can possibly give me .
She's an old lady .
What can she tell me about the realities of earth and violence ?
And I'm glad she's been shielded from all those things .
She doesn't know anything .
She just knows that her son is monumentally successful and uh I don't want her to ever be worried .
I didn't even tell her when this happened .
I don't want her to worry about me .
I want her to just live a happy experience .
I think that's one of the big differences between men and women .
When I was saying earlier about how men need struggle and happiness doesn't matter .
I'd actually argue the count .
Contrary for women , I think that women who are not happy are not very feminine and that they become masculinize and bitter .
And I think it's important for a woman to live a happy reality .
I think women should be happy .
I think that their job inside of a relationship with a man quite often is to be a beacon of light and to be sunshine and to be a cheerleader with me in my life .
The only way a woman can truly support me is to be constantly positive .
I'm , I'm fantastic at everything .
I can't meet a woman who can do anything for my life besides when I come home pissed off .
She's like a smile , you know , like , like , and being positive as a female is an extremely feminine quality .
You don't want , sorry , sorry .
You don't want females that like that , like , too much .
Like , what would you say ?
Like , you like a female that challenges you mentally or ?
But they can't .
Yeah .
No , I mean , like , ask you questions or like , no , I'd love to have a conversation with my partner about interesting things .
I love to talk about things .
Sure .
But my life is too complicated for , I need to come home to my woman and ask for help .
My life is far too complicated and large .
I can't come home to a woman .
I'm dating and saying this man tried to kill me .
She'd go crazy .
What's she gonna do ?
Go kill him ?
What's she gonna do ?
She ain't gonna know what to do or I can't come home and talk about the things I talk .
They'd be like , what , what are you talking about ?
And then they're , then they're gonna panic and then so then then , right , it's better if I come home and the man's tried to kill me and they say what happened to you .
And I say I don't want to talk about it and they're just like , oh , I'll take care of you .
Do you want coffee ?
Do you want tea ?
That's better , right ?
So I think that a woman being positive and being happy is a very feminine quality .
And I think that men like happy women and I think women should try and live happy experiences and happy lives and I'll never have conversations with my mother which will make her unhappy , even if something bad was happening or I had trouble or I had problems , I would never sit to my mother and complain .
I would want my mother to live happy and stress free as possible as opposed to my boys or my team .
It's the opposite .
I'd come and say we're , this is .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah , it's different .
So , again , when we talk a lot about money , I want to ask you how much is enough money , like , because I know right now , you know , uh , I don't know how much you're worth .
I don't know if you do that guess .
Uh , $300 million pretty close .
Yeah , I read online .
It was 235 .
Yeah , it was pretty accurate .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Ok .
But , so what , how much do you think is enough ?
Are you aiming for a billion or ?
Like , are you happy now ?
You call 999 million ?
After you get a billion , they get , you , they're gonna get me anyway before that .
Probably , I'm gonna try my best to avoid that .
Um , but truthfully after , after 50 no , not even 50 after $20 million life is basically the same if you don't want to buy a jet and you don't want to buy a yacht .
You're never gonna need more than $20 million .
Really ?
Because there's nothing to buy .
And you can rent the yacht in the , you can charter yachts , you can charter jets , which is probably smarter .
Anyway .
I had a jet .
I owned one for a few months and I sold it and the reason I'll never buy a jet again .
Yeah .
All these on Twitter are tracking them GS Jet .
I'm not having it .
I know the guy , he just , he just sold it because I don't want everyone knowing where I am all the time .
So I , you know , get on Twitter .
I know .
I know .
I know it's criminal .
So , um , I , uh , I , if you don't buy a yacht , which is very expensive or buy a jet , you can buy a nice house in most places on the planet .
You can buy two or three cars , you can buy some diamond watches .
You can buy some nice clothes and that's all there is to buy .
What's actually kind of amazing to me is when I was poor , I thought if I got rich I'd buy all this stuff and now I'm rich and I can buy anything I want and there's nothing to buy , there's nothing to buy clothes .
I already have too many .
My wardrobe is completely full head to toe .
Don't wear most of them diamond watches .
You get 10 .
How many do you really need cars ?
I have 28 I drive like , four of them .
Like , what's there to buy coffee dinner .
There's nothing to buy , like , it's so , the money is just about influence and power .
That's all it's about .
Um , and now because I'm a workaholic and because I refuse to be a lazy person and because I am addicted to my mission , I keep accidentally making millions and millions and millions of dollars and I don't need it and I have nothing to do with it .
But it's just if I get a good opportunity , I'm gonna take the money and you know , the war room hits me up .
Let's make 10 million here .
Ok , let's do it .
But , um , yeah , it's , but there's nothing to buy .
So I'd say once you're past 2025 million , that's as good as life can really get .
You're flying private , you're staying in the best hotels , you're eating what you want , you drive the car , you want , you wear the clothes , you want , you have the watch you want and that's it .
There's not so 99 , that was kind of a joke about not wanting to be a billionaire because I think once you get to billionaire status , you're going to have a degree of trouble .
I don't know .
But for me , I want to be like that , that billionaire because like it's just , I don't know .
But if you're a billionaire , you need to be aligned to a government , you need to really choose a side I feel like you need to belong to either the western hemisphere or the eastern hemisphere .
You need a degree of governmental protection .
You need to be politically aligned in some particular way .
I think that once you get to billionaire , you're too powerful to just be a truly free agent .
If that makes sense , you have to join a team .
Whereas right now I am effectively a free agent .
I can move back to America if I wanted to .
I'm in the UAE .
I could also via my friends moved to Moscow if I wanted to , I could choose any side if I wanted to .
But I think if I had a billion , I would have already had to have chosen the side long ago if that makes sense .
And all the , all the big Russian billionaires right now , they're freezing their banks because they're all billionaires .
That's what I mean .
So uh you need to have but have they frozen all your banks ?
Like where's your money now ?
Yeah .
When house was university , when the matrix was attacked , I did have a bunch of bank accounts frozen .
Yeah , I did have a bunch of bank account .
Yeah , but not obviously , I can't say on the podcast how my my infrastructure works , but there were some accounts in my name which 910 something nothing one lunch jump jump change .
Maybe you know what I was thinking , maybe Elon Musk will continue to buy Twitter .
And then once he buys it because you like him .
Maybe , maybe he'll , he'll , he'll give you .
Yeah .
If I come back on Twitter , if I come back on Twitter , that would be epic .
That would be good .
Um You know , if you're listening to this , we'll see God has a plan .
But why don't all the , all the people who have been censored or like removed ?
Why don't they all join one platform ?
Because I feel like everyone's joining different platforms .
Like Trump has his own thing .
You know , you're quite a rumble .
Someone else on another platform , I get it .
If they all joined one , I feel like that would be really strong .
Well , I feel rumble where I am now , which is rumble.com/tape speech .
I think they're the only video alternative to youtube .
There's a lot of Twitter alternatives .
You have Getter Truth , Social parlor , you have all these ones .
But I think that for video there's only rumble .
Um I'm now Rumble , rumble.com/tape speech .
I think that rumble is gonna go to the moon .
I think they're gonna take serious market share .
It's certainly a stock to buy .
It was $10 when I joined , I got up to 13 $14 .
Um The stock it's tanked in the last three days because the Wall Street Journal has started printing loads of bullshit articles doing all the Matrix attack .
This podcast might come out retrospectively so it might be a different time .
But as it stands at the current time we're filming .
So it's gone down to like six or $7 which is a fantastic buy because it's gonna go up to , it's gonna go up to $50 .
Um , I think they're gonna take massive market share from youtube personally because people are tired of the censorship and are tired of the one version of events .
They're tired of the single , single pole , the one polar world and they want to see opposite points of view .
And people are starting to understand that they can control all the information and control the narratives and they can control reality .
That's why I call it the matrix .
If all of the news you read is written by one person and they don't allow opposing viewpoints to exist , then they control and create a reality which is not real .
That's why I call it the matrix .
They sit there and they tell you this is true .
This is true .
Anyone who says it's not true is deleted .
This is the only version of reality we're going to allow it to exist and they're purporting a false reality into our minds to control us .
That's why they're called , that's why it's called the Matrix .
And this is a bit random .
But as we wrapping up when you grow up there , I , yeah , people always like some of my biggest haters .
It's kind of crazy .
I get insults right from the people who dislike me and they go , hey , but you're bald and I'm like , but no , but genuinely imagine the intellect level of somebody sitting at home .
Right .
They have no money .
They have no connections .
They're not successful .
They're objectively unattractive .
They're objectively unhealthy and they're obese and they're sitting there looking at a man who's the most Google man on the planet physically in shape , desired by all the females .
He could possibly ever want a strong network , multimillionaire .
Living a dream and going .
But you're bald .
Like it's just , it's amazing to me .
What's crazy is I'm not bald .
I shave my head .
I can grow my hair out like you .
If I wanted to , I could grow my hair out .
No problem .
I shaved my head .
I've , and I've , yeah , and I've told the story of , I've told the story before on another podcast of why I did that .
But I just think it's truly amazing though how stupid some people are like , truly how dumb you must be and , and to watch all my content and say he's teaching so many things I can join Hustlers University or join the Real World or join the war room and get close to this man and his organization and I can have a fantastic life .
And instead of doing that , you sit and think he's bold like how dumb , but how dumb are these people ?
Like it's and unfortunately , the law of averages ensures that half of people are even more stupid than average .
And that's just the way averages work .
So there are some extremely stupid people out there and they just are uninterested in any , in even progressing their own lives .
There are people out there who genuinely exist and you could take their hand and hold their hand and try and walk them through life , head to toe and they'd still just find a reason to , you can't make a drink .
Some people just are born to lose and no matter what you do , they're just born to lose .
And those are the people who insult me .
The people who insult me are completely and utterly born to lose .
But do you think that these people who are like , less intelligent or like more happier ?
And I think I feel like intelligence sometimes it's , and people have spoken about this who are like fast intelligent where it's like the more intelligent you are the sadder , you'll be in the worse your life will be .
Yeah .
They say ignorance is bliss .
Um , I think it's two ways .
I know what you're saying .
Ignorant people can to a degree be happier in certain scenarios than others because they don't understand what's really happening .
They don't understand about the battle of good and evil .
They don't understand about the matrix .
They don't understand that they're a slave , they don't understand it and they're ignorant to how good their life could be .
So they think their life is good .
I understand all that , but that all changes when times get hard because those people are not happening to life .
Life is happening to them and they are subject to circumstances .
I'm not subject to circumstance .
No matter what happens , I can change country , I can fight against the wind , I can disappear .
I am the circumstance .
Tate arrives and circumstances change .
Whereas these people not do that .
The circumstances dictates their life and a long enough time scale , especially in the world we're currently living in .
I think that things are gonna get a lot harder for these people and they will see soon that ignorance is not bliss because they cannot pay their heating bill .
Whereas if they were less ignorant and paid attention , they'd be able to be living in a mansion like me with heating on full blast .
So this is what happens and it's , it's good until it isn't being ignorant .
And uh also I don't think God rewards ignorance and I don't think most people out here are ignorant .
I don't think most , but I'll say this now .
I don't think most people out here are ignorant .
I think that most people out here are cowards and they choose to be ignorant .
Yeah .
I think they choose to be ignorant because they're cowards .
They pretend there's no battle , they pretend there's no fight because they're too scared to fight .
But most people out here understand everything I say is true .
Most people out here understand that there's the , the Chetan and evil is being forced upon the , the youth of the Children , uh the youth of the world and they're trying very hard to destroy society at a fundamental level and they want to enslave all of us .
And I think most people know that , but they're just too scared to say it and too scared to fight against it .
So they pretend they don't know it because they are cowards .
Ignorance is not our problem .
Cowardice is our problem .
And I'll say one thing , this battle that we're currently embroiled in is not a battle that anybody can avoid .
When God and Satan themselves decide to fight for the morality of humanity as a whole .
It's a monumental fight , which is one of the largest fights that has ever taken place anywhere in the known universe .
And it's not something you can just hide away from .
You can't be an ostrich and put your head in the sand and ignore the two titans of good and evil fighting .
You have two choices .
Either you understand what's happening in the world today and you're on the side of good and you're fighting against the matrix or you've accepted all the matrix programming to pretend that there is no battle .
And then by extension , you're gonna end up fighting against your own mind and you're gonna be in a fight either way , your mind's either right and you're fighting externally against the enemy or you've accepted the matrix programming and you're sitting there fighting against your own , depress your own anxiety , fight against your own struggles inside of yourself .
You're going to fight anyway .
There is no way to avoid this .
So you have to make a decision .
Do you want to have control of your own mind and control of yourself and fight for God and fight on the side of good against evil ?
Or do you want to accept the evil programming fall down a hole of degeneracy and fight against yourself and self destruct and implode .
That's your choice to make .
But I think the intelligent choice is to fight against , to fight against evil .
No , but definitely , I definitely think that was right .
And um on the last note , like I wanted to ask you actually real quick two questions , one about the tattoos , if you could explain them .
And number two , I heard you when I saw some videos that you dabbled into making some music , it was funny .
Do you want to comment on that ?
Yeah .
So I have one tattoo .
It's a snake .
It comes down here .
It's a snake and we have like a Japanese samurai mask .
I'm the cobra .
The mask is like my father guiding me towards battle .
That's what this tattoo was .
I had it done in Thailand quite a long while ago .
Yeah .
Yeah , he was alive .
It took me 3 , 12 hour days .
It was pretty boring .
I just sat there and drank Chang just drunk in Chang getting my tattoo when it was over .
I never even put any cling film on it .
Nothing .
I just went straight start jumping in the pool , jumping in the ocean riding motorbikes .
So I just left .
It totally was fighting .
I was fighting with it .
Everything was totally fine .
So that was that music .
Yeah , I was messing around with music for a while .
That , that whole , I only did that because I knew a guy who wanted to be a musician and I'd meet him and say , how are things going ?
He'd go , bro , nearly finished my song , gonna finish my album and we're gonna make a load of money .
I was like , cool .
Six months later , I see him how stings .
Hey , bro , almost done with the album .
I was like , it's been six months an album .
Yeah , but you don't understand .
You gonna mix the track , takes time mixing a track here .
We have computers .
What ?
10 minutes .
OK .
OK .
22 days .
It's been six months , bro .
Like , and I'd sit to him and say it can't take this long .
You're just smoking weed , you're not working .
And uh it was like , he was like , no , you don't know , you don't know .
So I said , OK , I'll make a track .
So I made a song .
I wrote some lyrics and hit a guy up .
Got a beat , got a mic .
I know I'm not talented , talked blah , blah , blah .
I made a song and 2.5 hours and I started releasing these songs I made in two hours and it was just to spite that guy just to teach him a lesson about how speed works .
It's funny because obviously not because of my musical cold talents , but because of my influence everywhere else , I got millions of views on my videos .
So I beat him .
Like how many , how many views you got ?
Zero .
And it's not because the songs are not because I think I'm a musical genius because I'm Tate .
But uh yeah , they're like an hour , two hours , I threw them together and it was just a lesson in speed to , to make sure that I wasn't making any mistakes .
And he was telling me it genuinely took months .
I knew he was wrong .
But the only way you truly know is to do so I was like this , this has to be a lie .
So I made a song or two .
I made a video in three hours and boom , boom from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bang millions of views done .
And he's still talking about his album .
He's probably still talking about it today .
It probably doesn't even exist .
Come down tomorrow .
Be ready .
It's my life is gonna change .
Well , what does a good a day in your life look like ?
What are your daily habits that you do to make your day good ?
Do you meditate ?
Do you do affirmations ?
No , I don't meditate .
I don't do affirmations .
Um maybe .
I meditate a little bit as I fall asleep .
Maybe .
But it's not like a , a conscious decision .
I wake up .
I check my phone .
I go through my phone for about half an hour .
I then go and I start training as I train , I stay on my phone in between sets .
I train every day .
You're always online .
I've noticed that , but I thought you're always online .
Second , permanently .
17 hours of screen time a day .
Can we see your screen time ?
17 hours a day .
I can't show my phone , bro .
But 17 hours of screen time .
That's crazy .
So if I'm awake , I'm online , I'm a phone addict .
I guess you can call it .
But that's where all the important things happen .
I have an , I have an empire that spans across 25 countries .
Like I , I'm on my phone .
I know that for peace of mind , I should use my phone less .
I don't want peace of mind .
I want chaos .
I want to conquer the earth .
Genghis Genghis Khan did not want peace of mind .
If he did , he would have stopped .
I don't want peace of mind .
I wake up , I train , I stay on my phone .
Then I begin working .
I'm doing a podcast now , if I'm not doing a podcast or if I'm not driving or if I'm not fighting , I'm online and I live my entire life online .
If I'm awake , I'm working .
If I sit to have Shisha tonight at nine or 10 p.m. And there's a whole bunch of hot girls around and my brother's there and we're all chilling and we're talking , I'm doing all of that while I'm on my phone .
I am working at the same time .
I can easily sit and manage a multimillion dollar empire and talk to some bimbo at the same time .
I'm not an idiot .
It's not hard .
I work .
All I do is work .
All I do is work .
I don't know how else to say it to you .
People meet me and they're like , I'm surprised , I thought you'd be like , I'm surprised how quiet you are and you're just working .
Correct ?
I have a very , very large and vast empire across huge swarth of the world and different industries and anything I've ever wanted .
If I want a beautiful female or a Bugatti , another one or $100 million or whatever , I'm gonna get it via my phone .
So I work .
That's who I , that's who I am .
That's what I do .
In fact , the video just released on youtube and it was from here in Dubai .
It's 12 minutes long and it was behind the scenes of Tate and camera guy .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Dubai .
Dubai .
Yeah .
And there's uh one of the comments on there is , wow , Andrew's always on his phone .
You're in the desert , you , you're on a table with like five girls and you're literally sitting like this .
Correct ?
I work if I'm , if I'm awake I work from the second I'm awake .
First thing I do is check my phone and the last thing I do before I close my eyes .
I'm on my phone .
I am working .
Yeah , that's all I do .
And you run on very low sleep hours .
Yeah .
I probably sleep 4 to 5 hours a night .
I don't necessarily recommend that .
I know some people need more .
It's actually interesting .
I sleep like 4 to 5 hours a night , maybe average for like a week and a half , two weeks .
And then I'll get to a point where I just need to sleep for like 15 hours and I'll sleep a bunch and then I'm back and then I'll go , I'll go to bed at three .
I'm back up at eight , go to bed at four , up at eight .
And then , but after a few weeks I'm like , ok , I need like a day where I sleep .
Um , and I put my phone in airplane mode so that people , when they're messaging me , they know I'm not getting it because if , if , if , if they're , if they're coming through and I'm not replying .
People panic .
That's how much I'm on my phone , I'm on my phone so much that if messages are being delivered and I don't reply within 10 minutes , people start panicking .
Is he ok ?
Have they got him , have they got him yet ?
You know , because there's people trying to get me so I have to put airplane mode which doesn't really fix it because I guess if they do get me , it might be the day my phone gets busted .
I don't know .
But it's kind of a thing I do for the people who care about me .
But , uh , yeah , I work , I work , that's why no one's ever gonna beat me .
There's like , there's a whole bunch of other people and like Gurus and self-help coaches and these people online , none of them have been through the things I've been through , most of them are still kids .
Like I don't , I don't even know how old you are and I state ok , 20 perfect .
So I , I state this with absolute respect .
You don't know shit about life until you're 30 .
You just don't , you haven't lived enough .
You can be smart but you can't be wise .
Anybody who's taking advice from a 25 year old on the internet .
You're a dummy because at 25 hours stupid , that's why I'm gonna give you advice .
I'm correct .
But at 25 hours dumb and I'm the smartest man on the planet .
So like if you're sitting here and you're watching some guy's videos and just Google his age , don't listen to none of these people , right ?
They can have opinions , they can be entertaining , they can interview others , they can give their insights , but also keep in mind they are still young .
Right ?
Yeah .
As a man .
It takes a long time .
You have to go through a bunch of crap to learn things , pain .
So nobody , nobody can work me , nobody can compete .
Me .
Nobody has a network like mine .
And we're talking about me doing 17 hours a day .
I have thousands of people on my work schedule .
Like I have 100 I have 100 people who work for me directly .
I have thousands of people inside the war and 100 and 70,000 people inside of hu who if I were to send them a message would do it people .
I know .
How did you conquer the algorithm ?
How do you do this ?
How do you do that ?
The number of hours of work which is done per day in the name of Tate is immeasurable .
It , it's , it's , it's incalculable .
It's 5000 people .
Well , let's , let's do the math .
5000 very competent men doing 17 hour days in the name of Tate .
No one's ever going to beat me .
The internet is mine .
I own it .
You go on tiktok for 10 seconds .
It's me .
It's tiktok .
It's the same with Instagram reels .
It's all mine .
There's no competition .
Nobody .
It doesn't matter how big your ad spend is , it doesn't matter what marketing agency you go to , you will always lose to me for attorney until the day they finally put a bullet in my head .
I own the world and I will continue to own the world , all of it is mine and , and , and anyone who thinks that I get to the top and slow down as a fool because I do the absolute opposite .
I will crush all of my competition for head to toe .
There isn't even any competition .
There's nobody on my level and I'm still out working all of them .
But why don't you stop the work and take a step back ?
I want to , I don't want to .
And that's my competitive advantage .
I don't want to do that .
The enjoyment for you is the work completely .
Other people are like , oh , I've been here now so I can now go on holiday .
I can now .
I don't want to stop working .
I don't want a holiday .
I don't want to relax .
Is this relaxing ?
I'm gonna try and relax for the first time in my life .
We did this here live on the podcast .
Ready ?
Ready ?
No .
Am I supposed to want to do that ?
What , what , what was that ?
What was it like ?
Is that , is that it , is that the dream ?
Is that the goal ?
Like , and if I'm not on my phone , my brain is preoccupied and anxious about what's happening on my phone .
So it's better to just be on it .
Like I don't want to relax .
I don't wanna stop .
I don't want , don't want to stop .
That's why nobody will ever beat me because all these other people , they want to take time out .
They're , they're working to relax or they want , they want to go on a date with that .
I will .
I'm at the point now where I would , I'd look at a beautiful woman and go , I can go on a date with her and she's absolutely gorgeous and perhaps we'll fall in love and it'll be great .
But you know what , I'd rather work .
II , I don't want to be off my phone .
I don't want to date girls .
I don't want , I just want to conquer the earth .
I don't care about anything else .
So that's why I'm always gonna win .
I think that's a great note to end this last thing I'll say because I know that they're gonna put clips on this and they're gonna put one song and that song is like your anthem .
Don't love you .
Do you play that in the car ?
Like pulling up anywhere ?
I don't know how that became my anthem .
Someone on tiktok just did it .
Um I'd love to meet , I should meet the singer and that's what I was going to say .
You know , your age difference is not about , she's my age .
I don't know if she likes me or hates me .
She might love me .
She might hate me .
I don't know which one it is .
She love you because you made her songs viral .
But then if she likes the , she , she might be inside of the matrix in her mind .
You don't know of that version .
Yeah , maybe I'd like to meet her one day , but I don't know how that became my theme song .
Someone started it and it just became my thing .
You never listen to that record .
I no idea .
Alright , Andrew .
Thank you so much for your time .
I really appreciate it .
I cannot appreciate this enough .
You know , you , you've come on the podcast , you've agreed .
You've come alone by the way .
Which is insane .
I thought , I thought you'd have a team of people around me , drove up here alone in your own car .
There's like five people in here that are all from my side just but you know , you're Andrew .
You know , what's anyone gonna do to you ?
It's interesting because it's because we're in Dubai when I'm in London , I go to a podcast or 66 guys arm car have to sign five documents before I start .
You look through everything , man just here , ask me whatever you want .
He's like this .
Yeah .
Yeah .
Ask me anything you want .
I'm ready .
Yeah .
Yeah , bro .
Thank you so much .
I really appreciate it .
Thank you , bro .
Thank you guys .
If you're watching this video and you stay till the end , I really appreciate your time .
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But co tape.com , you can access the war room , the Real World and uh the newsletter .
That's where you're going to find the secrets to the universe guys .
Thank you so much for watching .
T I really appreciate your time .
Take care guys .
See you next episode .
Peace .