Oh , you're great .
That's wonderful .
Oh , yes , you , you're a great , thank you .
Well , thank you very much for coming on the show and actually a fan of the naked gun pictures .
Thank you , renewing old acquaintances .
Remember back on Saturday night ?
That's right .
I , I was working there when you were there .
That's right .
I got you coffee .
You chewed me out ?
I did not .
No , you didn't .
No , I got you tea and you chewed me out .
Um , now , uh , no , I , I , I'm a , sometimes I'm a very angry , angry guy .
Uh No , actually I am a , I am a big fan of those pictures .
Uh , because , uh I , I love the way you play it so straight .
I , I love the way I guess the director told you .
It's , it's not a comedy act as though this is deadly serious .
The , the director , you , the thing is that we know that we're being funny , but you can't let the audience know for one second that you're trying to be funny .
Not for one second .
Uh Although I will do almost anything I can for a laugh .
I said almost , I didn't say I would do anything for a laugh .
What have you got there ?
Isn't that a little personal ?
You would like to see , see it .
That's what I have there .
It is right there .
What the hell are you doing ?
What is the , what is the ?
Hold on , let's show this .
You heard the rude noises that it makes .
I , I did nothing but fun .
I got that for a morning .
Oklahoma City , Jack Martin .
He was a senior golf pro and one night he said , Leslie , I'm going to give you something to change your life .
I did too .
I've had nothing but a laugh .
So you don't carry this around everywhere .
I do not travel anywhere alone that goes with me all over it .
You're a grown man .
What are you doing ?
You're a man .
No , really ?
You bring this thing wherever you go .
You never can tell , it always comes in handy and you never can tell when there's a certain amount of pomposity or somebody who's making you play a particular role and you , if you just shake hands with somebody , it's how , how do you do ?
Excuse me ?
Very nice , tremendous drift .
It's a defense .
I'm working so hard , so hard to establish my credibility .
And in three seconds , this establishes credibility .
Now , have you now you , you say you take this everywhere and I've actually heard that you do .
I didn't really think you'd take it out here tonight .
I , I was praying but uh but you take this wherever you go , have , have you taken it anywhere where you now think it may have been inappropriate ?
Well , you're always taking a chance , I'll tell you .
And there are , you know , when you're doing any kind of comedy , there , there's just no way that there's not gonna come that time when you step over the line , but that's because of the chance you take and they're just gonna be sometimes , especially with this where you seem to step over the line .
And in that case , you know , I say , look , I , I'm really playing , I've got a secret .
I know I'm doing like a kind of a practical joke .
So I'll apologize or I'll show the people sometimes it doesn't work .
But then you have to just rely on your insensitivity .
I have a seminar on insensitivity if you like and I can , I would , I would like to sign up for that for the insensitivity course , the downside , you know , sometimes you can be feeling good and not know it .
I would go back to this thing .
Are you gonna go back ?
No , no .
Uh , but , uh , do women enjoy this joke ?
I'm just curious , like you're on a date and you do that , do they immediately go here the guy for me , it's the greatest way to find out whether a woman likes you or not for who you are to be accepted .
That's exactly it to be accepted for who you are .
Yeah .
You , you put that hits the nail on the head .
Um , well , I want you to let Andy hold it for the remainder of the show .
Here you are , Andy .
Ok .
All right .
Got it .
Don't squeeze it .
All right .
Uh , and the naked gun pictures .
So you , you're coming out with another one .
We're coming naked gun 33 and a third and naked naked gun 33 and a third .
The final insult .
And it'll be out on March the 19th and I , I swear , I think it's as funny as the first two , if not funnier .
All right .
Well , we will , uh , winners have to step away for a second .
We'll come right back and find out more about this and Andy will hold on to your little machine of doom .
Uh , we'll be right back with more Leslie Nielsen in just a second .