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2023-06-21 10:04:32

3 Tips To Get More Clients On Upwork (Even As a New Freelancer)

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Hi , I'm Nick .

I'm the founder of a blog .

If you're watching this video , either you applied for one of our job posts on our work or you saw one of our job posts and you are applying to apply either way .

Uh I just wanted to shoot a short video to thank you for taking the time to apply for the job or checking it out .

I know we as a company target on new freelancers who are joining on the platform and who are struggling to find jobs because personally myself , I am a freelancer and that's how we blog started about eight years back .

I was a new freelancer just like him , struggling to get clients and try whatever I could did all the mistakes .

And it took like eight years for me and over the years , we gradually scaled into an agency and we work with so many freelancers , literally hundreds of freelancers every day on upwork .

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And we started this initiative to kind of help new freelancers who are struggling to get clients on upwork .

And that's the reason you were here and you were watching this video , we only select a handful of freelancers for every job post as any other client , all up work .

I think you're familiar with it , but I wanted to take a moment to give you three tips , which really helped me to scale up my profile on up work to attract quality clients .

And the reason being I see a lot of proposals from freelancers every single day and I see the kind of mistakes they make and how easy it is to fix those so that you can stand a better chance to get hired by the clients .

So here we go .

The number one tip is how you write your proposal , right ?

So let me share my screen here .

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All right , I guess you can see my screen now .

So this is how the client side looks .

And for example , let's say this is a job post Spanish videos needs English subtitles , right ?

And let's say you are a Spanish linguist and you are learning to apply for this job and this is how it looks at your end , right ?

It will load up .

So this is how it looks at your end and then you go ahead and click apply .

There is a tip that I want to tell you when you look at this , you you see that 10 freelancers are applied .

The key thing I want you to focus on is that when the client looks at your proposal , he sees your name , your title , what you have earned or you haven't operated a badge or success code .

If you need new freelancer , the picture , your name matters a lot .

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But the most important tip is the first two lines is what makes the difference between you getting hired or the client choosing someone else .

I don't think anyone else has shared that right in youtube or anywhere else .

This is something which I noticed as when I became a client from a freelancer , the first two lines make everything , make all the difference .

Even if you have $0 earned , you don't have any experience .

If you can make sure that the first two lines match exactly what the job post is asking for .

The kind of the keywords , Spanish subtitling .

It's a long term opportunity and your experience , if you can bring that in the first two lines , the chances of you getting hired goes up like anything .

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Because if you're thinking that I have mentioned all those details down in my proposal , I have covered that , let's say in the second paragraph or third paragraph , you think that , ok , I have made a great proposal , the client is going to hire me , but the reality is the client sees so many proposals and he doesn't click , he or she doesn't click on every single proposal , right ?

They just scroll through and see , read these two lines , read these two lines .

So if you when you make sure that the first two lines on your proposal is customized and has all the keywords that the client is looking for .

Even if you are a new profile , the chances of you getting hired goes up like anything .

That's the number one tip , which no one taught me .

And the only way I could learn that was when I became a client myself .

So I wanted to share that with you .

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Tip number two is if it is possible for you to find the client's name , try to use that in the job proposal you , right ?

So let's say for example , loads up like this .

And so this is when you scroll down , you can see the other projects the client have posted and try to find out if you can find the client .

So in this case , I'm the client and you can see one freelancer has given the review is a great client .

So you know who is the client ?

And when you write a proposal addressing the time directly here , if you say when you look at it here , everyone says hi there , hi , hello , hello dear , hiring manager to who are like all this is too generic , right ?

It doesn't connect with me personally .

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But if you're someone who says hi on the first line , it just stands out because I'm a human when someone is addressing me personally , I'm like , ok , this guy took the time to find my name .

Interesting .

Let's see what he or she has got .

Do you see the difference ?

It doesn't take any time just a few seconds .

But it makes a lot of difference for the client and for you getting hired .

That's tip number two .

Tip number three .

As a new freelancer , I see a lot of new freelancers applying on upwork and the number one mistake they do is they beg for the job , never , ever do that in your proposal .

Even if you have a really bad situation and you really need the job .

Don't mention that in the proposal , you might think that it's gonna help you .

But from the client's point of view , it just doesn't ring .

They're like , ok , you're having a problem .

I also have a problem .

I am also a human .

We all have problems .

Why are you showing that in the proposal ?

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Be professional ?

Show what you can do bring you our best and stay professional and the chances of you getting hired , if not in this job , another job goes high .

But if you start getting impersonal and saying like I have a really bad situation , I need this job .

It helps my family , things like that .

The chances of you getting hired really goes down because that's how it is .

So that's tip number three .

So that's three tips for you .

I just wanted to give back to you because I'm sure that not every one of you will get a chance to get hired in this project .

We just , we , we tend to pick the best .

That's how it is .

On our book .

I'm being straight with you , but I just wanted to give some value back to you as a fellow freelancer myself , who was a new freelancer just like you years back and who has struggled his way up .

I know the hustle and I want to thank you for looking at our job and sending in a proposal or not .

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It doesn't matter .

I really wish you good luck on our work .

Work is a great platform if you know how to apply and how to position yourself as a freelancer .

Even as a U be freelancers , there are clients who are willing to hire you .

If you use tips that have mentioned to position yourself better than other freelancers , the possibility of you getting hired literally becomes 10 A .

So I hope you will use the strips .

Thank you .


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