It's weekend update with Colin Jones and Michael Chang .
Thank you guys .
Thank you .
Good evening , everyone .
Welcome to Wigan D that I'm Michael Che .
I'm Colin Jo .
After President Biden's successful meeting with China's President Xi Jinping , reporters asked Biden if he still believed that she was a dictator and I don't know if Biden was supposed to say yes because look at this reaction from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken still report to President Xi as a dictator that earlier this year .
Oh man , that's the same face I make when my uncle starts a story by mentioning the race of the waitress .
It's actually the same .
It's actually the s it's actually the same face I made when I heard Biden say this about LL Cool JLLJ .
Cool J by the way , that boy's got that man's got biceps bigger than my thighs .
Cool J I think the second J stands for Jesus insiders are concerned that President Biden's chances for re election could be damaged by his unwavering support for Israel .
But I think the bigger problem for Biden is that he is six years older than Israel .
The House Ethics Committee released its report on George Santo seen here asking your grandma for her social security number and concluded that there is substantial evidence that he used campaign funds for shopping and cosmetic procedures .
Santos would have denied the allegations but he had to rest his new lips .
Several major media companies including NBC Universal have pulled their advertising from Elon Musk X over concerns that ads for their shows could appear next to pro nazi propaganda , which is a huge relief because I was definitely worried about where this was going to end up .
This week .
Donald Trump junior testified in his father's civil fraud trial and based on this courtroom sketch , I feel like it didn't go great .
He's supposed to be talking about real estate , but he looks like he's on law and order saying that girl came on to me .
And unlike the other packed courtroom days , only four people showed up and Donald Trump senior was not present , which is just like all of Don Junior's childhood birthday parties .
The Supreme Court is addressing recent allegations of ethical lapses by adopting a new code of conduct , replacing their old code of conduct , money up front .
No kissing on the mouth .
Senator Tim Scott announced that he is driving out of the 2024 presidential race with Scott gone .
The most prominent black Republican is once again the blacks for Trump guy .
All right .
Well , a fist fight almost broke out at a congressional hearing after Senator Mark Wayne Mullen challenged the president of the Teamsters Union to a fist fight .
He challenged the president of the Teamsters to a fight .
You have a death wish .
The two things I learned growing up in New York were never mess with the teamsters and don't drink that Snapple .
You found on the subway .
The man who attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer has been found guilty and is expected to be in prison until Trump's first day back as president .
Yeah , you're gonna win .
New York .
Mayor , Eric Adams responded to allegations that he accepted illegal donations from Turkey saying I have not been accused of wrongdoing and I will continue to co-operate .
Then he put on his fez and sped away on a flying carpet .