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2023-06-14 17:57:36

Top 10 AI Tools Like ChatGPT You Must Try in 2023

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ChatGPT shows the power of AI .

So I've put together a list of 10 other A I tools that you can start using right now for different types of tasks.

First on this list is MidJourney, MidJourney creates AI art and not just regular art but very high-definition art so realistic that in fact, you wouldn't be able to tell it a true artist created this or not .

Here are some our pictures created in different types of styles and variations and these are amazing .

I cannot believe that AI produce these .

And if you want a better idea of how these are created, you put in a text front, and out comes an image as simple as that .

Here's an example of one , it says it's an adorable big-eyed owl wearing a yellow raincoat with gum boots , walking through a lush forest .

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And this is the result AI art is not just limited to things like animals or people, it can span everything, including website designs, which I actually kind of like, especially for in here are some examples of different websites that the Mid Journey system has put together what I really like is this one here for maybe a car or a holiday .

And this looks inspirational , makes me actually want to purchase this thing .

We've got one here for superheroes.

I think this is like a combination between Iron Man and maybe Captain America .

And we have just other ones here for things like shoes and whatnot .

I've actually put together a whole video on how to do A I I on my other channel , which you can check out just up here .

Number two is Adobe's new AI tool called Podcast .

It enhances audio .

Let's take a look .

Currently in beta , you can request access .

But if you already have an Adobe account, you should be able to sign this straight in .

I did this earlier and I got access to their systems .

So I should be able to just jump into a quick look and select enhance speech here .

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What I'm gonna do is upload an audio file and I'll show you before and after and you can see the difference that this does .

It essentially removes background noise .

It makes the microphone look much higher .

I'll do two different tests using my regular audio here from my microphone as well as just maybe some audio from my phone .

This is without any enhancement and now this is with some enhancement from the AI tool .

This time , I've positioned the microphone off center and I've also got some background music playing, let's turn on the enhancement and you can tell me if you think the audio is better or worse with this AI enhancement .

Nvidia broadcast is another tool that is really awesome because it allows me to talk to the camera but not physically look at it .

And the NVIDIA AI is updating my eyes to look right at you .

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Even though I'm technically looking at the script of this actual part of the video , this could be very useful , especially if you're doing lots of meetings and you need to look at different spots around your screen or you can't directly look at the camera .

So instead you can look off to the side , but the camera automatically updates in the NVIDIA AI to make you look at the camera , it can also do other things like remove background noise , remove backgrounds entirely without even using a green screen or follow your face around .

For example , if you move a lot , it's also one of the rare ones that is completely free .

It only takes a few steps to get up and running .

So definitely try it out .

In the last few videos .

I had a lot of people mention they wanted to learn to code .

This video is sponsored by codeDA They're a learning platform that allows you to learn all the fundamentals.

You would need to be job ready for programming.

They have a full stack development roadmap with a course that goes along with it that teaches you all of this , you can jump in there .

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And even if , for example , you've learned some front end , you can learn all the rest of that including backend and much more by simply clicking on this road map and finding what you want to learn .

Their courses are interactive .

They've got a full IDE an environment that lets you learn to code with real-world examples , projects, quizzes and much more .

This means that you can jump in there , you can select what you want to run or what you want to learn , you can play around with the environment .

And even if you get stuck , they've integrated ChatGPT into it .

So it's like a little assistant that helps you along the way .

This is really cool .

They also have a pro membership that unlocks every bit of feature that you want , that's 50% off .

But in terms of the full stack development road map that is also discounted in the link below .

Definitely check that out .

If you've ever been interested in learning to code descript is the next one on this list .

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What makes it unique is that it processes different types of videos then creates captions for them allows you to edit those captions while editing the video .

At the same time , I'm gonna jump into their application and I want to use it just to do a small creative project .

I'm going to do a screen cost , I suppose here .

And I want to select a video , then I'm going to upload this video right here .

So here's an example , I've said this sentence over here , but I want to remove some of the buts that I've said .

So I have said quite a few different buts here , I can simply go through and remove the words and then it should automatically update .

Let's test this out .

The A I from descript doesn't just caption , I can remove different words such as if I say a lot of , then I can remove them until I have no more .

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Buts in my sentences next up is a Notion AI , it's integrating AI into note taking very similar to ChatGPT but more so specifically embedded in to the notes that you normally do .

You can use Notion AI to write out blog posts or for example , create a bullet points for different ideas you might have and much , much more it is in beta .

But I signed up to the waitlist a while ago and I got in there pretty quickly here .

I've got my notion board with all my video topics .

I'm going to open up this recent one , about 10 A I tools to use with Chat GPT .

And I'm gonna see if I can get Notion to write an introduction for this video in this spot .

Here .

I can do the A I assistant to write an introduction about why you should use 10 AI tools as part of your day-to-day.

Then I can go one step further and brainstorm ideas, selecting maybe something like 10 good key points and examples of A I tools that can actually be used in the real world .

This is just a brief example of some of the things it can do when you right click and select more .

There's dozens of more items here using AI .

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There's dozens of options , everything from creating outlines to essays and poems , translating to other languages such as Korean or Japanese as well as even doing things like Suris, everything you've written so far into a nice conclusion or maybe even introduction .

Next is Synthesia.

It's one that actually compiles videos of someone talking basically an A I narrator with the fact that that text GPT can now create the text for you .

You could plug it straight into something like Synthesia to basically have a youtube channel completely created using AI .

What I think I liked was the fact that they've got a number of different types of avatars and they work in different languages, our video creation platform , even on a basic level , I can see how this could be a game changer for youtubers who want to re upload their videos in other languages .

Next is resemble A I it's a tool that uses A I to generate voices , even your own , which is something I want to try out .

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It's meant to copy emotions and convert a speech to speech as well as localization .

Here's an example of it in use .

There are no jobs in New York City .

I signed up to the trial to test out just how effective it was .

You wouldn't have done that if there had not been something , it doesn't happen instantly but it is building in the background .

And here are the results .

This is resembled A I , one of the 10 A I tools you can start using to help you in your day to day life .

Well , I'm not sure if that sounds like me , but this was only trained on 25 samples .

Maybe with more .

It can perform better sound draw uses A I to generate music as well as songs which is pretty cool , especially for someone like me who's always adding it to intros or videos .

Let's listen to some of the examples that they have right over here .

Pretty cool .

When you jump into their website , you can select how long you want the song to be .

You can select the tempo and you can also select the mood out .

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Comes a number of generated songs that you can start using based on what you've selected and you can go through and test them out .

And if all of this wasn't enough for you , there's Future PED .

It's a website that's compiled all the other websites using A I tools and this isn't just text base but things that include video , audio and much more .

So I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit like and subscribe .


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