how you going everyone ?
welcome to fight day .
we're over in germany .
ich flöhe mich hier zu sehen .
the first thing i notice is that police officer is vlogging .
that's a bit weird .
some say unprofessional but yeah nah yeah you gotta have a side hustle .
anyway , let's address the elephant in the room .
i have no idea who they're fighting .
they've headed out for a conflict and now they're just rolling around in mud .
or perhaps the mud is the enemy .
i don't know .
i'm not german .
oh !
wtf !
what ?
wha- how ?
what- i'm speechless .
nine years of ozymanian , i'm speechless .
that's a fair dinkum fuckin' wizard .
why do the coppers wanna crack down on skyrim ?
you know what ?
it actually reminds me of the bog of eternal stench in the hit movie labyrinth .
the wizard just floats over the mud .
oh , that was a bit patronising .
good job , good career choice says gandalf .
why i'd order when i bloody get my hands on you you're dead wizard !
dead !
replies the officer .
oh hello the mud says that's enough everyone stop arguing .
the wizard puts his business card in the ground ?
oh that was petty .
did you see that ?
you'd think getting unstuck would be the priority .
but nah , stopping a self promoting wizard is the big picture .
our main man stomps around in a 360 and then comes right back to retrieve his humble piece of cardboard .
i think that officer on the ground is almost in real trouble .
this isn't any mud , it's like quicksand .
the nah fuck you nah fuck you deadlock over the business card continues .
there's a big standoff and it goes bye-bye .
the wizard yells , you bastard , you absolute bastard .
unstaaaaaack .
unstuck !
not stuck again .
oh look who's back .
may inclement weather curse your soul eternally , shouts wizard .
oh that was a huge throw this time , it's over .
or is it ?
fuckin' hell !
the classic push-a-cop and run-away move .
i haven't seen that done since the 2015 melbourne cup .
except she forgot the whole running away part , i guess .
it now takes half the force to finally get him unstuck .
is anyone else waiting for one of them to shoot their way out ?
it wouldn't surprise me at this moment in history to see a human in a position of authority shoot mud .
it would sound like one of the more normal things in the daily news cycle .
okay , i think everyone's good .
the mud is taken care of .
where is that wizard ?
toasty !
oh there he is !
they fire pepper spray but he's too quick !
you can't catch him !
you gotta get up pretty early in the morning to pepper spray a wizard , i don't think this guy is ever getting unstuck .
he's gonna be there for weeks .
it reminds me of my 4 year old son burying my feet at the beach .
i end up trapped for days .
yeah nah , it's fucked .
oh look out , he emerges from nowhere .
he doesn't even need to run anymore .
that's how powerful he is .
gee whiz , i sound like i have a crush on a german wizard .
maybe i do .
i believe it's a climate change protest so he cares about the environment .
whatever your views are , bloody calm down .
that's all i'm saying .
he cares about the environment and people that care about the environment are nice .
even if they're german wizards .
he's got riz .
he's got riz overall i give this video 8 out of 10 it had everything but the important thing is the people in the video seem to be having a lot of fun .