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2023-06-14 17:57:05

Rebuilding A Flooded $2,000,000 McLaren P1 _ Part 3

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What's on Freddie ?

Yeah , I took off a , oh , yeah , I took off a , uh , Coolant line sort of went everywhere .

The thing that I talk about , Coolant is that it has a bitter agent and it , it tastes real bad and it should because it's cooling .

It also stings your ice a lot .

Come on .

Oh , that was my foot .

Hello , everyone .

And welcome to .

What is going to be the most satisfying episode on this build yet ?

Now , imagine that you got the chance to buy your dream Hyper car for a fraction of its original price because it just happened to be parked at the wrong place at the wrong time .

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Well , that's what happened to me and my mclaren P one and as I'm finding out rebuilding this $2 million car is way more messy than I thought .

So today we're gonna clean it properly .

We're gonna be using a method that is one very expensive , but two , it is probably the best way to clean a dirty car like this and that is dry ice .

This is gonna be a different level altogether because I've never seen a dry ice cleaning on a flood car on a flood car .

That's this bad .

So I'm super excited and I want you guys to see every step of the way , but this car can't really move right now because uh I was a very smart person and I accidentally rolled the car onto a socket right there .

It's good .

It's good .

And now one of the tires has a hole in it .

So I gotta fix that first and then we can make the car roll , get it onto a trailer , go to the dry ice lab and then we can start the process .

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So usually you're supposed to have a reamer tool to make the hole bigger .

I don't have one of those .

Uh but I do have one of these and it's a drill .

So we're just gonna definitely wanna not wear gloves with this stuff just to make sure that your hands always smell like this .

You put every muscle into this and put all your weight .

Ok .

That was , that was a tire .

That was a wheel .

That was not me that didn't come out of .

Yeah , it is .

Look at that .

Uh works .

Yeah , I'm basically a pro .

No , no fraction .

There we go .

Oh my God .

Ok .

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Well , now what , as my P one got escorted out of the garage for a day at the spa .

It got me thinking about my own type of makeover .

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It's in the link in the video description that's manscaped dot com slash tava .

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I went back there .

Good now .

Welcome everyone to what is a game changer ?

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This is a dry ice blasting machine and that is a case of dry ice .

Now , if you don't know what dry ice is , it's like regular ice except uh different in almost every way .

Now , I am not an expert on this , but I do have an expert and he's right here .

His name is Scott .

Like being called an expert , but I , I'll try to fill the shoes you , you know what you're doing and I don't , so we are going to talk about the process that makes this to this and then that makes very clean cars possible .

The basic benefit is that we're not using water and there's nothing going down the drain and you get to see the stuff become amazingly clean right in front of your eyes .

Instantly , we atomize the dirt and we say cleaning is just moving dirt from one place to another .

We're taking the dirt off the car and we put it on the floor or in the filtration system .

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So the way that this machine works is you have to have a air compressor with a lot of compressed air , a high P si and then that goes through here and then we put the dry ice in here into a hopper and then it goes into there actually can we take this off .

So that makes it into small usable chunks that you can actually control , right ?

You can control the size of the pellets .

Yeah , that's the game changer part of this .

In 2014 , this company out of Slovakia CCS came up with a way to have grinding wheels close together with adjusted so we could actually control the size .

So we just have a little simple analog device where we just move this lever and it just does a great job of deciding for us what we want to take off .

It's like think big hammer , little hammer .

If you want to take big thick stuff off , you have a big hammer , bigger size .

If you want to take little fine things off , you turn it down , you have a little pick hammer .

Now , why ?

Dry ice ?

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Because dry ice .

Uh I don't want to put my hand in here .

But uh , you know what I'm there we go .

Fingernails .

Yeah .

Don't get at my fingernails .

This is , oh , that's real cold .

That is , that is very cold .

How cold is dry ice ?

One oh 81 oh eight F negative .

It will burn you .

Yes , you , yeah , the dry guys that deliver dry ice .

They usually have , they have uh tattoos , let's say involuntary tattoos .

They do .

Yeah .

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Ok .

So we have the trunk open and as you can see , it is very , very , very dirty and rex looks like a space alien dude .

We're about to time travel right now .

We have our dry ice blaster here with the IC 4 10 S .

This is an amazing , amazing machine .

We're going to make short work of all of this and then , uh , hopefully I should have a car that is worth a million dollars or more .

Right .

Hopefully , I mean , we'll try to turn back the hands of time .

That's I don't think you're turning any of this back .

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Are you proud of yourself a little bit ?

A little bit ?

Look at that .

That looks fantastic , dude .

That looks really , really good .

Well , yeah , it does .

It did came out really nice .

I mean , it's the , it's the pre dry ice .

So when the cars , so we cleaned it so that we could fix it .

Yeah .

So now when we fix it , we're gonna get nice and dirty again and then we're gonna do it again .

Um , we could drive it into your pool .

Yeah , and then just leave it there and then after a couple of days .

Yeah , absolutely .

So , uh , this is looking really , really good .

It's not , it's not perfect .

There's still some crap and crud in there .

But for the most part this is clean , the carbon is clean .

We know everything is , uh , actually in pretty decent shape .

Nothing , nothing looks super corroded other than those terminals that we took out .

But that's not a big deal .

All the other harnesses look like they're in good shape .

This looks like it's in good shape and , uh , hopefully when we put power to it then everything turns on .

Right .

Yes , that'll be for another day .

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Yeah , that's not , that's not today .

That's a , that's a tomorrow problem .

So , the back .

Yeah , we gotta worry about the back because , uh , here's what happens when you move a bunch of stuff around , you got , uh , stuff all over the floor and then stuff all over the back of the car .

Oh , boy .

Oh .

Oh , buddy .

So now we're gonna blow this to that side of the car and then we'll never go home and then we just never go home .

What time is it ?

It doesn't matter , man .

We , we're never going home .

So welcome everyone to the underside of the car after one pass with the dry ice machine and there's a lot of good and some bad .

Now we'll get to the bad first .

This right here , if you can see that is corrosion and it's weird because this is aluminum .

Now , aluminum usually doesn't corrode from salt water .

But what it does is it has a process called electrolysis if this is charged .

And I think it was because of the battery discharging .

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This actually attracts the salt in the water and I don't know how that is chemically .

I'm sure somebody can tell me in the comments , but it just basically eats into the metal and you can see that it's all pitted and disgusting .

And that actually follows through right here .

It gets even worse and even worse still over there .

Now , this is a sub frame .

It is completely removable and this is a part from a 12 C .

I believe the part number is over here and it starts with an 11 and this is a 12 C or 6 50 S part .

So that is gettable .

I may have to replace it , I don't actually have to , uh , this is definitely sound but it looks , it looks like crap .

So I want to replace this , make this into a million dollar car and we are cutting no corners in this , build the carbon .

On the other hand , that cleaned up really , really nicely .

This looks fantastic .

This looks like brand new other than this nice big gouge .

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But the gouge we're gonna take care of when we do the carbon repair coming further down .

We see that the gas tank has a big old dent in it and a little bit more of that corrosion right here .

And the gas tank is something that I don't want splitting or having any holes in it .

So we're probably gonna have to replace it .

The oil tank , which you can see already has a hole in it from that corrosion .

So that's not good .

So this is gonna have to come out .

I think we can probably weld this up when it's out .

It's just simple aluminum .

So we'll weld this up , make sure it's good and then put it back in the car back here on the frame .

It's actually not that bad , but you do see some corrosion .

There is some pitting .

This is pretty thick though .

It's a pretty thick aluminum so we could braze this , we can just sand it down , we could just clean it up really .

And then it'll be good to go .

I'm not super worried about that .

But everything else .

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Look at how clean this looks , this looks like a brand new engine , at least one that hasn't been underwater .

And other than this , other than having some , uh , corrosion and pitting from , uh , the electrolysis , this also looks fantastic and this dry ice cleaning is absolutely next level .

Look at that .

That looks bright .

I don't even want to touch it .

That's how clean it looks .

The only way you'll know that anything has happened is that it has like the slightest bit of corrosion right there on that steel bolt .

But other than that , this is , this is a 300 mile car guys and this is every bit of a million dollars .

Now , we already talked about the fact that the waterproof connectors on the back , they all seem to be ok .

Now we're gonna test everything that the connectors connect to , so that'll be good .

But right now it's looking very promising .

We have most of the sand out .

I'm not going to say all of it .

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We're definitely going to be chasing that for a very long time , but we have most of the sand out .

Most of the debris .

It's going to be lighter .

It's going to be much more clean and we still aren't done with the cleaning process .

And one major step that I really wasn't looking forward to doing was to remove the car's high voltage $160,000 hybrid battery .

If I made a mistake in removing it .

It could literally be a matter of life or death .

So I begged the two guys who I knew were the most qualified to help me .

But since they weren't available , I asked the guys from rich rebuilds .

So guys , what do you think , Freddie ?

This is like the space shuttle .

It's , it looks like the space shuttle .

It looks , it looks like the inside of a jet turbine .

Honestly , there's a lot going on here and I am shocked and surprised that you would take on a project like this , but I'm very proud of you for doing it for many reasons .

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One is not my money because I mean , I , I , I couldn't , this , this is a big undertaking .

This is a big deal .

If I lower it down , I think it'll be easier .

You should move first .

Why should I ?

Look ?

I think I'm totally safe .

I mean , like , look , I got , I got plenty of at the end of the day .

I don't know , man , it's , it's up to you .

Ok .

Funeral funeral .

This is a nice coffin .

Yeah .

You know , if ever I get crushed by a car , do not .

What , what is it ?

What is the quote ?

He died getting crushed by a car ?

That's what he loved the most .

He had weird fetishes .

Can you explain to the studio audience what you told me about Veyron and why I shouldn't get one ?

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I can't afford one anyways .

But Well , the thing is the Veyron has a , has a little sensor in the passenger seat actually in the driver seat as well .

And , uh , it measures the net worth of whoever .

Yeah , too .

And that worth too .

What's , what's the indicator ?

What's it say ?

Just poverty , poverty and the he , yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

And it , it won't start .

It's a , it's a little fuse that pops family , family feud .

Yeah .

All right .

It's just , it's like a wiggly on gone .

Oh , yeah , I can see the top now .

That's nice .

Ok .

Uh , is there anything connected here ?

That guy ?

Is it ?

No , no , this is good coming out evenly .

Ok .

Keep going .

Yeah , we're good here .

Feel good .

Keep going .

This is , uh , maybe one more , another one looks pretty good to me .

It looks like it might be clear .

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Yeah .

Uh , keep going .

Oh , yeah .

I think we might be clear that wire .

Is it ?

Take it ?

I don't think that , uh , maybe hold on , as I said , don't make sure that doesn't drag with it .

Ok .

Uh , try it .

Keep on .

Yep .

I think we are clear , dude .

Yep .

Yeah .

Nothing back .

One clock .

Look at him .

Look , this is very interesting .

So this is the fuel tank for a P one and it looks like it has three fuel pumps .

And dude , these look totally fine .

This looks totally .

All right .

I think .

What do you think ?

That's pretty neat .

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Yeah .

Is that , is that so You're good .

I , yeah , I feel like dry ice would do is amazing .

Oh , oh my goodness .

Amazing .

Thank you .

That's good for your skin .

So , honestly , I think this would be a good candidate for dry ice .

It is , but then we got empty it because we get sparked all the time .

That's true .

That's true .

I don't wanna blow up .

Where's your sense of adventure ?

Rex ?

This looks cleanable , I think hopefully and then , uh , we'll see if any of these are good and then hopefully these aren't super , super terrible to get to .

What are you guys doing here ?

You see the bottom of the battery ?

Oh , yeah .

So that's the battery look .

Uh , that's , this seems odd because usually there's because this is so heavy .

Usually they are , uh , larger and heavier grade bolts to keep it up .

So we have to unbolt that , shift it over because it's gonna hit this right and then maybe bring it down .

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So this is , this is more interesting because it's like , so you can just drop it on top of something .

So it's gonna be a little bit more fun .

I'm assuming it's heavier than the gas tank .

Uh , it's gonna be , it's £200 .

Ok .

Yeah , sure .

There's nothing else up top to , to undo .

Yeah , I don't , I mean , other than other than the , so there's stuff on the side and then there's the , uh , 33 plugs right here and then it should be it should be .

Ok .

Uh Yeah , in theory we could slide it over .

I'm wondering if it's an integrated controller as well .

Yeah .

Oh , yeah , it is .

Yes , absolutely .

It is .

So , this is so the battery is in the Carbon Tuft .

Yes .

Yeah .

It's an eight mil .

So I'm thinking , is it , it's because these , these eight mills on the side here , those eight mills on the side and then those , if you take those off it , I think it's this guy , these guys , I think we take the main ones off of the top up like a Nintendo cartridge .

Ok .

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Let's start with that .

Come back here and there in the back here too .

Ok .

So , uh we should probably dont g it up .

Always wear your rubbers .

Well , Rich , rich knows the game for safety .

Thirst .

Yeah , I was gonna say third , but it's your channel .

I can't say that .

Safety first .

Safety first .

Don't do that .

Yeah .

Yeah .

So that's coming out of the engine .

That's a , that's an oil line .

Yeah , that's clear .

That's a cool , bro mclaren is so ahead of the game .

He's , oh , yeah .

Hang on here .

We are .

He's come around and be like this will turn into oil at some point I think is not quite there .

Well , she may not have been a , you know , ready to start .

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No , right off the bat .

Not just it there .

Oh , there's the oil there .

It is .

I have water in it .

What's wrong , Freddie .

Yeah , I took off a , oh , yeah , I took off a Coolant line sort of went everywhere .

The thing that I tell you about Coolant is that it has a bitter agent and it , it tastes real bad and it should , because it's cooling .

It also stings your ice a lot .

Come on .

Oh , that was , my foot are getting real , getting real low .

Ok .

Hang up .

That thing landed , point down right on my foot .

Oh , ok .

We're almost there .

We almost there .

We can give up now .

Yep .

Oh yeah .

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Oh , that's , that smells good , dude .

That smells awful .

Oh , that smells like an outhouse in here .

Yeah , it's quite a bit of water .

Uh-huh .

Oh yeah , it's good for Turbos .

The very first phase wires coming out .

Ok .

There she goes .

This took one hour .

It took more than one hour .

Every , every incorrect , you see this is , so this is what was uh was making that sound right there that us , so just for safe measure , we always tape the ends of the uh the phase wires up .

Thanks , dude .

Appreciate .

This is , bro , bonding .

Look at this , bro , bonding at that .

Hey , hey , hey , you wanna get the honors .

Ray Rap .

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I hope you guys like having no sleep because that's what's gonna happen .

We're gonna leave right from , go to the airport .

We're just gonna go to the airport .

Yeah , pretty much now .

I , I mean half hour from now .

What time .

Is it 9 30 ?

Ok .

So , so half hour to be 10 , another hour and a half .

No , let's factor in three hours of the battery .

The eighth hour .

That's it .

I can slip .

You can , you can take it up , be careful .

Oh .

Oh .

Look at him .

Look at him .

There it is .

Look at him .

Look what they did to my boy .

Look , we're mark safe from the P one .

We're safe .

All right , we're not out of the woods yet because the battery , the battery still has to come out and it could be live .

So we need to , uh , get that out , uh ASAP .

So that should only take another , uh , six or eight hours .

Just so everyone know we are in the eighth hour .

We've taken out the fuel tank so far .

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It's a really , that's a service to work .

Honestly .

$2 million.02 million dollars .

I mean , and how many people are certified to work on this ?

So it just because you're certified .

Exactly .

You're welcome mclaren us .

We're in near Orlando , right ?

So what we should do is we should free the Orca from Seaworld .

They need to be free .

Are you recreating the plot of free Will ?

I am I am , I am .

You know , let's , let's , that wasn't real , that was a movie .

This is Real life .

This is what we're gonna do is £16,000 .

So just to let you know , so I feel like the hellcat could pull that .

We , we could do the same thing they did on fast and the furious when they broke in the bank and then they had two hellcat .

I think so .

So we'll put a ratchet trap on one end of the , or , and then just pull it .

No , no , no , no , no .

We just pull it throughout the street and then it'll slide into things .

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A whale .

There's a giant red streak on the , it's a screaming or you're owning this .

Welcome everyone to our 96 of removing this battery .

Oh , wow , that's good .

That's , that's the relief that I feel when you just , I , you know what I didn't , but it kind of feels like I did that .

So we're gonna take this .

Oh , believe it or not .

Take some of this off .

Yeah , here .

So I have to take over this cloth little diaper thing .

Ok .

That's good .

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And we move this down that way we can gain access to the bolts in the front and now great .

My guidance counselor said I'd never amount to anything in life .

You know , if they're so smart , why aren't they under a P one right now ?

They're doing , they're probably in the mclaren forms .

You put it down my pants , please .

You want it on your pants ?

When I say that I'm actually , do you have , you have the tea handle on one of these , that same side of the handle , Mr Richard T Rebuilds ?

What's going on what's up with you , man ?

I'm just uh taking off this junction box so I can clear this cross number .

OK .

So what are you cooking with gas ?

What's , what's happening ?

Uh what's happening ?

All kinds of good stuff .

So I have the main cover off .

Uh-huh .

All right .

And this is the switch right here when this sense wire is broken .

OK ?

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It kills all power to the car and this is the plastic insulator to insulate each phase .

The phase is touch , it goes boom , boom , boom , boom is bad .

OK ?

You should uh you should , you should put some gloves on , I swear .

Can't take you anywhere .

I swear they were just on uh moving towards you .

Uh pull the front of the car , pulls in front of the car .

Yeah .

OK .

Good , good , good , good .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Keep going .

Yeah .

In the front of the car .

Ok .

Yeah .

Great .

Lower , lower , keep , keep going .

Keep going .

Keep going on the front , the front stop .

Yeah .

Yeah .

There you go .

You don't uh lined up on the wood .

I I don't think your side is all the way .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

My my , my side is lined up on the wood .

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So lower the jack down and then , and then push it forward the same at the same time .

Yeah .

There you go .

There we go .

There we go .

Perfect .

One more time .

Stay OK .

Jack Jack , Jack .

Jack is all the way down .

OK ?

Yes .

Absolutely .

Yeah , I got , I got , I got happy .

Yeah .

Oh .

Oh , I feel so good .

Hey , what time is it ?

It's , it's late , man .

Eight .

Yes .

Oh , that's so good dude .

This matter is fine .

Nothing wrong with it .

Oh , yeah .

Time check .

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14 hours , 14 hours , 14 hours to take this battery .

I bet you 14 hours with us figuring out how to do this is still faster than what mclaren would have Pass .

This is not to throw this away .

So guys don't , don't put it back in the car , come with a new carbon uh surround .

I don't know .

Probably not .

Ok .

So who knows ?

I , I'd have it live somewhere and then just maybe take off the bottom of it and put it inside .

We should , we should put it outside .

Yeah .

Oh , absolutely .

Johnson and Matthew .

That's , uh , that's who made the battery originally , you call them .

Um So they , they are a Canadian company and they got bought out by Cummins and uh Cummins actually does the uh battery uh repairs and stuff for uh for these .

I did not know that this was this bad .

It's , it's a testament to how , how strong this , this uh car is , how Charred is the uh backside of this here .

It's pretty bad dude .

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Look at that .

Look at that piece is just like burnt off and stuck right there on the top .

Now , is it really look at my light is , oh , yeah , that's like a Kevlar though .

That looks like a , uh , a protectant .

So the car is now safe one is now safe , safe from battery .

That looks , that looks tough .

My birthday , January 8th , I'm gonna buy you one .

You gonna buy me one of these .

This is all I can afford , bro .


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