Today , I wanna show you five ways that I'm personally getting free back links in 2024 .
This is based on recent stuff .
I'm gonna show you proof of every single strategy to make sure that , you know , it works .
These are free ways that I'm getting free back links with chat GP T and that you can implement yourself .
And you can see my website is ad R 52 site right now .
And as we've built more back links to the website , for example , we had 392 back in January .
Now we have 668 .
Well , if we check the organic traffic for their website , we had 621 traffic in January .
Now we have 7384 traffic .
So this process works .
These strategies are proven .
I'm gonna walk you through every single way that we built back link recently for free using chat G BT plus , I'm gonna give you a free sap video tutorial and even a free course for each link building method .
Let's get into it .
So method number one is actually creating tools like this .
For example , on chat GP T , the rank on Google , right ?
And because they rank on Google and because people pick them up , they get listed on these free GP T directories .
So you can see , for example , this is a do follow back link from AD R six website that's linked out to us directly because we have the link in the profile of our free tool , right ?
So we create a free tool , a free custom GP T on chat GP T and then people reference our tool , but they also reference our website as a result .
So if we check in the html , for example , you can see this back link pointing to our website right here and it's listed in the general info section .
So it's called author jordy.com .
And then it's got a link to our website right here , right ?
And this is a free way to get back links passively because I just built the tool and then no other work was required .
And I think I actually created this tool during a youtube video .
So super simple and easy to use .
All you need to do is you go to chat GP T , chat , open A i.com and then explore , create a GP T configure plug in all the custom instructions you want for the tour , add a description , add a name , create it .
Happy days .
We're off to the races , my friends , and you can create as many of these as you want .
And not only do they attract free back links to my website , but we also rank for them and I've even trained them to make money for us , right ?
So for example , if we check out this tool right here , people can click , I want a free seo strategy session and it is trained to make us money by sending traffic to my book a call page on the website , right ?
Not only that , but if we click what SEO tools you recommend inside the tool , then it's also got affiliate links right here .
And if people buy through these affiliate links , we make money , right ?
Of course , it does come with a disclaimer at the bottom of the response that says we make money through affiliate commissions .
But yeah , that's basically how it works .
So you can see the affiliate disclaimer right here and this is all programmed within the tool .
So it's a super simple but effective way to get back links , but also to make money with Seo because people will find us through SEO just like this tool is ranking number one right here .
And that is a brand new link building strategy that only came out really in November or December 2023 .
So I think it will continue to be used in 2024 .
Should be a really powerful link building strategy that anyone can implement , right ?
All you need is chat GP T and even if you don't have chat G BT Y then you can create the tools for free on p.com , basically using the same process and po.com ranks on Google as well .
So there you go .
Another way that we're getting free back links is by creating videos and then getting them embedded on other people's websites .
Now , this is still working really well right now , how do I know it's working right now ?
So for example , if you check out this website right here , they've embedded our video inside their content and linked back to us as a credit as you can see right here .
So they embed our video , we get a back link underneath as a credit to our site .
Very simple but effective process .
And then we can just reach out to websites via cold email , asking them to embed our video inside their content and link back to us as a credit .
And that was completely free back link that we got .
And so just to recap , if you want free back links using chat G BT , you basically build link assets that attract back links naturally to get higher rankings and make you more money .
How does it work ?
You find keywords that you can rank for on Google , for example , like free outline content creator , then you create the free tool and chat GP T , then you monetize it and then you index it and wait for the backings to roll in .
That's basically what we did for link building strategy number two video outreach .
This works in basically three simple steps , create a video , promote it via cold email , get it embedded and build the relationship with that website owner and then ask for a credit about four weeks later , once it's embedded .
All right .
So we've covered two different link building strategies already so far , let's cover some others .
So another strategy that we like to use is actually building back links , using outreach , right ?
So for example , what we'll do is we'll find websites that have mentioned relevant stuff to us .
For example , like SEO and then find ways to get them to build links to us , right ?
And for example , like this is ad RCC free website , 4700 organic traffic to the site .
So it's a real site with real people , et cetera and that was built just one day ago .
So it's a really powerful strategy .
It will continue to work in 2024 .
And it's proven , I mean , we do it for over 200 websites now when it comes to outreach and it works over and over and over again , just like you can see in this article right here , as you can see now , sometimes with outreach , sometimes the back links are gonna be free , sometimes they're gonna be paid .
But that's basically how we're getting back links at scale using this process .
And if you want the SAP , it's right here , I've actually got a video on it too .
Which you can see right here .
Um Basically , we just play the numbers game , right ?
So we might have to email 100 sites to get five back links at a 5% conversion rate .
We build about five back links per week .
We do it with outreach and that's essentially it honestly for us as well .
I would say with outreach is the most natural way to get back links because you're just getting back links within other people's content , right ?
So for example , if I have a blog , my website , the way that I'm gonna link out and reference other sites is by inserting it naturally within the content , right ?
That's the most natural way to add back links because it's inside content .
So when we get back links from outreach like this one , for example , and this one right here is very simple but proven and powerful and easy and natural way to get back links for free over and over again from thousands of different websites .
So you can imagine how many different sites on the internet have mentioned .
Seo for example , if you just type in search engine optimization into Google and then you look over the last week , you're gonna find just an endless number of different websites that have mentioned search engine optimization .
And so if you have a website about search engine optimization and you're looking for back links , well , basically these are all sites that you could reach out to potentially as long as you filter them , make sure you only reach out to websites that are realistically gonna link to you .
I mean , for example , like hp careers are they gonna link to you ?
Probably not , right .
So you wouldn't reach out to them and waste your time .
But anything that looks realistic , plus looks relevant in quality , you can reach out to them and ask for a back link just like we've done right here to get this Dr 60 free link .
And that's how we get free back links of outreach .
Now , you might say , OK , how do you get back links with Hunter or how do you get back links with pitch box with outreach and how do you automate it ?
So I've actually created the easiest link building funnel in the world for free back links .
Um Basically , it shows you how to prospect how to filter and how to do the outreach .
So that is three simple steps to get as many free back links as you possibly want , right ?
So there's a free tool here where you can scrape back links from your competitors .
I have a free guide on link building prospecting criteria right here to check which sites are quality .
And also I've given you a free tool right here to find email addresses , plus , verify them for free and even a free tool that will help you create outreach pitches using chat G BT , right ?
So everything you need to get as many back links as you want from outreach is right here .
Now , another way that you can get back links for free is using help a reporter.com .
So for example , if you check out this back link that we got and it's appeared in Google five days ago , this is ad R 93 back link .
The page itself gets a ton of traffic .
The website itself gets over 1.8 million traffic and we got that back link for free .
Now , how do we do it ?
We actually used a combination of Helper reporter.com where you can sign up as a source and submit your responses to journalists .
I'm not gonna go too deep into that today because I've got a million videos on youtube about it .
And then you can actually automate the whole process using make.com .
Now , if you want access to all the make.com template links , they're all right here and you'll find the Harrow template right here that you can download and then insert it into make.com .
Now , what make.com basically does is takes the emails from Helper reporter.com and an system automatically using A I to get free back links like this .
You can see we got it early December as well .
So we're still getting back links from Harrow even though we haven't submitted responses for ages .
Um Basically , the Harrow machine works like this .
You get an email from Helper apollo.com open A I answers it and then it drafts an email in your gmail that you can quality check and then send , that's basically it , that's how to automate free Harrow back links using this process .
Uh Like I say , if you want access to that , it's right here .
If you want access to the outreach SAP , it's right here .
If you want access to the process for creating chat GP T and then attracting back links naturally to your site , you can get it right here and even video outreach , the SAP is here now the final way that we're getting back links , um I would highly recommend this to anyone who's trying to establish expertise in that industry is with podcasts .
So you can see for example , this back link that we got late November and it's just gonna continue to work in 2024 is on Niche pursuits.com .
We got ad R 74 back link .
The website gets a ton of organic traffic as you can see .
And this back link points directly to our website right now .
And basically all you have to do is reach out to sites with podcasts , ask them if you can get featured and then just show up for the podcast .
That's basically it .
And that not only gets you free back links just like you can see right here , but also it builds your authority , right ?
The more channels you're featured on , the more your brain grows , the more your brain grows , the more your business grows .
That's it simple as that .
And if you wanna learn how to do this at scale , I've actually got this whole process of finding podcasts for back links relevant to your industry .
You can use chat GP T for that by basically just going on to chat GP T you know , for example , you can just go on to chat G BT , find some relevant podcasts in the SEO industry .
It will do the research , find relevant industry podcasts and then you'll get a list of websites that you can reach out to for a back link and a cheeky podcast .
And so that's basically it .
That's my five ways I create free A ISEO back links using chat GP T based on what's working for me .
I've shown you proof of every single backlin method that's working along with proof that it works .
And I've given you all my SAPS templates , videos and tutorials and , and if you want my free normally paid course , just to say , thank you for watching up to this point , you can check it out right here .
This will give you free access to SEO link building mastery , which is normally a paid course .
And so if you want access to this document with all the SAPS templates , checklists and tools , I'm gonna include it inside my free course in the SEO link building section , we're gonna call it chat GP T back links 2024 that is available for you to access right there as you can see uh link to the free courses inside the comments in description .
And if you do wanna book in a call about how to get more leads traffic and sales to your website using link building , feel free to book in a call , links in the comments in description .
And we'll show you how we take websites from 0 to 100 and 45,000 businesses per month and generate thousands of dollars in sales and autopilot without paying for Facebook or Google ads .
And basically we'll give you a free link building acceleration session to answer any questions that you have .
You'll discover the secrets of link building .
You get an Seo domination plan , you'll learn the best link building strategy for your site and basically everything you need to get great results of SEO is right here on this page .
Thanks so much for watching .
Appreciate it .
Bye bye .