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2024-07-16 11:45:22

Jimmy Kimmel Interviews Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg & Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson

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Our first guest tonight is one of the most innovative , successful , and influential people in the history of popular music .

He's got so many Grammys , they named one after him .

Today , he was immortalized with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame .

Please say hello to Doctor .

Dre .

Thank you for coming .

Look at you .

You really are 61220 5 of pure trial .

You know what ?

I don't want that right now , Jimmy .

Stop playing .

By the way , just for my , just a disclaimer .

Okay .

That skit was Jimmy's idea .

Just so everybody knows .

Okay .

Congratulations , by the way .

Thank you .

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Did you ever imagine you'd have a star on a Hollywood Walk of Fame ?

No .

I didn't .

I was not in my the mentor at rolodex at all .

No .

When you were a kid , did you ever come down here to Hollywood and look at those stars ?

Let me tell you something .

I didn't see Hollywood until I was 16 years old , I think .

So Interesting .

You never made it over here .

No .

Nothing north of Wilshire .

Yeah .

But when you were 16 , you got here .

And what what were you up to then ?

I'd rather not say .

Oh , they had to shut the lot of fun .

Let me just put it that way .

They had to shut the whole boulevard down because there were so many people to see you today .

Did you imagine that that was going to happen ?

No .

No .

I didn't .

But it was fantastic .

LA showed up for me .

They really did show up .

That's right .

That was fantastic .

I didn't expect it to be that many people out there to represent , but that was great .

Is it weird for you when the cops are there and they're like , doctor Dre ?

Sometimes that's weird .

Yeah .

It's a little strange .

Right ?

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Do you get often get surprised by people who are , fans , so you size them up and you go , this can't possibly be .

Yes .

This this happens sometimes .

Actually , there was one time , I think I can't remember where I was , but I was at a hotel in the lobby , and a group of nuns came by .

Yes .

And they were like , doctor Trey .

I'm like , get the right ?

And I'm like , how do you know my music ?

And they were like , well , we deal with a lot of , kids , and they love your music .

And I took pictures with , like , I think it was 6 nuns .

Oh , that's great .

That actually happened .

That's pretty good .

Yeah .

You have worked with , so many you launched so many careers , worked with so many people , NWA , of course , Eazy E , Snoop Dogg , 50 Cent , Eminem , Tupac , Kendrick Lamar , Anderson Paak , Mary j Blige , Gwen Stefani and Eve , TI , Busta Rhymes , Alicia Keys , Missy Elliott exhibit , Warren , Gigi , UNIT , big pun , Nate Dogg , Jay z , the game , MC Scat Cat .

Oh , wait a minute .

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That might be that may have been an error , but , I mean , that is that's That's a that's a tremendous amount of work , man .

That's a lot of work , and that's quite a list .

Do you have Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

I would imagine the answer to this is yes .

But do artists from other genres often approach you and ask you to work with them ?

Yes .

All the time .

But , you know , my love is for hip hop .

It really depends on the relationship .

If I meet somebody that we , you know , we click and what have you , then I'll go in the studio and get down .

Even if it's not your type of music , like , if it was a like , let's say Dolly Parton wanted to record it now .

Dolly Parton .

Oh , that's something you would consider .

Yes .

Absolutely .

Jolene is one of my favorite songs .

Oh , there you go .

Yeah .

Like , you would you could produce anybody .

Right ?

It's not about what the music is .

It's about making music .

I could do that , but hip hop is my love .

It's your love .

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And in when you make a song with with an artist , you the artist comes in , do they come in with the whole like , a lot of times , I mean , like , I think Dolly Parton will write all her songs .

She'll show up , and she has the song all kind of ready to go , and they'll record it .

You though lay the set the table .

Right ?

You you really are much more involved in the song than most producers .

Well , usually , the track is laid out .

Every now and then , the artist comes in with the lyrics first , and that has only happened a couple of times in my career .

One time was with Eminem on a song called forgot about Dre .

Uh-huh .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yes .

Yes .

So Nothing comes out when they move their lips .

You know ?

Right ?

Yeah .

Yeah .

Eminem Eminem wrote that .

He had the entire song written before the track , so we had to make the track work with his lyrics .

So Oh .

He wrote that entire song .

Is it true that you don't like the artist to write the lyrics down on paper ?

No .

That's not true .

That that that happens .

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I mean , these days , it it just feels a little bit boring as a producer to sit in the studio and wait for an artist to go away or go in another room and write the lyrics while you're sitting there waiting .

So I'd like it to be a collaborative effort .

And once the track is done , we're collaborating with the lyrics , and that's how I work for it .

In the movies and sometimes in television , producers don't do anything .

Like I'm learning that now .

Do nothing .

You know ?

Yeah .

Their their name is on the thing .

Yeah .

The word producer , executive producer in the movies , it mean absolute it means absolutely nothing .

I'm starting to learn that .

Yeah .

You know ?

You , I know , listen to a lot of music .

You're looking for inspiration .

You're going through old records .

Like , do you go to yard sales ?

Where do you get all your records ?

I used to .

You did ?

I used to .

I used to go to pawn shops and what have you to find different sounds for music because back in the day , I had , let's say , 1 or 2 keyboards to make an entire album .

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So I had to figure out ways to make the sounds different .

So I would go in pawn shops and find guitar pedals and what have you to make the sounds in this one particular keyboard sound different so I can make an entire album using one keyboard .

Do you still do that ?

No .

The song , the next episode that everybody knows , this is a huge , huge hit .

This is where you got the , the music track from this album .

You go to a pawnshop , and this is one you take home ?

Man , you know what ?

I co I I collect records .

I've been collecting albums .

But not this one .

That was part that was a part of it , Jimmy .

Like , international records , like , Milo Shiffrin and all these types of This guy was on NCIS .

Really ?

I didn't I didn't know that .

Yeah .

You know ?

He was .

Yeah .

This just happened to be a song that was in one of my crates , you know , and it worked out .

You went through every track on this album and found that .

Yes .

And you're like , oh , that's great .

And he never really looked at the cover and said , man , maybe not .

No .

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No .

To be honest with you , I sampled this song before I knew who the artist was .

Did you ever meet this guy ?

No .

I never met him .

Oh , well , he's passed away , so it's not gonna happen .

You , you also sometimes , will create sounds , that instruments don't make .

So like like they do in the movies kind of .

Right ?

Yeah .

So what are some sounds that you've created ?

We used to have to bring trash cans and boxes and just different things that would make sounds for a snare drum or a kick drum , and that was just , like , part of the creative process at that time , which to be to be honest with you was much more fun .

And Yeah .

Now you can just turn on the computer , and you can find all the things that took us hours to find .

You can find that in 2 seconds .

So you bring in a trash can and just , like , bang on the trash can ?

Sometimes , yes .

Yeah .

Would you , ever record , like , a children's album , like , redo baby shark or something like that ?

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Not baby shark , but a children's album , maybe .

You would ?

Yeah .

Oh , that would be something else .

Yeah .

The parents might be a little bit upset about it .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

It might it might you'd have to put a sticker on it for sure .

Alright .

Are you ready for this ?

Because it's gonna be kinda like This is Your Life .

You remember that old show where we bring out characters from your life ?

Let's go .

Okay .

So we're gonna take a break .

Doctor Dre is here .

Snoop Dogg is here .

50 Cent is here .

And we'll be back with Snoop after this .

We are back with doctor Dre .

Our next guest and Dre go together like gin and juice .

They teamed up to make some of the biggest hip hop hits of all time .

Please say hello to the dog father , Snoop Doggy Dogg .

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Welcome .

Welcome to you .

What's up , Jimmy ?

Good to see you .

Happy Dre Day to you .

Yes , sir .

Were you excited to see Dre get the star of the Allstate team ?

For doc I'm doctor Dre's biggest fan .

You are , are you ?

I am .

Yeah .

You guys love each other .

I gotta tell you , I feel like the 3 of us don't spend enough time together .

We really you know ?

Oh , by the way , Snoop , I you made you and Guillermo made up , I heard ?

You spoke to the police .

On TV and lied on me .

Right ?

He did .

I wasn't in the bathroom .

So what I did was I sent the APB out on me , and we brought him in the backstage , and we got him right .

So now he lit lit .

So the story goes , and correct me if I have any of this wrong , Snoop had a friend named Warren Gee who happened to be your stepbrother Yes .

And he put you guys together .

Yes .

The story was that day .

That .

Yeah .

The story was I was at a bachelor party , and and , my stepbrother Warren g just popped his tape in and said , listen to this .

You know ?

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And it was Snoop's voice .

And I said , can we meet ?

Can we meet in the studio ?

You know , long story short , I think it was 2 days later or something like that , Snoop came in the studio .

Snoop had no idea about song structure or anything like that .

He just came here rapping .

And you get that you get that a lot where people bring a tape for you to listen that when you're at , like , a social gathering , you're like , oh , boy .

Here we go .

All the time .

But , you know yeah .

I I've never found an an artist from a demo tape other than Snoop and Eminem .

Really ?

Never other than Snoop and Eminem ?

So then , you guys made The Chronic , and , whose idea was that ?

I'm unclear on what the answer to this is .

Whose idea was the title The Chronic ?

Okay .

That's a good question .

Okay .

My first time smoking weed .

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I was in the car in my driveway , and I think we were halfway through the album .

And there was a female .

I'm not gonna say her name .

And she just Was it was it former first lady Barbara Bush ?

No .

No .

No , Jimmy .

Alright .

It's alright .

It wasn't that .

I'm trying to keep it you know ?

Okay .

So yeah .

It's my first time smoking weed .

You know ?

And I asked her what it was , and that's what she told me .

And boom .

Here we are .

She said this is called the chronic .

That's it .

Spoken , and you said that .

Now , Snoop , I've heard you say that you came up with the chronic .

Well , well , let me tell you my story is Okay .

Me and You in the back seat ?

No .

No .

No .

No .

No .

No .

No .

No .

No .

Me and my homies was at Long Beach .

Right ?

And it was a white guy that used to come through the poly apartments and bring us bud , and he had hydroponic .

But we smoked it and started saying hydroponic and flipped it .

And then that's when we started saying , oh , this weed is bomb .

It's the Chronic .

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And Dre's album was so bomb , it only was right for it to call it The Chronic because it was the bombest thing on the street .

Okay .

Alright .

Which story do you believe ?

Well , I'm gonna say that any smoker or the drinker .

Right .

Any story that involves smoking weed is questionable just to start with .

Right .

Who the hell knows ?

It could've come from somewhere else for all we know .

So then , Dre wanted to record a demo of nothing but a g thing , and you were unavailable at that time .

You were , indisposed .

Correct ?

I was incarcerated .

You were incarcerated ?

What were you incarcerated for ?

I was on probation , and , I had a toothache at the time .

And one of my family members was the pill lady , so I went to go see her .

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She gave me a pill , and when I went to go take a test , I had a dirty test for having a Medical marijuana is what you got in No .

Oh , it wasn't medical marijuana .

The pill that I took for my tooth was a COVID .

The pill .

Oh , okay .

Didn't have a prescription .

And at that time , I didn't wanna give up my auntie .

So I was like , I don't know where I got it from .

Sent my aunt right to jail .

Right to jail .

That's a lot of info .

Wow .

So then you recorded the demo over the phone from jail ?

No .

No .

No .

No .

No .

No .

Snoop doesn't remember that .

That happened .

What I do ?

You I I remember you being in jail .

You know , I've told you this story .

I remember I remember calling you in jail , bro .

I'm once he doesn't remember .

I remember calling you in jail , cut .

Come on .

Give me the story .

Yeah .

And I taped the , The verse ?

No .

I taped the headphone To the to the mic .

And I spin it ?

Yeah .

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Damn .

That was yes .

That was the first demo of Nothing But A G thing .

Damn .

That was dope .

It's one of the nice thing about the hydroponic is you can relive moments from your life over and over and over again .

Yeah .

Yeah .

And that's how you used your one phone call is recording that .

Do you guys ever strongly disagree when you're in the studio ?

Yes .

Yes .

Really ?

This ain't always peanut butter and jelly .

Really ?

It's it's sometimes it's chicken and , and and cornbread and mixes .

It's a mix and match , but the thing is this , I allow doctor Dre to drive , which means that I do give him control , and I don't have a problem with getting in the passenger seat and becoming Snoop Doggy Dogg and letting my mentor lead the way .

I see .

Alright .

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But but you're also saying that from time to time , the dog will bite .

No .

The dog sits in the passenger seat and he adjusts the music .

But he never grabbed the steering wheel .

I heard you guys are working on something right now .

Is that true ?

Yes .

Absolutely .

Yeah .

Okay .

Let me take it from here .

Let me take it from here .

As long as we've been knowing each other , it's , okay .

The first album I've done with Snoop was in 1993 , and it's the only album I've ever produced on Snoop .

Right ?

30 years ago .

So now believe it or not , we're getting together again , and we're almost done with the album .

The first album was called doggy's town .

So we decided to flip it and call this one Missionary .

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That's Jimmy's favorite position .

I like that .

Jimmy That's your favorite position ?

Jimmy been a missionary for 30 years .

That's good .

I like that .

When will it come out ?

Do you know ?

Oh , it's gonna come out .

I know .

That's why you asked that question .

I'm glad you asked it .

Doctor Dre will begin mixing in mid April .

Does doctor Dre know that ?

Yes .

I'll ask him .

Okay .

Yeah .

You ask him .

You guys also have and I don't know why did it take you guys this has to be the weed , that it took you 30 years to come out with gin and juice .

I mean , this just seems like this should have been out a long time ago .

Yes .

Yes ?

Okay .

So let me tell you .

This is the part of the show that Jimmy Iovine is gonna love .

Jimmy Iovine , I spotted him in the audience earlier .

This is the part of the show that he's gonna love .

He's been waiting for this part of the show .

Yeah .

Did she Yes .

Drink this ?

Jimmy , you drink this ?

Which is your favorite flavor ?

Passion .

You like the passion fruit ?

That's my favorite too , Jimmy .

We ain't got but 2 one of them up here .

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We're gonna have to share it .

What's going on ?

Listen .

We've known each other long enough .

I like the apricot .

But You like apricot ?

Yes .

Dre like apricot .

Give me that melon , I like the Alright .

Hey .

You know what ?

Let's have a let's have some gin and juice .

I've always wanted to have gin and juice with you guys .

Come on , man .

And a toasted Jimmy Iovine as well .

Oh .

With my package , Ray Schuch and 50¢ .

More than 20 years ago , our next guest made a visit to Doctor Dre to make one of the most popular hip hop albums ever .

Please welcome the multi talented , the multi tattooed , Curtis 50 Cent Jackson .

50 , thank you for being here .

It's very good to see you .

I feel good to be here , man .

And it's great to have you here .

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You were on we're talking with Supa and , we were talking , you were on our second ever show .

Yes .

He's technically Jimmy is hot because of you , Trey ?

That's right .

You did it .

I didn't think that .

I didn't think about it that way .

Show a hit , then when I came , it made it hot again .

And then Jimmy blew up and he started acting like the a good point .

I know you are , you joke around a lot , but , what does 5th what does doctor Dre mean to you ?

That question ?

Really ?

Yeah .

Yeah .

I wanna you know what ?

I'd like to get some tears going here .

No .

It's it's it's Dre is , like , a complete inspiration for me .

Like , I've been listening to his music before it was even a serious idea for me to get next to him .

And then when I got to the studio , because , like , even that first record , it was 4 days , but it was , like , I think we did 8 joints .

No .

It was 7 days .

Okay .

Let me tell you the story .

So let me interrupt it just for a second .

Just for a second .

So I did the Get Rich or Die Tryin' .

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It was supposed to be me producing half of the album and Eminem producing the other half .

I was in the studio with 50 for just 7 days for my entire half of the album .

Yeah .

He came in there and went crazy , writing .

Alright .

Put up another one .

Writing .

Put up another one .

And we got the entire thing done in 7 days , at least my hat .

Yeah .

That's what happened .

It was it was .

Like , I felt like we was done in 4 , but we went auditioned today .

You know what I mean ?

Because he he had ideas and things that he he's very meticulous .

He wants it to be perfect , so you gotta do it no .

Say this like this .

And I'm like , okay .

Yeah .

Okay .

Eminem introduced you .

Yeah .

Yeah .

I mean , if I needed them to get to him .

You took less money to work with doctor Dre than you could have received from us .

I got a lot of money though .

He gave me That's not true .

He gave me a lot of money .

They gave me a lot of money .

How much money did he give you ?

I had a $1,000,000 .

Like A $1,000,000 ?

Yeah .

Out of the neighborhood , that's a lot of money .

A lot of money .

Yeah .

What'd you do with the million when you got it ?

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Jimmy , Jimmy , stop asking the man what he did with his money , man .

Alright .

Right .

I mean , you're But the first the first thing I did was , like , I got my grandmother a car .

That's so .

Alright .

That's good .

That's weird .

We're any fun .

You know , because I I had a opportunity , like , we had smaller amounts of money before , like and when I got it , it , like , burnt a hole in me .

And it never got a chance to do nothing .

It really affected anything in my , you know Did Ray give you advice ?

Did he say , listen , here's how you should handle your money ?

Here's what you should , should not do .

He didn't .

He did not .

He didn't tell me .

I did not .

He was like , you know , you'll be alright .

You guys , you played the Super Bowl together .

That was part of the show .

This photograph is not upside down .

You were upside down .

That looks unpleasant .

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Jimmy , I was , like , £30 heavier at that point too .

I was not ready for that .

I was I never looked at it like that .

I was playing I was playing a a institutionalized guy on ABC .

It was as big as possible .

He wasn't supposed to be , like , 50¢ .

Uh-huh .

And I gained all of the weight .

And then I decided I was gonna come in , and I wanted to have an intro , like , the the music video .

So I was , like , upside down , and I really didn't think that out .

That's like because we had for , like , 7 days , I was , like , upside down doing my part .

And I was like , if I fall in my head , like , this versus reward .

Right ?

What do I get ?

Like , everybody else was coming in , like , Snoop just came in doing this thing like that .

It's like , yeah .

You're 50 50 crazy .

I don't know what made you wanna go upside down .

I've been there many times .

So you go , oh , this turned out to be a bad idea , didn't it ?

Yeah .

Well , it just it was one of those things where and then my weight was , like , shifted the other way , so it made me feel a lot bigger than I was .

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It just wasn't That combination could've went that could've went a little different like that one .

I do .

We got a little , bit of news about the album that's coming out , Missionary .

Are you on the album ?

Yeah .

I got one with Snoop .

He said something .

Yeah .

I like that .

So yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Oh , yeah .

Wow .

I'll tell you how that works .

Yeah .

Tell me how it works .

I get a a a text message .

I get a text from from from Dre , and I get a text from Em , and it almost simultaneously so it goes like , uh-oh .

And they go stop stop me .

Stop what you're doing .

I don't care if you're producing television shows .

I don't care what you're doing .

Stop and figure out how to get this done for us right now because it's that urgent .

And then I went and wrote I wrote my part because to me , that's what it feels like .

Right .

I I bet it's because those other people don't mean the same thing to me .

Uh-huh .

Right .

Sure .

Yeah .

You know ?

House .

When I get it done and I send it back and I get the fire emojis back situated , he usually don't say things .

I usually get something that's different .

Like , he'll go like this .

He won't even say , yo , I like that one .

He'll go like this .

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You're telling me doctor Dre uses emojis .

That's something I never imagined .

Well Tell me about this text chain .

Who's on the text chain ?

Well , it was it was 2 separate , me , Em , and Andre at this point .

Like , you guys , like , when something happens that you think is funny .

Like , let's say a famous , hip hop artist , who , finds himself in a very embarrassing situation .

Like , do you guys immediately start texting each other about that ?

No .

That that's 50 and Snoop .

Yeah .

Yeah .

I'll be watching I'll watch this Instagram all the time .

So it's like , I see it .

And I'll say or I'll repost what he just did .

Yeah .

Yeah .

I know you like doing that kind of stuff .

Yeah .

Yeah .

We'll be right back with Dre Snoop and 50 Cent .

We are back with doctor Dre Snoop Dogg and 50 Cent .

It was great day .

I feel like we're really just now getting loose here .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

I feel like The View .

This is like , I feel very much like Whoopi right now .

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You , this is something that you posted on Instagram earlier this year , Curtis .

I don't have time to be distracted .

I'm practicing abstinence .

From what exactly ?

Jimmy , I'm focused .

Right ?

You're focused .

My life is better .

Things are a little clearer .

No .

I know the married people you married , they say happy wife , happy life .

Yeah .

They say that .

Yeah .

You look like happy hostages .

Right ?

You mean , you're held under these new special restraints now , and I'm not focused on that .

I gotta do that .

How long have you been is this , like , one of those things , like , when Snoop said he was quitting , smoking , abstinence .

Is this like Snoop's abstinence or is this real abstinence ?

This is real abstinence .

Just well , you know , I'm trying to I'm trying to make it to Lent .

Really ?

How long has it been ?

It's been wow .

It's 2 months ?

And then so Easter Sunday , look out .

Yeah .

Yeah .

Yeah .

I've been working out more .

Oh , 2 months ?

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Yeah .

I've been working out more .

Like , you know , the guys in jails , I hope they're practicing Yeah .

Well , you know , sometimes they do , and sometimes they don't .

Oh .

Alright .

I don't believe that this absences actually happened .

I don't believe it either .

No .

It's it's real .

It's real , guys .

I I feel like my friends don't even believe in me now .

Yeah .

What about Eminem ?

He was , he was here a little bit earlier .

He headed back home .

Is he on this album with you guys ?

Did he did he do something ?

I I could I could get him to do it .

You could get him to do it .

It's are you working tell you something .

Let me let me explain something to you right now .

Eminem is working on his own album , which is coming out this year .

And he's yeah .

Oh , yeah .

Oh , yeah .

Yeah .

And I and I actually talked to him , and he said it was okay for me to make that announcement right here on this show .

Wow .

Oh , wow .

Nice .

Wow .

So he has an album coming out .

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I've got songs on it , and it's it's it's fire .

I'm actually gonna hear the entire album for the first time tomorrow .

And he holds his music close to his chest , so I haven't heard everything .

I haven't even heard everything complete that I've done , but I'm gonna hear it , and he's putting out an album this year .

Oh , so you actually haven't heard because I know you typically are very careful with your stuff .

So I'm hands on it .

There's things that I have to mix that I've done , but I get a chance to hear the album in its entirety .

Can I ask you guys , when you're sitting there , Snoop , Curtis , you're sitting there and you're playing something for Dre for the first time , what are you looking for reaction wise ?

I'm I'm watching .

I just like to like , I'm not paying attention , and I'm just watching him the whole time .

Snoop , are you doing the same thing ?

I'm nervous , kinda .

You're nervous ?

And Dre , are you aware , and are you giving pretend extra enthusiasm because you know that they're watching you the whole time ?

Jimmy , this is my first time hearing this .

Oh , it is .

What's up ?

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But you don't understand that .

I just sit and do my thing .

Totally honest .

Yeah .

I am .

I am rude .

If you're garbage , he's gonna tell you .

Have you had that situation where you you have ?

Isn't that what you isn't that what you want ?

Yes .

Do you want somebody in your No .

I I I just didn't just decided I'm not using them no more because I didn't Really ?

I didn't get the response I wanted from it , so I was like , no .

It ain't .

Wow .

I just ain't gonna risk it .

Yeah .

Like , you know , sometimes he'll play a record .

He would like it , so he'll just be playing stuff .

It'd be his records .

You know ?

You know ?

Jimmy , I will wait .

That's funny .

Wait till I come to the studio again , and he don't play that record .

And then I go , yo .

Yo .

What happened to that other joint you had ?

That's funny .

Yeah .

That's how I started off with the I need that one .

The one you had that you was playing .

I see .

So you just put it on the side over there .

Let me get that because I wanted that when you played it the first time , and I couldn't ask for it .

But now that you're not playing it , I know it's in the I could possibly get it section .

Well , we learned a lot of good stuff today .

We learned about Missionary , the first album from you guys in 30 years .

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We learned in your part of this .

We learned about a new Eminem album ?

Yeah .

I mean , I had a lot of fun .

We should , you know , we should go camping together or something , the 4 of us .

Yes ?

Have you been camping ?

But the last you started making us do skits about your penis .

Mhmm .

Because we're missing .

I don't know what this does to my image .

Yeah .

We'll we'll find out tomorrow .

We'll reassess .

Alright .

We'll be right back .

One more break .

We'll be right back .

I wanna thank Snoop Dogg .

I wanna thank Curtis , fifty Cent , Jackson .

I wanna thank Eminem .

I wanna apologize to Matt Damon .

And most of all , I wanna thank you , doctor Dre , for being here .

That was so much fun .

Thank you .

I really appreciate you sitting and , call the doctor .

Thanks for having me .

It's been a lot of fun .

Doctor Dre , everybody .

Nightline is great .

Thanks for watching it out .

Original video


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