Hello .
Hello , my name is Lu .
As I wanted to ask you about your car's extended warranty .
Yeah .
Ok .
Hold on , let me get to a place where I can hear you better .
No problem .
What kind of vehicles do you have ?
Yeah , I actually have a ton of vehicles that I need an extended warranty on .
Great .
We have coverage over the majority of all vehicles .
Do you cover military style ?
Um Yeah , why not ?
We have prices and plans from bare minimum to full coverage .
Cool .
I want the most expensive plan to cover all of my vehicle .
Completely .
Good to hear all we need is your name , your card number .
Your mother's maiden name , shoe size number of goats .
Ok .
My name is Matt character shoe size six and a quarter .
Um , my mother's maiden name is Yo , mama and I have three goats .
Ok , perfect .
Telegram .
We'll begin cover you for everything .
You have hail damage , driving across icy roads , driving across lakes and ponds .
You should get any cars that you are gonna have in the future .
I don't have a telegram guys .
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Guys .
I also have my personal promo code for you demolish that only you can get .
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And if you're fast enough , you can even join my plan .
Click the link in the description and I'll see you on the battlefield .
Thanks to Raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring this episode .
Think fast .
Hey , welcome to Demolition Ranch .
We have a pretty interesting video today .
We sourced some things that are hard to source .
We have some interesting plates here .
But first let me tell you about this , but first let me tell you about these plates .
But actually let's go back to the gun .
This is a Kalinikos USA .
This is an A K 104 .
They call it their Kr 104 .
So it is A S pr as you can see short barrel rifle here it is chambered in 762 by 39 .
Uh , we got , it had a plastic fore end up here .
We tacked it out with some metal .
We put a sure fire scout light on it .
Spark solar on it .
This thing does have a folding stock so it gets nice and little a side folder .
Sbrak .
I have yet to shoot it , but we're gonna shoot that today .
But before that , let's get back to this .
But before that , let's no , actually let's do this .
We have a Russian military plate very hard to get this thing , but we got it .
We can't tell you how he didn't need it anymore .
And then we also have a US plate .
These are easier to find because they're here .
Uh This is a , a sappy plate and then we also have a similar category , commercially sold plate .
This is made by a company called Guard Dog .
It's called the ridge back .
This one is a level four plate .
This one is a level four plus plate .
This one it says level five A and we don't know what that means .
That's not something that uh Americans use .
So we're gonna find out today .
This one is actually thinner .
They're all about the same weight .
The uh ridge back is thicker and a little heavier .
These are pretty similar .
This is the thinnest , they're about the same weight .
So this Russian plate is called the granite , it says five A , it's made by techno and it is made out of aluminum oxide ceramic and it has a Kevlar backer .
The is sapi plates .
It is a level four which means it'll stop a black tip 30 06 which is moving pretty fast .
It is a boron carbide ceramic plate with a polymer and Kevlar backer .
So they both have a hard plate in the front with a soft Kevlar in the back to catch fragments .
This one , the one , the reason we want to do this was because it is actually similar uh in composition to the Russian plate .
This one also is aluminum oxide ceramic , but it also says it has front facing Kevlar .
So I assume it has some kind of Kevlar in the back too .
We're gonna shoot them all and find out .
This one says it is better than this one .
This one , we don't know what it means , but it seems like it says it's better than both of them .
So we're gonna find out today is Russia better than America , which we know is not true .
Russia's gonna be worse than America .
We'll find out we're gonna shoot some stuff .
This is the Russian plate .
When are you coming on Demolition ranch ?
I wanna see you shoot a 50 cow .
I know you're gonna watch this video .
We have a new suppressor .
I put it on the Daniel defense .
Uh Mark 18 .
This is from JK Armament and this is called the S Pr X .
It has the modular baffle system so you can make it as long or short as you want .
And uh we're gonna shoot it .
This is 556 .
Let's just see what it sounds like .
Shoot uh in the dirt .
Go shoot a little long with it .
Shoot .
OK .
I got enough ammo left .
We're going to fire 1556 into every plate and then we'll go investigate and see what it looks like .
We're going to go left to right on Russia .
First .
The Americans did .
Wow , that made a much bigger hole than I thought I would .
So this is Russia .
It totally destroyed that aluminum ceramic plate , aluminum oxide .
So ceramic plates will degrade .
Like if you have a big steel plate , you can hit it a bunch of times and it stays pretty much the same .
A ceramic plate will start to break down .
So I shot these on the left side so I can kind of leave room for other rounds , but there is a dent in the back .
It did not go through and it's a small dent , but that made a huge hole in the front .
Let's see how our is plate did same deal .
So you can see that kind of metallic but ceramic just totally cracked .
All that stuff was all together .
Now it all fell apart but it did stop a bullet small dent as well and complete stoppage .
So this one has a Kevlar in the front .
It's a little different .
I can feel it's crunchy in there though .
So , yeah , there's a broken piece of ceramic right there and there's a bulge on the back as well .
All these plates did exactly the same thing and they're all definitely weaker in this corner than they were before .
Let's go up .
We're gonna go up , but I'm gonna try something first .
So the green tips are called M 85 fives and they have little steel cores in them .
They're just better at penetrating armor .
This is the new one .
These replace the green tips .
These are M 855 A ones .
Same deal , but a little better .
So we're gonna see uh if II , I just want to shoot at the exact same spot .
So we've already degraded big time that ceramic layer .
So I just want to see if I hit it right close to the same spot , what it will do .
Let's go find out , dude , Russia stopped it .
Same hole .
We have a way bigger dent there and that's a softer layer .
That's our Kevlar layer , but it stopped it .
There's a big dent , no bullet went through America when you get hit in the same spot .
Looks like it might have gone through .
I don't see it though .
Oh , wait , yeah , it's right there .
There , it is .
So same hole .
I don't actually see where it went through here , but it definitely did .
Yeah , right there .
So I ripped right through .
Dude .
Got a bunch of bullet fragments going through his body .
One shot , took it fine .
Two shots in the same location .
Not so fine for this one .
Let's try our guard dogs .
Same hole that was from different video .
He's a little cut but I think it's just from , I don't think there's a bullet going through .
I think that's being pressed against the torn up thing .
Yeah , we're gonna call that a stop as well .
Now we're gonna try to shoot other bullets in different areas of all three plates that doesn't really count as a fail because that's what ceramic does .
But the US definitely did the worst at it .
Let's try out the old Kalinikos USA Kr 104 .
It's kind of an overcast day right now .
So I think I'll throw some fireballs .
So cool .
Kliv USA sent us some ammo .
So I appreciate that .
Let's shoot these plates .
Let's see what happens when you hit the Russian plate with the 762 by 39 .
His head falls off and the US plate , he just explodes his head .
Also .
Look at their heads just hanging out together .
And the commercially available US plane dude , that 762 has got some power boy .
Oh , he's got a dent in his chest .
Look at that on the right .
Uh I got some more rounds .
This dude's chest to Russia .
Where are you at .
Do you know where they're at ?
I do know big country dent there .
So there's our 556 that was two shots of 556 D right there .
And then our 762 .
Another good dent right there .
Did dent his chest in a little bit , but totally did his job and totally stopped really big hole here .
So all around here it's all cracked now .
So that is gonna be weaker America plate .
You see it crunched up all that stuff just like before small dent , nothing went through .
Good job .
Oh gosh , that is where it hit though .
So he's just a more fragile .
He doesn't bend , he cracks .
But a lot of pressure there , even though he had a level four plate , it still punched him pretty hard in the chest .
And then , oh man , this one feels really crunched .
So we hit right here .
It did stop .
But man , it is deformed from here to here .
I feel like that may have made this whole left side pretty weak .
It's all very crunchy , but either way it has not let any bullets through yet .
So all plates are still in the race .
I figured out why this guy's head fell off , dude , who was getting hit with spaw all that shrapnel .
So bullets are coming in here and then they're flying up here .
You can see where it's hitting him in the neck .
So pretty big cuts on his neck and then his cheek and his chin up there under right here .
So it went , knocked his head off .
So that is uh not good .
Oh , actually you can see where it's kind of coming through right here .
So some of that spaw was coming through right there .
I'm sure a lot of it came from right here as well .
But either way , um the other guys do not have any spaw in their neck , chin area .
Russian plate has a bunch level four plates are supposed to stop a black tip .
30 06 A P , 30 06 which we have some of and we have this beautiful Grand .
We'll shoot our black tips in there and all these plates should stop this , I think , but we're here to find out had a whole huge hole in his chest .
Ok .
Moving on , dude , dude , Grand Pappy's gun is the goat .
I feel like I'm a crime scene investigator coming up on some weird stuff .
Like what are these two naked guys in the woods with no heads doing what was happening that led to this ?
Oh my gosh .
So we have a successful stoppage but look at that .
I mean it stopped it 30 odd six A P round .
There's a lot of stuff falling out of this because we really compromised our plate , but it did not let any bullet through .
Let's see if he got any more spaw in his face .
Yeah , he did a little bit more .
I don't think all that was there on the chin but on the lip , not much though , this is our American guy still .
No spaw American .
But what's interesting , you can see he really got punched hard in the chest .
That is not from a bullet that is just from all that energy going .
Boom .
OK .
Moving on America stopped it as well right here and way less defamation than Russia .
Look at that bulge , brush has just got a bigger bulge , you know , but stopped it completely also broke his chest open but no bullet fragment went through America passes as well .
Yeah , my bad .
It looks actually really good .
Uh This one works better than the others that bulge is actually in between them , but he didn't crack his chest either way .
All three stopped it and uh we move on to something bigger and badder .
That's impressive .
They are all level four next up .
The Nemo Oman 300 Winchester Magnum and these are silver tips .
Api si think they'll go through but there's a chance they won't with these plates .
We got level five a up first on Russia firing .
Oh man , that's not good America plate .
It is smoking them .
And our dog chapter 2.5 , dude .
All right , let's go see what we got .
All right .
Well , now we get to see what the Russian play is made out of .
Uh So I was shooting bottom corner right here and as you can see , I nailed it , it went through .
Yeah , you may not looks like actually it would have stopped .
Maybe .
Um , I probably should have brought that up a little higher , but I was just afraid to hit anywhere close to all this stuff .
So I was trying to hit in the part of the plate .
Oh , all these were good here .
That's , that's interesting that they have different colors .
So this is the aluminum oxide ceramic and they have a little plate segments so that when it cracks it only cracks that one little square it looks like .
And I guess that also lets them make that bend interesting .
So I hit that last plate .
It ripped through the first few layers of Kevlar .
I don't know .
It may have just bent it all the way and let that bullet go straight through .
See if we can tell .
I don't , I don't know .
There's some powder on them .
I don't know if a bullet came through here or not .
That one's iffy .
The plates definitely shot though .
America .
Oh , yeah , that's a definite , I know .
Oh my gosh .
So the American boron carbide plate is all one big piece as you can see .
Oh my gosh , that's some crazy looking stuff .
And it is totally destroyed .
Now , there's no , you shooting , there's nothing left on this thing anymore but it went through , this is , let's see , it's going through this side .
That's the shot going in the corner came through , all the boron carbide is gone right there .
And then this weird , like this is a hard but fibrous layer looks like went through that and then all the Kevlar in the back and trying to figure out if it busted through here or if it just , yeah , it definitely busted through right there .
It definitely penetrated the US plate .
There's a lot of gunpowder and stuff inside him right here , I think , and came out that's a kill as well .
Bottom right corner of this one went in here .
So it did have Kevlar in the front .
Kevlar front facing , which is interesting .
Where's the hard plate in here ?
Oh , it's right there .
That's all the little Hexagon .
So they have the same deal as that Russian plate .
A bunch of smaller pieces of the aluminum oxide ceramic and so you can get hit in multiple places .
But once you get hit in that one place , that thing's gone and then it went through to and freaking stopped .
That's crazy .
It didn't even like scored out the bottom or something .
It , it stopped right there .
I think it's probably here .
It probably fell out but it did not pass through .
It hit him really hard though .
He punched his torso off .
That's where he got hit right there .
But as you can see no bullet holes in that dude , this was the biggest plate , but it did stop the most .
I feel like we could shoot this thing one more time .
We still got plates up there .
Little ceramic plates .
I'm thinking we'd shoot it right here with something a little bit bigger .
It could be , I don't know .
Maybe like , uh , it's a surprise .
It's a 50 .
You were right .
It was , it was a 50 .
After all , I knew it .
Yeah .
And we're gonna give it a chance .
This is just regular a chance .
This is regular full metal jacket .
Just ball ammo .
No fancy fancy , no splode , no penetrating .
Uh We're giving it the best chance we got with a 50 BMG from 20 ft away .
All right .
This is the GM six links .
Not my favorite 50 cow , but we thought we'd bring it out here and play .
All right , let's see what we can do with the 50 BMG against our last standing plate .
Looks like we hit dirt behind him .
He did .
Here's your problem right there in his back .
Uh Yeah , it , it went straight through .
So there was still plate here .
We hit it , but it didn't care , went straight through and got demolished .
The real test was between Russia and America and I'm gonna say it's a draw , a total draw straight tie across the board .
But Russia and America are both not OK with ties .
Let's be honest .
So there's only one way to settle .
This hole has to come fire at 50 BMG to show me that Russia is better until then America is better .
Thanks .
So much for watching this episode out on you and I'll see you next time .
Oh , you're really gonna enjoy what we have here today .
That all good , all good .
It's quite simple .
There's only one rule in the DE Militia you don't tell mayor .