when ?
Eight years ago , I invested in some start ups helping improve drivers' behaviour .
I was told Why are you doing this ?
Probably in five years .
We already don't have drivers .
All cars will be driverless .
It was like a clear trend .
And now it is already more than three years as I exited from this project .
But driverless cars are still in the near future .
Why ?
I become buzzword of the year .
What happened ?
I first read about neural networks and future artificial intelligence .
Many years ago , when I still was in school , when I became investor , I met , uh , projects in , uh , nation Learning and a I regularly , especially in the last 57 years .
Number of projects suffix I are in my portfolio and some of them are quite successful .
What happened ?
What changed today ?
We see that applications are so wide that already let inexperienced users to become painters , composers , software designers and so on .
And they understand that it is just the beginning of the way .
It is really a I don't know one industry where I could not be applied for those who will adopt it and manage to use it .
It is a really enormous competitive advantage and enormous tool to create new possible applications .
I believe that in the future I can be self developed to to such an extent that it can also start to make business .
It was already described many times in science fiction , and I believe it is applicable to reality .
But again , this future is not here yet .
For now , let's consider that a I is just technology and business is still done by people as investor .
I see a lot of projects , both new and were offered old projects which were not successful without a I suffix and consider that just by a A I to the description , they already get more chances to get successful .
But I will tell if you will get Samsung , which doesn't make sense without a I .
Just applying a I to such a project will make you a still senseless project with a I nothing more so I really pay big attention to business component and what really people want to do business wise and how they got do the business and take into account that really artificial intelligence can help people make more successful projects .
When I speak to projects who come for funding .
I try to distinguish because new models , creators and those who just repackage and I believe that both approaches have a right to success and both approaches to bring that up and its team to success .
What I try to understand if it is something new , how Team sees and understands its application , it is business and its go to market .
If I speak to those who repackage , I try to understand if they really found a market pain and if they really address those business processes , the application of artificial intelligence will bring to higher efficiency and good money savings and therefore to widespread this product .
I believe that at the end of the day , I will become a great investor , especially in public markets .
There is a lot of open information , and this information is equally accessible .
Other things to consider that I believe it is already difficult market .
I mean public trading for human , because is algorithm and the models who do it much quicker and who have all the information all the time regarding the investment .
It is today a bit different because it's still a very limited access to information information is not publicly available and still a lot of feelings present in the process .
But I believe maybe five years and we will see already great implementations in this area too .
When I speak to start ups which come with I .
First of all , I look at what they are going to do and what is a real business .
Then I try to understand how they are going to re invent to build their own models or they are going to use existing large corporation solution or work closely with open source community , which I prefer .
Therefore , nothing changed for me in the estimation of possible success of such businesses .
Despite of artificial intelligence making as a pinpoint of the application , I still will look at what I will look usually what is business idea what is to implement this idea ?
How big market are they going to address ?
Will they have a scalable business model and positive view in the economy ?
It all stays the same .
If I see this quality , then application of brings me more trust that the project could become more successful but still all necessary points stay here .
What are best projects which I see today for sure these projects which address clear existing business applications but really make it much more competitive and agile , this implementation of neural networks and artificial intelligence it is most clear and has the best chances to implementation and more clear path to the market .
I can see it from projects in our portfolio .
We have both projects who try to solve a problem of creation of new models for gener .
But we also have projects with concrete business applications , and I see that last projects develop faster for now , and more fundamental projects have good chances for future .
When I look at modern applications and I see an enormous number of clones and packaging of existing air technology are doing OK , you can write , you can write even better .
You can write more better .
You can write much more better .
I see it is really a Red Ocean because it is very difficult to distinguish , and it is really difficult to find competitive advantages of of such start ups , and therefore it will be very expensive and difficult for them to reach their customers and to make a real business case .
All kinds of horizontal solutions , which we make some user interface to chat and make some more clear how to make image or how to create text .
In my opinion , I don't have a lot of chances because it doesn't bring any new quality or any new business approach .
Have chances .
In my opinion .
It is a really clear business applications and bring in new , very modern and powerful technology closer to real business .
It is what I really have chances .
I am afraid that many cases of generative I could be similar to game industry when people just start to play one game and after a short time , they already have enough of and they look for new game .
So many generate applications are still like toys now .
It is very modern and people play it .
But uh , in a very short time they will switch on one of competition or on some new toy .
Today I see so many applications from projects who tried to pitch me yesterday as a Web series solution .
Today they do I solution and even more often I see combination with three solutions and we fly to Mars tomorrow .
But in reality it is necessary , just get it as a white noise .
I don't pay attention to buzzwords .
I just pay attention to basic business principle , and it helps me to distinguish this projects from potential future unicorns .
What real A .
I applications I see today I see applications which help businesses to adapt a I to their particular needs .
There are many A I applications which are already existing and give quite good results , but are quite difficult to use for inexperienced users who are not software designers .
As usually , it is my favourite joke here .
Making applications is too serious thing to trust to programmers .
So those projects who really addresses create clear and simple solution With good user experience and easy user interface , I have full chances to grab the market .
So if you are just starting your project today , what should you do ?
UH , compete giants , I believe not .
Try to find your way .
Try to find how a I application will make your project more sustainable and scalable .
I give this advice also to our existing uh , projects .
I tell that we are close to situation , adapt or die .
So for many projects , it's just vital to implement in different fields in optimising Uh , business processes in building applications , using large language models and build , uh , user experience , support and so on .
All based on this , I see great applications .
I already see projects which use a I to get , uh , sales to get marketing , to get research programme to the new level .
And it is very important .
I know that many of my colleagues investors , look at the application in our field .
What is I ?
It is unparalleled access to the knowledge .
It is speed efficiency , and it is a clear way to success .
When I think about implementation of a I to our investment processes , I can foresee picture when investors will be totally replaced by artificial intelligence .
But I see here one danger that this artificial intelligence will not invest in human project because it will consider much more efficient and quick to invest in projects of other artificial villages networks .
And let's remember , the ancient investment is more art than science .