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2023-06-14 17:56:28

How to Craft Irresistible Personalized Cold Emails - Boost Your Success Rate! 🚀

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What's the difference between a good cold email and a spam cold email customization .

Sending a relevant message to a person that is likely to buy .

If you customize , if you personalize your emails , then you don't have to worry about GDP R .

You don't have to worry about spam complaints because it'll seem like you are one person reaching out to another person that works for a business that would be likely to respond to you .

And one of the easiest ways to personalize that message is through a custom first line .

We've talked about the five parts of a cold email on this channel and you can watch a video that goes over a perfect cold email template later .

But to recap , those five parts are subject line , first line complement case study called the action email signature .

So in today's video , I wanted to deep dive on part two of the email on the first line .

What goes into a custom first line , what goes into those email compliments and how do you ensure that your emails are personalized enough to avoid the spam box ?

Stick around ?

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This is gonna be a good one .

But before we jump in .

I noticed most of you guys aren't subscribed and we're trying to flip this chart .

So if you wouldn't mind subscribing down below and liking the video to encourage this type of content on youtube , that'll help spread the message and find more people like you .

And it doesn't cost you anything with that being said , let's jump into the video .

So I'm about to show you the custom first line and of course , you can't write 100 cold emails per day .

If you're writing every single one from scratch and spending hours on each one , it just would not be possible .

There's not enough time in the day .

But what you can do is create a good personalized email template and customize the first line to reach directly to that specific prospect .

And that's what I want to show you in today's video .

We're not writing our cold emails from scratch and handcrafting every word because in our testing , those tend to either perform exactly at the same level or sometimes even underperform emails that follow a good strategy , a good framework .

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However , a cold email with a custom first line will outperform a standard generic email template by 10 times or more .

So , mastering that little bit of personalization is key for improving your cold email campaigns in general .

So let's start by going through the million dollar cold email template that we reference inside the book cold email manifesto .

Here's the email subject quick question .

Hi , Jackson .

Been following Fuzz for a while and love your work .

Awesome job with Rockefeller Center .

I specialize in finding new clients for web and app developers .

Recently we helped Dom and Tom an N Y C based developer bring on mcdonald's and close an extra $1 million in six months .

Can you take on more clients at Fuzz ?

Let me know and I can send over a few times to chat .

Thanks , Alex .

And here you can see the parts of the cold email , the subject line , custom compliment one sentence , case study and what we're talking about today , the call to action and then the email signature is down here .

So let's write a few cold email first lines and I'll show you how it's done .

Let's start with Taylor Welch .

The place that I like to go to , right .

These cold email first lines is linked in and there's a reason for it .

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I'm starting to get addicted to the amount of money that can be made on linkedin and I'm I'm loving it .

I love linkedin .

So Taylor Welch , how would this cold email ?

Look , let me find one thing to compliment him on consultant next door .

Let me talk about this book .

He's written a book .

Let's talk about the book .

Hey , Taylor been following you for a while and I loved consultant next door .

The reason why I said this been following you for a while is if somebody's creating content and they've released a book that has 100 and 13 reviews like he's talking about here , that means he has an audience .

And the best way to butter him up is to pretend to be a member of that audience .

If you really wanted to appeal to him as well .

Omni channel style , anybody that creates content , you wanna make sure you're following them on Twitter or following them wherever they are next up , we have Alma Mala Group digital Director at Wave Maker .

So now we need to find something to compliment her on .

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She is the group digital director at wave Maker and I'm not seeing much from her linkedin .

So let me look at Wave Maker itself and try to find some company news or something how Wave maker India became the most wanted media agency .

There's a news article from C NBC .

Three weeks ago .

Wave maker , Canada names CEO .

So I know two things or three things actually about wave maker .

One , the Canada branch has a new CEO two wave maker .

India became the most wanted media agency and three wave maker is a big enough company to have offices in all of these different places with different CEO S et cetera .

So they're a giant corporation .

So now with that in mind , let's write this first line for Alma .

Hey Alma , huge fan of wave maker saw the feature in C NBC and knew I had to reach out .

That's the second example .

Now let's do another one .

This is Sam Yam co-founder at Patreon Y CE at Y Combinator .

And he's the CTO which means we want to compliment him if we can about something related to the technology side of things .

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So let's do that .

Hey Sam , big fan of all your work following Patreon for a long time now and I love how scalable and stable the code base has stayed beautiful tech guys .

You see that I'll be like , is he joking or if he is actually very confident in his work , he'll take it as a compliment .

So it's either a joke or a compliment , either way you're in .

So to review our three first lines that we came up with where , hey Taylor been following you for a while and I loved consultant next door .

Epic Reed .

Hey Alma , a huge fan of wave makers saw the feature in C NBC and knew I had to reach out and hey , Sam , I'm a big fan of all your work following Patreon for a long time now .

And I love how scalable and stable the code base has stayed .

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If you want to learn more about lead generation and cold email and join a community of like-minded hustlers that are all working together to improve our businesses and improve our campaigns , then check out email 10-K where you can meet with me every single week .

We have calls and I'll coach you through how to grow your business .

All the other members in that group are also working on the exact same thing .

So it's a great networking opportunity and great for growing your company .

You can join that by going to email 10-K dot com and I'll see you inside .

Thanks for watching the video .

Be sure to smash that like button to encourage this type of content on youtube .

Subscribe for more videos like this and I'll talk to you soon .

Thanks for watching .

I'm Alex Berman .


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