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2023-06-14 17:55:08

Send SMS text messages to ChatGPT with webhooks on localhost - complete development

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Hi , This is Jim from Conveyor .

In this video , I'm going to create a web application that connects the twill s MS service to chat GP t s API , which will allow anyone with the phone number to text with chat GP t .

I'm imagining this being useful for a business where the customer doesn't want to have to go to a website or install an app .

Text messaging has the benefit of being a familiar interface and low friction .

This project uses Visual studio 2022 a s p dot net seven semantic kernel chat , GP , TT and conveyor .

This is the result of the project .

I'm texting here with the Laundromat assistant I made , but there are probably better business use cases out there .

You can even write plugins for chat GP t to enable business specific knowledge and functions .

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Making it work is pretty awesome and surprisingly easy , actually , especially with our free tool conveyor to receive s MS Web calls during development .

Although I mentioned to service a lot , there isn't any special reason other than it being probably the most well known .

There are other services such as message bird D seven s MS Intel , Tech s MS s MS , Gateway and Tel .

I'm not endorsing any of them .

Please pick the one that fits you best .

I will also mention chat GP t a lot and things are changing rapidly in the chat bot market .

So I'm sorry if the code in this video becomes outdated and remember to consider other Chatbot API providers .

OK , I'm going to set up chat GP t as a laundromat assistant who can help with washing and drying questions .

I'm going to go through every step from building up the application to connecting to chat GP t and T .

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So it is going to be really detailed , but please use the chapter markers to skip anything as desired .

I'll create a new Web APP project .

It needs to be dot net six or newer in order to use semantic kernel .

The idea for this project is to first have a simple chat Web page where I can test sending messages to chat GP T and then create an API controller that can receive messages from Twi OS MS service .

This is called a Web hook and works by giving the sending Web application to , in this case a URL to call when an event happens , such as a text message is received .

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To start , I'll make the Web based chat that sends messages to chat GP t using the semantic kernel package .

So in develop a powershell , install the package by CD into the project folder dot net a package , and it's pre release mode at the moment .

And , of course , you can use the U I .

If you prefer .

Let's have a look at the chat GP t API in Semantic Colonel , how do you send a message ?

Well , here's the basic structure .

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So to begin with , we create the kernel and then we configure it with the model that we want to use and our open API key and our organisation ID .

Next we set up chat GP t .

So , first of all , we give it its instructions on how to act .

And then here we create the service and send the set up instructions .

And then down here , we have to recreate the conversation history because chat GP t isn't state .

So you can see here The user , uh , asked for something .

And then , um , we had previously received a message back from chat GP t .

Why not try soccer ?

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And then we can add the next message there , and then we can send that conversation to chat GP t and get the reply .

The main takeaways are that I need to provide credentials and have the conversation resent with every request , so it will need to be persisted somehow between calls .

This is also a good point regarding cost chat .

GP T pricing is based on the number of tokens sent and received .

The number of tokens is similar to the number of characters , but not quite .

There is a calculator on the open a I website , but I would just say that you can have hundreds of short messages for a few US cents .

However , because chat GP t isn't state and the entire conversation is resent with every message , the number of tokens increases with the length of the conversation and therefore becomes more expensive , just something to bear in mind .

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Uh , there is also a usage limit page where you can set spend limits .

I would recommend that in case something goes wrong , like an infinite loop , it could get expensive .

OK , back to the application .

I'll create a basic data type , uh , for the messages being sent back and forth .

So I think we're going to need to know who the sender is .

And of course , we're gonna need the message , which I'm gonna default to now .

And we need to define message sender .

That's gonna be an ENUM .

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And it can be the user or chat g BT , which is system .

There's already an index dot CS HTML .

I'll open the model for it and add properties for a list of conversation messages and the new message that's just been entered .

The list can function as a way to persist the conversation and show the user what has already been said each time the page loads .

This is our new message that the user has just entered .

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And we want razor to bind to these properties in the markup side of things .

I just need to have a basic form to show the past messages and allow the entry of a new message .

So I'll get rid of the boiler plate .

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We got to begin a form , and we want to display the conversation messages So that property we just added , and we're gonna need an editor for the new message and a button just to send a new message back to the server .

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The application needs to know how to display for and also edit for the type conversation message because we just created it .

Although the call is to display for a the list of conversation message objects , Razor will automatically iterate the list and call display for on each conversation message .

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So to do that , make a display templates and edit templates folder under shared and add a razor page to each called conversation message for the display template version .

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I just want to output the fields for the model conversation message , so I'm gonna change the model to the type conversation message which I created .

Don't eat that , and what I need to do is at hidden fields for December and the message so that they are persisted and sent back to the server when the form is submitted .

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But I also want to show the user the previous messages as well , so I will actually , uh , Albert those and I need to do the same for the message .

Just had a couple of plank lines there for the editor template .

I'm gonna change the model again .

We want it to be the data type that we created .

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And we actually just need a text box for the message .

Because this is the new message field .

We don't actually want to , uh , allow the user to specify the sender .

That field will be added by us later .

All right , let's try it out .

That looks about right .

When the send button is clicked , the page model code is called , and it's gonna use the post HTTP method .

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So in the page model , I'm going to change on , get to on post .

And I'm also gonna make this handler asynchronous because I know that , uh , chat G BT s API is asynchronous .

And I'm just gonna add the new message .

I I'm just gonna add the new message to my list of messages .

There we go and run it .

Just type in anything .

We can see that it works .

Basically , let's have a think how to send the new message to chat GP t and get the response .

I think I will create a class to handle the logic of sending the message .

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This will definitely be handy when I add the API controller later .

that handles the s MS message since that will use this new class too .

So I'll create a new class , and I'm gonna call it Chatbot session and I can keep the conversation history in here too .

So I'm actually just gonna copy this and put it here , and I'm gonna initialise it as well because this copy of it isn't bound by razor .

And I'm gonna change that property back here in the page model as well .

Uh , what I want to do is actually just map it to the property in Chatbot session .

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So what I need first is an instance of chatbot session .

I'll I'll do and initialise it , and then I can change this property here .

I don't need the setter anymore .

I'm just going to return what chat that session has .

There we go right close up and I can go back to my on post and we're not gonna do this here now .

Instead , let's create a method in here .

Call it forward Message from the user , a sync .

And yes , I do want that to be asynchronous .

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So I'm going to That's why I'm going to await it .

Let's create this and then F 12 to get to it .

And we need to make this asynchronous as well .

And then in here , Well , I am going to want to add the message to the list .

Um , and I also do need to set the sender field .

If you remember , that's not coming from the user interface .

So by definition , it's going to be the user who sent that message , and I need to fix the capitalization here now and then .

We want to actually send the messages to chat GP t .

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So let's call that in the whole history .

So now we actually need to generate this method again .

We have to change this and specify that it's a sync .

I'm just going to copy the first part from the boiler plate .

But there is actually a change already made here .

So if you remember , this argument was for the open A I key .

And this one here was for the organisation , ID .

So you can see that , uh , I'm actually gonna read it from my environment variables .

I'll talk about that in a moment , but for now , I just assume that those environment variables are set correctly .

I'm just gonna change this so it's more visible .

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OK , so when you work with chat G BT , you need to sort of give it a mission statement .

I guess you could say , um we need to tell it what to do .

Otherwise it will just sort of do the usual , uh , chatbot that it does .

So you've probably seen on the Internet .

So I'm going to tell it that it's a laundromat attendant who gives laundry advice in 20 words or less .

So I don't want the messages to be too lengthy .

So I'm gonna specify 20 words or less , and I can give it more guidelines as need be .

So if I find that it , uh , gives advice , I don't want it to , or if I need it to have any , uh , specific advice I want to give .

I can specify that here .

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And just remember again that this message does count , uh , to your token count .

So the longer this message is , the more it's gonna cost you , OK ?

And then the next part was to get the service , and then we're gonna create a new chat .

No typo there .

And if you remember , we need to recreate the entire history and send all that again , so we already have obviously the list of messages already sent .

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So let's iterate those and we're going to switch on the type of sender because we call a different method in the API , depending on whether it's a message from the user or a message from the track .

GP t So in the case , it's the user we're gonna use add user message .

And of course , it's the message that we just received .

That's fine .

And if it's from chat G BT before that will work .

OK , that looks right .

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So that just loads up the API with all of the messages , including the new one , because we already added that to the conversation .

So let's get the reply now from chat GP t you send the chat and we're gonna add the reply to It's a new conversation message .

The sender is going to be not the user , but the system and the message is , the sister replied , That was very good , and we're just gonna return it in case that becomes useful .

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So this would be a strength .

So back to those two environment variables , open I a colon key and open .

I a colon or ID .

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These are stored in the system environment variables rather than in a convict file in the spirit of keeping secrets out of source code so they don't accidentally slip into source control or get shared , as has happened in KUB , for example , these are the credentials you use to authenticate with Open A I to get the org ID , go to platform dot open a i dot com slash account slash org settings , and you can see it here , and I'm gonna copy it , then open the system environment variables and add a variable named open A I colon .

OK , go on .

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Org ID with the value from the website and then go back to the website and down here in API Keys , I can create a new secret key .

Let's give it a name and I'm going to copy that as it tells you , it's never going to show you that again .

If you did forget the key , it's OK .

You can just delete it here from the list and create a new one and then update your code .

So I need a new environment variable for that key , which is going to be open a I colon , OK ?

And then I'll past the value here .

Here's the important thing to remember and save yourself some time .

If you set environment variables , you have to restart visual studio and maybe you just have to restart .

I s express .

I don't actually know , but you do that to get the new values picked up .

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Now run it and see if it works .

So this is gonna actually send a message to Jack G .

BT .

There we go .

So we have a basic web based chat interface .

It's time to bolt on the twill part so that the application can handle s MS calls .

How does An s MS API provider like to work at present ?

When you sign up with them , you get some free credit .

It was $15 when I did it , which you use for a phone number for your region .

And any s MS you send and receive is paid for with that credit .

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Remember , of course , that you are using a metre service and will get stuck with the bill if you send or receive a lot of messages , or if you call your emergency number like 911 .

But are not set up properly in North America .

You're charged $75 .

If you don't have an address in the system for the phone number , you'll see I haven't set it up in my account .

And that's because they expect a US address .

But I'm in Canada anyway .

I just won't call 911 using it from the coding side , you need a public URL .

Most likely a Web API that the S MS provider will call when a text message comes in to your number .

I'll show you how to create the Web API and expose it to the Internet using conveyor during development .

So you don't have to keep publishing your code to a server , which you would have to otherwise .

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So first thing to do is add required packages .

So I like doing it and develop a powershell dot net a package and also s p net core .

You can probably get away without easing these packages if you want , but they help with formatting s MS replies in this case .

Next , I will add a web API controller to the project .

I'm gonna cool .

It s MS receiver controller .

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I'm going to change it to a twill controller and decorate the class as API controller and the root I want to be API slash controller and I'll make the default method something I can test out because I know I won't get it right first time .

So there's no view .

It's an API so content Hello .

I need to add controllers to the services in programme .

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So I'm gonna go there services at control This and I need two map controllers and run and test in the browser .

That's the main page .

But we want to call that controller .

So it's s MS receiver .

So there we go .

Hello , world .

Great .

I just need to create an action method to receive the S MS calls now .

And I got this method signature from Let me just go here .

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I got this method signature from to documentation where from will be the sender's phone number and of course , body is the text message .

It's decorated HTTP post because by default , twill sends the messages a post request .

The from form attribute is because the post requests coming in will have the data in form of coding for other s MS providers .

The request could be totally different .

It could be json formatted , for example .

And so this code won't work at this point , I have everything I need to send the message on to chat g BT like I was before .

And then whatever I set in the return value , the TT m L result is sent as a response text to the user .

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So let's write some code to actually use the chatbot session .

Uh , not quite .

We wanna make sure from is not now .

And we're just gonna create a chatbot session like that and the we're gonna create a new conversation message based on the arguments that came in .

So that's an empty message .

We're gonna fill it with the body , and the sender will be .

Obviously , it's not from it's actually the user .

The user wrote the message on the phone and sent it to us .

And now we're sending it to Jack G .

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BT so we can get the reply and call that method that we wrote before forward message from user as sync with that message we just created .

And then we want to create an object that twill is expecting for the response .

So we send the response back to to and then it sends it as a text message back to the user .

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So we just need to load it with the reply we got from chat GP t and then return it formatted the correct way , OK ?

And what is wrong here ?

Can I assign void to an implicitly typed variable ?

Ok , did I not specify ?

Yeah , I have to specify the return type over in this method that we wrote earlier and actually return it .

There we go .

And this is not supposed to be message response .

Supposed to be messaging response .

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I think , um , when you also need to pull in the name space and we better just finish this off .

So if from is now , uh well , for now , we'll just return .

I OK now , to test this , I can either send a post request from a programme like Postman .

I'm just gonna run it , which allows me to create the request manually .

Or I can set up twill with this Web hook and hope it works .

I can't give twilio my local host for the webhook address because to twill , local host is their local machine .

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Um , so that's why we're going to use the conveyor extension to , uh , create a public URL via tunnelling that we can give to twill .

So because I need to set up conveyor and have it tunnelling as well as setting up twill to point to the correct URL .

And because this introduces more points of failure when I haven't even tried out my method , I'm gonna send a test request from postman first and make sure it works .

Otherwise , I would be banking on twilio being configured properly , conveyor running properly and my API action working properly to do anything , so I'll test it in Postman Postman is a nice tool for testing Web API s and here it is .

So I'm going to create a new request .

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The URL is this one , and I'm going to set the type to post , and the request that we want to send is formatted like this x w w format R l encoded .

This is according to to Leo's specifications in their documentation .

And there's two fields that we want to send one is from .

So that's gonna be the phone number of the person who sent us a message .

So we'll have to make up something really doesn't matter .

And we need to send the message body .

OK , my application is running , so I'm just gonna try it out .

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And there we go .

So we can see that it sent my hello from postman message to the , uh , controller just fine .

The controller sent it on to chat G BT and chat GP t replied with its standard ish reply .

Great .

If it didn't work , I would put a break point in the method and try again and see if the request is being mapped at all .

If it isn't even hitting the break point , then I know something is wrong with either my test request .

Perhaps the wrong type of method or form encoding is wrong , or there's a mistake capitalization or spelling .

You can take a bit of trial and error to resolve issues like that without seeing how the A s p dot net middleware is actually handling your request .

So now I see it working .

I feel more confident to try it with twilio .

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But I know I will need to give twilio a public URL , but without deploying my code , I don't have one .

The easiest way to get a public URL is to use a tunneler like conveyor .

There's a version of conveyor for the command line , which you can get from conveyor dot cloud website .

But in this video , I will set up the V s extension In visual studio , I go to extensions , manage extensions and in the online tab , I can search for conveyor download and close visual studio in order to install it now , I followed the installation process and restarted visual studio .

When I run the application , now I can find the conveyor window for me .

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It's down here and I can see it's giving me the local URL , a remote URL , which is good for land connections .

And we want the Internet URL , which we can get by clicking access over Internet .

The first time you click access over Internet , you'll see a request to log in and also a register button .

You can click the register button to go to the website and sign up for free .

Once connected , conveyor will set up a tunnel , and I can see here the Internet URL .

This is the free level of service , which gives you a URL that changes every time you connect to tunnelling and only works for four hour stints .

After that , you have to restart V s and get a new URL .

Pay plans are pretty cheap and more convenient .

So now I have the public URL .

I can go to the twill website and log in .

They do have a great onboarding experience , which I have already done and received an s MS number .

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Hopefully you can do that easily enough then to configure a message webhook I go to phone numbers , manage active numbers and I click the number I want to work with .

There's a warning I was talking about earlier for the 911 .

I'm just gonna ignore that , go down to messaging configurations .

And then here's what What ?

URL will be called when um an s MS comes in so you can see here .

This was the last time I was running it .

So I'm gonna update the URL to the new public URL and save it and remember that with the free conveyor plan , the URL is subject to change .

So keep an eye on that .

And now the moment of truth , I will send an S MS .

And it worked .

If it didn't , I could put a breakpoint in my method and check if the request came in properly .

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If it didn't , there is a message log in to that can help .

There is one issue that may not have been obvious , and that is that this code treats every incoming message regardless of the sending phone as part of the same conversation , because it only has one instance of chatbot session .

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It's pretty easy to go back to the controller and change this line here to get or create chat bot session and pass in the number of the cooler , and we're going to return the chatbot session , and what I need is a field to store my sessions in .

So let's make it a dictionary of strings for the from number and chatbot sessions for the corresponding session .

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Now , if the if there isn't already a session for the from number , we create one and then we return , so it will either return an existing one or create a new one .

So now at least you can have separate chats for separate users to take it to production .

Of course , you would need better error handling logging session , time out , validation to prevent abuse , et cetera .

Well , I hope you found this video helpful and feel free to like and subscribe , Of course .

And thank you for watching Bye for now .


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