Let's imagine just an ordinary human from planet earth .
What is he thinking about ?
What are his moods ?
What awaits him in the near future .
He has a house , family , maybe Children , some income friends .
He is driven by work , future travel plans , new purchases and strives for happiness in relationships , relying on government for illness , retirement and security .
How stable is his life and how does he feel in it today ?
He lives in a world where he can lose his home any moment due to an unpaid loan , war flood or earthquake where communication and friendship become more and more virtual due to social distancing , the state has become helpless in the face of diseases and terrorism .
Crime are randomly taking lives or property happy marriages .
Relationships have become more an exception and the global economic crisis promises to reduce income that anyway were not so high .
He lives in a reality where there are more and more talks about the threat of artificial intelligence , robotics and his profession will disappear within 5 , 10 years with a 90% probability .
So what can this Earthling still rely on what remains stable and clear for him ?
These questions are rhetorical meanings are crumbling with whom he associated himself all his life .
Becoming irrelevant , too quick .
He is increasingly unhappy , nervous , lonely and pessimistic .
What future awaits us with such average human from earth , with such his mood and psychological state ?
So what to do in such situation and how to solve it ?
Hi , my name is Dimitri .
I'm a founder of Conversation to God Project .
And next story is about me from my very childhood .
I was asking why happiness does not depend on my achievements .
Why despite me fulfilling my dreams and desires with relative success , I tend to feel dissatisfied , if not utterly unhappy .
Over a decade of entrepreneurship has enabled me to explore almost 100 countries and completely dedicate myself to this question .
Ayahuasca in Peru ashrams in India , Meditation , yoga , human design , neuro linguistic programming , Kundalini and Tantra , traditional psychotherapy , astrology and Germanic rituals .
Years of searching led me to a scientifically justified fact .
The human brain consists of programs and beliefs that construct our everyday reality .
What we hear and experience in childhood becomes a fundamental beliefs that settles deep in subconscious and constantly plays out as a prepared reaction to any situation .
Yes , it's something like as you believe , so be it but entirely scientific .
Over time , the subconscious becomes like an orderly garbage dump where restricting beliefs and outdated programs are located and they no longer resonate with who you are at this moment .
However , once you learn to ride a bicycle , that skill remains with you for a lifetime .
What if instead of a bicycle , it will be a belief that nobody loves me , how to build healthy relationships .
What if your parents' words make money as hard work and wealth destroys humanity have become your own conviction .
Is it possible to succeed while contradicting the interests of your own subconscious or childhood trauma ?
The lack of parental attention will constantly play out in the subconscious .
With the program , I am not needed and I am lonely until your old age .
I will give an example .
Belief in the concept of nationality and identity with this program has led to terrible war where brother seeks to kill a brother .
But the same people only 100 years later after mankind has ventured into space will meet each other on some other planet .
And upon realizing that they are both from earth will embrace and rejoice in each other like an old friend just because of the affiliation to the concept of earthly nationality will no longer matter to them .
As such belief will simply disappear .
In the same way we see today , the gradual blurring of concept , male or female gender .
Several years of searching and efforts to rewrite my own programs led to a stunning discovery .
We are not only able to change our inner software and thereby everything in our daily lives , but there exists a specific algorithm for locating and rewriting restrictive beliefs .
More than that artificial intelligence and virtual reality will make this process incredibly efficient today .
So that's how it was initiated conversation to God .