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2023-06-14 18:20:26

How to Paint a Brick House the RIGHT Way _ DIY Painting

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Hey guys , Jeff from home renovation here and today we are going to be staining the brick on the church .

Ok .

Now we did a video a while back .

We talked about one of the greatest returns on investment when you have a renovation project and an older house like this is to change the exterior facade and make it modern .

You can get five or 10% return on investment on your whole property if you just repaint the building , right ?

So that's what we're gonna do on this thing .

We're gonna show you how much of the character of the building changes .

Let's understand that if you hire a contractor to do something like this , I was getting quotes a little around the $20,000 mark , ok ?

We reached out and got a couple of student painters to give us a hand and I'm supplying the genie boom .

And if you're going to have a two day project on a two story building , I recommend having something like this .

It's a lot safer than working off a ladder , right ?

So grab a boom .

It's about 2000 bucks .

You can rent it for 2 to 3 days worth the investment because the student labor is only three grand .

The paint for this whole project was 600 .

Right ?

Bam .

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Not only am I making huge return investment , but I got a cost effective way to get this project started .

All right .

So step one on a project like this is first , you got to do a walk around the property .

You gotta find out if you've got any wasps or hot nests going on , especially me because I've discovered I'm definitely allergic .

But before I get started , I got to get inside and I gotta kill the wasps that are living at my door .

Huh ?

We all know what happens with me and wasps .

Let's get the nest .

Oh , all right .

Step two is remove things from the building that you don't wanna have painted , uh , old light fixtures and things like that , maybe cut back some hedges , all that kind of thing .

And for us we have to go and remove this cross .

Well , here we are Maiden Voyage .

First day of work on the church .

I know I'm still busy trying to finish my farm house .

But what the heck , let's get this out of the way because the weather's perfect .

We got a crew coming out to give me a hand today .

First thing we gotta do is get the genie set up .

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We're gonna level all these extend nail Riggers .

This is gonna take a minute going to remove the cross before the painters get here .

Don't get any easier than that .

960 s is the money .

It looks like it might even be two different , three different pieces of wood .

Wow .

Yeah , it's bolted into the mortar .

That's how not to build something .

Oh , that could have just come crashing down one day .

A little bit of frost in the winter or something gets in there .

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You know , I'm going to just try to remove the bolt and set it on the roof and then we'll see how this reacts because if those back feet start to lift when I carry the weight , then that's bad .

Yeah , that's it .

Ok .

That's the bulk .

Ok .

Let's see if we can uh , put the weight on .

How are we , how are we there ?

Ok .

Yeah .

Hm .

Oh , man .

Oh , ok .

All better from here .

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If I drop this max , it could literally flip right at you .

I want you to repossession .

I got to get the arm off the road before I come down .

Here we go .

Whoa , I'm in high speed here .

I'd rather not have this destroyed if we could get away with it .

Step three is to prep your masonry surface and in this case , we have to power wash where the cross was hiding and that's about the only thing we got to do .

The rest of this building is in great condition , was exposed to the elements .

And so it's been washed every time it rained not a concern .

You can stand right over top of brick in its current condition .

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The secret of course , is to read the product instructions and that will tell you that you need to water down the first coat so that you get a much better soak into the brick .

And then after about six hours , it's set up so that it can receive a second coat and make it almost bulletproof .

Now , this particular product from P P G is actually designed for staining mastery that you can walk or drive on .

It's that effective .

So as an exterior coating on a , on a church like this , it's going to last for years and years and years .

That is money in the bank .

All right .

Next step , guys , first coat , remember you're gonna want to dilute about 10% OK ?

Now , because we're dealing with the texture brick .

You want to just keep an eye on this .

You wanna have uh about a foot off the wall and you want to kind of come at it from a five degree angle left and then right and then on the second coat , we're gonna go up and then down .

All right .

That makes sure we're getting all the nooks and crannies .

So we're gonna go on an angle and then come back on it .

OK .

It's really that simple .

It's actually kind of a lot of fun .

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All right .

There you go .

Piece of cake .

I'll let you do your thing , keep that going .

So it doesn't get clogged up .

So let's just take a minute and address the obvious .

Not everybody's gonna have access to a lift or need one .

Obviously on this building , it's got an incredibly high peak .

Traditionally , your average house , you know , especially a single story , you can reach for the ladder .

And the truth is that this was a three day paint job .

And for the first two days we use the lift .

We used it on the front , we used it on the back .

We used it on the one side , but , you know , I had access to it , but now it's gone .

So the truth is , is the east side of the church was done off a ladder .

And that's the way that most people would have to deal with that .

So you can deal with a ladder in this situation .

I just like a lift .

I know it looks precarious , it looks dangerous and sketchy , but it's rated for £500 fully extended .

And so , although it bounces a little bit once you get used to it , it's kind of a fun ride .

The reality is , is , it's a lot safer than a ladder .

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So we used it as much as we could while we had it when we didn't have it available .

We finished up like you're going to have to do at home yourself .

The other option of course is you could rent scaffolding and you could put scaffolding up around your building .

If you don't want to deal with a ladder , we have a video on how to do that .

So you can always check the video description below and we'll have a link there for you .

That's another option .

If you rent scaffolding for a week to paint your own house and it's a two story , you would be surprised how easy and efficient and safe you'll feel up on a scaffolding .

Now for the purpose of the video today , I'm also going to run through a couple of other options for you .

So let's dive into that right now .

All right guys .

So here on this channel , we don't believe that there's only one right way to do anything .

I have a philosophy that the right way for you depends on your budget and the scope of work .

Right .

There's no sense trying to create this illusion that every time you want to do something as a homeowner , you've got to have thousands of dollars of tools .

It's just not true .

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So we're gonna go , we're gonna , we're gonna switch over from what we just saw with the airless sprayer , which is the best technique and it gives you a great finish because it doesn't have a lot of dripping .

It dries so fast when it hits the brick , right , we're gonna go to the different options for you .

So we've got a Wagner Power sprayer which is electric and so it will not control the dripping the same degree because it's not an airless sprayer .

We're gonna try that product on this wall as well and show you how it operates and then we're gonna do brush and roll and we're gonna show you all the different industry , tips and tricks , different products , different tools and then you can decide what's best for your project at home .

Ok .

Because the more mess you're gonna make , the more prep you have to do , the more site protection you need uh the more expensive the equipment , the easier it's gonna be uh obviously .

So we're just gonna show you all the different options real quick so that you have an idea and you feel empowered to do this at your house .

Because remember when you stay in the brick at the outside of your property , you're gonna increase the value of your home by 5% .

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It's a two day project for most people .

And if the average home in America is 300,000 bucks , we're talking about $15,000 for $300 worth of paint and a weekend's work .

So I think it's an investment that's worth your time and energy .

We're gonna show you a couple of tips and tricks right now .

Let's just jump into it .

Tip number one .

When you forget to bring your paint can opener , you can always use a key , use it off the side , not the tip , not the part that opens the door right and you can just throw it in there and run your way around the lid .

Boom .

We've obviously waited a couple of days on purpose before coming to this job .

All right .

Check that out .

That is not ready to be applied .

But if you buy yourself a $3 paint mixer , throw it on low speed , stick her on in there .

Problem solve in 30 seconds .

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Well , heck , maybe 15 , man , I'll clean that up .

Mostly .

Good .

Nice .

All right .

Now that our stain is ready .

Um , remember because we're not using an airless sprayer and it just rained here light last night .

Uh , the brick is already moist .

We don't need to thin this product down .

Remember we only thin it down when we're using an airless sprayer or if it's incredibly hot and dry , if the masonry is already kind of damp , then you're in really great shape .

So , I think before we use the airless or the , um , the sprayer , we're gonna go with brush and roll .

Let's just get some product in here first .

Ok .

Keep the bugs out .

We'll talk about the roller first .

Basic .

Any roller cage .

I love these Sherlock because they work with my paint sticks right now .

This is not any ordinary foam roller .

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This is what they call a split foam roller .

You see that it's sliced up and what this is for .

This is for painting anything with texture .

So let's say you have a stipple or a stucco ceiling or anything else really , for that matter , that's got texture .

This allows it to work between all the grooves and paint , all three sides at the same time .

The secret to this , of course , uh let's go up nice and high on this one so we can use the Wagner on the lower section .

The secret to this , of course , is less , is more .

If you saturate the roller with too much material , it's because this is a stain , it's going to be spraying all over the place .

So I'm gonna try my best in my brand new blue shirt to not make a mess .

Let's see how she works .

So I'm not gonna dunk it in the end .

I'm just gonna drag the material and load the roller on the front and right now , what I'm doing is I'm , I'm getting rid of the excess up top .

Ok ?

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I'm gonna stand way back just to make sure .

Hello .

All right , here we go .

Now , this brick has got mortar joints going horizontal and vertical , but the brick itself has got these crazy vertical lines that takes a lot of work to get the paint in there .

Now , your brick may not have this kind of texture to it .

This is probably like the worst case scenario , brick to ever try to paint and a lot of this is going to come down to pressure with not too much material .

Ok .

There you go .

Let the , the split roller , do the work for you .

All right .

And already you can see this is not as fast as an airless prayer by any stretch of the imagination .

And if you want to invest $6 on your paint project and buy a split foam roller and that's the budget you're working with , this will work .

Ok ?

There's gotta be a little meticulous .

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Now , you notice that the stain isn't getting all the way through to the mortar joint .

Let's see if we can get all the way into the mortar joint this time , we'll tighten this up and get in a little bit closer .

Don't be shy .

You see what's happening here .

I'm getting lots of extra paint on the brick , but it's not penetrating into the mortar joint .

Ok ?

And that's ok .

That's why we call it a brush and roller system .

All right .

So , yes , in this case , we'll load up the brush on the inside of the brush and we're going to do this kind of a dab system .

You want to just push , push and drag and there's extra mortar .

So there's extra material on the brick right now .

So it's a great time to do it .

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And if you see that you got too much and it's just bubbling up , just go pick it up with the brush as it gets dry , you can pick up the extra material and then put it somewhere else .

Now , at the end of the day , this brush is gonna be garbage .

It's gonna take a lot of abuse , ok ?

But you also have a lot of control to get a great job here .

I'm going to tell you right now , I think this coverage is better than the air sprayer , the airless sprayer .

Sorry , because it requires you to do two different tools and be up close and personal .

I think we're going to find that this is a much better finish Once I get really efficient with this , it's probably about a one square foot a minute .

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Let's say you got about 1200 square feet including your peaks .

That's 1200 minutes .

That's 20 hours of work .

Ok .

That's two days , 10 hours a day , brush and roller , a 30 by 40 home .

If you could make $15,000 profit on your house for two long days on a weekend with a brush and roller , I think that probably makes a lot more sense than watching the same Netflix reruns that you've already seen .

Uh , because Lord knows we've all seen everything that Netflix has to offer after this COVID experience .

All right .

So I'm just gonna finish off the last few grail lines here and then we're gonna try out the Wagner Power Sprayer because I have a feeling that that'll be even faster .

Aye .

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I hope it is because I had the painters leave me a real good size of , I don't want to be here all afternoon .

I don't know if you could do that 10 hours a day might be a three or four day project just in case .

All right .

Now , let's go and load that sucker up and see what we got .

Yeah .

If you don't have that mixer Max , you're not , you're not gonna get an even distribution of the product here .

This is a petroleum chemical product .

Right .

So , it's a water based paint , but it's got oil technology mixed in it .

It's high tech .

That's why when they put it on the shaker , it's for like 3 to 5 minutes because like it really needs the help .

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Stuff's a lot sloppier than regular latex paint , that's for sure .

Ok .

Let's get this on here .

The funny thing is , is it washes off with water ?

Who saw that coming ?

But with the sprayer , you just line up the arrows with the unlock sign and they roll around and then it locks down here .

Ok .

Now you got a restrictor here .

You can dial that in or out , depending we're gonna find the sweet spot .

And then we also have to adjust for the spray nozzle up and down or sideways .

Um , let's just go make a mess and we'll see what we find out .

Gotta use the on switch .

Correct .

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Well , that was a little noisy but dang .

She works , huh ?

I think your biggest issue here is , uh , getting the right movement .

You're gonna want to have a brush just to dab the drips .

So , what I'm doing is I'm spraying a bit down and a bit on this angle as well .

And on the second pass , I'm spraying this way .

Ok .

So , like when I'm spraying here , I'm not , I'm not trying to get the paint to this edge .

I'm trying to get the paint in the middle of the brick .

Let's try it a little more .

Yeah , that just turned that into a 10 hour weekend .

This cuts the whole process in half and all you gotta do is pull the trigger .

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Uh , 40 bucks .

Oh , yeah , this is where I'm gonna go , baby .

So there we have it folks .

Now we know you can do a project like this for a $30 Power Wagner Power prayer .

Listen , I'm not sponsored to do this video .

I just , I love going to the hardware store and buying the cheapest option available and trying it out and it turned out in this case , it actually is really effective tool like that is a professional finish .

I don't care how you cut the cake on that one .

Obviously , it's not as fast as the $1400 machine , but unless you're planning on doing 10 of these a year for the rest of your life .

What's the point ?

Um It also only took three minutes to clean out .

I just threw some water in the buck with a little soap and sprayed it into the grass , loving it .

So , uh I guess at the end of the day .

Forget the brush and roller .

All right .

Forget hiring a crew .

Forget the big expensive machines .

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Just go with the cheap little sprayer .

Yeah .

Spend a couple of days .

Make a few 1000 bucks .

That is money in the bank .

And if you like the idea of us making videos , I show you how to make money , then hit the like button for Pete's sake .

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel because on this channel , we're all about showing you diy renovations and remodeling projects to help increase the value of your home , right ?

We think it's super important that everybody pays down their mortgage and increases the value of the property at the same time to put you and your family in a better position moving forward in this crazy world .

So in that note , let's also take a look at this .

I got a playlist for you .

Check this out , did a live video .

Top 10 renovations that make you huge return investment .

It's a great video to help guide you down the road in the future .

Cheers .


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