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2023-06-14 18:18:49

DELIVERY STYLE PIZZA (Most Nostalgic Pizza I've Ever Made)

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Hey , what's up ?

In my opinion , pretty much every mass produced delivery style pizza brand in the US is not very good .

But that doesn't mean that the style of overly cheesed kind of sweet , soft and bready pizza itself can't be great .

So today I'm gonna show you how to make delivery style pizza at home .

That's every bit as delicious as any other type of pizza .

You can make yourself to get started on the dough for this pizza .

I'm gonna grab my stand mixer and into the bowl of that measure 270 g of water that is 86 degrees Fahrenheit or 30 degrees Celsius , 30 g of olive oil , five g of instant yeast , 35 g of sugar , 430 g of all purpose flour .

Mine is 11.7% protein and then finally 12 g of salt .

The dough hook attachment is gonna go on and then we're gonna start mixing on low speed for three minutes or until everything in this bowl has fully combined .

You may have noticed that there is quite a bit of sugar and oil in this dough .

These two together are going to give us that signature soft crust pizza texture .

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And the added sweetness from sugar is also gonna allow this pizza to brown up and caramelize a lot faster than a leaner dough that was just flour , water , salt and yeast .

After three minutes on low speed , we're gonna turn this up to high speed and continue to mix for an additional four minutes or so or until the dough is quite strong and well developed and easily clears the bowl .

Also keep a close eye on these stand mixers at high speed .

They will wiggle themselves right off the counter .

So keep a firm hand on that thing .

After four minutes on high speed , this dough is just starting to clear the bowl and it's pretty well strengthened .

As you can see when you give it a good tug like this , it's not shaggy and does not easily tear apart .

Now , we're gonna transfer this dough over into a medium stainless steel bowl that's lightly rubbed up with a little bit of olive oil .

The lid's gonna go on and I'm gonna ferment this on the counter for 30 minutes .

After that 30 minutes , we've gotten just a little bit of rice and now it's time to finish developing the gluten in this dough with you guessed it strength building fold .

This time , we're just gonna add four stretching folds total .

Usually , you know , this , I would add more slap and folds after these first stretch and folds .

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But that can lead to overly strong pizza dough that's actually pretty hard to shape .

So we're gonna keep it simple .

The lid goes back on after I folded it and we're gonna check back in 30 more minutes after that 30 minutes or one hour total of bulk fermentation .

This dough is ready to be portioned into what will become a pizza ball for that .

I like to use my gram scale to make sure that this dough is being divided evenly .

And now I'm gonna use my white dough card to cut this thing in half on the scale .

We're looking for roughly 3 90 to 400 g and there we go , adjust these as needed .

And now we're gonna grab a sheet tray to proof these on .

I'm gonna hit this sheet tray with a little baby drop of olive oil , spread that edge to edge .

Now to shape these , we're gonna give them a little pre shape or pre fold actually is more like it to do that stretch them out , fold the sides over themselves and then set them aside on the seam for just a second .

And now to actually finish shaping these into pizza balls , we're going to round them off with both hands to create a relatively taught little ball again .

Don't go too crazy with strength here .

We're not trying to get these a loaf of bread strong .

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We want just enough strength for this thing to stay together through stretching once both of these pizza balls are shaped , we're gonna cover them well , with plastic wrap or an upside down sheet tray will also work if you don't have good plastic wrap and then we're gonna put them in the fridge to cold ferment for as little as four hours , but preferably overnight the next day or 24 hours later , we're gonna pull our little Pizzi balls out of the fridge and let them come back roughly to room temperature for about 90 minutes covered .

This step is gonna make the pizza a lot more alive and make it rise higher in the oven but also tempering it like this is gonna make it much , much easier to shape .

So in the meantime , we're gonna get our toppings for the pizza sorted out first things .

First , let's talk about cheese .

I've got two selections here .

The first being a full fat mozzarella aged classic robust and then an aged provolone .

This brings a little funk and sparkle to the party a little extra something , something and I am gonna be grading these myself .

So for that , I'm gonna grab what the internet has pointed out to be a very inadequate smallish box grater .

And I'm gonna use the largest whole sides .

I did try two other iterations of cheese blends for this pizza .

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One was a 1 to 1 to one equal parts mozzarella provolone and Monterey jack cheese and it was delicious , but the jack cheese really didn't bring any flavor and there wasn't anything to write home about texturally in that blend .

And in the second setup , I added white cheddar to the mix and that blend was interesting , pretty different , definitely fun , but it tasted too much like lunchroom pizza .

Not enough of that classic delivery style pizza flavor .

So the mozzarella provolone blend is the best in my opinion .

And to be more specific , it's about 70% full fat aged mats and 30% aged provolone for two pizzas .

We're talking roughly 200 g of mozzarella and about 90 g of provolone cheese .

Once these are grated up and all mixed together , we're gonna set those off to the side so that we can make some pizza sauce for that .

All we need is a can of .

That's right .

All killer .

No filler baby .

This stuff is going to make a very concentrated smooth pizza sauce .

That is exactly the flavor of what we need to hit the mark with this pizza .

I'm gonna empty this whole can into a small container .

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This is 100 and 50 g of tomato paste on top of that goes 100 and 50 g of water .

one g of salt , 10 g of sugar , 10 g of olive oil , quarter , teaspoon dried basil , quarter , teaspoon dried oregano , one g of ground black pepper , one g of garlic powder , one g of onion powder and about a quarter teaspoon of chili flake .

Now with my immersion blender .

I'm gonna pulse everything up real quick just to combine .

And if you are mad and slightly anxious with the fact that I just combined volume , metric and weight measurements in one recipe .

I'm with you .

My scale is no good on measurements , sub one g though .

So it's actually more accurate in this case to use a quarter teaspoon for the herbs once this is pureed .

Well , let's take a look .

It's gonna be sweet and thick and spread and it's exactly what we need to pay tribute to and surpass that cardboard box pizza of our youth and it's tastes perfect .

Now , about 45 minutes before we wanna build pizzas , we need to preheat the oven to its highest setting .

In this case , 550 degrees Fahrenheit or 2 87 C and I'm gonna place one rack in there in the upper third of the oven .

This makes a big difference in the way the cheese melts and Caramelizes .

There's just more heat for the top side of the pizza .

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The higher you go in the oven and oh yeah , preheat your stone or steel as well .

I just got this pizza steel to replace my ratty ass pizza stone .

Rest in peace and it is so dope .

You guys .

Stoner steel is not a question anymore .

I am firmly a simp for pizza steels .

Now I will link this one in the description .

I think it was a fair price for something that I am certain is gonna literally last forever and is going to make amazing pizza way better than a stone back to the doughs .

After 90 minutes at room temperature , these dough balls have proofed up a little bit .

They've relaxed and now they're nice in room temperature for shaping .

As I pull these dough off this sheet tray to shape them .

I'm gonna hit them with a very generous layer of fine grind corn meal and a little bit of all purpose flour and well , I didn't have any fine cornmeal in the house .

All I had was polenta .

As you can see , this is way too coarse and that's not going to be great to eat raw on the bottom of a pizza .

So to make fine corn flour , I threw about a cups worth into my blender and milled it further for about 20 seconds or so until I got something that is a lot closer to what they might use at .

Say Domino's .

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I watched a lot of videos of teenagers making Domino's pizzas recently and they start the entire process by dousing the dough with cornmeal .

This is an essential detail , in my opinion for this pizza .

And once stough was released from the tray , more corn meal is gonna go down on the cutting board .

Now , I prefer a hand shaped look to this pizza .

And as you can see , I'm starting out by pressing this into a round with about a half inch edge and I'm diligently popping any air bubbles that come up .

But if you want a much easier way to get to a great pizza , you can definitely roll this out with a rolling pin .

Just keep things well floured and you'll definitely have something that's just as tasty .

But in the end , it'll be less instagrammable .

You won't be able to show your buddies that super tall puffy crust on the outside and we all know that if you can't do that , why does it even matter ?

So , I'm gonna show you how to build this without a roller .

Once you have this dough pressed into a roughly eight inch round like this , you're gonna lay one hand flat on the dough and use the other to pull it out , flip it over and rotate it .

This flipping and rotating move is hard to describe , but it is the best way I know how for people of any skill level to make well shaped pizza at home .

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Once the pizza dough stretched out into roughly 12 inches , I'm gonna gently flip that over out of my right hand .

Grab my pizza peel , hit that with some more cornmeal and then gently lay down the dough , adjust things as needed .

And if there are any large bubbles in the middle , pop those for sure , they're gonna lead to not very cute , very large bubbles later on that are gonna totally mess up the look of your pizza .

The first topping down is gonna be the sauce that we just made .

I'm putting out about a quarter cup or maybe five total teaspoons and I'm just gonna spread that crust to crust next up is that mozzarella provolone blend and resist the urge to totally wipe out this pizza with cheese .

We want to the line of cheesiness too much and things won't melt properly , too little and this definitely won't be the cheesy delivery style pizza of your dreams .

Next up is to season this cheese with some salt .

This makes a big difference .

Give a pinch of that on there .

And then finally , Peps , you can top this as you see , fit with whatever toppings you want .

But for me , the classic 1 , 800 pizza time , 30 minutes or it's free delivery pizza is 100% a thinly sliced pepperoni pizza .

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And these are just standard issue , Roy from the grocery store .

They're Boors Head brand , they're dope .

They taste delicious and make sure you space them out a little bit .

We don't want too many Roy on this pizza .

We need clear openings for brown cheese melt .

You guys understand what I mean and take a look .

That's a well built pizza .

This thing looks absolutely deadly even before we bake it one last shimmy to make sure it's not stuck and we're gonna load into a 550 degree oven .

All that cornmeal shall have this pizza to slide right off the peel and onto the steel .

Now , for big time , home ovens vary widely , but for me at 550 degrees , this pizza takes about seven minutes total and do not be shy about cooking these pizzas hard , a doughy pizza like this needs a large dose of heat to set things up properly and to keep things from being gloppy and soupy after that seven minutes .

Oh , my lorn .

Look at this thing .

It's risen a solid three inches in some spots .

The crust is perfectly golden brown all over the bottom is really well set up .

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It's also golden brown and covered in toasty cornmeal .

And I know you're thinking it .

Where's the garlic butter on this crust , bro ?

Right here homies .

I've got a little half stick of butter that I melted and threw a few smashed garlic cloves and fried it up for about a minute or so .

Let that steep while we bake the pizzas .

And now I'm going to liberally baste it all over everything .

The cheese is well brown on this pizza but not oily .

The pepperonis are just barely cuffed up and a little crisp on the edges and they're just sweating a little bit of their pepperoni juice .

It's yeasty .

It's bready and chewy and sweet .

And that's all balanced by some savory cheese and salty pepperonis .

I honestly can't think of a more nostalgic fun way to eat a pizza .

All we need now is a Nintendo 64 a new release V H s from Blockbuster and a few liters of Cola .

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Let's eat this thing before I get out of here .

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And as always guys , thank you so much for your time and attention .

Thank you for sticking around at the end .

We'll see you next time .


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