Replacing a showerhead is a great easy way to upgrade the look of your bathroom .
Adding matching shower trim helps complete the transformation .
But you'll need to make sure the new trim is compatible with the shower valve in your wall .
Shower heads .
On the other hand are universal and will attach to virtually any shower arm .
You can find showerheads in a multitude of styles and finishes .
Some have controls that allow you to adjust the water output to suit your preference .
You can even install a hand shower to give you more flexibility of use for bathing and cleaning for maximum water conservation .
Choose a low flow showerhead with a flow rate of less than 2.5 gallons per minute .
Before removing your showerhead , place a towel over the drain opening to prevent any loose parts from going down the drain , the shower head should just screw off .
But if you find it stuck in place , spray a penetrating catalyst like PB blaster into the threads in order to loosen the connection allow it to penetrate for a few minutes .
Now , place a rag over the shower arm and hold it in place with a pair of slip joint pliers .
With your other hand , use an adjustable wrench to turn the nut on the shower head counter clockwise to remove it .
Once the showerhead is off , remove any tape or residue from the threads .
If your new shower head calls for it , wrap some teflon tape clockwise around the threads , avoid going up too high on the shower arm .
Or the excess tape will show when you attach the showerhead .
If your unit does not use Teflon tape , make sure the threads are clean .
Screw on the shower head and hand tighten until it's snug , turn on the shower and make sure it doesn't leak at the connection .
If it does use the players to tighten the knot a quarter turn while protecting the finish , make sure you're stabilizing the shower arm like before .
So it doesn't turn inside the wall .
That's it .
You can begin using your new showerhead immediately and enjoy a whole new experience when you turn on the water .