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2023-06-14 18:15:18

How To Install A Prehung Exterior Door

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for today's tutorial , I'm going to use the Red Heart boutique treasure , and this is a different yarn to what I normally use .

Um , but I thought it'd be really good for this project because it does have some gorgeous pinks and orange and greens .

So as we do the project , it actually changes colour itself .

And I definitely think for a corner to corner blanket , um , this is the best kind of yarn to use A a , you know , a changing colour yard .

Now , this says to use a 6.5 millimetre .

If you do watch my tutorials regularly , you know , I like to break the rules slightly , and I'm just gonna use a six millimetre crochet hook .

You will also need a pair of scissors and a darling needle for when you come to the end of your project .

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If you use this red heart yarn , you can actually go to the centre of the , um ball and then take out the end and just unravel it straight from this sentence .

It just makes it a little bit easier to work with .

So this is actually a really easy pattern to to do once you get the hang of it .

It's pretty easy to do without even thinking about it .

So , first of all , make your slip knot , however , you find easiest to make it .

Insert your hook and we're going to start off by chaining six .

So that's yarn over .

Pull through , Yann over .

Pull through , yawn over .

Pull through .

So that's three .

As you're going up the chain , it helps to sort of move your fingers up as you go along .

So we'll do 45 , and six .

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Now we're actually going to work our way straight back along this chain , and you're going to work into the fourth chain from the hook .

You're not going to count the chain that's actually on the hook , so you want to count one , 23 and four .

So it's this hook , this chain that we're going to work in , and we're going to do a treble crochet .

Now , remember , I'm working in UK terms .

So in the UK , this is treble crochet in the US .

This is double crochet , so you want to yarn over and insert your hook into that fourth chain from the hook , yarn over and pull through so you have three loops on the hook .

Yarn over .

Pull through two loops and then yarn over .

Pull through two loops .

You're then going to do another treble into the next space .

So yarn over .

Insert yarn over .

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Pull through so you have two loops on the hook .

Yarn over .

Pull through two and yarn over .

Pull through two .

Then you should have one space left and you're going to do another travel in there , So yarn over .

Insert into that last space .

Yano , pull through three loops on the hook .

Yano , pull through two and Yano pull through two .

So that is our very first section .

You then want to turn your work and you're going to chain six again .

Now , this is what we're going to do because this is our second row .

We're going to do this for every row .

So you want to chain 61 , two , three for five and six and we're going to do exactly the same thing as before .

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So count back four loops from your hook .

So 123 , and four , and you're going to do a treble in that space .

So yarn over , Insert over , pull through , pull through two .

Ya over .

Pull through two and then again in the next space over .

Insert Yano .

Pull through Yano , Pull through two and Yano , pull through two and then one more .

In the next space , You over .

Insert ya !

Pull through !

Pull through two and Yano , pull through two .

Now what we're going to do now is actually start to connect this square to this square .

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So this is going to be our corner and then we're going to work up diagonally .

This way .

So you want to insert your hook into this space just here .

So we have our three trebles and then we have our well , it's like a chain three space here .

So you want to insert your hook into there and yarn over and pull through a slip knob , so that joins it together .

You then want to chain three .

So one , two , and three and then do three trebles in this space here .

So it's Janeva insert ya Pull through , pull through two , ya pull through two and twice more .

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So ya insert ya Pull through , Pull through two Yano , pull through two and then one more Yano insert ya .

Pull through yarn over .

Pull through two yarn over pull through two , and that makes our second round .

So we have one round here , and these two squares act as our second round .

Now , the next round is gonna have even more squares .

So what we do is as before , we turn the work and we chain six , say one to 345 and six .

You want to count back from your hook four spaces and do a treble into the fourth chain from the hook .

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So 123 , and four So you want to yarn over , Insert your hook yarn over .

Pull through so you have three loops .

Yarn over , pull through and yarn over .

Pull through .

So we're going to do another two trebles now to make a three .

So yarn over .

Insert yanno .

Pull through yarn over , pull through two yarn over , pull through two and then again into the next space .

Now we want to connect this square to this one , so we insert a hook into that chain three space .

So we count our three trebles and then our chain three .

So it's 123 trebles and a chain three .


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