Hi , healthy food lover .
Today , I will teach you how to sprout seeds at home using a jar method .
We will be sprouting organic antioxidant mix and organic broccoli seeds by food .
To love to prep our seeds for proper sprouting .
We will begin with soaking , take two tablespoons of broccoli seeds and place them into a 32 ounce mason jar , do the same for organic antioxidant mix , which by the way includes broccoli seeds , alfalfa seeds and clover seeds .
Once your seeds are in , fill up your mason jars about halfway with filtered water .
Now , it is important to use filtered water because we'll be soaking the seeds overnight .
The seeds tend to plump up so you can take a spoon and mix them around a little bit to give them a chance to evenly spread out in the water as a cover .
I'm using these stainless steel sprouting lids .
They're comfortable for rinsing and draining the seedss .
Once your seeds are ready , place them in a dark dry place for about 10 to 12 hours .
I place mine inside a kitchen cabinet and let them soak overnight .
It is easier to keep track of time .
Good morning .
Day one .
As you see , some of the seeds may float to the top , they might or might not germinate and it is absolutely normal without taking off the lid .
Drain out the seeds and add clean filtered water .
Switch the seeds around to give them a nice thorough rinse repeat this process twice in order to prevent clumping up , spin the jar around to spread out your seeds onto the walls .
If the seeds are clumped up together , they might retain extra moisture which eventually will cause them to rot .
Here is a closer look on day one .
As you see here after an overnight soak , some of the seeds started to open up , especially the antioxidant mix .
Alfalfa .
Seeds tend to germinate very quickly .
They resemble little tiny beans , isn't it cute ?
Now , take two cups or two bowls and place your jars upside down at an angle so the access water can easily drain out , then place your seats in the same dark and dry place until the evening .
Rins at around nine in the evening , take out your jars and give them a nice thorough rinse .
Again .
Repeat two times .
Don't forget to spread out your seeds to avoid liquid retention .
Load up your filter with fresh water for the morning and place your seats back in the cabinet for a good night's sleep .
Good morning .
Day two .
By now , you're a sprouting professional .
Fill up your jars halfway with fresh water and give those seeds a nice fresh rinse , repeat the process twice , then spin the jars to disperse the seeds onto the walls .
Since the seeds are getting bigger in size , it is harder to drain out all of the water .
So it is especially important to keep your jars at an angle .
Put the jars back in the cabinet and don't forget to rinse in the evening .
Now , let's take a closer look on day two .
Please notice that the seats are taking a real different shape .
Here , most of the broccoli seeds have produced tiny cracks .
Our antioxidant mix however , has developed little tails .
This is so fun to observe , especially if you're growing sprouts with your Children .
Good morning , day three .
Now we have definitely progressed since day two .
What is especially unique about day three is that broccoli sprouts develop tiny little white fuzz around them .
Don't panic .
It is not mold .
It's little Celia hairs indicating that your seeds are thirsty .
Celia hairs do not have a smell and are not slimy .
Once you rinse your badge , they will be gone .
Mold .
On the other hand , has a very distinct unpleasant scent and does not disappear after rinsing .
Let's take a closer look at it .
Our seeds after a rinse , as you see , Celia hairs have disappeared , our seeds are not fully hydrated and are ready to go back into the cabinet until the evening runs .
Good morning .
Day four .
Wow .
Look at those sprouts .
They're already looking like the real deal , as you may have guessed , we will rinse them twice since the jar is becoming more and more fun .
It is especially , especially important to rinse the sprouts thoroughly , add more water than you normally do and switch that jar around real good .
Here is a closer look at our beautiful sprouts as they're taking a quick bath and filtered water .
As you see here , there is a certain percentage of seeds that did not germinate .
That is absolutely normal .
Don't worry about them , just leave them in there .
The most noticeable change on day four is small leaf production for now .
The leaves are yellow and that's due to our dark storage location .
However , today we will move our jars onto a new spot so they can absorb some natural light place .
The jars in a fairly lit room just not under direct sunlight .
I put mine near a window in the kitchen with a see through curtain reminder to rinse in the evening .
Well , good morning .
Day five , my jars are almost full on the left here .
I have my broccoli sprouts and on the right is the antioxidant mix .
Let's give them a nice rinse and take a closer look .
In the meantime , look at that change in color .
How gorgeous and presentable our sprouts started to look , we have a nice mix of green and yellow leaves which look awesome in a salad .
Nevertheless , we're not done yet .
After two rinses , I will place the sprout on the same spot near a window to give them more time to green up .
I have to admit I can't take credit for all of this .
I did get some help from this little guy who by the way loves sprouts too .
Reminder .
Don't forget to rinse in the evening .
Good morning day six , also known as Harvest Day .
I took the broccoli sprouts out of the jar and will give them one final bath place the sprout into a large bowl and fill it up with filtered water with your hands , lightly massage the seeds to separate them from the sprouts .
Most of the seeds will flow to the top .
Some will stay on the bottom .
Now take a strainer and strain out the seeds .
This process requires a little bit of patience .
I will repeat the process for our antioxidant mix as well .
Once again , as you're straining your seats , please be patient .
You might not get all of them out .
And that's absolutely ok .
After you're done , take a plate and layer it with a paper towel or a cloth , gently lay out your finished product onto the plate to dry .
After the paper towel absorbs most of the moisture , place your sprouts into a glass container and store it in the fridge .
Now , let's look at food to live sprouts side by side .
Well , my dear food lovers , I think we deserve a round of applause .
Our sprouts are curly crunchy , fresh green and simply perfect .
You can eat them with just about anything .
Sandwiches , soups , salads , stir fried dishes , veggies , pasta , eggs , hummus and all the grains in the world .
Not only are they super healthy , they can also be used to decorate your dishes .
Just a side note , sprouts taste the best if they're eaten within the first week .
However , if you feel like you sprouted too much to be eaten in one week , you can freeze half of your bag and little ziplock bags to later be used in a smoothie .
Thank you for watching and Happy sprouting .