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2023-06-14 18:13:20

How to Remove Wallpaper _ Mitre 10 Easy As DIY

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There are a lot of walls out there covered with ugly old wallpaper that quite frankly needs to go , getting rid of it can instantly update the look of your room .

I'll show you how to remove it yourself so you can give the walls a paint and instantly freshen up your room .

Now , there's a few different ways and many different products out there that you can use for stripping wallpaper before you go out and wasting a whole lot of money .

What you should invest in is a nice little spatula like this .

Now , I've sanded off the corners just to make sure there's no sharp edges that's gonna dig into the wallboard behind .

Now , ideally , we would like to use the spatula to slip them behind the wallpaper and try and slip it all off in one piece .

If that's the case , we've got ourselves a nice simple job .

Now , just make sure you throw yourself a tar poling down before you start your work .

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Yeah .

Now , as you can see that piece of paper came off really , really easy .

But what we have got underneath is this backing paper .

Now , there's no way we're gonna be able to scrape that off .

So what we're gonna have to do is soak the wall before I soak the wall , I'm gonna remove the rest of the wallpaper .

Lucky for me in this room , a spatula is all I need for the top layer .

If you find the wallpaper doesn't peel off easily , then spray the walls with hot water and allow to soak in .

Now , a really good simple way of soaking the wall is by using a pump garden spray .

All I've got in there is hot water before you spray , tape over all power sockets or flick the fuse off to the room .

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So let's just start from the top and just work our way around the room and by the time we're finished , we'll come back and start back at the beginning and then we can start ripping into it .

So all the hot water is doing is just releasing that wallpaper paste from that fine backing paper .

Righty .

A I've given the room a really good soak .

Now , before I give it another soak , I just want to test it just to see how easy that paper comes off .

Now , what we don't want to do is let the water dry on the wall .

So let's just try , see how easy it is .

So that's coming off really , really nice .

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We may need to wet the wall in a couple of areas , but as you can see , there's nothing to it .

So technique is obviously , we've rounded off our spatula , so we're not going to dig into the wall and that's just peeling off really nicely .

Now , that all came off relatively easy .

If you found yourself in a situation where the wallpaper was really stuck hard , you could grab yourself one of these a wallpaper steamer that will sort the job out for you .

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Now , that all the hard work is done , what you're gonna have to do now is apply an oil based pigmented sealer to the walls before you do that , give the walls a wipe down with a damp sponge to remove any wallpaper paste residue .

Now , because these walls are not at a paint quality finish .

I'm gonna have to get a plasterboard stopper in to come and give these walls a skim before I apply my paint .

There you go .

Old wallpaper gone .

Now , you can give your room a fresh new look like this .

Amazing what a little bit of hard work and a splash of paint can do .


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