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2023-06-14 18:12:45

Chef and Normals Review DIY Food Kits Vol.8 _ Sorted Food

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Hello and welcome back to sorted food today .

Our friend and chef Ben , is gonna be testing three incredible looking DIY restaurant kits from some of our favourite restaurants in London .

Now , you know that we love a friendly competition .

So us normal have picked our three favourite restaurant kits to try and impress Chef Ben .

And of course , you guys at home .

And because we're hungry , we get to eat .

There is gonna be so much food today .

OK , so first up in front of me now is my favourite restaurant kit .

Enjoy meats and yoghurt , some bread , some fresh stuff and skewers .

Ben , in front of you is the barren Jack Kebab kit .

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You've got lamb , you've got chicken , you make your own kebabs and you go on a journey to Iran and back .

This thing is brilliant .

To cook on the barbecue or under your grill at home .

It is so simple , so quick and you will not be disappointed .

I'm excited for this .

I've got 15 of those skewers at home because I have bought this kit , I think three times for myself and my wife and more times as gifts for friends and family tomatoes first with argan oil over under the grill to start blistering while we do after that , do you recognise that argon oil ?

It's either from your kitchen or it's from a pretentious ingredients video .

It could be both .

It is definitely both right .

OK , it goes to show , though , that they're using the highest quality er oil in this kit .

Some of the restaurant kits we've done before have had the meat pre marinated , and it makes such a difference because that's something that you would do and you would leave it in the fridge a couple of hours or overnight , but they've already done it for you .

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So the flavour is already penetrated all the way through the meat .

It changes the texture of the meat as well .

Mm .

So I like the chicken wonderful smell from this marinade .

What's nice about these kits as well , is that they're really proud of the ingredients they're using .

They've listed all their contributors on the back of the instructions as well .

So they've been really transparent throughout tomatoes had a head start .

So chicken's gonna go on next and give them a head start , and then we add the lamb .

These skewers are really useful outside of this kit as well .

Like for soda recipes and because they're so long , the end of them don't get very hot , so you can see it's done to the grill and keep turning it without burning yourself .

So far , super simple .

Someone else has done the sourcing , the marinating for you .

We've used one baking tray that's literally it .

So it's like minimal equipment .

And if you haven't got a barbecue , well , we'll see .

But it sounds like it's sizzling nicely down to the So Kian , the founder .

He opened up the restaurant in SoHo to recreate the food his mum was cooking for him , um , at home .

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But in London to London is using British produce .

I just make a quick salad with red onion , lemon juice , argan oil and the herb mix , which is passed So Macca and as a mix I love it , and I've just bought loads of sua pasta .

Macaroni .

Oh , that smells starting to take over the kitchen .

Now , this is great .

We haven't even got to the best bit yet .

Which is the eating the bread ?

Oh , it's not advised on the instructions .

Um , but we find the juices that are collected in the bottom of the tray are absolutely delicious .

So we pour that into a little mug and dip the bread into it at the end as well .

What is advised They paid you to talk about this .

I I've I've I I think I'm just in love and you've been banging on for weeks for us to try it .

And we finally get the chance , your top tip to save all the juices in the bot of pan to mop the bread up their top tip to brush the kebabs with butter or gee or in that final cooking process again and the same in the supply chain .

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This comes from Jersey cows and the same company who used the jersey milk of one silver and bronze in the World Cheese Awards .

And this is the milk they use to make their unpasteurized yoghurt , which then has the dried shallots , which is a very Iranian thing .

Jay , I know you love bread and you love a sandwich .

Have you ever seen bread this big ?

Oh , and now you've got your kebabs cooked .

You literally just lay it on top and whack it back under the grill at a lower temperature to kind of warm through .

It lets the meat rest but also absorbs some of the flavour and gets a bit crispy on top .

Traditional Persian bread lavash bread , often called pebble bread , and you can see from all the little holes and dots in it .

It's cos it's cooked on a bed of really hot pebbles , and that's where it gets all of the indents in the bread .

And those indents are great for mopping up the juices .

Not having tried this , I'm loving the sourcing of the ingredients .

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I'm loving the authenticity of like the the yoghurt dip and the the bread , the lavash bread like It smells incredible , and it has been pretty effort .

Here goes few crispy bits and a soggy bottom .

Soggy , steamy bottom snacking bread better than snacking bread .

Oh yeah , it's a tip , innit ?

It use a bit of the bread , so basically it's a snacking napkin snapin a snapin , and you're just using that bread to ease it off .

It smells so good .

Meaty but spiced , not spicy .

But all of the spices that I associate with sort of that that Persian influence now , obviously the bit We're missing .

They have in the restaurant is the kind of barbecue cooking over coals and the clay oven .

But we've still got a blister We've still got colour We've still got char still smells incredible And I , for one , can't wait to dig in now for the best bit eating it .

There we go .

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You wouldn't normally typically plate it up .

I think the whole point is it goes on the table and everyone just continually helps themselves .

It's my favourite kind of food , but you continually help yourself .

Cheers .

Cheers .

For something so simply thrown together , that is phenomenal .

That is amazing .

My favourite thing about this Oh , it's the bread .

I think the bread just brings everything together .

But I think that yoghurt is sensational as well .

Just different level .

It's pretty simple .

Yeah , However , every single one of those is kind of unique , like I I don't think I've ever had onions that taste quite that good for me .

It doesn't just taste great and take you on a journey .

But the experience from start to finish is why a kit like this exists .

I've only ever had something similar to that in Dubai in a very traditional kebab house .

But I could never have imagined doing that at home .

And if that opens up the opportunity , that's something brand new .

Is there anything you change about it ?

Process ingredients ?

It was so easy .

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No , I don't think there is other than retractable skewers , cos I don't know what drawer I'm gonna put those things in .

Yeah , so just take a moment to appreciate how much food is there for two people .

That kit is £30 .

It's an absolute feast .

And what it delivers so well is its simplicity .

But feeling of accomplishment .

Whats has got one hand in his pocket and the other one's probably gonna be ordering that kit .

Who's up next ?

Right .

I am here to make you work for this .

No work necessary , Evers .

This is gonna blow your pantaloons away .

You have my diction .

You're such a suck up .

I'm guessing that ah is the centre of tension .

A kilo of prime rib complete with a whole bunch of sides .

A couple of beers .

If the wine's not enough , Ah , and then if you've got room at the end dessert , that's a box .

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Evans , What you have in front of you is the Hawks more prime rib box Hawks mare being one of , if not the standout steak restaurants in London , and they are sensational , and we know they're sensational .

We do .

We filmed at a Hawk's Moor Hawks more .

Don't want this to be a kit where you get hawks more food into your home .

They want the full hawks more experience into your home .

Even better , the wine .

Hence the beer .

I am excited .

First , I'm gonna get the prime rib on , Um , because that's gonna need an awful lot of cooking and , more importantly , as much resting dry pan steak seasoned with sea salt and then into the pan to sear before going into the oven .

If you're worried about cooking something that big , you get a step by step .

Walk through .

We're gonna cook it to medium and recommended temperature probe .

Their sourcing of their beef is extraordinary .

It's what the whole restaurant is founded on .

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Simple ingredients sourced incredibly well and just let the ingredients shine .

So Will and Hugh , the founders of Hawkes Moor , and they set out on a tour around the world to find the best steak they realised British bred cattle do create the best steak .

Yeah , we're good at something close fed , forage like proper , proper stuff .

But over 15 years they've worked with the best independent farmers throughout the UK to bring fantastic cattle that creates the best steaks .

So the steak's just gone into the oven .

That's a 35 day , dry aged piece of steak .

While the main course is cooking .

Get the starter in pork ribs .

Rare breed , old spot pork pre marinated , precooked long and slow , then pressed , then cut .

And now all you need to do is cook it for about 20 minutes in the oven .

Then come .

He wants a drink .

So I know how much you like gin .

And I thought , Why don't we start with a sour cherry negroni ?

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This is to serve two , but even the three of us , I'm gonna divide it three ways .

Thank you .

Barry's now doing the sound behind the camera , and he's so angry that he's not in this bit .

He can hear all the good sound , you know , the the ice chinking and the cork popping , but he's not gonna get the tasty , tasty Oh , hello , Cheers !

We've turned the steak .

This is the best thing .

We've not even started yet .

We've got oven chips , We've got garlic mushrooms .

We've got creamed spinach , We've got peppercorn sauce .

And that is before we even start thinking about dessert .

These are Matt's ultimate oven chips .

Matt .

Been the the Exec chef already been twice cooked for us .

Would you describe those as chunky chips ?

Uh , I would probably describe those as chunky chips .

They're boiled , then they're dehydrated .

Then they are blanched .

So a low temperature in beef dripping , which is why we're not gonna add any fat to this .

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It'll all come back out , and then all you need to do is oven .

Bake them .

So as the steak comes out , it needs 20 minutes to rest .

Which is fortunate because your oven chips need 20 minutes .

Your mushrooms need 10 .

Your peppercorn sauce and your cream spinach should both be heated up gently so they're warm .

But try not to boil either .

I know I'm supposed to be reviewing this , but I'm already on side and that's Stop it .

Stop it .

I like it .

I do have a valid point to make as a normal If that slab of steak turns up in my kitchen .

I do have some concerns about personally justifying its cooking .

In your absolute , honest opinion ebbs the videos that Hawk will put on their website .

Do you feel you're a chef bearing in mind that they're clear and simple enough for normals ?

Yeah , really , really .

Step by step from mat , head chef , or in terms of talking you through the cocktails from the barman .

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So you get the expertise so you understand much like the instructions and the background of the suppliers of some of the other boxes .

You understand the ingredients .

You know what goes into the cocktail .

First course is up , but I reckon you'll probably have a little longer as well .

This is their own Hawke's more lager .

This is a hawk's more brewed lager .

Or , you know this is a collaboration with their friends at Harbour Brewing Company down in Cornwall like crisp , refreshing , perfect for pre steak fare .

There's a little bit in the bottom there .

If you want that , Yeah , I'll tell you what .

Very generous on the slaw , cos I've only used one of the two jars that came with it .

A ham sandwich is gonna be rather good tomorrow .

Cheers cheers .

Oh , right .

It's crisp and refreshing .

It's very nice as well .

Smells so barbecue before you even eat it .

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It's really , really good , like so you do get that fat running through it .

It's stunning , and it's really sort of delicately spiced and very subtly barbecue .

And it's unbelievably delicious , which is why you need the slaw .

And it's a very good pickled slaw , but you have to have the slaw cos it cuts through the fat .

Hey , boys , what have you done to that ?

Nothing .

They went on a dry tray , remember ?

Look at all the beef dripping that's come out of them , and now they're beginning to crisp up in that .

But they're only halfway there .

Toss them another 10 minutes along with the mushrooms .

Just in case you were still on the fence , I thought it might be worth pointing out that , um , Hawkes more have actually raised £1.5 million .

Um , for to their to their heart , we're reviewing a DIY restaurant .

Yeah , well , they've been awarded a , um , an award for changing lives .

We know this is never going to be a cheap kit .

It will come to the price , probably at the end , But it's nice to know that , actually , some of that is going to a good cause .

And , like you said , looking after employees as well as produce and farmers and the whole whole chain .

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Are you happy with that course ?

Yeah , absolutely .

Should we move on ?

Oh yes , it's becoming really hard to argue with this kit .

His favourite is bread white .

No , no , no .

He's got a big glass as well .

The boat .

Just make sure you're looking after job number one , because if my sound's not great now to come to you'd expect nothing less from a restaurant that does steak and wine so well that it's actually their own blend .

They actually travel to Italy .

Pick the grapes , the blend , the different vintages to come back with something that they believe works really well with steak cream spinach the cream they infuse with garlic , rosemary , cayenne Overnight These kits will definitely get a weekend sorted , but if you're also looking to boss your midweek cooking , have a look at our meal packs .


You choose 3 to 5 meals a week with recipe audio guides , reduced food waste and you clear as you cook So it'll save you money .

Improve your cooking and you can try it for a whole month for free by clicking the link in the description .

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Oh , look at those .

The sound .

Ebers , I need you to remain objective .

Objectivity disappeared the moment he popped out the groan .

I know .

Cut down the bone .

This is prime rib .

I want this medium because I want the fat to have rendered down because otherwise the fat becomes chewy and this is marbled with fat all the way through it .

You don't want that chewy .

You want that tender ?

I temperature probed it as a safety check .

Actually , what I did was a couple of minutes on either side as put instructions .

This is not a hashtag ad , no matter what these guys are trying to turn it into .

We bought this with our own money to try and be objective .

I'm not meant to be objective .

I want this to win .

We've got to find the best one and this is it .

We've done it .

Go home before we dig in on this .

Make sure you leave room for dessert , OK ?

Shut your mouth .

Give me your honest opinion .

Up until this point , how it's been and what you expect from this .

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People are scared of cooking steak , especially one so big but literally .

All we've done is follow step by step , the timings and temperatures as provided .

It's like it's all so easy and yet you're left with this .

Cheers .

Cheers .

Cheers .

OK , that cream spinach .

It's exceptional .

It's Herbie .

It's garlicky .

Um , and And the mushrooms are very her and very garlicky .

And the beef are so good it tastes more like a roast potato than a chip .

I want that .

It is so good .

The beef dripping is so good .

Everything that you're seeing here lives up to the expectation of what you'd expect it to taste like even down to the the peppercorn sauce .

It tastes acidic .

It tastes high end restaurant quality that the food it really is .

Every single element is outstanding .

I kind of want to retire to a lounge with the rest of that bottle .

But sticky toffee pudding as simple .

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Oh , yeah , Your favourite sticky toffee pudding .

As simple as microwave .

Heat the sauce in a bowl of boiling water and doll up the cream .

Cheers .

Cheers .

Wow .

Mm .

Oh , dear .

See There's a problem when you finish with such a dense , heavy , sticky toffee pudding as there's no room left and yet somehow this is light as a feather and you get super rich and sticky and diy and lovely .

Do you know the only thing ?

Oh yes , I wanna hear it .

I partly wish we hadn't started with Cocktail .

Cos I feel like to finish with a negroni would also be an excellent option .

Well , that's a dumb thing to say .

For two people .

It is very generous .

We watched some of the videos before we unboxed it , so we knew what we were doing , and we had the confidence to do that .

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The quality delivers .

And I think if you space that out over a few hours of an evening , I actually couldn't fault it .

You can order the kit with the alcohol .

You can also order the kit without the alcohol that was £135 .

I challenge you to enjoy three courses of that quality beer , cocktail and wine in a city for any less than that , I personally would go .

That's a lot to spend .

It would have to be a very , very very special occasion .

But if I had that money , I wouldn't need a second thought because it's absolutely worth every penny of that when you tot it up .

That's where I think the value comes in .

Mike all to play for .

I'm confident .

I'm very confident .

OK , Ebers , open the box .

This is going to be very , very good for everyone .

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Chicken more chicken Ebers .

My submission is the all in kit from chicken sours .

Ah , so in this kit , there are all the ingredients we need to make two of their burgers , the K pop and the general .

There are four hot wings , four K chicken wings , four chicken tenders , two cocktails and my goodness , are we gonna have a wonderful time ?

So Chicken Sours started by Carl and David .

We've met Dave er we some filming with them where we reviewed London's best fried chicken .

The restaurant is an eighties vibe with eighties music .

It's big , it's bold , it's colourful .

There's neon lights everywhere , but they take a really amazing sort of like Asian inspiration to all of their fried chicken burgers and fried chicken .

And they pair that with amazing sour cocktails .

I'm hoping that the kit delivers on the expectations .

I'm gonna try and be less biassed on this one .

Oh , right .

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Well , look , that's taking you to Kit , except for the fact that it's one of my favourites , and I have been regularly , and I think it's absolutely brilliant .

And yeah , good .

Come on , we're on the same page .

Let's cook straight off .

Lots of bumps to read through , but basically each individual component of which there are lots are explained in detail .

We're gonna deep fry because we've got the capacity to do that , if not shallow fry in a pan and finish off in the oven for them .

I thought they were already deep fried .

Just need warming through par cooked , but they still need to be crisp up .

Mm two sauces just need heating through boil in the back salads .

I think of all the sizes they do at chicken salads .

For this , a spectacular sides .

This watermelon one is quite well done .

All the garnish and sauces are labelled up .

It's got two stickers on it .

It it's got a watermelon sticker and the K pop bun slaw , but that's cos you need half for each mix .

The salad .

Wipe the bowl out , Go again .

Different salad .

This is a bang bang cucumber chicken sour .

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Go out of their way in the instructions to say all the plastic is recyclable , make sure that you rinse it out and recycle it .

So I like the fact that they're acknowledging it and going out of their way to say Do something with it .

So this is a ginger mayo to go into a slaw , you're literally just mixing it in the same bowl that I've wiped out again .

The thighs are going to deep fry straight into the oil .

Again .

It's a It's a lot of food for two people in there .

This is two hungry people , but I this would feed a family .

It does say it feeds four or two hungry people , so but it's also again a picky sherry kind of atmosphere , I think so .

The deep frying thighs , first for the burgers , then the wings , then the tender strips .

Why in that order ?

Because I'm gonna be served at the same time .

I guess you start with the biggest , and it's more likely to keep warm .

Plus , they've recommended putting the oven on as low as it will go they source all their chicken from family run farms in Norfolk and Suffolk , and these are dredged .

I think that makes the best .

Dredging is the only way .

Let me tell you guys about the two burgers that we're gonna be eating .

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So there's the K pop , your fried chicken thigh , gotchu Chang Mayo chilli vinegar , Asian slaw and sriracha sour cream .

Second burger will be devouring Is the General Fried Chicken Thigh Q Pie mayo .

Let this cheese and pink pickles .

Which one are we starting with what you got ?

So there we have the Chicken Club , which is gin creme de Meir , raspberry shrub , black Curran leaf or the meine , which is tequila , pandan leaf , ginger and lime .

So you pour a bit out , which puts some space in the jar , and then you shake .

And that might give us the sourness almost like the egg white .

Each one makes two gin and a tequila .

I'll have the gin .

You can have the tequila , but again , but again , playing to the flavours Pandan leaf cheers .

I do like it because it does exactly what it says on the tin it is sour , but it is also really refreshing and over ice .

It's wonderful .

It's amazing , actually .

Oh , that tastes like sour .

Delicious .

Ginny Ribena .

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What's refreshing tequila While we're waiting the slaw for the burgers , Honestly , where are you at ?

In your opinion , with the kit so far , there is still something I don't personally like doing at home .

And that's deep fat frying for me .

It's one of those things that I enjoy out cos I know that their kitchen will smell tomorrow and not mine .

That's part of the benefit , right ?

Our eba's While the tender strips are in , we'll do this .

This is crispy .

Well , what's this sauce ?

This is which goes over one .

Oh !

Oh , Game over half of the peanut garnish went on One chicken half went over the watermelon .

Oh , my word .

That smells good .

That is what I'm talking about .

Ready for some hot sauce ?

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Oh , damn , that boy is is a feast .

The cross section of that burger .

Cheers .

OK , cheers .

Each and every one of those sides is stand out along with a cocktail .

Before you even get to the chicken .

Part of chicken sour the chicken is too .

It's so beautifully succulent and juicy .

The beauty with chicken sours is the variety on the table .

Every side dish , every bit of chicken you have takes you somewhere new .

I am biassed .

But what is amazing about this plethora of food is you get spicy , creamy , fatty .

You get cheesy , you get bitter , you get sour , you get all of the flavours .

But all of those dishes so well put together and so imbalanced and you're gonna try something that you probably haven't tried before .

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I think on flavour and eating experience , it absolutely delivers everything the restaurant does , which is why I keep going back .

And so finally , price wise £75 for this kit serves two hungry people .

Two very hungry people .

But I think the three of us would be very hungry , at least sharing the cocktails that puts that £25 a head .

What a night in three different kits at three quite different price points .

But each of them play to the passions , the the saucy of ingredients and absolutely stand for what each individual restaurant is trying to do .

And it gives you that experience at home bars .

Your kit is obviously a lot cheaper , and you might do that a bit more often , whereas the Hawks more .

I want to repeat that .

But that's gonna be like a birthday treat .

And this , I think , sits somewhere in the middle .

You want people to share it with .

But actually , when you've got a few people on the table , game on Well , as always over to you guys , who do you think did the best job of rep ?

Their kits comment down below .

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We've also got a poll over on Instagram so you can vote because this is absolutely a competition .

And if you're liking the look of these kits , go give the restaurants some love and check out their kits .

All the information is downstairs .

Love them to bits .

I do the sounds .

Now they're like your fingers Good for playing the piano two keys at a time .


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