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2023-06-14 18:11:45

CROCHET - How to crochet the corner to corner 'C2C' blanket _ Bella Coco

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for today's tutorial , I'm going to use the Red Heart boutique treasure , and this is a different yarn to what I normally use .

Um , but I thought it'd be really good for this project because it does have some gorgeous pinks and orange and greens .

So as we do the project , it actually changes colour itself .

And I definitely think for a corner to corner blanket , um , this is the best kind of yarn to use A a , you know , a changing colour yard .

Now , this says to use a 6.5 millimetre .

If you do watch my tutorials regularly , you know , I like to break the rules slightly , and I'm just gonna use a six millimetre crochet hook .

You will also need a pair of scissors and a darling needle for when you come to the end of your project .

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If you use this red heart yarn , you can actually go to the centre of the , um ball and then take out the end and just unravel it straight from this sentence .

It just makes it a little bit easier to work with .

So this is actually a really easy pattern to to do once you get the hang of it .

It's pretty easy to do without even thinking about it .

So , first of all , make your slip knot , however , you find easiest to make it .

Insert your hook and we're going to start off by chaining six .

So that's yarn over .

Pull through , Yann over .

Pull through , yawn over .

Pull through .

So that's three .

As you're going up the chain , it helps to sort of move your fingers up as you go along .

So we'll do 45 , and six .

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Now we're actually going to work our way straight back along this chain , and you're going to work into the fourth chain from the hook .

You're not going to count the chain that's actually on the hook , so you want to count one , 23 and four .

So it's this hook , this chain that we're going to work in , and we're going to do a treble crochet .

Now , remember , I'm working in UK terms .

So in the UK , this is treble crochet in the US .

This is double crochet , so you want to yarn over and insert your hook into that fourth chain from the hook , yarn over and pull through so you have three loops on the hook .

Yarn over .

Pull through two loops and then yarn over .

Pull through two loops .

You're then going to do another treble into the next space .

So yarn over .

Insert yarn over .

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Pull through so you have two loops on the hook .

Yarn over .

Pull through two and yarn over .

Pull through two .

Then you should have one space left and you're going to do another travel in there , So yarn over .

Insert into that last space .

Yano , pull through three loops on the hook .

Yano , pull through two and Yano pull through two .

So that is our very first section .

You then want to turn your work and you're going to chain six again .

Now , this is what we're going to do because this is our second row .

We're going to do this for every row .

So you want to chain 61 , two , three for five and six and we're going to do exactly the same thing as before .

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So count back four loops from your hook .

So 123 , and four , and you're going to do a treble in that space .

So yarn over , Insert over , pull through , pull through two .

Ya over .

Pull through two and then again in the next space over .

Insert Yano .

Pull through Yano , Pull through two and Yano , pull through two and then one more .

In the next space , You over .

Insert ya !

Pull through !

Pull through two and Yano , pull through two .

Now what we're going to do now is actually start to connect this square to this square .

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So this is going to be our corner and then we're going to work up diagonally .

This way .

So you want to insert your hook into this space just here .

So we have our three trebles and then we have our well , it's like a chain three space here .

So you want to insert your hook into there and yarn over and pull through a slip knob , so that joins it together .

You then want to chain three .

So one , two , and three and then do three trebles in this space here .

So it's Janeva insert ya Pull through , pull through two , ya pull through two and twice more .

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So ya insert ya Pull through , Pull through two Yano , pull through two and then one more Yano insert ya .

Pull through yarn over .

Pull through two yarn over pull through two , and that makes our second round .

So we have one round here , and these two squares act as our second round .

Now , the next round is gonna have even more squares .

So what we do is as before , we turn the work and we chain six , say one to 345 and six .

You want to count back from your hook four spaces and do a treble into the fourth chain from the hook .

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So 123 , and four So you want to yarn over , Insert your hook yarn over .

Pull through so you have three loops .

Yarn over , pull through and yarn over .

Pull through .

So we're going to do another two trebles now to make a three .

So yarn over .

Insert yanno .

Pull through yarn over , pull through two yarn over , pull through two and then again into the next space .

Now we want to connect this square to this one , so we insert a hook into that chain three space .

So we count our three trebles and then our chain three .

So it's 123 trebles and a chain three .

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You want to insert your hook yarn over , pull through and do a slip knot just to bring it together .

We then want to chain three .

So 123 .

And we're going to do three troubles in this same space .

So ya over .

Insert Yano .

Pull through Yano , Pull through two Ya over .

Pull through two yarn over .

Insert your over .

Pull through your over .

Pull through two yarn over .

Pull through two Yano Insert Yano .

Pull through yarn over .

Pull through two yanno .

Pull through two .

And again , we want to connect this square to the other square from the previous row .

So we insert our hook into that chain three space .

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So it's treble , treble , treble , and then insert it into that space .

You over and slip stitch through to connect it so you can see now this is our third row .

So you want to chain 312 and three and you want to do three troubles into this space .

So ya over Insert Yano , Pull through ya over .

Pull through two yarn over .

Pull through two .

Another travel and another treble .

So that is our third row 123 , So each row will get one square bigger in size .

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So just one 12123 .

You want to turn your work and then do six chains 456 .

Work into your fourth chain from the hook a travel crochet .

So yarn over .

Insert Yano .

Pull through Yano , pull through two .

Ya Over , pull through two and then this into the next space travel .

Now that piece there is where I had to just , um , attach the yarn again together because it's snapped .

And so don't worry .

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If that happens , you can just work it into the work and try and hide it a little bit , Uh , but just work as normal and another treble into the next space .

And then we know that we want to attach to the last round .

So insert your hook , yarn over and pull through both loops on the hook to make a slip stitch , Chain three and then do three trebles into this space here .

So that's one treble , two trips and then three trebles .

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We're going to slip stitch again into the next space chain 312 and three and do three trebles so you can see that this is just a pattern that's repeating itself .

But each row is going to have more squares than the last one .

So that's my three trebles .

Insert my hook into the space and do a slip stitch and chain three and then do three trebles and my yarn is now starting to change colour .

So we'll get a nice colour change going on in just a moment .

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So that is the fourth row and you would turn your work and chain 6123456 .

So what you want to do is pause the video or turn off the video .

Depending on how big your blanket is going to be , work your way to the width that you want your blanket to be .

Now remember , this is going to be on the diagonal .

So this is the corner of your blanket .

It will slowly grow outwards .

So you want to get the diagonals the width that you want it to be .

If that makes sense , so the width will be however long it is down this way or however high it is that way .

So get to whatever width or size you want your blanket to be .

I'm just going to do a sample piece so that I can show you quickly and easily , and I shall show you how to decrease the other side .

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So pause the video or come back to me at a later time and I'll show you how to decrease .

OK , so I'm now five rows up , and this is what it's starting to look like .

And you can see why I wanted to show you the colour changing yarn because it just makes a really nice effect as you're going up , and it just saves you having to faff around with changing colours .

So now what we want to do is we've got , like , a triangle shape here .

We now want to start making this top edge straight and this edge straight so that we can make it into a square .

So what you want to do is turn your work .

And instead of chain in six , we want to actually just start working in the next square because we want to make this top edge flat .

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And the way that you do this is you want to look at the spaces between those trebles you're going to insert your yarn into that first space and yarn over and pull through both loops on the hook So just do a slip stitch .

Insert your hook into the next space yarn over and pull through to make another slip stitch and then insert your hook into the last space yarn over and pull through to make another slip stitch , and that just makes that edge flat .

We would then work this space as we would normally , so it would be chain 312 and three and just do your three trebles in that space as normal .

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So that's one to and three .

Insert your hook into the square from the previous row and just slip stitch and work your way along that row as normal .

If you want to pause the video and work , work your way up to your second to last square from the previous row .

So this one here and I'll show you how to make this edge straight .

So we're at our second to last square , and you're just going to do this square as normal .

So you're going to chain three and then do three trebles as normal , and you are going to slip stitch into the next one .

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But instead of chaining through and doing another square , you're going to turn this around and then you're going to slip stitch into the next three spaces .

So insert the hook yarn over , pull through both into the next space yarn over .

Pull through both and into the next space yarn over .

Pull through both , and then you would just carry on as normal .

So chain 3123 , three trebles So one to three slip stitch into the next square chain three and so on .

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So you'll notice now that we're starting to square off here and we're starting to square off here .

So you would work your way along until this last square just there .

So if you want to pause the video , I'll work my way up to here and then I'll show you just one more time .

How to decrease .

OK , so I've just done my last square .

I'm going to insert my hook and slip stitch into this last square here , and then I'm going to turn my work and I'm going to slip stitch into the next three spaces .

So that's one to and three , and I'm gonna carry it on as normal .

So Chain three and then continue to work down .

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So now I'm at the end of my square .

And as you can see , I only have one square left to do .

So I'm going to Chain three .

I'm going to do my three trebles .

That's two and then three , and then all I'm going to do is insert my hook , yawn over and pull through like a slip stitch and yawn over and pull through .

Grab my scissors and snip off the yarn .

Pull the yarn out and pull nice and tight .

And then all you want to do is grab your dining needle , thread up your needle and then weave in that thread .

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Weave it in a nice , good couple of inches .

Give it a bit of a wiggle .

Once it's pulled through , pull it tight and then snip off the extra bit of yarn and then you have your pattern .

So it's a really easy pattern to do .

Um , it does start to build quite fast .

Obviously , the wider you get with the pattern , the longer it will tend to take .

But once you start decreasing again , it will get faster and faster .

So it's one of those patterns where once you get the hang of it , you can then just do it without really thinking .

And like I say , it builds really quickly .

And it's such a good effect , especially with this colour changing yarn .

I just wanted to show you quickly what this , um , corner to corner blanket can look like if you use the Starcraft special decay .

This is one I tried tried when I was just trying out the pattern .

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Um , and again , because this is slightly a lighter weight yarn .

Um , the style craft looks looks really , really good in this as well .

I wasn't too happy with the colour choice that I chose , but I just wanted to show you the difference in the style craft compared to the red heart yarn .

So you can use any yarn you would like , as long as it's not too thin with this pattern .

So if you like this video , please give me a thumbs up .

Make sure you subscribe to keep up to date with any of my latest videos .

Thank you so much for watching .

And I shall see you again next time .

Bye .


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