Properly installed footers and posts help ensure your deck is safe and stable .
So it's best to understand what this means and how to properly install your deck's foundation .
A footer is the concrete pad .
The deck post will sit on top of and it's very important , no matter how high your deck will be off the ground , how many footers and posts you'll need to support the deck .
Depends on several things .
The size , shape and weight of a deck as well as the thickness and strength of the concrete footers .
The general rule is usually no more than eight ft apart to get started .
Use the ledger board as a guide when figuring post placement .
That way you'll get everything nice and square , pull your measuring tape , marking the ground with spray paint where the center of each footer will go .
Once you've plotted out the locations of each footer , you're almost ready to dig , but don't pick up that shovel just yet .
Always check with your local utilities and building department to make sure you're clear on where it's ok to dig and the inspection process , once you've got the green light dig down 12 inches below your region's frost line .
The reason you do this is so that your footer and post won't shift when the weather gets cold .
This is called heaving and you definitely want to avoid it .
If digging with a shovel or post hole diggers seems a little too old school .
Consider renting an a from a home improvement store while it takes some strength to maneuver .
It definitely speeds this part of the process along .
Once the holes are dug , use a tamper to compact the loose dirt , then check the depth of each hole and trim the cardboard concrete form .
So they'll stick above grade by two inches , place the forms in the holes and adjust them to make sure they are completely level and plunged .
Keep in mind many areas require an inspection to ensure that you have enough footing and that their dimensions meet certain criteria .
So never pour your concrete prior to an inspector giving you the go ahead .
Once you've passed inspection , then it's time for the concrete .
Add a base layer to the bottom of the hole and then set the posts checking to be sure they're plumped , add more concrete around the posts until the form is full .
Use a towel to get rid of any air pockets and smooth out the top .
When you're done .
Once the concrete footings are fully cured , which takes about a day in temperatures above freezing and around 72 hours in below freezing temperatures , you could peel off the cardboard forms while proper footing and post installation and take some planning and patience .
Knowing that your deck is totally solid , makes it all worthwhile .