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2023-06-14 18:06:00

Best & Easiest Way to Cook Chicken Chop! Chinese Style Chicken Chop 西式鸡扒 Singapore_ Malaysian Recipe

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Hi and welcome to Spice and pans today .

We will be cooking Singapore style chicken chop .

So let's start cooking .

Now we are going to butterfly the bull chicken lake .

This is how it's supposed to look like very thin .

OK .

I'm going to show you how I do this today .

I'm making lunch for three .

Hence , I'm using three pieces of bless chicken leg .

One piece is approximately between 220 to 240 g .

I'll show you how I butterfly them skin side down at the center .

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Here , you just slice down about halfway through and turn your knife this way and slice it through like this .

Be careful not to cut your hand slowly do it .

The purpose why I'm butterflying ?

This is because when you cook chicken , the meat will actually shrink and this will make it look bigger and of course the marinade will get in much easier .

So about three quarters through , just turn the meat up a little bit and then slice through again , be careful not to cut through the meat because we want the whole piece to be intact , right ?

Something like this would be good .

Now for the other side .

Same thing , place your mind flat like this and start slicing through about three quarter through , just flip it like this and just slowly slice it through .

OK .

It's just that easy .

So let's marinate them now .

So these are the three boneless chicken leg and we are going to marinate them .

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Now you add in three tablespoons of light soy sauce , two tablespoons of oyster sauce , half a teaspoon of sugar .

The reason I put it in sugar is to balance up the taste .

So there's not just a one dimensional saltiness , adding also two cloves of crushed garlic and a few dishes of crushed white pepper .

Wash your hand and then we use our hand to mix all this up .

Once you mix them up nicely , we'll just put them in the fridge and let them marinate for at least two hours .

Remember to bring them out and rest at room temperature for at least half an hour before you cook them .

I'll see you back in a while .

Now we prepare the gravy for the chicken chop using a sauce pan or a small pot .

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Turn the heat to medium low or low , add in 20 g of unsorted butter .

Adding also one teaspoon of crushed black pepper .

Eddie also wanted of a chicken stock cube , mix them up .

Well , remember not to turn up the heat way too high because we do not want to burn the butter .

Adding also eight g of plain flour .

Mix them up .

Well , we will need to brown the flour .

Remember to keep stirring it still until the flour is fully incorporated into the butter .

And we fry them until they are brown .

When they are brown .

Like this , add in 200 mL of water , stir them up really , really well .

And we will cook this to the consistency that we like .

I like my sauce to be darker .

So I'm adding in half a teaspoon of dark soy sauce .

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Stir it up .

Remember to keep stirring it .

But otherwise this will burn very easily .

If you want your sauce to be darker , feel free to add a little bit more duck soya sauce .

Make sure that the duck soya sauce that you use is not overly salty .

Ok ?

I think this is the consistency that we want the heat off right now and just set this aside .

We are going to pan fry our chicken chop .

Now heat up a pan using medium heat and in just a little bit of oil .

Not too much .

Alright .

Just sew it all around a little bit .

Put in your chicken chop , lay the skin side down first .

Make sure you spread them out nicely like this .

You fry them around four minutes per side , using a spatula , just press it down a little bit .

You want to brown the chicken so that the flavor will be better .

Ok ?

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Now , remember don't turn up the heat too high because if the heat is too high , you will burn the chicken chop easily .

And of course , the meat in the middle will be raw .

I will now flip the chicken to the other side to see whether it's brown to the color that I like .

This is exactly how I want it to be very brown and a little bit .

We're just here to cook to the other side .

Same thing or 34 minutes will be good enough .

I'll just flip it now to the other side just to have a look right now it's cooked .

We'll just put this aside and now we'll go and fry our french fries .

We are going to fry our french fries now heat up a work of oil .

I'm using medium high heat .

Now , when you put in your chopsticks and you see bubbles rising up , then the oil is hot enough .

We're now add in our French fries .

You can cook however much French fries as you want .

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We are doing a little bit more because we really love fries and I bought this from supermarkets .

So it's actually store bought .

I will maintain the oil at medium high heat .

Now don't move the price around first because I want them to harden a little bit before I move them around .

Otherwise you'll break them up easily .

Just let it settle down for at least about 1 to 2 minutes before we move them around .

About two minutes is up .

We are now just gently move them around so they are heated up evenly and the prices are beginning to harden up already .

I believe another two or three minutes and it will be done .

We will fry them until they are slightly golden brown .

We want our fries to be really crispy .

You can actually hear the sound if you were to move your chopsticks around and hit them a little bit .

You can hear kind of a hollow kind of knock , like talk , talk , talk .

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Our friends are almost done .

Now for the last minute , I would like to turn it up to high heat so that I can force the excess oil out of the price .

Our fries are not ready and we will remove them from the oil .

Remember to sort your fries before you serve them next .

I'll show you how I fry the buns .

Now , I'll fry the buns using medium heat .

I'm using butter rolls over here .

Of course , if you want to toast them , you can toast them in Singapore .

The western food store usually serve the buns deep fried .

So we are just going to put it in .

You don't have to fry them for very long .

So I'm just going to maintain them at medium heat .

I'm using the same oil that I fried the fries with because it gives the bun a very nice buttery taste .

Remember to constantly just turn them around .

All right , this is done .

So now we just remove them from the oil .

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No dish is done .

Let's enjoy your lunch and now the dish is done .

Let's have a taste .

Oh , it smells good .

Hm .

The marinade in the chicken .

Really , really wonderful .

The gravy really brings this dish to another dimension of flavor .

So ladies and gentlemen , I hope you like our video .

Do click like on our video and do subscribe to our channel .

Thank you for watching .


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