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2023-06-14 18:04:22

Texas Style Spare Ribs

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Hey guys , it's Matt with Meat Church and welcome back to my outdoor kitchen today .

We're gonna be making Texas style pork ribs .

I'm really excited about this video because this is a Texas barbecue style pork rib .

A lot of videos you see on youtube , including my own videos really come more from kind of a comp background where you take a rack of ribs and you have it , you either cut it down to a Saint Louis cut rib or you maybe buy them that way .

But here in Texas , it's really common at a barbecue joint to have a full spare rib .

The great thing about this , they're cheaper per pound than Saint Louis cut ribs .

You get more um rib on the slice .

So when you see a plate of Texas barbecue or a tray of Texas barbecue , you see these really long ribs .

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This is why , so you get all this added meat up here that we're not gonna cut away , like I said .

Um and also we're gonna prepare them very differently than what we have done in our previous rib videos .

Um We're gonna season these , what I call an old school way .

It's effectively gonna be almost a salt and pepper rib .

A lot of guys in the barbecue business don't like a lot of sweet barbecue if you're around it all the time .

So guys that really helped me back in the day of learning to cook like Jamie Gears of Jambo Pits .

He said , you know , I'll make some salt and pepper ribs .

So these aren't gonna be exactly salt and pepper , but they're gonna be really close to that .

Um They're gonna be cooked no wrap uh with Post Oak on our meal skill offset and they're gonna be delicious .

So let's jump into this .

So these are Prairie fresh spare ribs .

Uh They came to , to a package , bought them at my local grocery store and here's what we're gonna do with them .

We've got to cut the shin bone off here .

So you can kind of see this here .

We're gonna , we're gonna cut this off .

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We're gonna remove any excess fat and we're simply gonna shape them up to round out the edges just a little bit .

So let's go ahead and get this , get this cut off here .

So just knife , big heavy chef knife , you can remove that real easily .

So I'm gonna go back to a boning knife and here's where I'm going to round things out .

You don't want any pointy edges when you smoke something because that's just gonna burn off .

I'm also going to choose to cut the end off here where it gets a little too pointy .

Now , you can save any of this trend or like I always say , you can choose , um you can choose not to cut this off at all if you don't want to .

Now , we're starting with uh ribs that we've actually already removed the membrane from .

So let me show you that with a paper towel , simply grab the membrane , peeled it right off just to save a little bit of time .

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And again , I'm just rounding out the edges here .

If you've got any excess fat like this right here , I like to take that off .

Fat is flavor .

But if you can get rid of that , um you can get better bark .

And also I don't like a real fatty bite personally .

So I like to kind of just shave that off .

Get a little more right here in the middle .

All right , let's look on the , let's look on the back side .

I also don't like this flap .

It's just not gonna cook evenly .

So I'm gonna remove that .

But like I always say , make the choice if you want to keep it .

You're welcome to keep it .

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But I'm all about this stuff cooking even I'll leave all of that fat since we're , we're cooking this side down , remove any errant edges that looks pretty good .

So if you take your knife and cut right across here , that would give you the nice square Saint Louis cut ribs that , you know , you've probably done in the past .

Um , I'm actually gonna cut one more bone off here on the end .

Let me get my shot knife .

I wanna round this out just a little more .

So that's why I took that off .

Ok , so nice and round .

So let's season again .

We're gonna start on the bone side .

Now how I'm gonna season these , I'm gonna start with some 16 mesh , coarse pepper .

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So I'm basically gonna season with pepper first and a little holy cow .

You don't have to do this extra pepper , but I like a lot of pepper .

So if you , if you wanna go this route , uh My buddy Johnny Goldie's taught me this , put your pepper on first .

So it doesn't bounce off other additional season .

Big course pepper will catch that smoke and help you build some bark and that's why we're putting it on first .

Now , I'm gonna come back across that with my holy cow .

Holy cow is primarily salt and pepper .

A little bit of garlic .

That's why it's not 100% just salt and pepper rib .

So this is gonna be a savory rib again .

Back to what Jamie Gear said kind of an old school salt and pepper .

Nobody's mad about a little bit of garlic .

I'm just gonna pat it in and I'm gonna flip to the other side and I'm going to repeat the exact same process .

So the season up pie .

So you can get an E and kind of an even application .

So you don't get real clumpy .

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Ok ?

And then however much holy cow you like and again , season with what you want .

Ok ?

No binder .

These were wet enough to me .

I just threw it on .

You certainly could use a binder if you want .

I'm gonna kind of give this a pat and I'm gonna let this seasoning it here .

I'm gonna give it 15 minutes , never season your ribs more than one hour in advance .

So let this sit anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour , whatever you feel like , kind of your preference .

So I'm gonna go check on my fire while this is a hearing and we'll be back to get these things cooked .

All right guys , I got my smoker rolling 250 degrees with Post Oak .

You obviously could cook these on any type of smoker or cooker that you have even a pellet grilled tomato , whatever .

But today we're going very traditional Central Texas barbecue style .

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That's why we're running Post Oak on an offset .

So , all right , I went ahead and prepared the other rack while we were waiting , waiting .

Um I've got a huge crew to feed today on video day .

My guys want to eat , so we need plenty to eat .

So let's get these on .

I'm gonna lay them right in the middle not using my fire block today .

Uh , because we've only got a couple racks I'm gonna put it this way .

We've got them plenty far away from the fire .

I am running a water pan today .

That's just my preference to keep some moisture in there .

All right , let's talk about the cook .

This is gonna be different from what we've done in the past .

On our other rib videos .

These are just gonna cook straight through until they're done .

No wrap .

I'm thinking they're gonna be 4 to 5 hours .

We'll see .

Um And the way we're gonna tempt them or , or sorry , test them to be done is to not tempt them with our thermo pin .

This time , we're actually gonna be looking for the right color .

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Uh And we're gonna pick them up and look for a bin but not break and then we're going to hold them in foil with sauce for an hour or two uh before we eat them .

So we're going to let these roll .

I'm literally going to do nothing other than potentially spritz them if they look dry , which I don't think they will and I'll see you guys back in a little bit .

All right guys , let's check in on our ribs .

We've been smoking right at five hours .

Uh You know , we were aiming for 2 50 .

Sometimes it was a little lower .

Sometimes it was a little higher .

We're a little higher right now and that's just fine and they look beautiful .

We spritz these one time .

You see how pretty those look , look at that color , but here's what you're looking for .

I mean , when your bones are popping like that , you know , you're pretty well done , but I wanna flex them and I want them to bend but not break open .

So I know those , I know those are done .

So we're just going to hold them in foil .

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So if this was a Texas barbecue joint , we'd be wrapping in foil and putting in 100 and 40 degree warmer until lunch service , which is usually an hour or two , whatever the case may be .

So I'm gonna spritz this foil .

And the reason for that is I'm gonna use , I'm gonna use a barbecue sauce that I wanna to thin out a little bit .

So I'm using my friends Goldie's barbecue sauce .

If you don't know , Goldie's Goldie's is currently the number one barbecue joint on the famous Texas monthly .

Top 50 .

My boys over there recently bottled their sauce and they gave me a bottle .

So I thought why not use that ?

This is a Texas rib .

So what we're gonna do is we're gonna pour this on the foil and we're just gonna let the ribs lay in this meat side down and again , I pried it to dilute it just a little bit and then we're gonna wrap them up and we're just gonna let these ribs just rest like this right meat side down .

Bam right in that .

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And I have a warmer um , I also have Yetis .

So we're just gonna put this in a yeti and I told you we weren't doing this by tempt .

But if I had to give you a temperature , I would guess they were in the one nineties or so .

So I feel comfortable dropping these straight into a yeti but little tip here .

Any time you're going right into a yeti with a big meat , it's gonna continue to cook just a little bit if it comes right off the pit .

So I'll let this sit out for a few minutes um , to make sure the cooking process has stop for 10 , 15 minutes and then I'm gonna throw it in the yeti , lock it down .

We're probably gonna get only gonna give them an hour because we're doing a video and I'm hungry .

These look awesome .

So off to the yeti , I go and we'll see you guys in one hour .

All right guys , the ribs have been resting for one hour and 45 minutes .

They don't have to rest that long .

That's just based on kind of what we had going on , but they've rested plenty of time and let's see how they look .

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Oh man , man , those look awesome .

The sauce looks super good on there .

All right .

Open up the other ax , man .

So good .

So I would take any uh any excess sauce here .

Let's pour it on .

Yes .

Kind of just mix it around .

Make them look pretty .

I always tell you eat with your eyes first , dude , these smell amazing .

All right little tip here .

Um You know , sometimes bones , rib bones like when you go to slice can be tricky .

And I can tell that these right here kind of hook this direction .

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Um But if you ever have trouble slicing , you don't want to catch a bone .

What you could do is you could flip over um to this side and you can actually look on the bone side and you can see the direction .

But these are going .

Now .

Obviously , you could mess up your sauce a little bit , but you got plenty of reserve sauce to put back there on top if need be , man .

Let's look at that .

Look at that smoke , man .

That looks so good .

All right .

Moment of truth .

Oh man , I got lucky .

Perfectly cooked rib right there , man .

That's good .

Oh Man , that is so good .

That's such a contrast to sweet stuff .

It's kind of like the uh Mexican pulled pork video we did on our channel and we said , you know , I grew up on sweet pork .

That's refreshing like I could eat that .

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Like I really don't want to sit down and eat a lot of sweet ribs .

But that right there , I could eat a of those right now with some Cold Miller light .

That's good .

Shout out to my boy , Johnny A K Jeremy barbecue over at Goldie's for sending me that sauce that was such a good compliment .

Now I put a lot of pepper on here so it's kind of peppered forward .

But I love that , to be honest with you .

I mean that is Texas barbecue .

I know my buddy Joe at will love that too .

He uses a lot of pepper but man , that is freaking good mill scale as usual ran like a dream .

Um I couldn't be happier with that .

So if you guys replicate that , I promise that you and your friends and family are gonna love that .

If you like what we're doing , please like and subscribe to the channel .

We're gonna put this in our hard core barbecue playlist where we've got loads of barbecue videos on all the classics .

Hope to see you guys next time .


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