Today , I'm doing a review and comparison of merch dominator which is an all in one merch by Amazon and print on demand research tool .
And I'm gonna be putting it head to head with two of its main competitors which are merch informer and pod .
So you can decide whether it's a good fit for your print on demand business .
I'm gonna comparing features of all three tools for merch by Amazon product research .
Amazon merch , keyword research , intellectual property research listing creation tools A I tools , cross market research features and other important features such as customer support and speed and also pricing in detail .
This is not a sponsored video .
However , if you do decide to purchase any of these tools through the links below .
In the description , they will directly support me and the channel which I always appreciate if you want me to do a similar review and comparison of any other tools , just comment down below .
So first up merch dominator is primarily a tool for merch by Amazon and Amazon KDP sellers .
And for this purpose , it has a wider range of features and capability than both merch informer and pod .
So this research tool shows you designs with the lowest best seller rank in order from the smallest to the largest .
So you can get inspiration from the best selling designs on Amazon .
And if you sort of hover over the design , you can see the graphs of BS R price and uniquely to merge dominator , the estimated sales of the design over a period of three months .
Two other unique features are searching best sellers by subcategory and department .
It also lets you see designs that you've recently um had a large drop in BS R which means that they've started selling well recently A K A trending and an archive that lets you see the best sellers in history .
So you can prepare for holidays and events in the future by looking at what's sold in the past .
It pretty much has all of the features of pod le and more actually um similar case with M Merch Informer just packaged up in different ways .
However , one additional feature where Merch Informer does stand out above both of these tools is the competition score which gives you a grade for a niche or keyword based on how competitive it is on Amazon overall .
Merch Dominator does have the most features for this purpose .
It lets you search brands as well and also lets you see deleted designs .
So you're aware of what's being uh remove and you don't create similar designs that could put your account health at risk .
There's also an events calendar that lets you see popular events on holidays , so you can prepare for them and also inspiration for upcoming events .
Next , it lets you perform keyword research to see what keywords are being searched for , the Amazon suggestions .
Um You can see and you can also analyze keywords , you can create listings and save these listings for reference in the future .
If you're creating similar listings , there are quite a few more features in merch dominator for the keyword research than for the other tools .
As you can see summarized in the table here .
Intellectual property tools are important to help avoid infringing on trademarked words and phrases that could put your account , health at risk .
Merge dominator has a trademark search tool which lets you search by keywords products , application country and also filter by market office class type and status .
The trademark watch list , lets you put certain keywords on check and it shows you the results of um in terms of live filed and rejected trademarks .
It tracks these metrics and shows you the safety over time .
So you can be aware of the status .
If there is a major change , that may mean unfortunately , you need to remove or amend some of your designs .
It has the same features with more capabilities than the other two competitors .
And here merge Informer actually has an additional capability which lets you upload a bulk CS B to check uh multiple listings that the other two don't have but overall merge dominator wins .
With this one , merge dominator has a few tools that can help with creating listings on Amazon , namely the listing creator , the A I listing creator , the listing saver and keyword processor that can also edit a large chunk of text which contains many keywords .
And these are useful compared to um merch Informer and pod .
Although merch Informer again has a unique tool called the productor that lets you resize designs , which some sellers may find helpful A I tools let you generate print on demand ideas in a few clicks .
Whether you find these features actually helpful is dependent on you how you sort of create ideas for uh your merch designs and whether A I can help with that process or not .
Nevertheless , merch dominator is one of the only tools to take advantage of A I to help save time and help you generate ideas so you can generate by popular niches , keywords and also uh save quotes as well .
You can also generate niche ideas by popular category , cross market research features um such as being able to see best sellers from other places other than March by Amazon and KDP exist as well .
I presume wouldn't focus on these features too much .
Cos you can just like go on the website or use other research tools .
However , some people may find the fact that these are all packaged up into one tool pretty convenient .
So merge dominator also does let you search and see best sellers on Etsy and red bubble as well .
Other miscellaneous features that I thought were also important include favorites , which you can obviously save the designs that uh you're interested in uh in app customer support chat bubble , which only merch dominator has at the moment and without getting too technical , the loading speed is reasonable , I think for both merch dominator and pod .
Well , Merch Informer is a little on the slow side , at least when I tested it on my computer pricing .
So all three tools offer some kind of demo or safety net , some kind of trial before you actually pay full price .
And the price of the premium versions in 2024 are as shown on the screen .
So if you're thinking about choosing a research tool for Merch by Amazon , hopefully this video was a helpful comparison of the three most popular tools overall .
Um While the three tools serve a pretty similar purpose , merge , Dominator has a wider range of features than its two main competitors .
However , it's still up to you to decide which are more useful for your business and which you might not need and take that into consideration along with your budget .
So if you skip back through the video to all the different sections , you can see the comparison tables I've made to help you decide .
Also um again , it links to the three tools are down below and greatly appreciate anyone who purchases through these links .
Hopefully you found this video helpful and informative in helping you decide and I will see you in the next one .