Hey , guys .
Doctor Berg here .
I had another question about what is the best nuts on a ketogenic diet .
This might surprise you .
Check this out .
What I did is I took the total carbs minus the fiber to get the net carb .
Okay ?
Then I added the fat grams next to it .
Because , ideally , if you're doing a ketogenic diet , you want more fat .
Right ?
And we want low net carbs .
So the winner look at this .
Pecans , 14 total grams , carbs minus 10 .
4 net gram carbs , 71 fat .
So pecans are the best nut to consume because it has the lowest net carb , believe it or not .
Maybe , you thought it would be macadamia nuts , but that's 7 grams .
But the advantage of the macadamia nut is it has high amounts of fat which , probably offsets some of the , small amount of , insulin response .
So anything up here is really good .
So Brazil nuts , 6 grams , 88 grams of fat .
Walnuts give you , 6 grams of net carbs , 52 grams of fat .
And , almonds , we gotta start going up to 9 grams , which doesn't have as much fat , 45 .
And then we have pine nuts .
Pine nuts have 13 grams 92 grams of fat .
So pine nuts are really good on a ketogenic diet because it's high in fat .
It's close to the macadamia nuts .
K ?
Then we get almond butter .
Almond butter has a 21 .
Now , I just wanna let you know , this is based on cups .
Okay ?
1 cup .
You're not gonna consume a cup of any of these .
But I just wanted to give you a relative value of if you're having a small amount , of course , this is gonna be a lot less .
Okay ?
But I just want to compare , of equal magnitude of 1 nut versus another nut .
Check this out .
Almond butter , 21 grams , a 139 grams of fat .
But look at peanut butter over here .
Peanut butter has 35 grams compared to 21 grams for almond butter .
So I would highly recommend you do almond butter and not peanut butter because this has more carbs .
They both have very similar amounts of fat .
Actually , the almond has more fat .
Then we have the pistachio , which is 21 grams of , net carb .
But again , you're gonna do small amounts .
56 grams of fat .
And then we have cashews which is the worst nut because it has 35 grams of net carb , 62 grams of fat , which is a lot lower than these other ones .
So you wanna avoid cashews .
So if you're gonna have , a nut , I would stick with pecans , or any of these up here would be good .
Small amounts .
So hopefully we solved the mystery of what is the best nut to consume on a ketogenic diet .
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