Hey , guys .
I recently had a question from someone that wanted to know if if it's okay to consume berries , why can't I have fruit ?
Okay .
Because they're so similar .
Well let's just talk about berries .
Berries actually have a pretty low glycemic index .
It's not a 100% , but it's it's on the low side .
Okay ?
But berries also have a low glycemic load , which is a little different .
So glycemic index is things that turn into sugar fast .
Glycemic load is how much carbohydrate is in that that quantity .
So in other words , carrots have a high glycemic index , but they have a low glycemic load because of all the fiber .
So it's really not gonna affect the blood sugars too much .
So these are very fibrous and they are actually very low on the glycemic load , 6.5 , when even if it was 10 or less , that would be low .
So it's well within the range .
So that's why you can consume , you know , a cup of berries a day easily .
So if this If each 1 of these were 3 fourths of a cup , you're talking about 4 carbohydrates for blackberries .
Raspberries would be 5 carbohydrates .
Now realize your range is between 20 50 grams .
So this is well within your range .
Strawberries , 6 .
Okay .
Blueberries are 12 .
But again , the glycemic load is very low so it's not gonna be too much of a problem .
Now , let's shift to fruits .
Now , lemons of course are a 4 .
It's pretty low .
Right ?
With a sugar of 1.5 .
So lemons are not gonna be a problem at all .
But look with a peach .
A peach is 12 , but the sugars are 13 .
So fruits typically have a higher glycemic load even though they have fiber .
An apple , 25 grams of carbohydrate for a medium apple with 19 grams of sugar .
That's a lot of sugar .
Okay ?
Banana , 27 grams of carbohydrate with 14 grams of sugar .
Pretty high , but not as high as an apple .
Grapes , 16 , grams of carbohydrate with 15 grams of sugar .
It's too high .
And this is why we don't wanna do fruits on a keto .
So we we have a couple things to look at .
We have the glycemic index .
We have the amount of carbohydrate .
We also have the amount of sugar .
And we also have to look at the glycemic load as well and how dense is that fiber and and how that affects the blood sugars .
Alright ?
Thanks for watching .
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